Papers by Bonface Sibanda
International Journals of Marketing and Technology, 2013
This paper explores how participants view and describe the relationships between devolution and d... more This paper explores how participants view and describe the relationships between devolution and development in Zimbabwe‘s Matabeleland province. The research question that will guide this study is how does devolution impact economic development in Zimbabwe? The study examined diverse aspects of devolution that impact economic development prospects in Zimbabwe. 100 participants were conveniently selected from key associations representing people based in Bulawayo. In-depth interviews were used to gather data from the respondents. Descriptive statistic model was used to analyse the data. Findings from the study provided the basis upon which conclusions and recommendations were drawn. The results showed that people of Matabeleland perceive the region as highly endowed with adequate natural resource mix and can be able to sustain it economically. The presented statistics indicated that the people overwhelmingly support the adoption of devolution as an effective way to economically develop their region. They however viewed the region as lacking leaders with the capacity to lead the devolution drive and to deal effectively with economic challenges of the regions. Beneficiaries of this study include policy makers, citizens and the economic situation of Zimbabwe in general.
Journal of accounting, finance and auditing studies, Apr 1, 2022
The study sought to review literature on tax incentives in developing countries, with the objecti... more The study sought to review literature on tax incentives in developing countries, with the objective of assessing whether tax incentives were a problem or a solution to fostering economic growth and development in developing countries. The research sought to explore the controversy surrounding the offering of incentives in developing country contexts in order to contribute to the ongoing debate on the desirability and non-desirability of tax incentives. Methodology: This study was a critical literature review, therefore used literature review as a stand-alone methodology. Literature was collected from databases that include the Google Scholar database and. Thematic analysis was used to guide the analysis of the findings from the review. These were grouped into two major themes and these were the arguments in favour of tax incentives and those against. Several sub-themes were explored under each main theme as they emerged from the literature review. Findings: The revealed the controversy and contradiction surrounding offering incentives, their effectiveness and their influence on economic growth, spill over gains, the revenue mobilisation efforts (tax base) and future tax compliance. The review accentuated the research gaps that emanate from the lack of consensus among scholars on the effect of awarding tax incentives in developing countries. Originality or Value: Developing countries continue to offer tax incentives yet the outcry on their relevance; contribution and effect on the tax base continue to be debatable among researchers. This study sought to contribute to this body of knowledge on the effect of tax incentives in developing countries.
journal of accounting finance and auditing studies (JAFAS)
Purpose: The study sought to review literature on tax incentives in developing countries, with th... more Purpose: The study sought to review literature on tax incentives in developing countries, with the objective of assessing whether tax incentives were a problem or a solution to fostering economic growth and development in developing countries. The research sought to explore the controversy surrounding the offering of incentives in developing country contexts in order to contribute to the ongoing debate on the desirability and non-desirability of tax incentives. Methodology: This study was a critical literature review, therefore used literature review as a stand-alone methodology. Literature was collected from databases that include the Google Scholar database and. Thematic analysis was used to guide the analysis of the findings from the review. These were grouped into two major themes and these were the arguments in favour of tax incentives and those against. Several sub-themes were explored under each main theme as they emerged from the literature review. Findings: The revealed the...
This paper explores how participants view and describe the relationships between devolution and d... more This paper explores how participants view and describe the relationships between devolution and development in Zimbabwe‘s Matabeleland province. The research question that will guide this study is how does devolution impact economic development in Zimbabwe? The study examined diverse aspects of devolution that impact economic development prospects in Zimbabwe. 100 participants were conveniently selected from key associations representing people based in Bulawayo. In-depth interviews were used to gather data from the respondents. Descriptive statistic model was used to analyse the data. Findings from the study provided the basis upon which conclusions and recommendations were drawn. The results showed that people of Matabeleland perceive the region as highly endowed with adequate natural resource mix and can be able to sustain it economically. The presented statistics indicated that the people overwhelmingly support the adoption of devolution as an effective way to economically devel...
Papers by Bonface Sibanda