Papers by Bambang Karsono
Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia
Secara etimologi, masjid memiliki arti sebagai tempat sujud yang penuh ketaatan dan kepatuhan. Ra... more Secara etimologi, masjid memiliki arti sebagai tempat sujud yang penuh ketaatan dan kepatuhan. Rasulullah Muhammad SAW dan para sahabat memberi contoh hakikat fungsi masjid bukan hanya dijadikan sebagai tempat ibadah salat saja, namun juga digunakan sebagai tempat berbagai kegiatan yang mencerminkan ketaatan dan kepatuhan kepada Allah SWT. Pada masa itu, masjid berfungsi sebagai pusat kegiatan umat Islam, seperti: pendidikan, dakwah, politik, ekonomi, moral dan sosial, tempat berkumpul dan berdiskusi. Beragam kegiatan dilakukan di dalam masjid sehingga memiliki kemanfaatan ruang yang baik dan tidak terdapat ruang yang mubazir. Pada masa kini, fenomena desain ruang salat utama pada masjid cenderung bergeser menjadi lebih eksklusif dan berfungsi tunggal. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengukur tingkat kemanfaatan ruang pada Masjid Al-Hikmah Cunda, Lhokseumawe, guna mengetahui tingkat dan pola penggunaan ruang salat utama pada waktu salat dan kegiatan diluar waktu salat terkait dengan isu ke...
Rumoh: Jurnal Ilmiah Prodi Arsitektur Universitas Muhammadiyah Aceh, Dec 30, 2022
Alun-alun Tengku Amir Hamzah Stabat adalah ruang publik yang menampung segala aktivitas masyaraka... more Alun-alun Tengku Amir Hamzah Stabat adalah ruang publik yang menampung segala aktivitas masyarakat Kecamatan Stabat dan sekitarnya. Aktivitas para pedagang kaki lima (PKL) yang menempati ruang publik menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Pedagang kaki lima tidak hanya mengganggu pemanfaatan ruang publik, tetapi juga menyediakan ruang sosial dan mampu menarik masyarakat untuk berkumpul serta menghidupkan aktivitas di ruang publik. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan karakteristik dan elemen-elemen pembentuk ruang yang diterapkan oleh PKL, dikarenakan belum adanya studi terkait kajian karakteristik PKL. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan analisis data menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data menggunakan metode observasi dan dokumentasi serta wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik profil dari PKL didominasi oleh golongan usia dewasa (26-45 tahun) yang masih berasal ataupun bertempat tinggal tidak jauh dari lokasi penelitian dengan tingkat pendidikan terakhir SMA/SMK. PKL ini menjual makanan/minuman dengan menggunakan gerobak/kereta dorong. Elemen-elemen pembentuk ruang publik yang diterapkan oleh PKL ialah elemen comfort and image, access and linkage, uses and activity, dan sociability. Untuk menciptakan elemen comfort and image, PKL menyediakan atribut fisik seperti bangku/kursi, meja, peneduh, wahana permainan, dan musik. Lokasinya yang strategis karena memiliki kedekatan dengan pusat-pusat keramaian kota sangatlah mendukung elemen access and linkage. Elemen uses and activity yang ditawarkan oleh para pedagang ialah sebagai tempat makan ataupun minum, bermain, bersantai, dan berekreasi. PKL mampu mewadahi elemen sociability seperti mengamati pemandangan, bertemu teman, melakukan interaksi dengan orang lain, dan berkumpul dengan keluarga, dikarenakan keanekaragaman jenis barang dagangan yang ditawarkan dengan harga yang relatif murah.
Lecture notes in civil engineering, 2023
Arsitekno: Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, Feb 21, 2019
Since the dawn of the civilization, water plays an important role in human life. Water covers 75%... more Since the dawn of the civilization, water plays an important role in human life. Water covers 75% of the earth surface and sustains virtually every life form on it. From the early days of human settlement, the banks of the major rivers such as the Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Indus and Hwang Ho became the cradle of civilizations. It is here the culture developed and the pattern and morphology of urban settlement became the source of our knowledge. This paper attempts to overview the main developmental periods of waterfronts around the world. It discusses on the fundamental periods and events which shaped the city water-borne activities and explained how those events influenced the nature of public space on the waterfronts. The port-city that developed since then will be analyzed corresponding to the historical events that are related to the city development. A few cases studies will be shown in order to present a valuable descriptive situation. Corresponding to the above issues, a continuous process that took place in the development of the waterfront will be discussed extensively.
Lecture notes in civil engineering, 2023
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology, Dec 7, 2022
The existence of street vendors tends to dominate public spaces, which is physically considered t... more The existence of street vendors tends to dominate public spaces, which is physically considered to affect the physical quality. Tengku Amir Hamzah Square (TAHS) in Stabat is a famous local public space. Its strategic location triggers the growth of street vendors who provide attractions for visitors. Initially, TAHS was designed not to provide a space for street vendors, and the local regulation said that the presence of street vendors was prohibited. The existence of street vendors in TAHS who occupy this public space has emerged with pros and cons. This phenomenon became the reason for this study to be conducted, specifically to uncover the pattern of temporary space and spaceforming elements created by street vendors and their relationship with the public's interest in visiting TAHS. The mixed-method research approach is used in this study to disclose and analyze data descriptively. Mapping and observation were carried out to obtain quantitative data, including layout, the number of street vendors, merchandise types, and distribution patternshod of displaying. The elements that form public spaces implemented by street vendors are obtained through observations and photo-trekking, and 58 respondents were involved in the interviews. Findings indicate that the strategic location and fluent permeability to and from TAHS have made this potential street vendor attraction popular among the locals. The activity created in this area acts as a generator of movement, especially at night, attracting people to come and walk through the existing street vendor outlets, contributing to urban livability.
Place attachment is known as relationship of function and emotional features between people and p... more Place attachment is known as relationship of function and emotional features between people and place which creates meaning. Some common discussions focus on significance of physical features and activities in developing identity and quality of place. Nevertheless, place attachment in public open spaces is not only related to association of people and its physical environment, yet it also involves perceptive of a place, whether it is a negative or a positive impact. Allowing for this issue, the research examines the activity as an attributes which influenced place attachment in Kuching Riverfront Promenade (KRP), a popular public space among local people. By using a mixed method approach, this research covers subject of place attachment. Field survey and interviews were lead to a certain area of the promenade with an overall of 165 respondents and 18 stall operators were interviewed. The findings point out that the respondents have a strong association with the local environment and it exerts effect on the identity of the place.
Most cities in Malaysia begin their historical existence on the banks of the river. The designs o... more Most cities in Malaysia begin their historical existence on the banks of the river. The designs of riverfront are always changing due to the level of urbanization and technological advances. As a result, the physical environment of riverfront directly affects the identity of place. Relationship of functional and emotional elements (affectively) between people and place creates a meaning; this process is known as place attachment. Because of inappropriate physical changes, the meaning of place will decline and place attachment gradually reduced. In urban design, some general discussion focused on the importance of physical elements and activities to develop identity and atmosphere of place, however, study on place attachment in the public open space is usually received with less attention. Considering this issue, the study focuses to examine the place attachment and its influencing factors in the context of riverfront promenade, a public space that is common found in Malaysia. By using a mixed method approach (qualitative and quantitative), this research covers two main areas namely urban design and environmental psychology. A framework is constructed for understanding the factors that influence the level of user’s attachment to the place. Survey and interview were conducted in two selected places, i.e.: Sarawak Riverfront Promenade (P-TSS) in Kuching and Malacca Riverfront Promenade (P-TSM) in Malacca. A total of 330 respondents were involved in the questionnaire and 36 people participated in the interview. Observations have been carried out to obtain the physical and visual characters parallel with the urban character assessment in order to discover the level of place support users’ activities. Data processing and analysis were conducted by triangulation method and results of the data gathering as a research findings were processed based on the objective of the study. The findings indicated that the place attachment affects consumers' perceptions of the riverfront promenade. Beside its physical quality, the place is also known through the attachment and through the meaning of the users. Results from the study indicated that several factors influence the form and level of user’s attachment, which focused on the: familiarity to the place, a length of engagement, place dependency, background of the users and users’ role. This study contributes to the human relationship with the place and has important implications for urban designers, architects and landscape architects in creating a good place. A good place may enhance the socio-economic as well as image creation that becomes the pride of the locals.
Jurnal Lingkungan Binaan Indonesia
Pedagang kaki lima (PKL) merupakan salah satu fenomena di perkotaan yang selalu menarik menjadi t... more Pedagang kaki lima (PKL) merupakan salah satu fenomena di perkotaan yang selalu menarik menjadi topik diskusi dan diteliti. Kesempatan kerja di sektor formal di kota yang terbatas menjadikan PKL sebagai alternatif bagi masyarakat untuk memperoleh pendapatan. Aktivitas PKL dikategorikan sebagai informal, tumbuh secara spontan, mudah cara pengoperasian dan kadang kala tidak ada prosedur standar yang mengaturnya. Ada kalangan yang mendukung bahwa keberadaan PKL di ruang perkotaan karena dapat memberikan dampak positif bagi keberlangsungan kehidupan perkotaan (livability). Namun ada juga yang mempermasalahkan keberadaannya dengan alasan ruang kota menjadi tidak teratur. Di Kota Banda Aceh, PKL tumbuh menyebar dan mendominasi ruang publik di sepanjang koridor jalan. Kajian ini bertujuan mengungkapkan faktor penyebab, cara pemanfaatan koridor jalan yang didominasi oleh pedagang kaki lima serta dampak positifnya terhadap livability dan keberlanjutan kota. Penelitian memilih PKL pada satu k...
Rumoh: Journal of Architecture
Alun-alun Tengku Amir Hamzah Stabat merupakan ruang publik yang berperan sebagai wadah untuk mena... more Alun-alun Tengku Amir Hamzah Stabat merupakan ruang publik yang berperan sebagai wadah untuk menampung segala aktivitas masyarakat Kecamatan Stabat dan sekitarnya. Adanya aktivitas para pedagang kaki lima yang menempati ruang publik ini telah menimbulkan pro dan kontra. Pedagang kaki lima tidak hanya mengganggu pemanfaatan ruang publik, tetapi pedagang kaki lima juga menyediakan ruang sosial dan mampu menarik masyarakat untuk berkumpul serta menghidupkan aktivitas di ruang publik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengungkapkan karakteristik dan elemen-elemen pembentuk ruang publik yang diterapkan oleh pedagang kaki lima. Jenis penelitian yang dilakukan adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan analisis data menggunakan metode analisis deskriptif. Pengumpulan data dilakukan secara dua tahap, tahap pertama menggunakan metode observasi dan dokumentasi, lalu pada tahap kedua menggunakan metode wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa karakteristik profil dari pedagang kaki li...
International Journal of Engineering, Science and Information Technology
The existence of street vendors tends to dominate public spaces, which is physically considered t... more The existence of street vendors tends to dominate public spaces, which is physically considered to affect the physical quality. Tengku Amir Hamzah Square (TAHS) in Stabat is a famous local public space. Its strategic location triggers the growth of street vendors who provide attractions for visitors. Initially, TAHS was designed not to provide a space for street vendors, and the local regulation said that the presence of street vendors was prohibited. The existence of street vendors in TAHS who occupy this public space has emerged with pros and cons. This phenomenon became the reason for this study to be conducted, specifically to uncover the pattern of temporary space and space-forming elements created by street vendors and their relationship with the public's interest in visiting TAHS. The mixed-method research approach is used in this study to disclose and analyze data descriptively. Mapping and observation were carried out to obtain quantitative data, including layout, the n...
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2021
Many cities in Malaysia established their first development on the banks of the river. Urbanizati... more Many cities in Malaysia established their first development on the banks of the river. Urbanization phenomenon and technological advances then cause these riverfront areas developed and changed gradually. Progressively, inappropriate physical changes at the riverfront environment can reduce the usage and meaning of place together with the level of place attachment. The role of physical appearances related to the activities become famous issues in urban design discourses as an effort to establish the identity to the place; nevertheless, the research to measure the attachment level in public space is rarely done. This research is to identify the place attachment and its contributed components focus on pedestrian space in the riverfront area, public spaces which are favoured in Malaysia. Mixed-method approaches are implemented in this study by developing a framework to indicate the elements that affect the place attachment by the user. Surveys and interviews carried out in two riverfro...
Throughout history, communities have developed public space according to their needs, be it marke... more Throughout history, communities have developed public space according to their needs, be it market, a place for sacred celebrations or sites for local rituals. Public space such as streets, squares and parks create a form in tandem with the ebbs and flows of human exchange. Public life within public space can be extended into two interrelated activities, i.e. ‘formal’ and ‘informal’. The most significant in urban design is informal public life, which occurs beyond the realm of formal institutions and entails choice. Informal activities basically occur spontaneously through collective agreement that result in fetive atmosphere of the place. This paper attempts to explore the informal public life and activities in the city which contributed to sustaining the urban life in the cities. Three cities in IMT-GT region has been observed along these years, i.e. Medan – Indonesia, Kangar-Malaysia, and Hat Yai-Thailand. The research applied various techniques in gathering the data and presenti...
Seminar Nasional Pariwisata dan Kewirausahaan (SNPK), Apr 20, 2022
Kajian ini merupakan satu titik penyelidikan tentang morfologi dan urbanisasi yang menyentuh band... more Kajian ini merupakan satu titik penyelidikan tentang morfologi dan urbanisasi yang menyentuh bandar-bandar Nusantara khusus kepada kawasan IMT-GT iaitu Indonesia, Malaysia dan Thailand.
Space and society are integral parts in the study of urban design. The intangibles of space are d... more Space and society are integral parts in the study of urban design. The intangibles of space are difficult to conceive without a social dimension to provide its context and the relationship is best conceived as a continuous two-way process in which people and societies create and modify space, influenced by users in a multiplicity of ways through time. Social relations are constituted, constrained, and mediated by space, whilst the shape of the built environment is influenced by the pattern of human activities and social life. Public space such as streets, squares and parks create a form in tandem with the ebbs and flows of human exchange. Throughout history communities have developed public space according to their needs, be it a market, a place for sacred celebrations or sites for local rituals. This paper focuses on Gasibu Square, a favorite public place in Bandung that supports the needs of urban-dwellers. The uniqueness of Gasibu Square is spatio temporal fluidity where the usage of space changes throughout the week. Informal activities are occurring spontaneously through collective agreement that result in a festive atmosphere of the place. On Sunday mornings for example, the place turns into an informal market place. The paper also delves into the unique social movements and interactions of the Sunday market in Gasibu Square, Bandung. The research applied various techniques in gathering the datas and presenting findings in line with the various socio-spatial dimensions. Keywords: public space, spontaneous space, informal market, social relationship, Gasibu Square.
Hubungan elemen fungsi dan emosi antara manusia dan tempat menciptakan makna yang dikenali sebaga... more Hubungan elemen fungsi dan emosi antara manusia dan tempat menciptakan makna yang dikenali sebagai ikatan tempat (place attachment). Ikatan tempat di ruang terbuka publik biasanya diasosiasikan dengan hubungan manusia dengan lingkungan fisik dan persepsi tentang tempat. Menyikapi isu ini, penelitian dilakukan untuk menguji aksesibilitas dan keakraban (familiarity) fisik sebagai atribut yang mempengaruhi ikatan tempat di promenad tepi sungai Sarawak (P-TSS) - Malaysia, ruang terbuka publik yang populer di masyarakat lokal. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan metoda campuran (mixed method), survey dilakukan pada lokasi terpilih di P-TSS dengan total responden sebanyak 165 orang dan 18 orang pedagang/pemilik kios diwawancarai. Diamati bahwa atribut fisik memiliki implikasi yang penting kepada ikatan tempat. Temuan mengindikasikan bahwa responden memiliki ikatan yang kuat dengan lingkungan lokal dan mendorong kepada terciptanya identitas tempat. Kata-kunci :aksesibilitas, ikatan tempat, , keakraban fisik.
Papers by Bambang Karsono