Papers by Giuseppe Boscarino
Idealization II: Forms and Applications
L'espace absolu chez Newton : idealisation et mathematisation dans la theorie physique. Mise ... more L'espace absolu chez Newton : idealisation et mathematisation dans la theorie physique. Mise en rapport avec Mach et Einstein
Epistemologia della speranza, 2020
Atti del XXXIX Convegno annuale = Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference ; Pisa, 9-12 Settembre 2019 ; Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell'Astronomia (SISFA) / edited by Adele La Rana, Paolo Rossi, 2020
Philosophy Study, May 28, 2021
Admirable discovery of Archimedes’ so-called "mechanical method"(Greek text: tropos tes... more Admirable discovery of Archimedes’ so-called "mechanical method"(Greek text: tropos tes theorias dià ton mekhanikon) in the early twentieth century raises some important historicalphilological and philosophicalepistemological questions which are still topical. It is argued about observing (theorein), discovering (euriskein), showing (phainesthai),proving (deiknunai, apodeiknunai, epi-deiknunai),giving faith (pisteuein) to scientific propositions and filling together (sum-pleroun) in Archimedes’ ontoepistemology (philosophia). In his bibliographical note in addition to the Italian edition of Archimedes by E.J. Dijksterhuis, W.R.Knor puts forward the idea of a total silence of Archimedes in philosophical questions. We believe that Archimedes’ letter to Eratosthenes has a strong philosophical content, as Archimedes turns to one whom he claims to be “excellent teacher of philosophy”, talking, of course, like a philosopher. We have been convinced to rethink Archimedes’ onto-epi...
Philosophy Study, 2020
Farington's interpretation of the philosophies of Plato and Cicero as reactionary philosophies is... more Farington's interpretation of the philosophies of Plato and Cicero as reactionary philosophies is discussed. In the light of our interpretative category, such as that of Traditions of Thought, understood as complex rational, historical constructions, within which metaphysical and epistemological principles are mediated with socioeconomic political cultural conflicts, all denominated as ideologies, instead it is believed that scientific theories are not actually progressive or regressive, but rather the ideologies, when they interpret the concepts of scientific fact, scientific theory and, more strongly, that of philosophy, within general conceptions of the world. In the light of our interpretative category, they thus appear more than regressive philosophers instead of regressive ideologues, if we consider that the philosopher moves within the narrower fields of the so-called metaphysics and epistemology. Cicero also appears to be the great Latin creator of a way of understanding philosophy and its history with the dominant triad Socrates-Plato-Aristotele in it. All this must be considered within my broader historical-philosophical-epistemological elaboration, enclosed in my published books and papers, cited in references.
Athens Journal of Humanities and Arts, 2017
Anyone who studies the Platonic work finds great difficulty in interpreting the precise meaning o... more Anyone who studies the Platonic work finds great difficulty in interpreting the precise meaning of his ontological terms, which are most often enveloped in an obscure and mystical language. Aristotle already emphasized the allegorical and poetic meaning of the platonic terms "imitation" and "participation," related to the sensible things, "copies" of the "ideas." I have asked myself then the following question: Is there a rational and logical nucleus within the mystical and mythological shell of Platonism? Studying the mathematical ideography of Peano, a great logician, mathematician and contemporary linguist, elicited the following question: can we make an ideographic translation of Platoʼs ontological terms in the same way Peano did for aspects of Euclidʼs work? We demonstrate a possible valid, rational, and logical nucleus of certain Platonic nomenclature beyond the mists of certain metaphysical interpretation, while also showing Platoʼs criticism of Parmenides to be invalid in the light of Peanoʼs ideography. Difficulty in the Interpretation of Platonic Theory in Educational and Historiographical Processes Many students have experienced the darkness, ambiguity and vagueness of philosophical language in the study of the history of philosophy. This turns into difficulty whenever the teacher has to explain to young students the thoughts of a philosopher, using the most limpid and clear language possible. Thus, texts on the history of philosophy instead of helping young people to escape from imprecise, vague and primitive ways of reasoning, rather accentuate this aspect, exposing the thinking of philosophers in even more obscure and ambiguous ways than seen in the original source. We live this experience in particular in the teaching and daily work of philosophical and epistemological research, striving to achieve the formation and evolution of concepts and conceptions of the world, without making the absurd and ahistorical distinction between history of philosophy and history of science. After the study of the so-called period of "Presocratics," which usually are made to look like illogical and stuttering children, we pass to the study of Platonic philosophy. The teacher or scholar, in absence of a precise definition of Platoʼs idea, tries his best to facilitate the understanding of his students. The texts do not help and indeed confuse and entangle things more; thus, young people President, Cultural Association, The Italic School, Italy. 6. Plato, The Dialogues of Plato translated into English with Analyses and Introductions by B. Jowett, M.A. in Five Volumes. 3rd edition revised and corrected (London: Oxford University Press, 1892). Retrieved from
Advances in Historical Studies, 2019
We analyze, through writings of d'Alembert, the complex relationships that mathematics, physics a... more We analyze, through writings of d'Alembert, the complex relationships that mathematics, physics and metaphysics entertain with man's faculties and their linguistic manifestations and highlight critical issues and philosophical and epistemological consistency, which we consider valid and actual. For the illuminist d' Alembert all good physical science is established and developed on a good philosophy and vice versa, as any good philosophy must be consolidated on a good metaphysics, to fertilize then good science. A well-structured science can then only be founded on a well-constructed language. Then the good metaphysics is above all critical of abusive and badly constructed languages, confused, quirky, nominalistic, empty, contradictory, when they hypostatize or reify mere names (force, cause, infinitesimal, infinite, axiom), they transform mere relations between simple physical properties in physical entities (velocity, acceleration, differential) or exchange names for questions about physical realities (the querelle about living forces), generic and vague names (being, substance, idea) for metaphysical principles (Plato, Aristotle, Scholastic).
Advances in Historical Studies, 2015
It is argued that even with some new readings made by the publication of the Letter to Eratosthen... more It is argued that even with some new readings made by the publication of the Letter to Eratosthenes in the Archimedes Palimpsest, with the wonderful discovery of his so-called "mechanical method" (a certain way of theorizing in mathematical things by means of mechanical entities) at the beginning of the twentieth century, some important historical-philological and philosophicalepistemological issues still remain, which have already discussed in part in my writings. We produce some important testimonies taken from Metrikon by Heron of Alexandria in favour of our translations and interpretations of Archimedes' lexicon, not without placing under investigation at the same time the personality and the importance of Hero in the history of philosophical, scientific and technological Greek-Hellenistic thought in line with Archimedes and the tradition of Italic thought of science (The quotations of the Greek texts of Archimedes, Heron and Pappus are my translations).
Advances in Historical Studies, 2015
It is intended to confute the opinion of a Platonic Archimedes, through the study of the fundamen... more It is intended to confute the opinion of a Platonic Archimedes, through the study of the fundamental theses of his Sandreckoner (Psammites) and of its particular logical-linguistic aspects, but especially of an Aristotelic Archimedes, as Delsedine (1970) maintains in his article "L'infini numérique dans l'Arénaire d'Archimède". He writes: The Sandreckonerrépond à la nécessitè d'adapter la notation numérique à l'idée de l'infinité potentielle de l'ensamble des nombres naturales" 1. First, it is focused on the general aspects of the work, which highlight its Enlightenment and Pythagorean-Democritean character, then it is passed to the analysis of its particular linguistic and logical aspects and of its fundamental theses, translated into symbolic form, in which it is still giving prominence to its Pythagorean-Democritean or Italic character (Boscarino,
History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 2012
For Newton, modern science began its trend when it is connected to that tradition of thought of t... more For Newton, modern science began its trend when it is connected to that tradition of thought of the Greek world, which had had its heart in the close rapport of mechanics, mathematics and philosophy, leaving that other tradition of thought of the Greek world, which had had his heart in the philosophical and epistemological concepts of substantial form and occult quality.
The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - Historical Analysis and Open Questions - Cesena 2004, 2006
History of Mechanism and Machine Science, 2010
Irony of fate! Democritus is the only philosopher mentioned in one of his works by Archimedes, an... more Irony of fate! Democritus is the only philosopher mentioned in one of his works by Archimedes, and wrote about mathematical things, while neither Plato nor Aristotle are mentioned by him nor have they written about mathematics, but only witnesses scattered here and there in their writings and very often confused, yet they’re considered Archimedes’ inspirers! (Boyer 1939, Delsedine 1970, Frajese 1974, Gambiano 1992, Reymond 1979). But Archimedes violates the prohibitions of Plato and Aristotle and is inspired by the philosophy of Democritus. It is argued about Archimedes’ sections-weights (toma…-b£rea) and Aristotle’s and Democritus’ indivisible magnitudes (¥toma megsqh). (Luria 1970, Mugler 1970, Ver Ecke 1959, Furley 1967).
The Foundations of Quantum Mechanics - Proceedings of the Historical Analysis and Open Questions, 2000
Papers by Giuseppe Boscarino