Papers by Elena Bartolomé

Advanced Functional Materials, Jul 11, 2023
Multi‐metallic multivariate (MTV) rare earth (RE) metal−organic frameworks (MOFs) are of interest... more Multi‐metallic multivariate (MTV) rare earth (RE) metal−organic frameworks (MOFs) are of interest for the development of multifunctional materials, however examples with more than three RE cations are rare and obstructed by compositional segregation during synthesis. Herein, this work demonstrates the synthesis of a multi‐metallic MTV RE MOF incorporating two, four, six, or eight different RE ions with different sizes and in nearly equimolar amounts and no compositional segregation. The MOFs are formed by a combination of RE cations (La, Ce, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Y, and Yb) and a 1,7‐di(4‐carboxyphenyl)‐1,7‐dicarba‐closo‐dodecaborane (mCB‐L) linker. The steric bulkiness and acidity of mCB‐L is crucial for the incorporation of different size RE ions into the MOF structure. Demonstration of the incorporation of all RE cations is performed via compositional and structural characterization. The more complex MTV MOF, including all eight RE ions (mCB‐8RE), are also characterized using optical, thermal, and magnetic techniques. Element‐selective X‐ray absorption spectroscopy and X‐ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism measurements allow us to characterize spectroscopically each of the eight RE ions and determine their magnetic moments. This work paves the way for the investigation of MTV MOFs with the possibility to combine RE ions à la carte for diverse applications.
Resumen del poster presentado a la "4th European Conference on Molecular Magnetism" cel... more Resumen del poster presentado a la "4th European Conference on Molecular Magnetism" celebrada en Karlsruhe (Alemania) del 6 al 10 de octubre de 2013.
Superconductor Science and Technology, Feb 20, 2008
... magnetic block; the bulks are included in the path of the cool hydrogen gas which maintains a... more ... magnetic block; the bulks are included in the path of the cool hydrogen gas which maintains aworking temperature of 50 ... 15914 [2] Snitchler G, Gamble B and Kalsi SS 2005 The performance of a 5 MW high temperature superconductor ship propulsion motor IEEE Trans. ...
Superconductor Science and Technology, Oct 7, 2008
Magnetic Hall probe microscopy in combination with an inverse problem solver was used to simultan... more Magnetic Hall probe microscopy in combination with an inverse problem solver was used to simultaneously determine the intragranular and intergranular critical current density dependences on the applied field of YBCO melt-textured welds with [001]-misorientation angles from 0° to 30°. This methodology enabled us to investigate the pinning mechanisms of grain boundary vortices, which evolve from Abrikosov vortices (AVs) to Abrikosov-Josephson
Dalton Transactions, 2023
We report the synthesis and magneto-optical characterization of multifunctional heterometallic 2D... more We report the synthesis and magneto-optical characterization of multifunctional heterometallic 2D MOFs, [TbxEu1−x(MeCOO)(PhCOO)2], that combine luminescence and SMM properties and afford exfoliation by sonication.

Physical review, Aug 2, 2019
The intrinsic and effective anisotropies, both in the liquid and solid vortex regimes, of YBa 2 C... more The intrinsic and effective anisotropies, both in the liquid and solid vortex regimes, of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 pristine and nanocomposite thin-films have been investigated. Angular resistivity measurements under varying fields and temperatures were performed to characterize the intrinsic vs. effective anisotropy of samples in the regime of longrange vortex displacements. The effective anisotropy γ eff was determined from the scaling of the irreversibility line, applying Blatter approach developed for uniaxial anisotropic superconductors. Resistive measurements in flux-flow were utilized, in addition to H c2 measurements in ultra-high-fields, to determine the intrinsic anisotropy mass γ, enabling the study of a large number of samples with varied nanoparticle compositions. In order to access the intrinsic anisotropy in the vortex solid phase, complex impedance measurements at high microwave frequencies were performed, allowing us to access the flux-flow intrinsic anisotropy in the regime of very-short vortex oscillations within the pinning potential wells. Results show that while the effective anisotropy γ eff decays as the nanoparticlesinduced nanostrain in the YBCO films increases, the intrinsic anisotropy γ (determined both in dc and at microwave frequency) remains unaltered.

Advanced Materials Interfaces
We report the deposition of monolayers and multilayers of {Cr10(OMe)20(O2CCMe3)10} wheels, hereaf... more We report the deposition of monolayers and multilayers of {Cr10(OMe)20(O2CCMe3)10} wheels, hereafter {Cr10}, onto Au(111) and Cu(111) single‐crystal substrates, and their characterization combining scanning tunneling microscopy, X‐ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X‐ray absorption spectroscopy, X‐ray natural linear dichroism, and X‐ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD). {Cr10} in bulk shows axial magnetic anisotropy and a cluster total spin S = 9 ground state, stemming from an interaction scheme of two semi‐crowns containing four Cr3+ ions interacting ferromagnetically, separated by two Cr3+ antiferromagnetically coupled. The one‐monolayer (1ML) samples of {Cr10} sublimated on Ag(111) and Cu(111) show slightly different applied magnetic field dependence of XMCD signal. The field‐dependence of the magnetization evolves from a lower curve for the 1ML {Cr10} samples to a curve resembling the bulk one as the number of layers is increased, as shown in a 14ML sample. Monte Carlo simulati...
Superconductor Science and Technology, 2008
Magnetic Hall probe microscopy in combination with an inverse problem solver was used to simultan... more Magnetic Hall probe microscopy in combination with an inverse problem solver was used to simultaneously determine the intragranular and intergranular critical current density dependences on the applied field of YBCO melt-textured welds with [001]-misorientation angles from 0° to 30°. This methodology enabled us to investigate the pinning mechanisms of grain boundary vortices, which evolve from Abrikosov vortices (AVs) to Abrikosov-Josephson
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2006
The microstructural and magnetic properties of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (YBCO) welds with different crystal... more The microstructural and magnetic properties of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7 (YBCO) welds with different crystallographic [001]-tilt misorientation, prepared by the Ag surface melting induced welding technique, have been studied. The inter-and intra-grain critical current densities have been simultaneously obtained by solving the Inverse Problem from the remanent local magnetization magnetic field maps measured by Hall Probe imaging. The obtained dependence of the inter-grain current density with the angle, J c GB (), is compared to previous results for thin-film bicrystals and bulk boundaries.
Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2006
... The magnetization maps are simulated with the help of a new developed software based on the c... more ... The magnetization maps are simulated with the help of a new developed software based on the critical state that, working basically as a 'pac-man' constructs the pattern of induced current loops in a given sample (assumed infinitely long) containing any desired distribution of ...
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers
We report a simple method for large area surface functionalization. A proof of concept is given b... more We report a simple method for large area surface functionalization. A proof of concept is given by grafting the complexes [Ln2(SYML)3(H2O)] on functionalized Si(100) and using a combination of techniques, including GIXRD, XMCD and luminescence.

Póster presentado a la XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física celebrada en ... more Póster presentado a la XXXVII Reunión Bienal de la Real Sociedad Española de Física celebrada en Zaragoza del 15 al 19 de julio de 2019.The self-assembly of magnetic molecules on supporting surfaces provides potentially very interesting magnetic nano-devices in the fields of high-density information storage, information processing and spintronics. We have previously evaporated wheel molecules of formula {Cr10(OMe)20(O2CCMe3)10}, ({Cr10} from now-on) by direct sublimation in UHV on a Ag(110) single-crystal. In powder form, these molecules show ferromagnetic interactions, therefore, they are good candidates as magnetic molecules in a 2D array. In this work, the molecules are deposited onto the Au(111) surface. The STM image in Fig. 1 shows a monolayer of {Cr10} molecules, self-organized in a quasi-hexagonal 2D network. We have studied three samples: a monolayer (1ML) and a multilayer (14 ML) of {Cr10} on Au(111) as well as the {Cr10} molecular material in bulk, powder form. XMCD measu...
Investigadors de l'Escola Universitaria Salesiana de Sarria (EUSS) de Barcelona, adscrita a l... more Investigadors de l'Escola Universitaria Salesiana de Sarria (EUSS) de Barcelona, adscrita a la UAB, l'Institut de Ciencia de Materials d'Arago (ICMA-CSIC) de Saragossa, l'Academia de Ciencies de Moldavia i l'Institut de Quimica Molecular de Romania acaben de sintetitzar i descriure les propietats magnetiques d'una nova molecula imant, el {Dy (α-fur)3}n, un compost basat en el disprosi com a io magnetic i furoats com lligands organics.

Superconductor Science and Technology, 2020
Anisotropy is an intrinsic factor that dictates the magnetic properties of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ , thu... more Anisotropy is an intrinsic factor that dictates the magnetic properties of YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ , thus with great impact for many applications. Artificial pinning centres are often introduced in an attempt to mitigate its effect, resulting in less anisotropic electrical and magnetic properties. However, the nanoengineering of the superconductor makes the quantification of the anisotropy itself uncertain: the intrinsic anisotropy due to the layered structure, quantified by the anisotropy factor γ, mixes up with the additional anisotropy due to pinning. As a consequence, there is no consensus on the experimental anisotropy factor γ that can result in YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ when directional (twin planes, nanorods) or isotropic defects are present. We present here measurements of the magnetic field and angular dependent surface impedance in very different nanostructured YBa 2 Cu 3 O 7−δ films, grown by chemical route and by pulsed laser deposition, with different kind of defects (nanorods, twin planes, nanoparticles). We show that the surface impedance measurements are able to disentangle the intrinsic anisotropy from the directional pinning anisotropy, thanks to the possibility to extract the true anisotropic flux-flow resistivity and by correctly exploiting the angular scaling. We find in all films that the intrinsic anisotropy γ = 5.3 ± 0.7. By contrast, the pinning anisotropy determines a much complex, feature-rich and nonuniversal, sampledependent angular landscape.

Education Sciences, 2021
Many active, inquiry-based learning activities nowadays rely upon the students’ capacity to perfo... more Many active, inquiry-based learning activities nowadays rely upon the students’ capacity to perform efficient information research on the Internet. Study and Research Paths (SRPs) have been proposed to model inquiry learning, and successfully used as teaching formats in different areas. In an SRP the search for an answer to a generating question (Q0) leads to a sequence of derived questions and answers, which are modeled using a Q–A map. We have investigated the benefits of using SRPs and Q–A maps to improve Web-based inquiry learning. We designed an SRP for a course on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), belonging to an Engineering degree. The class-session SRPs revolved around Q0 questions such as ‘What is a «firewall»?’, ‘What are the main features of 5G?’ etc. Our results, based on the analysis of six courses conducted between 2015/16–2020/21, show that the SRP is an enriching tool for learning ICT: content expands beyond that of the traditional course and is maint...
Journal of the American Chemical Society
Papers by Elena Bartolomé