Papers by Paresh Bhalekar
Indian forester/Indian Forester, Feb 1, 2024
Authorea (Authorea), Jan 30, 2024
Journal of threatened taxa, Mar 26, 2024
for providing financial assistance. ANC & PPB, and KVCG are thankful to the Science and Engineeri... more for providing financial assistance. ANC & PPB, and KVCG are thankful to the Science and Engineering Research Board-Department of Science and Technology (SERB-DST), New Delhi for providing financial assistance (Project file No. CRG/2019/003087) and (Project file No. CRG/2018/001381), respectively. Thanks are to the respective colleges for providing necessary laboratory facilities. We are thankful to the Maharashtra State Biodiversity Board (MSBB), Nagpur for permission to do floristic studies in Ratnagiri district and to the principals of respective colleges for providing necessary laboratory facilities.
A new species Curculigo konkanensis, is described from the lateritic plateaus of the Konkan regio... more A new species Curculigo konkanensis, is described from the lateritic plateaus of the Konkan region of Maharashtra, India. The new species is allied with C. brevifolia and C. orchioides but differs in the characters of rootstock, height of plant, leaves, bracts, capsules and seeds. Cytological parameters, Karyotype formula, total haploid chromosome length (THCL), Value of CVCL and MCA also supported the distinctness of C. konkanensis, C. brevifolia and C. orchioides. Based on plastid DNA data, the new species is placed in Curculigo orchoides subclade and shows phylogenetic affinity with Curculigo brevifolia.
FIGURE 3. Comparison between selected characters of D. janae-shrirangii and D. concanense. Habita... more FIGURE 3. Comparison between selected characters of D. janae-shrirangii and D. concanense. Habitat, flowers & habit (A), (B) & (E) in D. janae-shrirangii and (C), (D) & (F) in D. concanense. Capsule (G) & (I) in D. janae-shrirangii and (H) & (J) in D. concanense. Chromosome number (K) in D. janae-shrirangii and (L) in D. concanense. Photos by A.N. Chandore & K.V.C. Gosavi.
FIGURE 2. Comparison between selected characters of D. janae-shrirangii and D. concanense. Flower... more FIGURE 2. Comparison between selected characters of D. janae-shrirangii and D. concanense. Flowers, L.S. & top view of flowers (A), (C) & (F) in D. janae-shrirangii and (B), (D) & (E) in D. concanense. Outer perianth lobe (G) in D. janae-shrirangii and (H) in D. concanense. Inner perianth lobe (I) in D. janae-shrirangii and (J) in D. concanense. Anther (K) in D. janae-shrirangii and (L) in D. concanense. Bract (M) in D. janae-shrirangii and (N) in D. concanense. Style (O) in D. janae-shrirangii and (P) in D. concanense. Ovary (Q) in D. janae-shrirangii and (R) in D. concanense. Capsule (S) in D. janae-shrirangii and (T) in D. concanense. Seeds (U) in D. janaeshrirangii and (V) in D. concanense. Photos by A.N. Chandore.

The identification key to the Indian species of <i>Dipcadi</i> having shiny white flo... more The identification key to the Indian species of <i>Dipcadi</i> having shiny white flowers and brownish black seeds is provided below: 1a. Perianth tube funnel-shaped............................................................................................................................................ <i>D. goaense</i> 1b. Perianth tube cylindrical................................................................................................................................................................... <i>2</i> 2a. Flowers 4.0–5.0 cm long; perianth tube twice longer than the lobes........................................................................ <i>D. concanense</i> 2b. Flowers 2.2–2.5 cm long; perianth tube as long as the lobes............................................................... <i>D. janae-shrirangii sp. nov.</i>
FIGURE 1. Dipcadi janae-shrirangii Chandore, Borude, Bhalekar, Madhav & Gosavi sp. nov. (Chandore... more FIGURE 1. Dipcadi janae-shrirangii Chandore, Borude, Bhalekar, Madhav & Gosavi sp. nov. (Chandore 2095) A. Habit; B. Bract; C. Flower; D. Outer perianth; E. Inner perianth with stamens; F. Pistil; G. Fruit; H. Seed. Illustration drawn by N.A. Madhav.
Phytotaxa, 2021
Dipcadi janae-shrirangii is described and illustrated as a new species from the lateritic plateau... more Dipcadi janae-shrirangii is described and illustrated as a new species from the lateritic plateaus of Konkan region of Maharashtra, India. The new species is allied to the D. concanense (Dalzell) Baker, but differ in its small flowers and perianth tube as long as the lobes. Coloured photographs, illustrations of new species and key to the Indian species of Dipcadi having shiny white flowers and brownish black seeds are provided to facilitate the identification.
FIGURE 4. Flowers of Dipcadi goaense (A–C), Comparison between flowers & L.S. of flowers in D. co... more FIGURE 4. Flowers of Dipcadi goaense (A–C), Comparison between flowers & L.S. of flowers in D. concanense (D) & (F) and in D. goaense (E) & (G). Chromosome number (H) in D. goaense. Photos by S.R. Yadav & K.V.C. Gosavi.
Papers by Paresh Bhalekar