Papers by Bartosz Papiernik
Proceedings, May 23, 2011
Przegląd Geologiczny, 2014
Przegląd Geologiczny, 2014
Geologia / Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza im. Stanisława Staszica w Krakowie, 2009
The paper presents results of estimation of natural gas prognostic resources in the Polish part o... more The paper presents results of estimation of natural gas prognostic resources in the Polish part of the Rotliegend basin and indicates zones of possible accumulation. Generation potential of Carboniferous source rocks was estimated using the genetic method. Quantity of the free gas introduced into the reservoir was calculated using the differential mass balance method. The final obtained value of the accumulation potential is equivalent to prognostic resources.
Prace Naukowe Instytutu Nafty i Gazu, 2016
Journal of Petroleum Geology, 2018
The principal source rocks in the Outer Carpathians are organic‐rich shales in the Oligocene to L... more The principal source rocks in the Outer Carpathians are organic‐rich shales in the Oligocene to Lower Miocene Menilite Formation. The average total organic carbon (TOC) content in the Menilite Formation is 4–8 wt%; the maximum measured is 26 wt%. Organic matter (OM) is oil‐prone Type II kerogen derived mainly from algae and cyanobacteria which was deposited under euxinic conditions. The thermal maturity of the Menilite shales varies significantly within the Outer Carpathians, both vertically in relation to burial depth and laterally in different tectonic units, and increases from external to internal parts of the orogenic belt. Maturity in general ranges from immature to different phases of the “oil window” and up to the “gas window”.
Energies, May 11, 2022
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Second EAGE CO2 Geological Storage Workshop 2010, 2010
ANALYSIS OF GEOLOGICAL RISK ELEMENTS IN THE SULISZEWO-RADĘCIN AREA FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF CARB... more ANALYSIS OF GEOLOGICAL RISK ELEMENTS IN THE SULISZEWO-RADĘCIN AREA FROM THE POINT OF VIEW OF CARBON DIOXIDE STORAGE Abstract. The paper presents the analysis of risk elements in the Lower Jurassic water-saturated formation in the Radecin-Suliszewo area. The reservoir rocks in this area are represented by Sinemurian and Pliensbachian sandstones sealed by Toarcian mudstones and claystones. The authors constructed a structural model arid then base parametric models for the Radecin-Suliszewo area. Based on the base models, an output value of the CO 2 amount possible to be injected was estimated. In the next stage, following the Uncertainty Analysis procedure in Petrel, analysis of four elements affecting volumetric values was carried out (i.e. gas saturation, location of gas/water contact, porosity, and the ratio of reservoir rocks versus sealing rocks). With application of the Monte Carlo method, sampling for the above uncertainty elements was performed. For each realization, gas volum...
Evolution of the Miocene deposits of the C a rp a th ia n Foredeep in the vicinity of Rzeszów (th... more Evolution of the Miocene deposits of the C a rp a th ia n Foredeep in the vicinity of Rzeszów (the Sokołów-Sm olarzyny 3D seismic survey area).
Biuletyn Państwowego Instytutu Geologicznego, 2003
Treoeae: W wyniku poszukiwañ wêglowodorów w osadach paleozoiku nale¿¹cych do bloków górnooel¹-ski... more Treoeae: W wyniku poszukiwañ wêglowodorów w osadach paleozoiku nale¿¹cych do bloków górnooel¹-skiego i ma³opolskiego, pod przykryciem miocenu zapadliska przedkarpackiego, odkryto przemys³o-we nagromadzenia wêglowodorów w utworach dewonu oraz karbonu. Na obszarze niecki miechows-kiej, w profilu paleozoiku objawy wystêpowania wêglowodorów s¹ nieliczne, prawdopodobnie z powodu braku uszczelnienia mioceñskiego. W artykule zaprezentowano wyniki przestrzennego modelowania zmiennooeci litofacji i parametrów zbiornikowych, utworów dewonu i karbonu oraz ich bezpooered-niego nadk³adu-triasu i jury oerodkowej. Komputerowy model 3D o powierzchni ponad 1200 km 2 , opracowano na podstawie danych sejsmicznych, laboratoryjnych i wyników interpretacji geofizyki wiertniczej, w rejonie Proszowice-Busko-Piñczów. Uzyskane wyniki pokazuj¹, ¿e dominuj¹ce w pod³o¿u po³udniowej niecki miechowskiej wêglanowe utwory dewonu i karbonu stanowi¹ s³abe ska³y zbiornikowe, jednak¿e podstawow¹ przeszkod¹ dla powstani...
Treoeae: Wykorzystuj¹c archiwalne dane kartograficzne, profile stratygraficzne 40 odwiertów, wyni... more Treoeae: Wykorzystuj¹c archiwalne dane kartograficzne, profile stratygraficzne 40 odwiertów, wyniki profilowañ opornooeci, potencja³ów polaryzacji naturalnej oraz wyniki interpretacji porowatooeci i za-ilenia, zbudowano modele strukturalno-parametryczne fa³du Grabownicy. Na ich podstawie opraco-wano dyskretny "model pseudofacjalny". Modelowania przedstawiono na przyk³adzie modelu 3D od-wzorowuj¹cego zachodnie zamkniêcie fa³du. Przedyskutowano niektóre aspekty metodyczne mode-lowania i wiarygodnooeae uzyskanych wyników. Abstract: Using archival data from mapping, stratigraphy from 40 wells and resistivity and spontaneous potential logs, as well as porosity and clay content curves, the authors constructed structural -parametric models of the Grabownica Fold. On this basis, a discrete "pseudo-facies model" was developed. The modeling was exemplified by the 3D model that images the western closure of the fold. Some methodological aspects of the modeling and the relia...
Papers by Bartosz Papiernik