Papers by Bambang Purwanto
Talenta Conference Series. Local Wisdom, Social, and Arts, Dec 19, 2019
Dalam perkembangannya sejak tahun 1960-an hingga kini, makna dan ruang lingkup multikulturalisme ... more Dalam perkembangannya sejak tahun 1960-an hingga kini, makna dan ruang lingkup multikulturalisme tetap masih terus diperdebatkan sebagai sebuah konsep. Secara umum multikulturalisme mengacu pada penga kuan terhadap keanekaragaman dan perbedaan yang hidup dalam kesetaraan secara harmonis dan bermartabat. Diskursus tentang konsep multikulturalisme dengan berbagai konsep tandingan seperti multietnis, multi agama, intercultural dll. terkait erat dengan keadaan sosi-kultural masyarakatnya. Dalam mengulas soalan ini perspektif historiografi. Dalam perspektif historiografi multikulturalisme dan inklusi social di Indonesia tidak terlepas dari pengaruh dikhotomi internal dan beban masa lalu yang menjadi warisan kolonialisme di Indonesia.

Paramita: Historical Studies Journal, Sep 19, 2017
Most history writing involves and actualizes different perspectives and approaches. As a historio... more Most history writing involves and actualizes different perspectives and approaches. As a historiography, the past is usually constructed with value judgment from which historian creates the narrative of history. This article deals with the way how Indonesian historiography excludes systematically the maritime world of western coast of Sumatra and the adjacent islands. The grand narrative of Indonesian history stays in the land of Sumatra and hardly goes to the water world of the surrounding islands. The applied approach is inspired partly by the exclusion and inclusion nature of historiography developed by those who comprehensively critical to the national historical canon, of which maritime world of the western coast of Sumatra and the adjacent islands together people live there is assumed historically not important in representing modern, civilized, and globalized Indonesia. The source material uses consists chiefly of secondary sources. The aim here is not to open debate over what is the reality of the maritime world of western coast of Sumatra and the adjacent islands, but to argue about marginalization and exclusion of the area, and to explain why Indonesian national narrative neglecting it.

This South part of Sulawesi has very important function in commodity trading. In such trading, th... more This South part of Sulawesi has very important function in commodity trading. In such trading, there are linked connections that have produced trade contact to the outside world as well as created important traf- fic, particularly in Makassar. This commerce connection expansion politic succeed in realizing the goal to put Makassar as the only trading central in this area. Traders and seamen of Bugis, Makassar, Selayar, Malay and Portugese who carry out commercial voyage have made Makassar as transit harbor and pro- duction market. Makassar appears as main port in trading connection with production region and making connection with other trading ports located in east, south, west and north parts. The happening political growth has forced the Dutch Government to reform its economical policy, partic- ularly in putting Makassar Harbor as one of free harbor under the Dutch Government control. The Gov- ernment also able to extend its influence towards the self-governing monarchies in this...

This article explains the implications of political-economic shock on the development of two town... more This article explains the implications of political-economic shock on the development of two towns; Baubau and Kendari in the 1950s to 1960s. Indonesia in the 1950s general and especially Southeast Sulawesi were politically and economically unstable. This situation happened because the country is still on the stage of finding a balance and political and economic consolidation has not reached the point of equilibrium. As a result, political shock occurred in certain areas due to differences in views, including in South Sulawesi and Southeast Sulawesi. One of the political disturbances that influenced the development of the towns was the DI / TII rebellion in the 1950s. One of the effects of political turmoil in two cities, Buton and Kendari, is the flow of rural populations into towns. Military operations to eliminate security disturbances in the towns of Baubau and Kendari support the improvement of infrastructure for access to the town and expand morphology of towns. The author exa...
Jurnal Ilmiah Mimbar Demokrasi, 2018
This research about agrarian social change in Bangka. The method in this study uses structural Gr... more This research about agrarian social change in Bangka. The method in this study uses structural Gramscian perspective and critical theory approach. The results of research has showed the role of intellectuals in the social change process. Its related to political dynamic in this area. After the new Order Era, the position of the intellectual very importance, especially in moving of mass aspiration. In this context, these change are realted to the role of the intellectual as a social entity forming the state and civil society well that the New Orde era and before the for the political leadership through organic intellectual actor. In the pos New Orde era more emphasizes the intellectual and moral leadership.

Bakti Budaya, 2020
The Department of History conducted a community service (PkM) on the topic of documenting and wri... more The Department of History conducted a community service (PkM) on the topic of documenting and writing family history in Beji Village, Ngawen, Gunung Kidul. The PkM activities are conducted by lecturers and students of History in six months in 2019. Writing and documenting family history is carried out in a participatory method by a coloboration with village residents. The PkM activities were carried out in three stages. First, on May 4, 2019 a dialogue was held between the PkM team and the village stakeholders regarding the plan to write and document the family history of Beji Village. Secondly, on July 15, 2019 the PkM team observed the Nyadran process held by the Beji Village community. Third, the PkM team provides assistance in writing family history and documenting important figures who intersect with culture and art, cultural traditions, and multicultural identities in Beji Village. At the end of this PkM activity, a family history of the village leader has produced, namely the...

International Journal of Islamic Business Ethics, 2016
This article was written in order to find a model of the development ofIslamic charities organize... more This article was written in order to find a model of the development ofIslamic charities organized by bumiputera in the early 20th century inYogyakarta. This socio-economic history research using historical research methods that utilize primary sources such as archives, photographs, books and newspapers as well as the contemporary of secondary sources such as books, journals, and articles. The conclusion of this article is that the presence of transformation of charities in Yogyakarta in the period 1920s-1930s caused by 1) the dynamic moments around the period of the emergence of privately plantation by European, 2) the implementation of the land reorganization in the region of Yogyakarta Sultanate, 3) the emergence of �urban santri� as the new middle class in urban Yogyakarta, and 4) dynamic Islamic social organizations. In addition, the transformationof charities happens consists of three processes. First, change the concept and definition of waqf be more specific. Secondly, chang...

Pajang sebagai sebuah kerajaan dan masyarakatnya yang pernah ada dalam sejarah Indonesia pasca-ke... more Pajang sebagai sebuah kerajaan dan masyarakatnya yang pernah ada dalam sejarah Indonesia pasca-kegemilangan Kemaharajaan Mapajahit dan Kesultanan Demak, tidak mendapat tempatyang memadai dalam historiografi Indonesia selama ini. Padahal nama Jaka Tingkir yang diyakini sama dengan Sultan (I I)Adiwijaya yang merupakan sultan pertama Pajang, dikenal luas oleh masyarakat, terutama di Jawa. Tulisan ini membahas tentang peminggiran dan marginalisasi Kesultanan Pajang dari naratif besar sejarah Indonesia, berdasarkan asumsi adanya mata rantai yang putus antara memori sosial sebagai sistem budaya masyarakat dengan tradisi historiografi Indonesia. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk melihat relasi historis fungsional antara kenyataan sejarah sebagai peristiwa masa lalu dan pembentukan memori dengan historiografi sebagai'sebuah naratif bangsa yang merupakan wujud dari kontestasi atas sejarah itusendiri.

Patra Widya: Seri Penerbitan Penelitian Sejarah dan Budaya., 2021
Narasi besar historiografi Indonesia dan memori kolektif bangsa tentang Ki Hadjar Dewantara selam... more Narasi besar historiografi Indonesia dan memori kolektif bangsa tentang Ki Hadjar Dewantara selama ini hanya dibatasi pada kenyataan sejarah yang berkaitan dengan pendidikan dan kebudayaan bersama Taman Siswa, sebagai sesuatu yang terpisah dari kesadaran dan kegiatan politik kebangsaannya. Padahal terdapat banyak bukti yang dapat diinterpretasikan bahwa Ki Hadjar Dewantara menjadikan Taman Siswa bukan hanya sebagai sebuah lembaga pengajaran dan pendidikan, melainkan representasi jati diri merdeka dari kesadaran kebangsaan Indonesia. Sebagai sebuah keutuhan cara berpikir, perilaku, dan tindakan, semua kegiatan Ki Hadjar Dewantara dalam bidang pendidikan dan kebudayaan merupakan perwujudan dari politik identitas untuk membedakan diri dari kolonialisme Belanda, yang tidak terlepas dari konteks besar perubahan di dalam masyarakat kolonial, dunia,dan kemanusiaan.
Indonesian Historical Studies, 2020
This paper discusses the function of history as a science that can be used to formulate strategie... more This paper discusses the function of history as a science that can be used to formulate strategies to face various challenges as well as present and future opportunities based on knowledge, understanding, and their meaning of the past. Responding to the present worldwide Covid-19 pandemic, this paper aims to build awareness among historians to strategic issues by learning from the history of diseases through interdisciplinary historical research. The existence of adequate knowledge and understanding of the past of the aforementioned issues will provide space for history as a science to make contributions that can be used as a policy, in which history is a science for thinking forward through the past.

This paper presents a laboratory study to demonstrate the effectiveness of using vegetable oils a... more This paper presents a laboratory study to demonstrate the effectiveness of using vegetable oils as rejuvenating agents for aged asphalt mixtures. The work focused on proposing a laboratory aging protocol whereby loose asphalt base course mixtures oven aged at 150°C for a range of durations, namely 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10hrs prior to compaction. Using this technique, 5 mixes were thus produced at various stages/levels of aging. An additional set of 5 batches were produced and aged in the loose state for 10 hours at 150ºC before rejuvenating the mixtures using vegetable oil. Vegetable oil was added at percentages ranging from 4 to 8% by weight of the bitumen. Rejuvenation of the mixture using the vegetable oils was then assessed by the mechanical and rheological performance of the material and binders. Furthermore, the effect of the addition of vegetable oil rejuvenators was also investigated using SARA analysis. Results indicated that the aging and rejuvenating protocol employed in the lab has been effective, with results of the recovered penetration and softening point tests demonstrating that it is possible to rejuvenate an aged mixture thereby improving the recovered penetration by standard penetration grade designation. However further work must be done to improve the correlation between mechanical performance and rheological characterisation particularly if a rejuvenation chart were to be developed.
ABSTRACT: This study discusses about conflict, and crime that occurred in the capital city of Ind... more ABSTRACT: This study discusses about conflict, and crime that occurred in the capital city of Indonesian Republic, Yogyakarta, from 1946 until 1950. The main problem of this study is the increasing of violence and criminality in Yogyakarta during the revolution era when ...
ABSTRACT: Historical Studies Post-Graduate of Gadjah Mada University Thesis, 2009 Fatiyah, Tracin... more ABSTRACT: Historical Studies Post-Graduate of Gadjah Mada University Thesis, 2009 Fatiyah, Tracing The Hadrami:(disappearing) community of Yogyakarta Arab descendant in 20th century xx+ pages+ appendices The community development of the Hadrami ( ...
Review of Indonesian and Malaysian affairs, 1993
Résumé/Abstract Les conditions économiques de la population locale du Sud de Sumatra de 1850 à 19... more Résumé/Abstract Les conditions économiques de la population locale du Sud de Sumatra de 1850 à 1910 étaient plutôt bonnes malgré les fluctuations des prix des céréales et la fertilité des terres. Connaissant une faible densité démographique, cette région cultivait ...
This contribution is about how political images created in Indonesia in the immediate aftermath o... more This contribution is about how political images created in Indonesia in the immediate aftermath of decolonization acquired a divisive rather than a unifying character. The answer is sought in the tendency towards guidance that came to the fore during the Guided Democracy and Guided Economy. The analysis starts with matters of periodization arguing that the Guided Democracy and Guided Ecoomy in fact began in early 1957. Then, the economic content of the newly created post-colonial images is surveyed. Finally, the article takes a closer look at the precise role played in this process by Soekarno and Hatta. The article concludes by pointing out the great diversity of perceptions of the Guided Economy and also the relatively weak economic substance in these perceptions.
Papers by Bambang Purwanto