Papers by Beatriz Gonzalez-Beltran

Online social networks provide technological support for making up virtual groups of any size, wh... more Online social networks provide technological support for making up virtual groups of any size, whose members share common interests and interact through the Internet. A person joins a social network not only owing to its popularity and the quality of its contents, but also thanks to the User Experience (UX) that the platform offers. A crucial factor in the growth and survival of any virtual social group is participation, which should be facilitated by suitable user tools supplied by the platform. However, this is not always the case. Anticipated User eXperience (AUX) allows knowing the idealisations, hopes, and desires of the users in a very early stage of any development. In this paper, we propose an AUX and UX evaluation method for user tools of social networks, whose goal is to improve their design, and through it, the participation of people. We tested our method by an experimental design that included the construction of paper prototypes and execution of tasks in actual platforms. The AUX and UX of the participants were measured with AttrakDiff. As shown by our results, based on their previous experience, participants have fixed ideas on the behaviour of user tools, having a visible impact when their expectations are not met.
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2022
En este trabajo se contrastan las directivas para la accesibilidad movil propuestas por el W3C, l... more En este trabajo se contrastan las directivas para la accesibilidad movil propuestas por el W3C, la BBC y Android. Esta comparacion tiene la finalidad de identificar coincidencias, fortalezas, debilidades, asi como los topicos a considerar al momento de implementar y/o incrementar la accesibilidad movil. Para este analisis se efectuo una revision de los conjuntos de directivas y las recomendaciones contenidas en cada una de ellas. Posteriormente, se organizaron las directivas de acuerdo con los topicos, lo cual permitio efectuar la comparacion y obtener que las directivas del W3C son las que proporcionan un mayor soporte para la accesibilidad movil.
ICERI proceedings, Nov 1, 2019

Pistas Educativas, Feb 28, 2018
El procesamiento automático de textos clínicos ha tomado relevancia en los últimos años, debido a... more El procesamiento automático de textos clínicos ha tomado relevancia en los últimos años, debido a que, diariamente, se genera una gran cantidad de información electrónica que no está estructurada. Este procesamiento puede apoyar a la toma de decisiones clínicas para establecer un tratamiento o realizar un diagnóstico. Este artículo presenta un enfoque de clasificación supervisada de reportes clínicos mediante el algoritmo de Máquinas de Soporte Vectorial (MSV). Se utiliza información lingüística de los textos, con la finalidad de apoyar el diagnóstico de cuatro tipos de cáncer: estómago, pulmonar, cáncer de pecho y cáncer de piel. Una evaluación de información lingüística como el uso de verbos, sustantivos y adjetivos fue desempeñada sobre el conjunto de reportes clínicos. Los resultados de la evaluación de nuestro enfoque son prometedores y proporcionan un referente como herramienta para el procesamiento de textos clínicos en apoyo a los diagnósticos clínicos. Palabras Claves: Apoyo al diagnóstico de cáncer, características lingüísticas, clasificación de textos, procesamiento de lenguaje natural. brought to you by CORE View metadata, citation and similar papers at provided by Instituto Tecnológico de Celaya: E-Journals

Water Resources Management, Aug 24, 2022
The behavior of a rainwater harvesting system depends on some variables that cannot be controlled... more The behavior of a rainwater harvesting system depends on some variables that cannot be controlled, such as precipitation, building roof size and water demand. The selection regarding rainwater tank-size will affect the performance of the system and the cost-bene t ratio. The criterion employed for this selection is based on the need for volume-storage and typically, yield large-sized rainwater-tanks, especially when the amount of rainwater is higher during rainy seasons. This article presents a methodology for modelling the rainwater harvesting, storage, and water consumption, for different con gurations of a set of buildings, called clusters, where all buildings collect, store and same collected water. This methodology allows for analyzing based on different indicators what is the best recommended con guration and tank sizing, based on con guration and storage ratio exhibited, thus avoiding the situation of being underutilized. The proposed methodology is applied to case of study at a university (Mexico). In this study case, the dynamics per day is modeled over a year, considering monthly rainfall averages, over 2 groups made up of 4 buildings with different collecting capabilities and consumption each, allowing for the analysis of 9 cluster con gurations and 4 tank sizing dimensions. The results are analyzed by means of annual indicators such as: the decrease in the volume of water used from the public network, the days of autonomy of the system, and a coe cient R (which relates the volume spilled to the empty volume). This coe cient is then used selection regarding tank sizing and the most recommended cluster con guration.
Computación Y Sistemas, Mar 30, 2022
Clinical Decision Support on patients health outcomes can be performed from free text with Natura... more Clinical Decision Support on patients health outcomes can be performed from free text with Natural Language Processing techniques. However, it becomes a computational challenge due to the complexity of natural language. In recent years, several NLP-based approaches have been proposed to consider clinical decisions support. This paper presents a survey of Natural Language Processing approaches to support clinical decisions on patient health outcomes. The presented approaches are emphasized on the use of free text as input for diverse languages. An analysis of clinical decision support systems based on natural language processing in terms of their performance results is presented.
Avances en interacción humano-computadora, Oct 31, 2018
es una disciplina científica que tiene por objetivo estudiar la representación visual de contenid... more es una disciplina científica que tiene por objetivo estudiar la representación visual de contenido proposicional o numérico que puede afectar varias áreas o disciplinas de conocimiento como interacciona humano-computadora, ingeniería de software, entre otras. Y la propuesta de mejora en patrones de diseño de interfaces gráficas como un resultado de un análisis de heurísticas desde la semiótica.
Sensors, Jul 25, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Revista de prototipos tecnológicos, Apr 1, 2020
Research in Computing Science, Dec 31, 2019
Latest statistics of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the specialized cancer agen... more Latest statistics of the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization shows an increasing global incidence of cancer. In 2012, cancer cases rose to an estimated of 14 million per year. The burden of cancer will 491

Social networks are a meeting point on the Internet; people use them to exchange opinions, help e... more Social networks are a meeting point on the Internet; people use them to exchange opinions, help each other, or have fun. The growth and success of a social network are multifactorial phenomena but can be generalised into two factors: the quality of the content, and the User eXperience (UX) that the platform offers. Thus, the design of the GUI of a social network must come from the needs of its users. It is necessary to study the UX over time, before and after the development of the platform. Before, the Anticipated User eXperience (AUX) allows knowing the idealisations and desires of users. After, the UX is the measure of the actual system. We propose a UX over time evaluation method for user tools in social networks to have a way to contrast both results, improve the design of user tools, and finally increase participation. To test our evaluation method, we designed an experiment in which users had to devise on paper different user tools. Then, they had to evaluate similar elements but this time in actual social networks. The AUX and UX of the participants were measured with AttrakDiff. Our results show that, based on their previous experience, participants had established ideas on the behaviour of user tools, having a visible impact when their expectations were not met.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2020
Home security systems are increasingly popular and affordable. Whether DIY solutions with various... more Home security systems are increasingly popular and affordable. Whether DIY solutions with various accessories or simpler proposals, they are a tool that many consider essential for their home. However, these systems are not without problems. An important one is the anxiety and the sensation of siege that can cause, i.e., that users feel insecure inside their own homes. We propose five design guides focused on consistency, through these and with the help of five experts we perform a heuristic evaluation of three popular solutions in the market to try to find the causes that lead to the harmful effects of security systems. Our results reveal that the leading cause of the false siege is the excess of notifications.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2018
A virtual community is a social group of any size that shares common interests and communicates t... more A virtual community is a social group of any size that shares common interests and communicates through the Internet. A user joins a virtual community not only because of its popularity or the quality of its contents, but also owing to the user experience that the platform offers. Anticipated User eXperience (AUX) allows knowing the idealisations, hopes, and desires of the users in a very early stage of any development. Participation is a crucial component in the growth and survival of any virtual community. An essential element for people to participate in a virtual community is that the platform should provide suitable user tools, which are widgets that allow users to interact with their peers. We propose an AUX evaluation framework for user tools, whose intention is to improve their design, and through it, the participation of users.

Res. Comput. Sci., 2020
The analysis of academic data looking for patterns of interest has increased in the last years. H... more The analysis of academic data looking for patterns of interest has increased in the last years. However, this is not a simple process, especially considering the amount of data that is generated in an educative environment. With thousands of data, it is complicated searching for patterns that can simplify or improve an analysis. However, humans have an innate capacity for understanding images better than data, using this ability simplifies the process of finding patterns for its later analysis. This work shows the analysis of admission features for determining their impact in finishing or not of university studies using Educational Data Mining and Information Visualization. Results show that first approaches obtained from visualizing the data and finding patterns simplify the process of determining the effect of these features. It is also shown that a student with an older admission age is prone for not finishing their studies.
ICERI2021 Proceedings, 2021
Papers by Beatriz Gonzalez-Beltran