Papers by Beatriz Berrospi Torres
IGOBERNANZA, Jan 16, 2019
<jats:p>Hoy se presencia en el Perú, una reducción en la relación alumnos/computadora prome... more <jats:p>Hoy se presencia en el Perú, una reducción en la relación alumnos/computadora promedio de 71 en el año 2000 a 7 en el 2015, A esto se agrega el auge de diversas organizaciones internacionales que proponen competencias docentes para el presente siglo en el aspecto tecnológico. Este contexto de nuevos escenarios y desempeños docentes motivó la realización del presente estudio descriptivo cuantitativo no experimental, con el objeto de determinar el nivel de competencias tecnológicas básicas en sesenta docentes de aula de innovación pedagógica de las Instituciones Educativas del distrito de Villa María del Triunfo, desde su propia perspectiva.&#x0D; Metodológicamente se empleó la técnica de la encuesta basada en la aplicación de un cuestionario previamente validado por juicio de expertos y sometido a la prueba de consistencia interna de Alfa de Cronbach (0,981). Además el instrumento consideró un total de 55 items distribuidos en seis dimensiones.&#x0D; Entre los resultados obtenidos se destaca que un 43,33; 48,33 y 50,00% de los docentes encuestados se ubican en el nivel avanzado correspondiente a las dimensiones de conocimiento de tecnología básica, trabajo con aplicaciones informáticas básicas y actividades con internet, respectivamente. Sin embargo la frecuencia en este nivel avanzado se reduce al 28,33; 41,67 y 23,33% de los docentes para el manejo de software educativo, actividad con aplicaciones multimedia y manejo de presentaciones multimedia, respectivamente. Esto último da lugar a que 41,67; 36,67 y 51,67% de los docentes se ubiquen en el nivel básico de competencias tecnológicas para las dimensiones anteriormente mencionadas.</jats:p>
The purpose of this paper is to show how leaders can be supported in creating and managing intern... more The purpose of this paper is to show how leaders can be supported in creating and managing international teams in a more effective and efficient way. This paper tries to fill the gap between the more theoretical findings as presented in the literature and a pragmatic approach which can be used for execution by these leaders and teams. The main findings in the research is that although the leaders have a vast set of skills they require to do their jobs, it seems that the major issue is the different 'view on the world' and in more detail the differences between a leader and his team if he or she comes from a different cultural background. The paper aims to support people who work in international teams in different roles and locations.
The purpose of this paper is to show how leaders can be supported in creating and managing into i... more The purpose of this paper is to show how leaders can be supported in creating and managing into international teams in a different effective and efficient ways. This paper tries to fill the gap between the more theoretical findings as presented in the literature and a pragmatic approach which can be used for execution by these leaders with the theirs teams. The main findings in the research is that although the leaders have a vast set of factors they require to do their jobs, it seems that the major issue is the different ‘view on the world’ and in more detail the differences between a leader and his team if he or she comes from a different cultural background, according, their emotions, communication, motivators, and knowledge. The paper aims to support people who work in international teams in different roles and locations.
Sexual and relationship therapy : journal of the British Association for Sexual and Relationship Therapy, 2016
The effect of prostate cancer treatment in gay and bisexual men is an under-researched area. In 2... more The effect of prostate cancer treatment in gay and bisexual men is an under-researched area. In 2015, we conducted in-depth telephone interviews with 19 gay and bisexual men who had undergone radical prostatectomies. Across the respondents' five emotional themes emerged: (1) shock at the diagnosis, (2) a reactive, self-reported "depression", (3) sex-specific situational anxiety, (4) a sense of grief, and, (5) an enduring loss of sexual confidence. Identity challenges included loss of a sense of maleness and manhood, changes in strength of sexual orientation, role-in-sex identity, and immersion into sexual sub-cultures. Relationship challenges identified included disclosing the sexual effects of treatment to partners, loss of partners, and re-negotiation of sexual exclusivity. Most to all of these effects stem from sexual changes. To mitigate these negative effects of radical prostatectomy, and to address health disparities n outcomes observed in gay and bisexual men, a...
A pesar de las numerosas investigaciones realizadas sobre anticoncepcion en Mexico, no se ha prof... more A pesar de las numerosas investigaciones realizadas sobre anticoncepcion en Mexico, no se ha profundizado en la situacion a nivel regional y no se han estudiado suficientemente los cambios en el tiempo con metodologias adecuadas. Estudios previos han senalado ciertas particularidades de las mujeres que tienen necesidades insatisfechas de anticoncepcion (NIA). El objetivo de esta tesis es analizar y comparar regionalmente las necesidades insatisfechas de anticoncepcion (NIA) de las mujeres unidas en Mexico e indagar si hubo cambios entre 1997 y 2009, estimando modelos de regresion logistica con informacion de las Encuestas Nacionales de Dinamica Demografica (ENADID). Los principales resultados arrojados por esta investigacion muestran que las mujeres con mayores necesidades insatisfechas son las mas jovenes, hablantes de lengua indigena, residentes en zonas rurales, con un nivel de escolaridad bajo y cuya region de residencia tiene muy alta marginacion. Ademas, se concluye que no se dieron cambios en los niveles de necesidades insatisfechas de las mujeres unidas en edad fertil entre los dos anos de estudio, una vez controladas ciertas variables socio-demograficas. Los cambios observados en una primera instancia obedecen a que existe un mayor peso poblacional de grupos con menores necesidades insatisfechas de anticoncepcion en el ultimo ano.
oficiales mexicanas, autorregulación, auditoría ambiental, instrumentos económicos, información a... more oficiales mexicanas, autorregulación, auditoría ambiental, instrumentos económicos, información ambiental, educación e investigación, áreas naturales protegidas, regulación directa de vida silvestre, regulación directa de materiales y residuos peligrosos y riesgo, regulación de actividades industriales, convenios, acuerdos y participación, verificación, control y vigilancia, pero no se tienen instrumentos de evaluación o de responsabilidad por el daño ambiental. Este trabajo se aboca precisamente al análisis del paradigma de la Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental y la valoración del daño ambiental, estableciendo un
Endocrinologia y nutricion : organo de la Sociedad Espanola de Endocrinologia y Nutricion, Jan 25, 2016
No conclusive data exist on the value of a high resolution thyroid nodule clinic for management o... more No conclusive data exist on the value of a high resolution thyroid nodule clinic for management of nodular thyroid disease. The aim of this study was to evaluate the economic impact of and user satisfaction with a high resolution thyroid nodule clinic (HRTNC) in coordination with primary care. A prospective, observational, descriptive study was conducted to analyze data from 3,726 patients (mean age 61±12 years; 85% women) evaluated at an HRTNC during 2014 and 2015. Demographic data (sex and age), number of ultrasound examinations and fine needle aspiration cytologies (FNAC), referral center and consultation type were assessed. In 2014 and 2015, 3,726 neck ultrasound examinations and 926 FNACs (3.8% rated as non-diagnostic) were performed. Among the 1,227 patients evaluated for the first time, 21.5% did not require a second endocrine appointment, which resulted in mean estimated savings of 14,354.55 euros. Of all patients, 41.1% were referred from primary care, 33.4% from endocrinol...
O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de traçar um paralelo entre o fenômeno bullying e o instituto ... more O presente trabalho tem o objetivo de traçar um paralelo entre o fenômeno bullying e o instituto jurídico da responsabilidade civil. Sendo o bullying um ato covarde capaz de provocar graves lesões a dignidade da pessoa humana ele caracteriza o dano moral ou até mesmo material que merece ser reparado e indenizado. Assim, a vítima do bullying poderá pleitear em juízo o seu direito de reparação. Também neste trabalho fazemos uma abordagem a respeito da responsabilidade dos pais, do incapaz e das escolas com base na legislação prevista no Código Civil, Constituição Federal, Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente bem como o Código de Defesa do Consumidor. Por último, as medidas de proteção e a necessidade de uma legislação eficiente que reprima este tipo de violência que tem preocupado os estudiosos das áreas de educação, psicologia e, também, jurídica.Ce document vise à tracer un parallèle entre le phénomène d'intimidation et de l'institution juridique de la responsabilité civile. Comme l'intimidation un acte lâche capables de causer des blessures graves à la dignité humaine, il caractérise le préjudice moral ou même du matériel qui doit être réparé et indemnisé. Ainsi, la victime de l'intimidation peuvent plaider devant les tribunaux leur droit à réparation. Toujours dans cette étude nous nous approchons de la responsabilité des parents, incapables et des écoles basé sur la loi en vertu du Code civil, la Constitution fédérale, l'enfant et l'adolescent et du Code de la consommation. Enfin, les mesures de protection et de la nécessité d'une législation efficace pour réprimer ce type de violence qui a préoccupé les savants dans les domaines de l'éducation, la psychologie, et aussi juridique
Perspectivas Revista De Ciencias Sociais, 2011
Ciencia Odontologica Num 2 Vol 9, 2015
Purpose: To evaluate the effect of feldspatic porcelain inlays, manufactured by the CAD/CAM metho... more Purpose: To evaluate the effect of feldspatic porcelain inlays, manufactured by the CAD/CAM method, on young molars treated endodontically in order to prevent complications in the stomatognatic system due to loss of these teeth. Methodology: Description of the making of 15 inlays of IPS Empress®/CAD (Ivoclar) feldspatic porcelain on left or right endodontically treated mandibular molars, on male or female patients between the ages of 11-18 years old. The feldspatic porcelain inlays were manufactured by the CAD/CAM Cerec® method in lab (Sirona) and clinically evaluated at a 6-and then 12-month period, as established by the USPHS (United States Public Health Services). Results: Clinical and radiographic evaluations demonstrated that, in the evaluated time, all the feldspatic IPS Empress®/CAD (Ivoclar) porcelain structures display an adequate anatomical shape and maintain their marginal adaptation and color stability. Conclusion: The CAD/CAM Cerec® system makes it possible to manufacture IPS Em-press®/CAD (Ivoclar) feldspatic porcelain inlays with a useful life for the duration of the evaluated time.
Experiencias En La Formacion Y Operacion De Cuerpos Academicos Handbook T Ii Congreso Interdisciplinario De Cuerpos Academicos 2014 Isbn 978 607 8324 20 0 Pags 56 60, 2014
In Mexico national education policies have aimed to promote and support new ways of stimulating t... more In Mexico national education policies have aimed to promote and support new ways of stimulating the generation and application of knowledge, promoting the creation of Academic Bodies (CA) in public institutions of higher education to strengthen the work dynamics Academics, encouraging collaboration and cooperation between research groups, manifesting in the structuring and consolidation of inter and multidisciplinary teams. The CA "Education, health and oral epidemiology" and "Comprehensive Community Health" of the Universidad Veracruzana organized the V National and International Meeting of CA of Dentistry. Objective: To strengthen the collaboration networks of CA in the area of oral health for joint work between national and international universities, through multidisciplinary care and education to real social problems. Achieving 112 publishing refereed articles and three books making: Investigacion Epidemiologica en Odontologia, Investigacion Educativa en Odontologia and Investigacion Basica y Clinica en odontologia, are the product of the collaboration network where they participate in 45 chapters of 16 academic universities, which contribute to strengthening the CA.
El proyecto de investigacion realizado en esta tesis se enmarca dentro del campo de la optica cua... more El proyecto de investigacion realizado en esta tesis se enmarca dentro del campo de la optica cuantica, y su objetivo principal ha sido el estudio de los efectos que se producen debido a la interaccion entre un atomo ultrafio de dos niveles en movimiento y un campo laser localizado en cierta region del espacio. Uno de los efectos encontrados es la supresion de las oscilaciones de Rabi cuando el atomo entra en la region iluminada por el laser, que depende de la velocidad de incidencia del atomo en dicha region y constituye un metodo de seleccion de estados: independientemente del estado de incidencia, el estado final puede ser seleccionado variando parametros del laser tales como la intensidad y el desintonizado. Se ha estudiado la analogia optica de este efecto de supresion en terminos de la actividad optica y de la polarizacion de la luz en interaccion con un medio opticamente activo. Para modelar la interaccion fisica entre el atomo y el laser, hemos obtenido un potencial complejo exacto, no local y dependiente de la energia, que en cierto limite puede aproximarse por un potencial local y dependiente de la energia, que en cierto limite puede aproximarse por un potencial local e independiente de la energia, lo que a su vez justifica el uso de este tipo de potenciales en los modelos de medida de tiempos, en particular en medidas de tiempos de llegada de particulas sujetas a potenciales externos. Finalmente, usando el potencial complejo hemos propuestos dos metodos de deteccion perfecta de atomos ultrafrios y hemos comparado dicho potencial con otros potenciales absorbentes perfectos basados en argumentos semiclasicos.
ONU Hábitat propone el uso de 42 indicadores para monitorear el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de ... more ONU Hábitat propone el uso de 42 indicadores para monitorear el cumplimiento de los Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio en las principales zonas urbanas del planeta. Los indicadores se dividen en cinco grandes temáticas: 1. Vivienda; 2. Desarrollo social; 3. Administración ambiental; 4. Desarrollo económico y 5. Gobernanza. En este tomo analizaremos los indicadores que se refieren al grupo 4, Desarrollo económico. El grupo 4 cuenta con tres indicadores, todos ellos clave. En este grupo no se cuenta con indicadores extensivos (EI) ni con listas de verificación (VL). Se utiliza la codificación universal para los indicadores ONU Hábitat, nombrando a los indicadores clave a partir de sus siglas en inglés (Key Indicators: KI) y numerándolos cronológicamente; para el grupo 4 son Empleo informal (KI 17), Producto Interno Bruto de la ciudad (KI 18) y Desempleo (KI 19). Los indicadores de desarrollo económico fueron calculados en la medida de lo posible para las ocho zonas metropolitanas (Z....
European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies | Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 2014
Social resistance against hydraulic megaprojects in Latin America This article contributes to the... more Social resistance against hydraulic megaprojects in Latin America This article contributes to the identification of certain common elements in the resistance to major water infrastructure projects in Latin America. To do this, we focus on the formation of Latin American networks of people affected by these projects and explore some particular cases that constitute clear examples of the diversity of existing networks. We describe the ways in which those affected respond to these mega projects, joining diverse social groups that accompany the struggles. In addition, we try to problematize the notion of 'the affected' and contrast it empirically with the chosen cases.
Revista europea de estudios latinoamericanos y del Caribe = European review of Latin American and Caribbean studies
Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Com-mons Attribution 3.0 Unported... more Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Com-mons Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License by/3.0/. ERLACS is published by CEDLA – Centre for Latin American Research and Documentation/ Centro de Estudios y Documentación Latinoamericanos, Amsterdam;; ISSN 0924-0608, eISSN 1879-4750. Abstract: Social resistance against hydraulic megaprojects in Latin America This article contributes to the identification of certain common elements in the resistance to major water infrastructure projects in Latin America. To do this, we focus on the formation of Latin American networks of people affected by these projects and explore some particular cases that constitute clear examples of the diversity of existing networks. We describe the ways in which those affected respond to these mega projects, joining diverse social groups that accompany the struggles. In addition, we try to problematize the notion of 'the affect...
Nutrición hospitalaria, Jan 18, 2015
To evaluate the gastrointestinal tolerance and acceptance of the new formulation of Isosource Pro... more To evaluate the gastrointestinal tolerance and acceptance of the new formulation of Isosource Protein ® Fibre® with a new blend of fibers IS50®. Opened, non-comparative, nonrandomized, descriptive study in patients requiring full enteral tube feeding for at least 7 days. Gastrointestinal tolerance was assessed by daily record of subjective gastrointestinal symptoms by the patient, and objectives behind the abdominal exploration by the researcher for up to 15 days. 18 patients were included with a mean age of 67.32 ± 13.8 years, of whom 66.7% were male. The average actual weight of the sample was 68.7 ± 9.8 kg (range: 51-90 kg) and BMI 24.0 ± 4.0 kg/m2 (range: 16.0 to 32.00 kg/m2). The average volume prescribed Isosource Protein® Fiber® was 1580 ± 282.7 ml / day (range: 1200 to 2000 ml/day). 72.22% of the patients received 1500 ml/day, received 16.67% 1750 ml / day, 5.56% received 2000 ml/day and 5.56% received 2500 ml/day. The analysis of the gastrointestinal tolerance of patients r...
Revista de Dialectología y Tradiciones Populares, 2000
Ver sobre este tema en concreto Torres (en proceso). Al respecto, véase el excelente trabajo de G... more Ver sobre este tema en concreto Torres (en proceso). Al respecto, véase el excelente trabajo de García Quintanüla (1999).
Gene, 2015
The collection of pharmacogenetic variants in Mexican populations remains incomplete, thus, we ai... more The collection of pharmacogenetic variants in Mexican populations remains incomplete, thus, we aimed to characterize the genotype frequency of 11 SNP on CYP2C9 and VKORC1 in more than one-thousand individuals, and to explore their potential impact on coumarin dosing. In natives, genotype frequencies indicate that over 92% would reflect an extensive metabolism. For Mestizo populations, the proportion of CYP2C9 extensive (79%), intermediate (20.0%) and poor metabolizers (1.0%) was significantly different from that of natives, and varied among the different states of Mexico. Genotype frequencies of 7 SNP on VKORC1, were more homogenously distributed among natives and Mestizos. VKORC1 haplotype analysis revealed that most natives can be grouped into haplotypes H1 or H7-H8, while Mestizos showed a wider frequency distribution for other haplotypes. Our observations confirm previous reports on the genotype distribution of major CYP2C9 alleles, and contribute to the collection of genotype frequencies on relevant VKORC1 variants.
Papers by Beatriz Berrospi Torres