is 'n senior lektor verbonde aan die Departement Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Sy ... more is 'n senior lektor verbonde aan die Departement Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Sy doseer voor-en nagraadse kursusse in Afrikaanse Taalkunde en nagraadse kursusse in Toegepaste Taalstudies. Haar navorsingsgebiede is in die eerste plek die Afrikaanse leksikologie en die leksikale semantiek. Binne die teoretiese raamwerk van die konseptuele metafoorteorie is sy tans besig met 'n projek oor eet-en drinkmetafore in Afrikaans en ander tale. Woordeskatkwessies by die aanleer van tweede tale is ook al deur haar ondersoek aangesien sy ook 'n kursus "Leer Nederlands" aanbied. Danksy 'n navorsingstoe kenning deur die Nasionale Navorsingstigting, is daar in 2014 onder haar leiding begin met 'n groot projek oor aanspreekvorme in Afrikaans, nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook in Namibië. In 2014 verskyn, onder haar en prof. Wannie Carstens se redakteurskap, Kontemporêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde. NeriNa BosmaN is a senior lecturer in the Department of Afrikaans at the University of Pretoria. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Afrikaans Linguistics and postgraduate courses in Applied Language Studies. Her research areas are in the first instance Afrikaans lexicology and lexical semantics. Within the theoretical framework of conceptual metaphor theory, she is currently working on a project on eat and drink metaphors in Afrikaans and other languages. Vocabulary issues in the acquisition of second languages is also a focus area in her research, since she also presents a course "Learning Dutch" at UP. Thanks to a research grant by the National Research Foundation, a big project on forms of address in Afrikaans was launched under her leadership. This project will involve participants in the whole of South Africa as well as in Namibia. In 2014 Kontem porêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde appeared with her and prof. Wannie Carstens as editors.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 2007
Inleiding In hierdie artikel word 'n sekere tipe niekomposisionele verbinding in Afrikaa... more Inleiding In hierdie artikel word 'n sekere tipe niekomposisionele verbinding in Afrikaans, naamlik idiome, onder die loep geneem. Die motiveringsteorie word betrek in 'n poging om 'n verklaring te bied vir daardie gevalle waar die taalgebruiker wel sin maak van die uitdrukking op ...
Opsomming: Die diskrepansie tussen die behoefte aan leksikografiese leiding met betrekking tot vo... more Opsomming: Die diskrepansie tussen die behoefte aan leksikografiese leiding met betrekking tot voegwoorde en die relatiewe onverskilligheid hierteenoor in terme van leksikografiese navorsing en praktyk het tot hierdie artikel aanleiding gegee, waarin die onbevredigende hantering van voegwoorde in Afrikaanse woordeboeke aangedui word en enkele konstruktiewe leksikografiese oplossings vir die hantering van hierdie woordsoortkategorie aan die hand gedoen word. 'n Eerste aanbeveling is dat die lemmata voegwoord, verbindingswoord, neweskikker, onderskikker en voegende bywoord meer diepgaande sintaktiese inligting, met genoeg voorbeelde (ook oor sinsgrense heen) voorsien. Daar behoort kruisverwysings van die spesifieke voegwoordlemmata na hierdie lemmata te wees. Die voorbeelde wat aangebied word, behoort ook tipiese leksikale en grammatiese patrone aan te dui, sowel as of hipotaktiese binding moontlik is of net inlywing. In aanleerderwoordeboeke kan die tipiese leksikale patrone in vet druk verskyn. Sorg moet gedra word in omvattende woordeboeke, soos WAT, om vinniger inligtingsherwinning tot gevolg te hê en leksikograwe behoort nie funksies gelyk te stel aan polisemiese betekenisonderskeidings nie. So is daar byvoorbeeld twee lemmas nodig by of aangesien dit 'n homoniem is wat duidelik aparte lemmas vereis.
Die histories-wetenskaplike waarde van Louis Tregardt se dagboek kan moeilik oorskat word, in wee... more Die histories-wetenskaplike waarde van Louis Tregardt se dagboek kan moeilik oorskat word, in weerwil van die vervaardiger van die Engelenburgkopie van die oorspronklike handgeskrewe teks se opmerking dat die Tregardt-trek vir die wetenskap "biezonder onbelangrijk" was (Preller, Dagboek van Louis Trichardt [1836-1838], 1938). (Die oorspronklike spelling van die naam word hier gebruik, vgl. Grobler 4). T. H. le Roux verwys byvoorbeeld in sy uitgawe van die teks na F. W. Reitz wat die belang van die dagboek met die van Samuel Pepys se Diary vergelyk. Jackie Grobler se moderne Afrikaanse vertaling maak hierdie kleinood vir die eerste keer toeganklik vir 'n hele nuwe generasie lesers voor wie se oe mense en gebeure van 175 jaar gelede soos in 'n roman nuwe lewe kry.
Although a considerable body of corpus-based metaphor research—with Conceptual Metaphor Theory as... more Although a considerable body of corpus-based metaphor research—with Conceptual Metaphor Theory as theoretical framework and heuristic tool—has been published internationally, South African studies in this field are lagging behind. This article aims to demonstrate how cross-linguistic metaphor research within a cognitive semantics framework can benefit from lexical and corpus-linguistic methodologies, with specific reference to two lesser-resourced languages, namely, Afrikaans and Northern Sotho. Criticism against the so-called lexical approach that characterised the early work on conceptual metaphor has led to an increase in corpus-based investigation. Corpus-based research into metaphor has many advantages, but it depends on the availability of large, annotated corpora, which is not a resource that indigenous South African languages, including Afrikaans, can rely upon. Our article demonstrates how metaphor research can benefit from both methodologies. Relying also on another concep...
Same and different: Afrikaans and Dutch lexicons in the twenty-first century-a pilot study Early ... more Same and different: Afrikaans and Dutch lexicons in the twenty-first century-a pilot study Early research into the Afrikaans vocabulary was mainly diachronic and comparative (Dutch being the "mother" language from which Afrikaans developed) and the relationship between the lexicons of the two languages was not explored in any great detail towards the end of the twentieth century. This state of affairs changed with the publication of Groot Woordeboek Afrikaans en Nederlands ("Great Dictionary Afrikaans and Dutch") in 2011, a dictionary with an amalgamated lemma list. One of the outcomes of the lexicographic project was the realisation that less than fifty percent of the lemmas in the dictionary were absolute cognates, words which are similar in both form and meaning. This finding prompted a synchronic comparison of word forming processes in Afrikaans and Dutch, using two small newspaper corpora from 2009 as well a selection of neologisms. Analysis of the data shows that although Afrikaans and Dutch differ in the way in which loan words are incorporated-Dutch speakers prefer to take over the words as they are, whereas Afrikaans speakers make use of calquesthe morphosemantic process of compounding is still the most productive way for adding words to the lexicon. The two languages do not make use of each others' coinages, one indication that their lexicons are increasingly growing apart.
In 2011 a new bilingual Dutch Afrikaans dictionary, popularly known by the acronym ANNA, was publ... more In 2011 a new bilingual Dutch Afrikaans dictionary, popularly known by the acronym ANNA, was published. The dictionary stands out mainly because of its unique macrostructure it has one amalgamated lemma list. Ease of access has become an important criterion for a user-friendly dictionary which must meet certain information needs. The aim of this research is to ascertain to what extent users found the access process in ANNA easy and satisfying while completing a task set to them in the L2 (Dutch) classroom. Questions that the research will attempt to find an answer to are: What was the search word / expression? What was the search time? What was the search route that was followed? How many search steps were necessary to find the information? Was the task completed within a time acceptable to the user? This paper will report on an empirical observation of dictionary use. The participants (5 – 8 Afrikaans students in the Dutch class) will be asked to produce five Dutch lexical items in...
Literature and law in the medieval epic Vanden vos Reynaerde with specific reference to the South... more Literature and law in the medieval epic Vanden vos Reynaerde with specific reference to the South African legal system There is a long and symbiotic connection between literature and the law. The law, literature and religion formed a coherent whole in primitive societies and although these three elements eventually became separate aspects of society, there was still a close relationship between them in the Middle Ages (Pavlović 1986:697). The relationship between literature and law has intrigued literary and legal scholars for a long time and has seen the birth of a whole movement, the so-called Law and Literature Movement, in the 20th century (Gravdal 1992). We place our interdisciplinary study mainly within this field. The famous and well-studied medieval Dutch animal epic Vanden vos Reynaerde (Reynard the fox) has fascinated lovers of literature, the Middle Ages and the law for centuries. It is indisputably one of the masterpieces of medieval literature: ―If it were the only inte...
Oor aanspreekvorme (voortaan AV'e) in Afrikaans is die volgende navorsing al gedoen: Brown en... more Oor aanspreekvorme (voortaan AV'e) in Afrikaans is die volgende navorsing al gedoen: Brown en Gilman (1960) skets die asimmetriese magsituasie tussen blankes, kleurlinge en swart mense waar veral die V-vorm (vir Afrikaans is dit die respekvorm, naamlik u) nie ter sprake kom nie. Scholtz (1963:65) merk (sonder enige empiriese gegewens) op dat die gebruik van u "buite die kringe van 'geleerdes' en 'verstedeliktes'" iets vreemds in Afrikaans is. Odendal (1976) lewer verslag van 'n kleinskaalse ondersoek onder universiteitstudente. Hy noem dat jy waarskynlik besig is om veld te wen in formele situasies en dat u nooit gebruik is deur die sogenaamde "sosiaal mindere lae" nie. Wybenga (1981) bestudeer Afrikaanse AV'e van wit Afrikaanssprekendes in Vanderbijlpark en Kotze (1983) gee 'n gedetailleerde beskrywing van AV'e in die Maleierafrikaans van die 1980's. In 'n 1987-artikel gee Combrink 'n oorsig oor die gebruik van die...
The concept ANGER as it is lexicalised in Afrikaans and Dutch idioms This articles investigates t... more The concept ANGER as it is lexicalised in Afrikaans and Dutch idioms This articles investigates the concept ANGER as it is lexicalised in Afrikaans idioms. This is done within the motivation theory of Lakoff and special attention is given to the metaphors that underlie the way in which anger is conceptualised in Afrikaans. In a comparative study of idioms of anger in Dutch and English it becomes clear that Afrikaans uses a separate metaphor not found in the other two languages.
Aan woordeboeke kan mens veel he. Meestal word hulle gebruik om 'n vertaalekwivalent op te so... more Aan woordeboeke kan mens veel he. Meestal word hulle gebruik om 'n vertaalekwivalent op te soek, seker te maak van die spelling, jou te help om jou beiteltjie te slyp deur onbekende fyn betekenisnuanses by te leer, seker te maak die woord bestaan wel, vas te stel waar die woord vandaan kom. Maar daar is ook mense wat doodeenvoudig van woorde en woordeboeke hou en hulle soos resepteboeke sal oopslaan, op een bladsy sal vertoef of rond en bont sal blaai. Annerlike Afrikaans is 'n woordeboek waaraan mens onder andere hierdie soort plesier kan he. Ons taal kan alles se en dan nog!
Bewegingswerkwoorde vorm ’n semantiese klas van hulle eie. In hierdie artikel word die betekenis ... more Bewegingswerkwoorde vorm ’n semantiese klas van hulle eie. In hierdie artikel word die betekenis en metaforiese onderbou van bewegingswerkwoorde in NP van Wyk Louw se poesie ondersoek, met die kognitiewe linguistiek, waarvan die konseptuelemetafoorteorie ’n fundamentele deel vorm, as teoretiese vertrekpunt. In aansluiting by die kognitiewe linguistiek word daar aanvaar dat ons verstaan van die werklikheid onder andere nou verweef is met ons beliggaamde ervaring van beweging. Verandering as konsep vorm deel van ons verstaan van wat beweging is en die konseptuele metafoor VERANDERING IS BEWEGING onderle dan ook metafore wat afgelei word van hierdie oerbewegingsmetafoor. Beweging (die verandering van plek) kan volgens Radden (1995:424) gekategoriseer word as een tipe verandering, saam met ander, soos verandering van tyd en verandering van toestand. Daar word aangetoon dat betekenis te voorskyn kom deur die PAD-beeldskema (soos wat Johnson en Lakoff aantoon) wat dien as vrugbare brondomein vir konseptuele metafore. Die semantiek van die mees frekwente bewegingswerkwoord in Afrikaans, (en dit is ook in Louw se poesie die mees frekwente), naamlik gaan, word eerstens ondersoek, waarna ’n reeks konseptuele metafore (VERANDERING VAN TOESTAND IS OM 'N BESTEMMING TE BEREIK, VEANDERING VAN GEESTESTOESTAND IS BEWEGING, OM GROTER INSIG TE VERKRY IS OM 'N BESTEMMING TE BEREIK, OM DOOD TE GAAN IS OM UIT TE BEWEEG, LEWE IS BEWEGING) in “Groot ode” geidentifiseer word. From the very beginning of our life, and evermore until we die, movement keeps us in touch with our world in the most intimate and profound way. In our experience of movement, there is no radical separation of self from world. - Mark Johnson, The meaning of the body
Although the Afrikaans word beker carries strong religious and other connotations, among them ref... more Although the Afrikaans word beker carries strong religious and other connotations, among them references to the Eucharist cup, the contribution of this article is to highlight, within a cognitive semantics framework, the role that cognitive mechanisms such as metaphor and metonymy played in the creation of this symbol. The article aims to illustrate the following: that the two signs of the Christian Eucharist, the bread and the wine, are grounded in conceptual metaphors of eating and drinking; that two conceptual drink metaphors are present when the symbol of the cup is analysed; that a related concept, that of metonymy, acts as a cognitive trigger, thus enabling the realisation of the symbol; and that other factors such as culture and religious symbolism played a significant role in the whole process. A corpus linguistics methodology is used to identify expressions containing the word beker. In analysing the expressions, Conceptual Metaphor Theory is used as a theoretical framework...
Daar bestaan in Afrikaans 'n groot groep Romaanse leksikale items waarvoor daar ook Germaans... more Daar bestaan in Afrikaans 'n groot groep Romaanse leksikale items waarvoor daar ook Germaanse ekwivalente is. Hierdie items kan as sinonieme beskou word, maar wanneer hulle in spesifieke kontekste optree, vertoon hulle in mindere of meerdere mate betekenisvariasie. Die veronderstelling is dat daar tussen die items gedifferensieer word om oormatige redundansie in die leksikon te vermy. Die aard van die betekenisvariasie word ondersoek.
van Pretoria. Sy doseer voor-en nagraadse kursusse in Afrikaanse Taalkunde en nagraadse kursusse ... more van Pretoria. Sy doseer voor-en nagraadse kursusse in Afrikaanse Taalkunde en nagraadse kursusse in Toegepaste Taalstudies. Haar navorsingsgebiede is in die eerste plek die Afrikaanse leksikologie en die leksikale semantiek. Binne die teoretiese raamwerk van die konseptuele metafoorteorie is sy tans besig met 'n projek oor eet-en-drinkmetafore in Afrikaans en ander tale. Danksy 'n navorsingstoekenning deur die Nasionale Navorsingstigting, is daar in 2014 onder haar leiding begin met 'n groot projek oor aanspreekvorme in Afrikaans, nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook in Namibië. In 2017 verskyn, onder haar en prof. Wannie Carstens se redakteurskap, die tweede uitgawe van Kontem porêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde. NeriNa BosmaN is an Associate Professor in the Department of Afrikaans at the University of Pretoria. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Afrikaans Linguistics and postgraduate courses in Applied Language Studies. Her research areas are in the first instance Afrikaans lexicology and lexical semantics. Within the theoretical framework of conceptual metaphor theory, she is currently working on a project on eat and drink metaphors in Afrikaans and other languages. Courtesy of a research grant by the National Research Foundation, a big project on forms of address in Afrikaans was launched under her leadership. This project will involve participants in the whole of South Africa as well as in Namibia. In 2017 the second edition of Kontemporêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde, coedited by prof. Wannie Carstens, was published.
is 'n senior lektor verbonde aan die Departement Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Sy ... more is 'n senior lektor verbonde aan die Departement Afrikaans aan die Universiteit van Pretoria. Sy doseer voor-en nagraadse kursusse in Afrikaanse Taalkunde en nagraadse kursusse in Toegepaste Taalstudies. Haar navorsingsgebiede is in die eerste plek die Afrikaanse leksikologie en die leksikale semantiek. Binne die teoretiese raamwerk van die konseptuele metafoorteorie is sy tans besig met 'n projek oor eet-en drinkmetafore in Afrikaans en ander tale. Woordeskatkwessies by die aanleer van tweede tale is ook al deur haar ondersoek aangesien sy ook 'n kursus "Leer Nederlands" aanbied. Danksy 'n navorsingstoe kenning deur die Nasionale Navorsingstigting, is daar in 2014 onder haar leiding begin met 'n groot projek oor aanspreekvorme in Afrikaans, nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook in Namibië. In 2014 verskyn, onder haar en prof. Wannie Carstens se redakteurskap, Kontemporêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde. NeriNa BosmaN is a senior lecturer in the Department of Afrikaans at the University of Pretoria. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Afrikaans Linguistics and postgraduate courses in Applied Language Studies. Her research areas are in the first instance Afrikaans lexicology and lexical semantics. Within the theoretical framework of conceptual metaphor theory, she is currently working on a project on eat and drink metaphors in Afrikaans and other languages. Vocabulary issues in the acquisition of second languages is also a focus area in her research, since she also presents a course "Learning Dutch" at UP. Thanks to a research grant by the National Research Foundation, a big project on forms of address in Afrikaans was launched under her leadership. This project will involve participants in the whole of South Africa as well as in Namibia. In 2014 Kontem porêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde appeared with her and prof. Wannie Carstens as editors.
Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, 2007
Inleiding In hierdie artikel word 'n sekere tipe niekomposisionele verbinding in Afrikaa... more Inleiding In hierdie artikel word 'n sekere tipe niekomposisionele verbinding in Afrikaans, naamlik idiome, onder die loep geneem. Die motiveringsteorie word betrek in 'n poging om 'n verklaring te bied vir daardie gevalle waar die taalgebruiker wel sin maak van die uitdrukking op ...
Opsomming: Die diskrepansie tussen die behoefte aan leksikografiese leiding met betrekking tot vo... more Opsomming: Die diskrepansie tussen die behoefte aan leksikografiese leiding met betrekking tot voegwoorde en die relatiewe onverskilligheid hierteenoor in terme van leksikografiese navorsing en praktyk het tot hierdie artikel aanleiding gegee, waarin die onbevredigende hantering van voegwoorde in Afrikaanse woordeboeke aangedui word en enkele konstruktiewe leksikografiese oplossings vir die hantering van hierdie woordsoortkategorie aan die hand gedoen word. 'n Eerste aanbeveling is dat die lemmata voegwoord, verbindingswoord, neweskikker, onderskikker en voegende bywoord meer diepgaande sintaktiese inligting, met genoeg voorbeelde (ook oor sinsgrense heen) voorsien. Daar behoort kruisverwysings van die spesifieke voegwoordlemmata na hierdie lemmata te wees. Die voorbeelde wat aangebied word, behoort ook tipiese leksikale en grammatiese patrone aan te dui, sowel as of hipotaktiese binding moontlik is of net inlywing. In aanleerderwoordeboeke kan die tipiese leksikale patrone in vet druk verskyn. Sorg moet gedra word in omvattende woordeboeke, soos WAT, om vinniger inligtingsherwinning tot gevolg te hê en leksikograwe behoort nie funksies gelyk te stel aan polisemiese betekenisonderskeidings nie. So is daar byvoorbeeld twee lemmas nodig by of aangesien dit 'n homoniem is wat duidelik aparte lemmas vereis.
Die histories-wetenskaplike waarde van Louis Tregardt se dagboek kan moeilik oorskat word, in wee... more Die histories-wetenskaplike waarde van Louis Tregardt se dagboek kan moeilik oorskat word, in weerwil van die vervaardiger van die Engelenburgkopie van die oorspronklike handgeskrewe teks se opmerking dat die Tregardt-trek vir die wetenskap "biezonder onbelangrijk" was (Preller, Dagboek van Louis Trichardt [1836-1838], 1938). (Die oorspronklike spelling van die naam word hier gebruik, vgl. Grobler 4). T. H. le Roux verwys byvoorbeeld in sy uitgawe van die teks na F. W. Reitz wat die belang van die dagboek met die van Samuel Pepys se Diary vergelyk. Jackie Grobler se moderne Afrikaanse vertaling maak hierdie kleinood vir die eerste keer toeganklik vir 'n hele nuwe generasie lesers voor wie se oe mense en gebeure van 175 jaar gelede soos in 'n roman nuwe lewe kry.
Although a considerable body of corpus-based metaphor research—with Conceptual Metaphor Theory as... more Although a considerable body of corpus-based metaphor research—with Conceptual Metaphor Theory as theoretical framework and heuristic tool—has been published internationally, South African studies in this field are lagging behind. This article aims to demonstrate how cross-linguistic metaphor research within a cognitive semantics framework can benefit from lexical and corpus-linguistic methodologies, with specific reference to two lesser-resourced languages, namely, Afrikaans and Northern Sotho. Criticism against the so-called lexical approach that characterised the early work on conceptual metaphor has led to an increase in corpus-based investigation. Corpus-based research into metaphor has many advantages, but it depends on the availability of large, annotated corpora, which is not a resource that indigenous South African languages, including Afrikaans, can rely upon. Our article demonstrates how metaphor research can benefit from both methodologies. Relying also on another concep...
Same and different: Afrikaans and Dutch lexicons in the twenty-first century-a pilot study Early ... more Same and different: Afrikaans and Dutch lexicons in the twenty-first century-a pilot study Early research into the Afrikaans vocabulary was mainly diachronic and comparative (Dutch being the "mother" language from which Afrikaans developed) and the relationship between the lexicons of the two languages was not explored in any great detail towards the end of the twentieth century. This state of affairs changed with the publication of Groot Woordeboek Afrikaans en Nederlands ("Great Dictionary Afrikaans and Dutch") in 2011, a dictionary with an amalgamated lemma list. One of the outcomes of the lexicographic project was the realisation that less than fifty percent of the lemmas in the dictionary were absolute cognates, words which are similar in both form and meaning. This finding prompted a synchronic comparison of word forming processes in Afrikaans and Dutch, using two small newspaper corpora from 2009 as well a selection of neologisms. Analysis of the data shows that although Afrikaans and Dutch differ in the way in which loan words are incorporated-Dutch speakers prefer to take over the words as they are, whereas Afrikaans speakers make use of calquesthe morphosemantic process of compounding is still the most productive way for adding words to the lexicon. The two languages do not make use of each others' coinages, one indication that their lexicons are increasingly growing apart.
In 2011 a new bilingual Dutch Afrikaans dictionary, popularly known by the acronym ANNA, was publ... more In 2011 a new bilingual Dutch Afrikaans dictionary, popularly known by the acronym ANNA, was published. The dictionary stands out mainly because of its unique macrostructure it has one amalgamated lemma list. Ease of access has become an important criterion for a user-friendly dictionary which must meet certain information needs. The aim of this research is to ascertain to what extent users found the access process in ANNA easy and satisfying while completing a task set to them in the L2 (Dutch) classroom. Questions that the research will attempt to find an answer to are: What was the search word / expression? What was the search time? What was the search route that was followed? How many search steps were necessary to find the information? Was the task completed within a time acceptable to the user? This paper will report on an empirical observation of dictionary use. The participants (5 – 8 Afrikaans students in the Dutch class) will be asked to produce five Dutch lexical items in...
Literature and law in the medieval epic Vanden vos Reynaerde with specific reference to the South... more Literature and law in the medieval epic Vanden vos Reynaerde with specific reference to the South African legal system There is a long and symbiotic connection between literature and the law. The law, literature and religion formed a coherent whole in primitive societies and although these three elements eventually became separate aspects of society, there was still a close relationship between them in the Middle Ages (Pavlović 1986:697). The relationship between literature and law has intrigued literary and legal scholars for a long time and has seen the birth of a whole movement, the so-called Law and Literature Movement, in the 20th century (Gravdal 1992). We place our interdisciplinary study mainly within this field. The famous and well-studied medieval Dutch animal epic Vanden vos Reynaerde (Reynard the fox) has fascinated lovers of literature, the Middle Ages and the law for centuries. It is indisputably one of the masterpieces of medieval literature: ―If it were the only inte...
Oor aanspreekvorme (voortaan AV'e) in Afrikaans is die volgende navorsing al gedoen: Brown en... more Oor aanspreekvorme (voortaan AV'e) in Afrikaans is die volgende navorsing al gedoen: Brown en Gilman (1960) skets die asimmetriese magsituasie tussen blankes, kleurlinge en swart mense waar veral die V-vorm (vir Afrikaans is dit die respekvorm, naamlik u) nie ter sprake kom nie. Scholtz (1963:65) merk (sonder enige empiriese gegewens) op dat die gebruik van u "buite die kringe van 'geleerdes' en 'verstedeliktes'" iets vreemds in Afrikaans is. Odendal (1976) lewer verslag van 'n kleinskaalse ondersoek onder universiteitstudente. Hy noem dat jy waarskynlik besig is om veld te wen in formele situasies en dat u nooit gebruik is deur die sogenaamde "sosiaal mindere lae" nie. Wybenga (1981) bestudeer Afrikaanse AV'e van wit Afrikaanssprekendes in Vanderbijlpark en Kotze (1983) gee 'n gedetailleerde beskrywing van AV'e in die Maleierafrikaans van die 1980's. In 'n 1987-artikel gee Combrink 'n oorsig oor die gebruik van die...
The concept ANGER as it is lexicalised in Afrikaans and Dutch idioms This articles investigates t... more The concept ANGER as it is lexicalised in Afrikaans and Dutch idioms This articles investigates the concept ANGER as it is lexicalised in Afrikaans idioms. This is done within the motivation theory of Lakoff and special attention is given to the metaphors that underlie the way in which anger is conceptualised in Afrikaans. In a comparative study of idioms of anger in Dutch and English it becomes clear that Afrikaans uses a separate metaphor not found in the other two languages.
Aan woordeboeke kan mens veel he. Meestal word hulle gebruik om 'n vertaalekwivalent op te so... more Aan woordeboeke kan mens veel he. Meestal word hulle gebruik om 'n vertaalekwivalent op te soek, seker te maak van die spelling, jou te help om jou beiteltjie te slyp deur onbekende fyn betekenisnuanses by te leer, seker te maak die woord bestaan wel, vas te stel waar die woord vandaan kom. Maar daar is ook mense wat doodeenvoudig van woorde en woordeboeke hou en hulle soos resepteboeke sal oopslaan, op een bladsy sal vertoef of rond en bont sal blaai. Annerlike Afrikaans is 'n woordeboek waaraan mens onder andere hierdie soort plesier kan he. Ons taal kan alles se en dan nog!
Bewegingswerkwoorde vorm ’n semantiese klas van hulle eie. In hierdie artikel word die betekenis ... more Bewegingswerkwoorde vorm ’n semantiese klas van hulle eie. In hierdie artikel word die betekenis en metaforiese onderbou van bewegingswerkwoorde in NP van Wyk Louw se poesie ondersoek, met die kognitiewe linguistiek, waarvan die konseptuelemetafoorteorie ’n fundamentele deel vorm, as teoretiese vertrekpunt. In aansluiting by die kognitiewe linguistiek word daar aanvaar dat ons verstaan van die werklikheid onder andere nou verweef is met ons beliggaamde ervaring van beweging. Verandering as konsep vorm deel van ons verstaan van wat beweging is en die konseptuele metafoor VERANDERING IS BEWEGING onderle dan ook metafore wat afgelei word van hierdie oerbewegingsmetafoor. Beweging (die verandering van plek) kan volgens Radden (1995:424) gekategoriseer word as een tipe verandering, saam met ander, soos verandering van tyd en verandering van toestand. Daar word aangetoon dat betekenis te voorskyn kom deur die PAD-beeldskema (soos wat Johnson en Lakoff aantoon) wat dien as vrugbare brondomein vir konseptuele metafore. Die semantiek van die mees frekwente bewegingswerkwoord in Afrikaans, (en dit is ook in Louw se poesie die mees frekwente), naamlik gaan, word eerstens ondersoek, waarna ’n reeks konseptuele metafore (VERANDERING VAN TOESTAND IS OM 'N BESTEMMING TE BEREIK, VEANDERING VAN GEESTESTOESTAND IS BEWEGING, OM GROTER INSIG TE VERKRY IS OM 'N BESTEMMING TE BEREIK, OM DOOD TE GAAN IS OM UIT TE BEWEEG, LEWE IS BEWEGING) in “Groot ode” geidentifiseer word. From the very beginning of our life, and evermore until we die, movement keeps us in touch with our world in the most intimate and profound way. In our experience of movement, there is no radical separation of self from world. - Mark Johnson, The meaning of the body
Although the Afrikaans word beker carries strong religious and other connotations, among them ref... more Although the Afrikaans word beker carries strong religious and other connotations, among them references to the Eucharist cup, the contribution of this article is to highlight, within a cognitive semantics framework, the role that cognitive mechanisms such as metaphor and metonymy played in the creation of this symbol. The article aims to illustrate the following: that the two signs of the Christian Eucharist, the bread and the wine, are grounded in conceptual metaphors of eating and drinking; that two conceptual drink metaphors are present when the symbol of the cup is analysed; that a related concept, that of metonymy, acts as a cognitive trigger, thus enabling the realisation of the symbol; and that other factors such as culture and religious symbolism played a significant role in the whole process. A corpus linguistics methodology is used to identify expressions containing the word beker. In analysing the expressions, Conceptual Metaphor Theory is used as a theoretical framework...
Daar bestaan in Afrikaans 'n groot groep Romaanse leksikale items waarvoor daar ook Germaans... more Daar bestaan in Afrikaans 'n groot groep Romaanse leksikale items waarvoor daar ook Germaanse ekwivalente is. Hierdie items kan as sinonieme beskou word, maar wanneer hulle in spesifieke kontekste optree, vertoon hulle in mindere of meerdere mate betekenisvariasie. Die veronderstelling is dat daar tussen die items gedifferensieer word om oormatige redundansie in die leksikon te vermy. Die aard van die betekenisvariasie word ondersoek.
van Pretoria. Sy doseer voor-en nagraadse kursusse in Afrikaanse Taalkunde en nagraadse kursusse ... more van Pretoria. Sy doseer voor-en nagraadse kursusse in Afrikaanse Taalkunde en nagraadse kursusse in Toegepaste Taalstudies. Haar navorsingsgebiede is in die eerste plek die Afrikaanse leksikologie en die leksikale semantiek. Binne die teoretiese raamwerk van die konseptuele metafoorteorie is sy tans besig met 'n projek oor eet-en-drinkmetafore in Afrikaans en ander tale. Danksy 'n navorsingstoekenning deur die Nasionale Navorsingstigting, is daar in 2014 onder haar leiding begin met 'n groot projek oor aanspreekvorme in Afrikaans, nie net in Suid-Afrika nie, maar ook in Namibië. In 2017 verskyn, onder haar en prof. Wannie Carstens se redakteurskap, die tweede uitgawe van Kontem porêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde. NeriNa BosmaN is an Associate Professor in the Department of Afrikaans at the University of Pretoria. She teaches undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Afrikaans Linguistics and postgraduate courses in Applied Language Studies. Her research areas are in the first instance Afrikaans lexicology and lexical semantics. Within the theoretical framework of conceptual metaphor theory, she is currently working on a project on eat and drink metaphors in Afrikaans and other languages. Courtesy of a research grant by the National Research Foundation, a big project on forms of address in Afrikaans was launched under her leadership. This project will involve participants in the whole of South Africa as well as in Namibia. In 2017 the second edition of Kontemporêre Afrikaanse Taalkunde, coedited by prof. Wannie Carstens, was published.
Papers by Nerina Bosman