Papers by Benedicta Evienia Prabawanti
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Nov 30, 2022
In life in society, women cannot be separated from every activity in it. Most people's views abou... more In life in society, women cannot be separated from every activity in it. Most people's views about women can be seen from a perspective that can be seen in general, such as the characteristics of women, the role of women in society, the family, and the education women choose. Many women carry out their dual parts by choosing to become entrepreneurs. Social entrepreneurship is an alternative that women choose to be able to develop themselves and their abilities. Awareness of positively impacting individuals, the environment, communities, and organizations has been increasingly felt since WHO and all UN member states, including Indonesia, agreed on the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) plan. Gender equality, quality education, and poverty alleviation are some of the elements in the SDGs. This study uses social value, innovation, and economic activity details to analyze two women's social entrepreneurship. This qualitative research describes the results of interviews conducted with two female informants who are actors in social entrepreneurship. The analysis results conclude that DemiBumi and Biyung Indonesia are examples of women's social entrepreneurship that develop by responding to existing social problems. Through educational and empowerment programs, the impact of these social entrepreneurial activities is being felt by more and more people.
Business Review and Case Studies
Indonesia is one of the big countries that have abundant natural wealth. Various kinds of plants ... more Indonesia is one of the big countries that have abundant natural wealth. Various kinds of plants in Indonesia show that the natural wealth that exists is a producer of oxygen, minerals, vitamins, and other nutritional content needed by the human body, such as vegetables and fruits. However, behind all this wealth, according to UNICEF, Indonesia is currently facing the problem of malnutrition in which more than two million children are malnourished, and more than seven million children are stunted. This makes Indonesia one of the countries with the highest child stunting burden in the world. NTT is one part of Eastern Indonesia that is poor and has malnutrition problems. The purpose of this study was to conduct a preliminary analysis for a social entrepreneurship project by utilizing the Moringa plant that thrives in Adonara. The results of the analysis can be used as a way to overcome the problems of poverty and malnutrition through the development of social entrepreneurship. The research question posed in the study is how can IBMC analysis be used to assist in running the AMAINA social entrepreneurship project? This research is qualitative research, starting with observing environmental conditions in Adonara, then compiling questions as guidelines for conducting interviews with local residents regarding their knowledge of moringa leaf forgiveness, community empowerment, and household economic improvement. The results of this preliminary study found that the results of the IBMC analysis, financial analysis, and marketing analysis that have been carried out indicate that the AMAINA social entrepreneurship project is feasible to be developed.
Indonesian Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship
In order to support the increasing number of entrepreneurs in West Java, since 2015 Dra. Mutia Ok... more In order to support the increasing number of entrepreneurs in West Java, since 2015 Dra. Mutia Oktaviana as a woman entrepreneur and Disperindag of West Java have established Product Marketing Association (APPU) West Java. This is an association which has 200 members with the composition of 180 female entrepreneurs (90%); it has potential to rise by year to year. Therefore, this research aims to know the factors which could motivate the women who are members of APPU West Java to become women entrepreneurs especially in Bandung. This research used quantitative method with descriptive and explorative research. The sample collection utilizes a technique of Nonprobability sampling and insidental sampling with 106 respondents. In addition, the data were analyzed using a factor analyzing technique which could motivate each of the entrepreneurship supporting factors. Based on the factor analyses technique using 21 factors, the results produced the formation of 7 new factors, namely family oriented, family background and friends, income stability, hobby and facility support, public existency, challenges and risks, and phisycal limitation. The most dominant factor is family oriented consisting of the following variables: running business as well as doing housework, having more time with family, creating job opportunity for family member, and the possibility of getting big profit.
MITRA: Jurnal Pemberdayaan Masyarakat
Waste that is not managed well may potentially cause diseases and negatively affect the quality o... more Waste that is not managed well may potentially cause diseases and negatively affect the quality of life. Rusunawa Muara Baru, Jakarta, is one of our partner communities that need continuous training in all aspects, including waste management. Therefore, the present community service program was carried out to educate the residents of Rusunawa Muara Baru on the importance of sorting waste and how to process household organic waste into liquid organic fertilizer and bokashi compost. The program was conducted twice in two weeks. At the first meeting, an introductory questionnaire was distributed, an interactive discussion was performed, and a fertilizer production workshop using simple composters was initiated. Two weeks later, the composting results were evaluated, and the participants filled out the evaluation questionnaire. Approximately 83% of the participants agreed to sort household waste after the program was completed, which showed the participants' increasing awareness in ...
Bina Ekonomi, 2006
The most brand theory defines brand as identifies only and differentiate one product from another... more The most brand theory defines brand as identifies only and differentiate one product from another. That means the brand is identity of product that signify ownership and guarantee quality. This paradigm about brand misses the very essences of a brand as rich of sensory, affective, and cognitive associations that result of memorable and rewarding brand experience. The brand experience increases the value of product in customer mind. The Manning Selvage & Lee, a research firm, find that brand leader do not just have memorable name and great image-they also deliver experience. This paper focus on how brand experience can be created by the firm.
Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Universitas Katolik Parahyangan, 2007
Penciptaan pengalaman (creation experience) adalah salah satu usaha yang dilakukan oleh banyak pe... more Penciptaan pengalaman (creation experience) adalah salah satu usaha yang dilakukan oleh banyak perusahaan untuk meningkatkan penjualan atau menjaga supaya kosnumen semakin loyal terhadap perusahaan. Perguruan tinggi adalah salah satu bentuk usaha jasa yang juga melakukan penciptaan pengalaman (creation experience) bagi mahasiswanya untuk menunjang mahasiswa selama menjalani masa studinya. Penciptaan pengalaman yang dilakukan perguruan tinggi diharapkan memiliki dampak positif bagi mahasiswa, sehingga mereka dapat menceritakan pengalaman tersebut kepada orang lain.
Coffee pulp waste is one of the most significant industrial wastes today because, for the last th... more Coffee pulp waste is one of the most significant industrial wastes today because, for the last three years, the coffee business has multiplied in Indonesia, especially in urban areas. Coffee pulp waste has economic value if it can use it. This study is (1) to describe the condition of the existing coffee shop in South Jakarta, (2) to find out the social business strategy for the development of the creative industries in the coffee shop by utilizing coffee grounds waste. This study is a qualitative descriptive with a case study approach. To determine the condition of the coffee shop, data was collected through interviews with 30 coffee shop owners in South Jakarta and observation. The SBMC analysis will continue to project the coffee pulp business as a social business. The results showed a coffee shop in South Jakarta produces coffee waste per day 1-5 kg. All owners have not utilized the coffee grounds waste. Through SMBC analysis, education is needed to the coffee shop owner as a su...
Industri transportasi semakin berkembang seiring dengan kebutuhan manusia terhadap mobilitas yang... more Industri transportasi semakin berkembang seiring dengan kebutuhan manusia terhadap mobilitas yang tinggi dalam melakukan aktifitasnya, baik untuk bekerja atau sekedar jalan-jalan melepas lelah. Tuntutan pekerjaan ataupun waktu yang terbatas membuat manusia harus berada di kota yang berbeda pada hari yang sama. Transportasi udara menjadi pilihan untuk melakukan semua aktiftas tersebut, mengingat waktu tempuh yang dapat dilalui oleh transportasi ini lebih singkat dibandingkan dengan transportasi lainnya. Banyaknya maskapai penerbangan yang muncul membuat persaingan dalam industry ini semakin ketat. Low cost carier menjadi salah satu topik utama yang selalu diperbincangkan oleh konsumen ketika memilih maskapai penerbangan untuk berbagai kepentingan. Salah satu maskapai penerbangan swasta di Indonesia cukup berhasil mengusung low cost carier sebagai tawaran jasa bagi para konsumennya, meski pada kenyataannya di lapangan hal tersebut tidak selalu dapat berjalan dengan sempurna. Munculnya...
Open House is one of the promotional effort on event marketing. Open House activities conducted b... more Open House is one of the promotional effort on event marketing. Open House activities conducted by the college aims to introduce to the public, especially prospective students about the university. Through media open house event marketing, college invites prospective students to attend the college and look straight lectures, and invite them to experience studying in college at the time of open house. The hope is that they get a positive experience with college and want to tell the positive experience it through word of mouth to reference PT "Y" as a place to study. PT "Y" is one of the private colleges in the city are using the open house as a promotional tool. Open House this activity attracted the author to investigate further the impact of the open house event marketing to increase the number of students who apply to PT "Y", and to find out about the promotion that has been done by PT "Y" are effective in attracting new students. From 125 respondents were chosen as 64.6% said it would consider signing a new PT "Y", but the rest would sign as many as 15% said they would choose PTN if accepted at PTN. The open house should be a regular agenda and its implementation tailored to the school academic calendar. Establish networking with schools, companies and alumni can be used as a media campaign that cost less.
Every changing in organization potentially produces some conflicts because it make unpredictable ... more Every changing in organization potentially produces some conflicts because it make unpredictable situation for every elements and members of organization. The changing causes a problem if it is not communicated effectively to them. They accept the organizational changing only if they know and realize that changing is important for organizational development and surviving in its environment. They must be informed that they are not be worsen but advantaged because it. The communication must be done before, during, and after the changing of organization to make the changing move smoothly. This article describes the communication role in the changing of organization. it employs cases of two companies as examples of the communication role in smooth and effective change in organization that make them go to the better situation.
Jurnal Manajemen dan Organisasi, 2021
Coffee pulp waste is one of the most significant industrial wastes today because, in the last thr... more Coffee pulp waste is one of the most significant industrial wastes today because, in the last three years, the coffee business has increased in Indonesia, especially in urban areas. Coffee pulp waste has economic value if it can use it. This study is conducted to (1) describe the interest of coffee shops in South Jakarta to provide coffee pulp waste as cosmetic raw materials, (2) to apply green marketing as a social business strategy to develop creative industries. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with a case study approach. To discover coffee shop owners' interests to utilize coffee grounds waste, data collection through interviews with 30 coffee shop owners in South Jakarta, and observation. Determine the strategy of implementing green marketing in coffee shops through the utilization of coffee grounds waste produced. The results showed that coffee shops in South Jakarta produced 1-5 kg of coffee waste per day. All owners have not utilized the coffee grounds ...
Journal of Management and Business Review, 2017
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji moderasi dukungan organisasi, serikat pekerja dan Pemerint... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji moderasi dukungan organisasi, serikat pekerja dan Pemerintah dalam model pengaruh motivasi terhadap kualitas hidup yang dimediasi komitmen kontinuans di wilayah Jabodetabek Indonesia pada pekerja perempuan yang telah menikah dan memiliki anak di industri manufaktur. Sampel dilakukan dengan metode convinience dimana jumlah populasi sulit untuk diketahui. Analisis jalur yang dilakukan menggunakan sofware SPSS V.22 yang dijalankan dengan macro Hayes, 2013. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, pada model 1 tidak ditemukan moderasi dukungan organisasi dan serikat pekerja baik pada pengaruh motivasi terhadap komitmen maupun pengaruh motivasi terhadap kualitas hidup, dimana secara simultan komitmen tidak dapat menjadi variabel mediasi. Begitupula pada model 2 secara simultan tidak ditemukan moderasi dukungan serikat pekerja dan dukungan Pemerintah dalam pengaruh motivasi dan komitmen terhadap kualitas hidup. Namun, secara terpisah model 3 membuktikan ada moderasi signifikan dari dukungan Pemerintah dalam pengaruh komitmen kontinuans terhadap kualitas hidup. Di sisi lain moderasi dukungan serikat pekerja tidak signifikan, tetapi secara bersama-sama dukungan pemerintah dan serikat pekerja dapat memoderasi komitmen dalam meningkatkan kualitas hidup buruh perempuan di Jabotabek.
Jurnal Manajemen Strategi dan Aplikasi Bisnis
The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic required humans to spend more time at home because of the ... more The beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic required humans to spend more time at home because of the government's policy of limiting activities. This study turned out to be a source of trigger for the emergence of social violence in society. Data shows that the level of violence in Indonesia, particularly in Jakarta, is increasing as the Covid-19 pandemic continues. All forms of violence can occur anywhere and anytime. Although various services are provided to victims of violence and improvements in education and technology this is not enough to reduce the violence in Indonesia. This article was written using a qualitative method by analyzing the social impact of the business model canvas to design a feel safe application (FSA). The data used helps strengthen why this FSA project needs to be made as a social entrepreneurship project. The data was obtained through secondary data from government publications and publications related to research that discussed increased social violence...
Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (JPM-IKP), 2019
Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan melalui pembinaan kepada siswa un... more Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan melalui pembinaan kepada siswa untuk pendalaman materi dan pelatihan soal olimpiade ekonomi, untuk mengikuti seleksi olimpiade ke tingkat kabupaten/kota, provinsi, dan nasional. Sasaran dalam kegiatan ini adalah siswa yang sudah dipilih oleh pihak guru sekolah SMA Regina Pacis Bogor. Metode yang digunakan dalam kegiatan ini adalah metode pendekatan secara langsung, ceramah atau praktik. Metode pendekatan dilakukan dengan observasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh siswa. Metode ceramah dilakukan melalui sosialisasi dan pembinaan terkait materi olimpiade. Sedangkan metode praktik dilakukan melalui pelatihan dan pendalaman terhadap soal olimpiade ekonomi. Hasil dari kegiatan ini adalah siswa mampu menganalisis dan terarah cara belajarnya dalam menghadapi seleksi.Kata kunci: materi, olimpiade, pembinaanKegiatan pengabdian masyarakat bertujuan memberikan pengetahuan melalui pembinaan kepada siswa untuk pendalaman materi dan p...
Jurnal Industri Kreatif dan Kewirausahaan, 2021
Artikel ini ingin melihat pengaruh dampak aplikasi, kemudahan informasi dan kemudahan aplikasi go... more Artikel ini ingin melihat pengaruh dampak aplikasi, kemudahan informasi dan kemudahan aplikasi gopay dalam keputusan penggunaannya dalam bertransaksi. Gopay merupakan salah satu alat pembayaran berupa uang tapi jenisnya virtual. Artikel ini memuat hasil penelitian yang mengambil 100 responden, responden tersebut adalah pembeli makanan yang transaksi pembayarannya dilakukan menggunakan uang elektronik gopay. Dari hasil pengolahan data hasil kuesioner, ternyata dampak aplikasi dan kemudahan aplikasi mempunyai pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan masyarakat untuk menggunakan uang elektronik gopay, sdangkan kemudahan informasi tidak memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap keputusan penggunaan uang elektronik. kesimpulan ini dapat dilihat dari nilai t statistic dan p value yang dihasilkan dari pengolahan data menggunakan software pls untuk setiap hipotesis.
Papers by Benedicta Evienia Prabawanti