Manajemen kinerja ini penting lantaran bertujuan untuk memastikan karyawan bekerja secara efisien... more Manajemen kinerja ini penting lantaran bertujuan untuk memastikan karyawan bekerja secara efisien sepanjang tahun dan dalam prosesnya mampu mengatasi masalah yang muncul. Untuk itu manajemen kinerja harus di evaluasi dan di pelajari lebih lanjut. Evaluasi kinerja karyawan merupakan salah satu kebijakan perusahaan dalam mengelola sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki. Apalagi, setiap karyawan punya tanggung jawab, tugas, dan cara bekerja yang berbeda-beda. Menilai apakah kinerja mereka sudah sesuai dengan standar perusahaan pun menjadi kebutuhan utama perusahaan. Evaluasi kinerja merujuk pada penilaian sistematis dan berdasar terhadap hasil kerja karyawan serta organisasi/perusahaan. Nantinya, hasil penilaian ini akan menjadi dasar perusahaan dalam memberikan umpan balik terkait prestasi karyawan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, hingga membantu penyusunan kebijakan perusahaan pada masa mendatang. Pihak manajemen atau karyawan berwenang (atasan langsung) berperan memberi penilaian terhadap kinerja karyawan yang bersangkutan. Hasil evaluasi dari seluruh karyawan kemudian akan dielaborasi untuk membangun sistem penilaian dan penghargaan bagi karyawan. Langkah ini memang sebaiknya dilakukan secara transparan dengan melibatkan karyawan secara aktif. Apa saja yang menjadi indikator penilaian perlu diuraikan sehingga karyawan pun dapat mengevaluasi kinerjanya selama ini. Setelah proses evaluasi selesai, perusahaan juga perlu menyampaikan hasilnya kepada karyawan. Jadi, karyawan dapat mengetahui mana aspek yang masih perlu ditingkatkan, dipertahankan, maupun diperbaiki. TINJAUAN LITERATUR Kinerja Kinerja berasal dari pengertian performance. Ada pula yang memberikan pengertian performance sebagai hasil kerja atau prestasi kerja. Namun, sebenarnya kinerja mempunyai makna yang luas, bukan hanya hasil kerja, tetapi termasuk bagaimana proses itu berlangsung. Wibowo (2012: 7) kinerja adalah tentang melakukan pekerjaan dan hasil yang dicapai dari pekerjaan tersebut. Kinerja adalah tentang apa yang dikerjakan dan bagaimana cara
This writing aims to explain the risks faced by service companies, risk-based thinking and risk m... more This writing aims to explain the risks faced by service companies, risk-based thinking and risk management carried out by the company. With the implementation of ISO 9001:2015, the service company carries out routine internal audits, especially in the purchasing department which includes the length of the documentation process and its achievements which are measured and the percentage value continues to be increased to meet the needs of goods and services in supporting the company's sales activities and operational activities based on Purchasing reports are taken based on the information system into the Quality Objective (QO) Purchasing. Challenges facing VUCA, Risk management can be described by type of risk so that it is easier to find a solution. Provide information related to challenges and solutions that can be done so that the company's main goals are achieved.
Salah satu kunci utama dalam menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang profesional adalah terlet... more Salah satu kunci utama dalam menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang profesional adalah terletak pada proses Rekrutmen, Seleksi, Training and Development calon tenaga kerja. Mencari tenaga kerja yang profesional dan berkualitas tidaklah gampang. Merupakan sebuah kewajiban dalam sebuah organisasi dan perusahaan-perusahan harus melakukan penyaringan untuk anggota atau para pekerja yang baru. Untuk itulah rekrutmen tenaga kerja dibutuhkan untuk menyaring para pelamar yang ingin melamar. Dalam organisasi, rekrutmen ini menjadi salah satu proses yang penting dalam menentukan baik tidaknya pelamar yang akan melamar pada organisasi tersebut. Setelah mendapatkan calon tenaga kerja dari hasil rekrutmen, proses yang tidak kalah penting adalah proses seleksi, di dalam proses ini perusahaan atau organisasi bisa mendapatkan orang-orang yang tepat yang ingin dicari dan dapat ditempatkan sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Proses Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Karyawan Pada Perusahaan merupakan salah satu proses penting dalam menyeleksi kandidat calon karyawan perusahaan tersebut. Proses ini bertujuan untuk menyaring sumber daya manusia yang cocok dan sesuai dengan visi dan misi dalam perusahaan. Intinya adalah tujuan dari rekrutmen digunakan untuk memperoleh dan menyediakan sejumlah tenaga kerja yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang dipersyaratkan untuk kebutuhan seleksi. Dengan tersedianya calon tenaga kerja selanjutnya adalah memilih tenaga kerja yang sudah direkrut tersebut melalui proses seleksi yang dilakukan oleh unit kerja Human Resources Department. Antara rekrutmen dan seleksi memiliki perbedaan baik dari segi fungsi maupun tujuannya. Rekrutmen memiliki fungsi untuk menjaring atau mengumpulkan kandidat sebanyak-banyaknya. Sedangkan seleksi memiliki fungsi menyeleksi kandidat sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan. Rekrutmen tersebut bersifat positif dengan mengumpulkan banyak kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria umum, sedangkan seleksi bersifat negatif dengan mengurangi kandidat yang masuk.
Dalam masyarakat yang berbasis pengetahuan saat ini, potensi manusia menjadi faktor yang paling s... more Dalam masyarakat yang berbasis pengetahuan saat ini, potensi manusia menjadi faktor yang paling signifikan dalam penciptaan keunggulan kompetitif. Agar tetap kompetitif, perusahaan perlu memiliki, membangun dan mempertahankan sumber daya manusianya yang menjadi langka dan sulit untuk ditiru. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) setiap perusahaan, semakin berusaha untuk meningkatkan cara dan upaya agar dapat melihat sejauh mana proses transisi ke digitalisasi tersebut terlaksana. Salah satu perusahaan jasa yang dibahas kali ini berharap sudah siap untuk melakukan penerapan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna jasa perusahaannya saat ini. Asumsi bahwa ada korelasi yang signifikan antara struktur organisasi dan keberhasilan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) serta gambaran terkait desain pekerjaan di salah satu unit kerja perusahaan jasa tersebut. Jurnal ini dapat menunjukkan bahwa struktur organisasi terpusat saat ini terbentuk atas kinerja salah satu unit kerjanya dan beberapa unit kerja lainnya. Pencapaian keberhasilan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) dinilai dengan terpenuhi segala kebutuhan perusahaan untuk menunjang kegiatan operasional berkaitan dengan pihak pengguna jasa sehingga bisa berjalan dengan lancar.
Change is constant and sometimes disruptive so adaptability is essential. One of the changes we c... more Change is constant and sometimes disruptive so adaptability is essential. One of the changes we can see is a pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has taught everyone how to adapt as well as take advantage of new opportunities to survive. In the midst of an uncertain situation, digital transformation efforts will build a strong organization to grow in the future. The development of technology and industry requires competent human resources in every business organization. Many things show that millennials are adept at using new technology but still lack the patience to be in organizations. The ability to maintain and develop millennials and generation Z is one of the success factors for organizations to continuously improve business performance. Skills and experience are not enough, motivation is needed which is formed from the culture and organizational climate. The presence of millennials and generation Z has dominated the workforce at a rapid pace and presents new challenges for organizations to provide a work climate that supports their development. By using the AMO model approach (Ability, Motivation, Opportunity) it is hoped that it can support the main theoretical framework in facing challenges in the future.
This journal aims to explain employee performance through the implementation of internal audits a... more This journal aims to explain employee performance through the implementation of internal audits at the purchasing department of Secure Parking Indonesia which includes work functions, work performance assessments and the final result of a warning letter issued if performance is considered the worst. Employee Performance Assessment is used with descriptive research with data collection methods based on monthly Quality Objective (QO) reports and Annual Performance Appraisal (PA) reports. The approach used in the implementation of the audit is a compliance audit (compliance) and the achievement of the value of the given target. The results showed that the overall team had worked well and in accordance with the existing Standard operating procedures (SOP). However, there are still some points that are not implemented according to the given target. Based on the audit findings, it was found that the purchasing department had carried out the work process properly and according to procedures. Only need to improve performance again to achieve maximum value. In addition, employee performance is also assessed based on filling out the Performance Appraisal (PA) table. The purpose of this Performance Assessment is to increase employee awareness in carrying out work in accordance with the Standard operating procedure (SOP) purchasing that has been made and to achieve employee performance in accordance with the company's vision.
The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been... more The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been carried out so far. Different ways of life, routines that were previously something that were often carried out must immediately change, adapting to current conditions in the field, among others, related to health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which endangers all levels of society. In addition, the daily work which is usually done in full at the office immediately changes automatically to be done at home or known as Work From Home. Applying this, of course, there are obstacles that must be faced by human resources who work in a company. However, it must be implemented so that surviving companies can carry out their operational activities. This incident also affected the number of workers who were laid off because the company was unable to bear the burden of the company with minimal income. Companies that have managed to survive are companies that try by all means to reduce costs from various aspects. Regarding the company's cost suppression, one of which is carried out by the Purchasing division. Who has the task of assisting the company in managing the company's expense budget. This budget emphasis can be seen from the decline in issued purchase orders. This is done by sorting incoming documents by looking at the level of need. The decline in procurement transactions can be seen through analysis of purchase reports. Purchase reports can be compared with previous years and refer to the results of internal audits for the fulfillment and achievement of targets.
The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been... more The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been carried out so far. Different ways of life, routines that were previously something that were often carried out must immediately change, adapting to current conditions in the field, among others, related to health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which endangers all levels of society. In addition, the daily work which is usually done in full at the office immediately changes automatically to be done at home or known as Work From Home. Applying this, of course, there are obstacles that must be faced by human resources who work in a company. However, it must be implemented so that surviving companies can carry out their operational activities. This incident also affected the number of workers who were laid off because the company was unable to bear the burden of the company with minimal income. Companies that have managed to survive are companies that try by all means to reduce costs from various aspects. Regarding the company's cost suppression, one of which is carried out by the Purchasing division. Who has the task of assisting the company in managing the company's expense budget. This budget emphasis can be seen from the decline in issued purchase orders. This is done by sorting incoming documents by looking at the level of need. The decline in procurement transactions can be seen through analysis of purchase reports. Purchase reports can be compared with previous years and refer to the results of internal audits for the fulfillment and achievement of targets.
The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been... more The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been carried out so far. Different ways of life, routines that were previously something that were often carried out must immediately change, adapting to current conditions in the field, among others, related to health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which endangers all levels of society. In addition, the daily work which is usually done in full at the office immediately changes automatically to be done at home or known as Work From Home. Applying this, of course, there are obstacles that must be faced by human resources who work in a company. However, it must be implemented so that surviving companies can carry out their operational activities. This incident also affected the number of workers who were laid off because the company was unable to bear the burden of the company with minimal income. Companies that have managed to survive are companies that try by all means to reduce costs from various aspects. Regarding the company's cost suppression, one of which is carried out by the Purchasing division. Who has the task of assisting the company in managing the company's expense budget. This budget emphasis can be seen from the decline in issued purchase orders. This is done by sorting incoming documents by looking at the level of need. The decline in procurement transactions can be seen through analysis of purchase reports. Purchase reports can be compared with previous years and refer to the results of internal audits for the fulfillment and achievement of targets.
The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been... more The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been carried out so far. Different ways of life, routines that were previously something that were often carried out must immediately change, adapting to current conditions in the field, among others, related to health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which endangers all levels of society. In addition, the daily work which is usually done in full at the office immediately changes automatically to be done at home or known as Work From Home. Applying this, of course, there are obstacles that must be faced by human resources who work in a company. However, it must be implemented so that surviving companies can carry out their operational activities. This incident also affected the number of workers who were laid off because the company was unable to bear the burden of the company with minimal income. Companies that have managed to survive are companies that try by all means to reduce costs from various aspects. Regarding the company's cost suppression, one of which is carried out by the Purchasing division. Who has the task of assisting the company in managing the company's expense budget. This budget emphasis can be seen from the decline in issued purchase orders. This is done by sorting incoming documents by looking at the level of need. The decline in procurement transactions can be seen through analysis of purchase reports. Purchase reports can be compared with previous years and refer to the results of internal audits for the fulfillment and achievement of targets.
Manajemen kinerja ini penting lantaran bertujuan untuk memastikan karyawan bekerja secara efisien... more Manajemen kinerja ini penting lantaran bertujuan untuk memastikan karyawan bekerja secara efisien sepanjang tahun dan dalam prosesnya mampu mengatasi masalah yang muncul. Untuk itu manajemen kinerja harus di evaluasi dan di pelajari lebih lanjut. Evaluasi kinerja karyawan merupakan salah satu kebijakan perusahaan dalam mengelola sumber daya manusia yang dimiliki. Apalagi, setiap karyawan punya tanggung jawab, tugas, dan cara bekerja yang berbeda-beda. Menilai apakah kinerja mereka sudah sesuai dengan standar perusahaan pun menjadi kebutuhan utama perusahaan. Evaluasi kinerja merujuk pada penilaian sistematis dan berdasar terhadap hasil kerja karyawan serta organisasi/perusahaan. Nantinya, hasil penilaian ini akan menjadi dasar perusahaan dalam memberikan umpan balik terkait prestasi karyawan, pelaksanaan kegiatan, hingga membantu penyusunan kebijakan perusahaan pada masa mendatang. Pihak manajemen atau karyawan berwenang (atasan langsung) berperan memberi penilaian terhadap kinerja karyawan yang bersangkutan. Hasil evaluasi dari seluruh karyawan kemudian akan dielaborasi untuk membangun sistem penilaian dan penghargaan bagi karyawan. Langkah ini memang sebaiknya dilakukan secara transparan dengan melibatkan karyawan secara aktif. Apa saja yang menjadi indikator penilaian perlu diuraikan sehingga karyawan pun dapat mengevaluasi kinerjanya selama ini. Setelah proses evaluasi selesai, perusahaan juga perlu menyampaikan hasilnya kepada karyawan. Jadi, karyawan dapat mengetahui mana aspek yang masih perlu ditingkatkan, dipertahankan, maupun diperbaiki. TINJAUAN LITERATUR Kinerja Kinerja berasal dari pengertian performance. Ada pula yang memberikan pengertian performance sebagai hasil kerja atau prestasi kerja. Namun, sebenarnya kinerja mempunyai makna yang luas, bukan hanya hasil kerja, tetapi termasuk bagaimana proses itu berlangsung. Wibowo (2012: 7) kinerja adalah tentang melakukan pekerjaan dan hasil yang dicapai dari pekerjaan tersebut. Kinerja adalah tentang apa yang dikerjakan dan bagaimana cara
This writing aims to explain the risks faced by service companies, risk-based thinking and risk m... more This writing aims to explain the risks faced by service companies, risk-based thinking and risk management carried out by the company. With the implementation of ISO 9001:2015, the service company carries out routine internal audits, especially in the purchasing department which includes the length of the documentation process and its achievements which are measured and the percentage value continues to be increased to meet the needs of goods and services in supporting the company's sales activities and operational activities based on Purchasing reports are taken based on the information system into the Quality Objective (QO) Purchasing. Challenges facing VUCA, Risk management can be described by type of risk so that it is easier to find a solution. Provide information related to challenges and solutions that can be done so that the company's main goals are achieved.
Salah satu kunci utama dalam menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang profesional adalah terlet... more Salah satu kunci utama dalam menciptakan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang profesional adalah terletak pada proses Rekrutmen, Seleksi, Training and Development calon tenaga kerja. Mencari tenaga kerja yang profesional dan berkualitas tidaklah gampang. Merupakan sebuah kewajiban dalam sebuah organisasi dan perusahaan-perusahan harus melakukan penyaringan untuk anggota atau para pekerja yang baru. Untuk itulah rekrutmen tenaga kerja dibutuhkan untuk menyaring para pelamar yang ingin melamar. Dalam organisasi, rekrutmen ini menjadi salah satu proses yang penting dalam menentukan baik tidaknya pelamar yang akan melamar pada organisasi tersebut. Setelah mendapatkan calon tenaga kerja dari hasil rekrutmen, proses yang tidak kalah penting adalah proses seleksi, di dalam proses ini perusahaan atau organisasi bisa mendapatkan orang-orang yang tepat yang ingin dicari dan dapat ditempatkan sesuai dengan kemampuannya. Proses Rekrutmen dan Seleksi Karyawan Pada Perusahaan merupakan salah satu proses penting dalam menyeleksi kandidat calon karyawan perusahaan tersebut. Proses ini bertujuan untuk menyaring sumber daya manusia yang cocok dan sesuai dengan visi dan misi dalam perusahaan. Intinya adalah tujuan dari rekrutmen digunakan untuk memperoleh dan menyediakan sejumlah tenaga kerja yang memenuhi kualifikasi yang dipersyaratkan untuk kebutuhan seleksi. Dengan tersedianya calon tenaga kerja selanjutnya adalah memilih tenaga kerja yang sudah direkrut tersebut melalui proses seleksi yang dilakukan oleh unit kerja Human Resources Department. Antara rekrutmen dan seleksi memiliki perbedaan baik dari segi fungsi maupun tujuannya. Rekrutmen memiliki fungsi untuk menjaring atau mengumpulkan kandidat sebanyak-banyaknya. Sedangkan seleksi memiliki fungsi menyeleksi kandidat sesuai dengan kualifikasi yang dibutuhkan. Rekrutmen tersebut bersifat positif dengan mengumpulkan banyak kandidat yang memenuhi kriteria umum, sedangkan seleksi bersifat negatif dengan mengurangi kandidat yang masuk.
Dalam masyarakat yang berbasis pengetahuan saat ini, potensi manusia menjadi faktor yang paling s... more Dalam masyarakat yang berbasis pengetahuan saat ini, potensi manusia menjadi faktor yang paling signifikan dalam penciptaan keunggulan kompetitif. Agar tetap kompetitif, perusahaan perlu memiliki, membangun dan mempertahankan sumber daya manusianya yang menjadi langka dan sulit untuk ditiru. Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) setiap perusahaan, semakin berusaha untuk meningkatkan cara dan upaya agar dapat melihat sejauh mana proses transisi ke digitalisasi tersebut terlaksana. Salah satu perusahaan jasa yang dibahas kali ini berharap sudah siap untuk melakukan penerapan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna jasa perusahaannya saat ini. Asumsi bahwa ada korelasi yang signifikan antara struktur organisasi dan keberhasilan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) serta gambaran terkait desain pekerjaan di salah satu unit kerja perusahaan jasa tersebut. Jurnal ini dapat menunjukkan bahwa struktur organisasi terpusat saat ini terbentuk atas kinerja salah satu unit kerjanya dan beberapa unit kerja lainnya. Pencapaian keberhasilan Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia (MSDM) dinilai dengan terpenuhi segala kebutuhan perusahaan untuk menunjang kegiatan operasional berkaitan dengan pihak pengguna jasa sehingga bisa berjalan dengan lancar.
Change is constant and sometimes disruptive so adaptability is essential. One of the changes we c... more Change is constant and sometimes disruptive so adaptability is essential. One of the changes we can see is a pandemic. The Covid-19 pandemic has taught everyone how to adapt as well as take advantage of new opportunities to survive. In the midst of an uncertain situation, digital transformation efforts will build a strong organization to grow in the future. The development of technology and industry requires competent human resources in every business organization. Many things show that millennials are adept at using new technology but still lack the patience to be in organizations. The ability to maintain and develop millennials and generation Z is one of the success factors for organizations to continuously improve business performance. Skills and experience are not enough, motivation is needed which is formed from the culture and organizational climate. The presence of millennials and generation Z has dominated the workforce at a rapid pace and presents new challenges for organizations to provide a work climate that supports their development. By using the AMO model approach (Ability, Motivation, Opportunity) it is hoped that it can support the main theoretical framework in facing challenges in the future.
This journal aims to explain employee performance through the implementation of internal audits a... more This journal aims to explain employee performance through the implementation of internal audits at the purchasing department of Secure Parking Indonesia which includes work functions, work performance assessments and the final result of a warning letter issued if performance is considered the worst. Employee Performance Assessment is used with descriptive research with data collection methods based on monthly Quality Objective (QO) reports and Annual Performance Appraisal (PA) reports. The approach used in the implementation of the audit is a compliance audit (compliance) and the achievement of the value of the given target. The results showed that the overall team had worked well and in accordance with the existing Standard operating procedures (SOP). However, there are still some points that are not implemented according to the given target. Based on the audit findings, it was found that the purchasing department had carried out the work process properly and according to procedures. Only need to improve performance again to achieve maximum value. In addition, employee performance is also assessed based on filling out the Performance Appraisal (PA) table. The purpose of this Performance Assessment is to increase employee awareness in carrying out work in accordance with the Standard operating procedure (SOP) purchasing that has been made and to achieve employee performance in accordance with the company's vision.
The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been... more The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been carried out so far. Different ways of life, routines that were previously something that were often carried out must immediately change, adapting to current conditions in the field, among others, related to health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which endangers all levels of society. In addition, the daily work which is usually done in full at the office immediately changes automatically to be done at home or known as Work From Home. Applying this, of course, there are obstacles that must be faced by human resources who work in a company. However, it must be implemented so that surviving companies can carry out their operational activities. This incident also affected the number of workers who were laid off because the company was unable to bear the burden of the company with minimal income. Companies that have managed to survive are companies that try by all means to reduce costs from various aspects. Regarding the company's cost suppression, one of which is carried out by the Purchasing division. Who has the task of assisting the company in managing the company's expense budget. This budget emphasis can be seen from the decline in issued purchase orders. This is done by sorting incoming documents by looking at the level of need. The decline in procurement transactions can be seen through analysis of purchase reports. Purchase reports can be compared with previous years and refer to the results of internal audits for the fulfillment and achievement of targets.
The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been... more The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been carried out so far. Different ways of life, routines that were previously something that were often carried out must immediately change, adapting to current conditions in the field, among others, related to health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which endangers all levels of society. In addition, the daily work which is usually done in full at the office immediately changes automatically to be done at home or known as Work From Home. Applying this, of course, there are obstacles that must be faced by human resources who work in a company. However, it must be implemented so that surviving companies can carry out their operational activities. This incident also affected the number of workers who were laid off because the company was unable to bear the burden of the company with minimal income. Companies that have managed to survive are companies that try by all means to reduce costs from various aspects. Regarding the company's cost suppression, one of which is carried out by the Purchasing division. Who has the task of assisting the company in managing the company's expense budget. This budget emphasis can be seen from the decline in issued purchase orders. This is done by sorting incoming documents by looking at the level of need. The decline in procurement transactions can be seen through analysis of purchase reports. Purchase reports can be compared with previous years and refer to the results of internal audits for the fulfillment and achievement of targets.
The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been... more The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been carried out so far. Different ways of life, routines that were previously something that were often carried out must immediately change, adapting to current conditions in the field, among others, related to health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which endangers all levels of society. In addition, the daily work which is usually done in full at the office immediately changes automatically to be done at home or known as Work From Home. Applying this, of course, there are obstacles that must be faced by human resources who work in a company. However, it must be implemented so that surviving companies can carry out their operational activities. This incident also affected the number of workers who were laid off because the company was unable to bear the burden of the company with minimal income. Companies that have managed to survive are companies that try by all means to reduce costs from various aspects. Regarding the company's cost suppression, one of which is carried out by the Purchasing division. Who has the task of assisting the company in managing the company's expense budget. This budget emphasis can be seen from the decline in issued purchase orders. This is done by sorting incoming documents by looking at the level of need. The decline in procurement transactions can be seen through analysis of purchase reports. Purchase reports can be compared with previous years and refer to the results of internal audits for the fulfillment and achievement of targets.
The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been... more The Covid-19 pandemic is forcing us to get out of the safe zone and routine habits that have been carried out so far. Different ways of life, routines that were previously something that were often carried out must immediately change, adapting to current conditions in the field, among others, related to health protocols to prevent the spread of COVID-19 which endangers all levels of society. In addition, the daily work which is usually done in full at the office immediately changes automatically to be done at home or known as Work From Home. Applying this, of course, there are obstacles that must be faced by human resources who work in a company. However, it must be implemented so that surviving companies can carry out their operational activities. This incident also affected the number of workers who were laid off because the company was unable to bear the burden of the company with minimal income. Companies that have managed to survive are companies that try by all means to reduce costs from various aspects. Regarding the company's cost suppression, one of which is carried out by the Purchasing division. Who has the task of assisting the company in managing the company's expense budget. This budget emphasis can be seen from the decline in issued purchase orders. This is done by sorting incoming documents by looking at the level of need. The decline in procurement transactions can be seen through analysis of purchase reports. Purchase reports can be compared with previous years and refer to the results of internal audits for the fulfillment and achievement of targets.
Papers by Bertha Puspita