Papers by Barbara Hogenboom
The Extractive Industries and Society, Nov 1, 2016
In the last decade, South America has seen substantial economic growth combined with impressive s... more In the last decade, South America has seen substantial economic growth combined with impressive social progress. While the surge in social spending was possible because of a large-scale commodity-driven boom, the benefits of small-scale mining for local development were largely overlooked by central governments. And now that the boom is over, the question is what those bonanza years did for the sustainable development of the region.
Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 2015
Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe, 2015
Review essay of: A. Bebbington, J. Bury (2013) Subterranean Struggles: New Dynamics of Mining, Oi... more Review essay of: A. Bebbington, J. Bury (2013) Subterranean Struggles: New Dynamics of Mining, Oil, and Gas in Latin America; F. Li (2015) Unearthing conflict: Corporate Mining, Activism, and Expertise in Peru; P.I. Vasquez (2014) Oil Sparks in the Amazon: Local Conflicts, Indigenous Populations, and Natural Resources.
European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Dec 7, 2015
European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Oct 28, 2015
Journal of Developing Societies, Sep 1, 2004
Third World Quarterly, Dec 1, 1996
... hand information on Mexican problems, gave them a role as intermediaries between Mexican ... ... more ... hand information on Mexican problems, gave them a role as intermediaries between Mexican ... Instrumental motivation also played a considerable role for other sorts of NGOS to ... the three North American countries, and as many of them sought cross-border contacts, transnational ...
Perspectives on Global Development and Technology, Oct 8, 2014
Berghahn Books, Dec 31, 2022
International Journal of Political Economy, Dec 1, 1996
Journal of Developing Societies, Jun 1, 2012
Berghahn Books, Dec 31, 2022

1. The New Expansion of Conglomerates and Economic Groups: An Introduction to Global Neoliberaliz... more 1. The New Expansion of Conglomerates and Economic Groups: An Introduction to Global Neoliberalization and Local Power Shifts Alex E. Fernandez Jilberto and Barbara Hogenboom Part I: Asia 2 Public versus Private: Governance in East Asia in the Age of Globalization Kurt W. Radtke 3. Conglomerates in Indonesia: The Road to Power and Beyond J. Thomas Lindblad 4. The Rise of Taiwanese Family-Owned Business Groups in the Telecommunication Industry Momoko Kawakami 5. Conglomerates in Iran: The Political Economy of Islamic Foundations Eva Rakel Part II: Latin America 6. Latin American Conglomerates in the Neoliberal Era: The Politics of Economic Concentration in Chile and Mexico Alex E. Fernandez Jilberto and Barbara Hogenboom 7. Economic Groups and the Rise and Collapse of Neoliberalism in Argentina Miguel Teubal 8. Economic Flexibilization and Denationalization in Brazil Roberto Rocco 9. Transnationals, Grupos and Business Associations in the Privatization of Central America's Telecommunications Benedicte Bull 10. The Viagra Effect: Pharmaceutical Giants and the Puerto Rican Economy Antonio Carmona Baez Part III: Africa 11. The Neoliberalizing African State and Private Capital Accumulation: The Case of Cameroon Piet Konings 12. The Resilience of Comprador Capitalism: 'New' Economic Groups in Southern Africa Stefan Andreasson 13. African Regional Groupings and Emerging Chinese Conglomerates Kwame Nimako 14. The Risky Business of Cocoa in Ghana: Local Entrepreneurs in a Buyer-Driven Chain Anna Laven Part IV: Easterrn Europe 15. The Kremlin and the Oligarchs: Clashing Economic Interests in Russia Andre Mommen, Vasiliy Valuev and Serghei Golunov 16. The Rise of Conglomerates in Ukraine: The Donetsk Case Hans van Zon 17. The Impact of Multinational Investment in Central and Eastern Europe Wioletta Niemiec and Mariusz Niemiec
Journal of Developing Societies, Jul 1, 2007
The rapid expansion of China is one of the key economic and political issues at the start of the ... more The rapid expansion of China is one of the key economic and political issues at the start of the twenty-first century. China's importance in South-South trade (and competition) as well as in South-South investment has already brought about many changes for developing regions, and they are likely to be extrapolated in the years to come. The growing economic position of
Berghahn Books, Dec 31, 2022
Papers by Barbara Hogenboom