Papers by Bambang Cahyono
Azobenzene is recognized as a photoswitch molecule due to its photoisomerization properties and h... more Azobenzene is recognized as a photoswitch molecule due to its photoisomerization properties and has many applications in molecular devices and functional materials. Currently, azobenzene-based biomolecular compounds have been applied UV/Vis light for photoisomerizing. The photoisomerization of azobenzene derivative between the trans and cis conformation is reversible. The reversible effects occur when two different wavelengths of light are applied. These modifications have been widely used for reversible photoswitching in chemical species and as molecular motors in drug delivery. This study aimed to determine the effects of amino acid groups (G) on the UV/Vis absorption of azobenzene derivatives and related electronic properties. The Time-Dependent Density-Functional Theory (TDDFT) approach was utilized to describe the spectrum of the trans/cis conformation of azobenzene derivative by using B3LYP/6-31G (d, p) theory and basis set. Adding amino acid groups to the Azobenzene changes the spectrum of the azobenzene derivatives. The change is in the form of a shift in the maximum wavelength and change-related electronic parameters. The data proved all these stability statements, such as the geometry structures, the molecular orbital values, and the reactivity descriptor.
Article Type: Short communication Coffee is a favorite drink in the world which has been consumed... more Article Type: Short communication Coffee is a favorite drink in the world which has been consumed for centuries. Coffee has both positive and negative effects on human health, that is why scientists need to show concern for the volume of coffee that should be consumed daily. Coffee contains phytochemicals known as phenolic acids and are influenced by temperature. This study was aimed at knowing the total phenolic acid content in hot coffee from different commercial brands of coffee sold in Semarang market, Indonesia. At the beginning of the study, eight brands of coffee were subjected to scaling and each sample contained 5 g of coffee powder. The samples were put into beaker glasses and were coded 1 to 8. Thereafter, 100 ml of hot water was added to each beaker. The samples were then analyzed using Folin-Ciocalteu reagent. The mean of phenolic acid content in hot coffee from Robusta coffee brand was 46.27 mg/g and from Arabika, 37.3 mg/g. Mean of total phenolic acid content in the c...
Jurnal Ilmu Lingkungan, 2012
ABSTRAK Minyak cengkeh merupakan salah satu produk dari minyak atsiri yang dihasilkan oleh Kluste... more ABSTRAK Minyak cengkeh merupakan salah satu produk dari minyak atsiri yang dihasilkan oleh Kluster Minyak Atsiri di Kabupaten Batang. Permasalahan yang dihadapi saat ini adalah kadar eugenol yang rendah serta warna yang belum bisa memenuhi standar SII/EOA maupun SNI 06 2387 2006. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan peningkatan kualitas minyak cengkeh /eugenol dengan proses adsorpsi. Hasil penelitian menujukkan bahwa: bahan minyak cengkeh belum memenuhi standar SNI 06 2387 2006 khususnya dari warna dan kadar eugenol total. Hal ini dikarenakan dalam proses masih digunakan peralatan dari besi. Minyak cengkeh dapat ditingkatkan kadar eugenol dan perbaikan warna menjadi lebih cerah (kuning) dengan penambahan asam sitrat 0,6-10%. Peralatan dengan pengadukan dapat digunakan dalam proses peningkatan minyak cengkeh. Daya yang terpasang sekitar 1 PK dan kapasitas setiap batch 20-30 kg dengan waktu operasi 60 menit dan temperatur 50oC. Kemampuan UKM di Klaster Minyak Atsiri Kab Batang Jaw...
Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology, 2014
The objective of this research was to improve the quality of clove oil by using adsorption-distil... more The objective of this research was to improve the quality of clove oil by using adsorption-distillation process. Clove oil is one of essential oil products extracted from clove plants and currently considered as the most main product of Essential Oils Cluster in Batang Regency, Central Java. The main problem of essential oil production is low product quality due to high level of Eugenol and dark color of oil which does not met the National Standard. Therefore, process improvement was required to increase product quality as well as yield of product. The results showed that equipment material contributes significantly to the colors due to the availability of Fe ions. The addition of citric acid of 0.6-10% could improve the colors. The stirring process was proved as important variables to yield of products, while optimum time and temperature were optimum at 60 min and 50°C, respectively.
Sains Dan Matematika, 2009
ABSTRAK-Penelitial dilakukan untuk mernpeleiad pengsruh beberapa me*ode terhadap kualitas simplis... more ABSTRAK-Penelitial dilakukan untuk mernpeleiad pengsruh beberapa me*ode terhadap kualitas simplisia temulawd yakni dengan melihd tarnpilan fisik dan kandungan kurkuminoid temulawak Rimpang temularnk segar dib€rsihka& dipotong diksringkan dengan beberapa metode pengeringan yaitu pengeringan oven dengan suhu 600C, pengeringan dmgan oven laniru suhu 300C, pengeringan dengan sinat matahari dari jam 08.m-11.00 dan dari jan, dihaluskarL diekstraksi dan dianalisis menggmakran spdctrofotome,tu UV-visible. Simplisia hasil penguingan oveir dan oven lampr me,mpunyai wama yang cerah dan permukaannya berwarna jingga kekuningan s€dangkn simplisia hasil pengeringan mmhari berwarna gelap dan terinfeksi jamur putih. Ilasil tandungan lnnkuminoid ditampilkan dalan persen dari b€rat kering dan diuji dangan Analisis Variars Eb Arah Kruskal Wallis pada taraf signifikansi 57o. Kadar lrurkuminoid yang dihasilkan dari peng€,ringil oven yaifir 0,6E9o, O,ELVu, OBlo/o dxr O,LT/a, dari pengeringan oven lampu yalrtv O,7lVo, 0,83o/o, 0,57Vo, dan 0J77o, dari pengeringan mdahari pada jam 08.00-11.00 yaihr O827c 0,9.9p/qO,64Vc dan 0,E99zo dan dari pengeringan matrhari pada jm 0E.00-15.00 yaitu 0,807o, 0,89/o, 0,84o/o, dan O,93Yo. Kadar kurlqrninoid yang di&liti dari beberapa metode pengeringan t€rs€hf menrmjul*an tidak ada perbedaan yaag sigrrifikan Kda hnci : hu*uminoid Wrgerirgan, simplisia uv-visibel
Chemistry Progress, Jan 2, 2013
Supriyanto dan B. Cahyono, 2012. Perbandingan Kandungan Minyak Atsiri antara Jahe Segar dan Jahe ... more Supriyanto dan B. Cahyono, 2012. Perbandingan Kandungan Minyak Atsiri antara Jahe Segar dan Jahe Kering Jahe (Zingiber officinale var emprit) merupakan salah satu komoditas andalan ekspor Indonesia yang memberikan peranan cukup berarti dalam penerimaan devisa negara. Daya guna bahan ini sangat erat hubungannya dengan komponen bioaktif yang terkandung didalamnya. Kualitas dan kuantitas minyak atsiri jahe emprit segar dan simplisia jahe kering dilaporkan guna memberi informasi kepada masyarakat mengenai efek dari pasca panen. Total minyak atsiri diperoleh melalui destilasi Stahl selama ± 6 jam, sedangkan analisis komponen minyak atsiri dilakukan dengan GC-MS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kadar minyak atsiri jahe segar dan simplisianya masing-masing 3,71% (v/w) dan kadar 0,94 % (v/w). Data GC-MS memperlihatkan bahwa jahe segar memiliki jenis minyak atsiri lebih banyak daripada jahe kering, selain jumlah zingiberinenya lebih dominan. Hasil penelitian dapat memberikan informasi kepada masyarakat bahwa jahe segar lebih baik dibandingkan dengan simplisia jahe kering.
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, 2016
Telah dilakukan penelitian uji aktivitas antioksidan dengan DPPH fraksi etil asetat daun Bidens p... more Telah dilakukan penelitian uji aktivitas antioksidan dengan DPPH fraksi etil asetat daun Bidens pilosa L. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk memperoleh fraksi etil asetat dari fraksi metanol Bidens pilosa L, memperoleh data aktivitas antioksidan, kadar total fenolat dan flavonoid dari fraksi etil asetat. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam tiga tahapan. Tahapan pertama adalah penyediaan fraksi etil asetat dengan cara ekstraksi bertingkat dari ekstrak metanol. Tahapan yang kedua adalah uji aktivitas antioksidan dengan DPPH, analisis total fenolat dengan metode Folin-Ciocalteu dan analisis total flavonoid. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fraksi etil asetat dengan rendemen 0,31% dari berat simplisia awal dengan warna coklat yang mempunyai nilai IC50 62,03 ppm, kadar total fenolat sebesar 71,717 mg ekuivalen asam galat/g ekstrak, kadar total flavonoid 565,108 mg ekuivalen kuersetin/g ekstrak. Fraksi etilasetat daun Bidens pilosa L bersifat sebagai antioksidan namun perlu dilalukan penelitian leb...
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, 2000
Telah berhasil diisolasi suatu senyawa isoprenoid dari fraksi n-heksan dari daun tembakau terinfe... more Telah berhasil diisolasi suatu senyawa isoprenoid dari fraksi n-heksan dari daun tembakau terinfeksi virus mozaik yang mempunyai aktifitas sebagai sitotoksik. Pemisahan dilakukan dengan teknik kromatografi, penentuan sturktur dilakukan dengan metoda spektroskopi: UV, IR, dan Massa serta uji aktivitas dengan metode Brine Schrimpi Lethality Test. Dari hasil analisis spektroskopi dan perbandingan dengan literatur disarankan bahwa senyawa hasil isolasi merupakan senyawa isoprenoid: 4,6 dihidroksi 2 cembrenoid dengan m/e 281. Uji bioassay dengan Brine Schrimp Lethality menghasilkan LD50 11,8767 µg/ml, diduga bersifat sitotoksik.
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, 2000
Reaksi Demetilasi dengan anion iodida telah dilakukan terhadap senyawa N-Metilpiridinium Iodida. ... more Reaksi Demetilasi dengan anion iodida telah dilakukan terhadap senyawa N-Metilpiridinium Iodida. Reaksi berlangsu pada Suhu titik didih asetonitril, 82 Celsius. Analisis Produk Reaksi dengan Spktrofotometer UV-Vis, mengindikasikan bahwa reaksi demetilasi garam N-metilpiridinium iodida telah berlangsung. hasil Penelitian menunjukan bahwa amonium heterosiklik aromatik lebih mudah terdemetilasi daripada amonium heterosiklik nanoaromatik.
SYNTHESIS OF C 18 H 26 O 9 COMPOUNDS FROM HYPTOLIDE ISOLATED FROM HYPTIS PECTINATA LEAVES. Isolat... more SYNTHESIS OF C 18 H 26 O 9 COMPOUNDS FROM HYPTOLIDE ISOLATED FROM HYPTIS PECTINATA LEAVES. Isolation of hyptolide has been done from Hyptis pectinata, and alkene group transformation through oxidation reactions using H 3 B: OEt 2 to the isolated compound was also conducted. Product analyses were carried out using TLC, UV spectrometry, IR, and LC-MS. Pure crystal with melting point of 86-87 o C was isolated. The yield was 1.75% (w/w). After analysing and compilating of spectroscopic data it was confirmed as hyptolide compound. Hydroboration of this compound (followed by hydrolysis using H 2 O 2 under alkaline conditions) produce its alcohol derivatives, with 28.9% the percentage of transformation, it was demonstrated by LCMS data. IR spectrum at 3600cm-1 , confirming the replacement of hydroxyl bond by alkene. Regioselectivity of addition reaction is proposed through simulation with Chem Office. The reaction product was suspected as 6-hydroxy-7-(6-oxo-3,6-dihydro-2H-pyran-2-yl) heptane-2,3,5-tryil triacetate. Extension of reaction time to 24 hours, has increase hydroboration product to 78.3%. This research has opened other studies of natural materials in accordance to the roadmap set.
Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mengandung zat warna antosianin... more Rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mengandung zat warna antosianin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode ekstraksi terhadap total antosianin rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.). Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan ekstraksi pigmen antosianin melalui metode maserasi 5°C, 25°C dan soxhletasi, penentuan panjang gelombang maksimum ekstrak hasil isolasi dan penentuan total antosianin. Dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan terhadap ekstrak bunga rosela (Hibiscus sabdariffa L.) didapatkan rendemen dari maserasi 5°C sebesar 15,1%, maserasi 25°C sebesar 17,7%, dan soxhletasi sebesar 10,4%. Pengukuran λmax menunjukan bahwa panjang gelombang maksimum ekstrak etanol hasil maserasi 5°C, 25°C dan soxhletasi sebesar 545 nm. Metode maserasi 5°C menghasilkan total antosianin sebesar 77,26 mg/100 g, maserasi 25°C sebesar 128,76 mg/100 g dan soxhletasi sebesar 86,83 mg/100 g. Hasil keseluruhan menunjukan metode yang paling efektif untuk mengekstraksi pigmen antosianin rosela adalah dengan metode maserasi 25°C karena memberikan rendemen ekstrak dan total antosianin paling tinggi.
Sains Dan Matematika, 2010
ABSTRAK-Rosela (Hibiscas sabdarffi L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mengandung zat wama anto... more ABSTRAK-Rosela (Hibiscas sabdarffi L.) merupakan salah satu tanaman yang mengandung zat wama antosianin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh metode ekstraksi terhadap total antosianin rosela (I/lbiscas sabdariffa). Dalarn penelitian ini dilakukan ekstraksi pigmen antosianin melalui metode maserasi 5"C, 25oC dan soxhletasi, penentuan panjang gelombang maksimum ekstrak hasil isolasi dan penentuan total antosianin. Dari penelitian yang sudah dilakukan terhadap ekstrak bunga rosela (Hibiscus sabdarffi L.) didapatkan rendemen dari maserasi 5oC sebesar 75,1o/o, maserasi 25"C sebesar 17,7oA, dan soxhletasi sebesar 10,4o/o. Pengukuran Imax menuqjukan bahwa panjang gelombang maksimum eksfak etanol hasil maserasi 5oC, 25oC dan boxhletasi sebesar 545 nm. Metode maserasi 5oC menghasilkan total antosianin sebesar 77,26mgll00g, maserasi 25oC sebesar l28,76mgll00g dan soxhletasi sebesar 86,83mg/100g. Hasil keseluruhan menunjukan metode yang paling efektif untuk mengeksfaksi pigmen antosianin rosela adalah dengan metode maserasi 25oC karena memberikan rendemen ekstak dan total antosianin paling tinggi. Kato kunci; roselq, pigmen antosianin, maserasi, soxhletasi ABSTRACT* Roselle (Hibkcas sabdarffi L) is one of the plants that contsin anthocyanin pigment. The purposes of this research is to study influence %traction method of total anthocyanins roselle. Extraction anthocyanin pigment was done with maceration 5"C and 25"C methodfor 24 hours qnd soxhletationfor 8 hours using ethanol solvent, determination of mmimum wavelength from results of anthocyanin extraction, qnd measurement of total anthocyanin. The results of this research were the yield of produced by mqceration 5oC and 25"C method and soxhletation were I5.l%, 17.7% and 10.4%o, respectively. Ma)cimun wavelength of ethanolic extract from maceration 5"C and 25"C method and soxhletation was 545 nm. The total anthocyanin from maceration 5"C and 25"C method and soxhletationwere 77.26 mg/1a0 g 128.76 mg/I00 g, and 86.83 mg/100 g, respectively. Therefore, the ffictive method for etetraction of anthocyanin from roselle callxes roselle was maceration 25"C method that givingyield and total anthocyaninwas highest.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2015
Commercial silica gel only used once by many researchers and affected high cost for purification ... more Commercial silica gel only used once by many researchers and affected high cost for purification process, also less support the green chemistry program. This research focused in regeneration silica gel that used purification of temulawak's extracts (Curcuma xanthorrhiza Roxb) by vacuum column chromatography. Sample extracts (contains 10.1195±0.5971% of curcuminoids) was purified by vacuum column chromatography (pressure: 45 kPa, column: 100mm on length and 16mm on diameter). Ethanol 96% and acetone were compared as eluent. The amount of solvent and yield of curcuminoids used as indicator purification. The silica gel was regenerated with heating in 600°C for 8 hours The silica gels were analyzed by IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction. Furthermore, regenerated silica gel was used as the stationary phase in vacuum column chromatography under the same conditions with the previous purification. All the purification experiments were performed in three repetitions. Based on regression equation, y=0.132x+0.0011 (r 2 =0.9997) the yield of curcuminoids on purified products using ethanol as the eluent was improved 4.26% (to 14.3724±0.5749%) and by acetone was improved 3,03% (to 13.1450 ±0.6318%). The IR spectrum of both silica gel showed the same vibration profile and also there were three crystallinity peaks missing on its X-ray diffraction. Regenerated silica gel has the same performance with new silica gel in purification of temulawak's extract: by ethanol has increased 4.08% (14.1947±0.7415%) and 2.93% (13.0447±0.4822) by acetone. In addition, all purification products showed similar TLC profiles. Purification using regenerated silica gel as the adsorbent on vacuum column chromatography has exactly same potential with the new silica gel.
One of the Indonesian marine natural resources, brown alga of Turbinaria decurrens, used in pharm... more One of the Indonesian marine natural resources, brown alga of Turbinaria decurrens, used in pharmacy in order of carotenoid pigment as sntioxidant. We interested in analysis p : caroten in Turbinaria decurrens and antioxidqnt and anti-tumor activity. The method that is use to divide carotenoid is the hierarclry rnaseration rnethod using n-huane, ethyl acetate and methanol and then using chromMography column. To analyze the qualitative carotenoid uses HPLC by Crc column and eluen methanol-acetonitrile (3:I). Meanwhile, the test of bioactivity carotene uses radical DPPH (1I'difenil-2pibilhidrozil) to test of antioxidant qnd sitotoksik asscy with MTT [3,(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2yl)-2,5diphenyltetrcaolium bromideJ for HeLa tumor cells to test of anti-tumor. The result of this research is Bcaroten thqt is in qctract has 0.00387%. Moreover, bioacttvity test shows that B-caroten fraction does not active to neutralize of DPPHfree radical than ascorbic aci{ but it shows the acttvity to kill HeLa tumor cells.
Molekul, 2021
Ab-Initio computational method can be used for simulating reaction mechanisms, such as concerted ... more Ab-Initio computational method can be used for simulating reaction mechanisms, such as concerted reaction mechanism on peptide synthesis. The concerted reaction is one of many possible pathways on how peptide can be synthesized. The purpose of this study are probing the concerted reaction mechanism and comparing the steric effect to the reaction, given by different side-chain of alanine (A) and proline (P). Two dipeptides formed from alanine and proline were computed at HF-SCF/6-31G** theory level: Ac-AA-NH2 and Ac-AP-NH2. The res.lts show the activation energy of Ac-AA-NH2 and Ac-AP-NH2 forming via concerted pathway are 167.541 kJ/mol and 161.044 kJ/mol, respectively. The steric difference in side-chain affects the dihedral angle of the structure, and also gives difference to the entropy value of reaction.
ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, 2012
Amusium pleuronectes merupakan salah satu biota laut yang sangat prospektif untuk dikembangkan. B... more Amusium pleuronectes merupakan salah satu biota laut yang sangat prospektif untuk dikembangkan. Beberapa senyawa asam lemak yang terdapat dalam bahan alam tersebut, untuk pertamakalinya telah berhasil diidentifikasi dan diusulkan strukturnya. Sampel A. pleuronectes dikumpulkan dari perairan Weleri - Kendal, Jawa Tengah. Isolasi bahan dilakukan dengan ekstraksi kontinyu, diikuti dengan hidrolisis dan esterifikasi menggunakan methanol/BF3. Analisis ester dari asam lemak dilakukan dengan GC-MS, menghasilkan tujuh puncak utama yang diusulkan sebagai asam tetradekanoat, asam pentadekanoat, asam heksadekanoat, asam heksadekaenoat, asam heptadekanoat, asam oktadekanoat dan asam oktadekaenoat, Senyawa omega-3 yang lazim diperoleh dalam bahan alam laut jenis lain, tidak ditemukan dalam sampel dari lokasi yang dipilh. Keadaan ini membuka telah wawasan bagi penelitian lebih lanjut, khususnya data dari daerah lain, guna mendapatkan gambaran peta potensi pengembangan A. pleuronectes di Jawa Teng...
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, Apr 1, 2013
Quantification of total phenolate content, total flavonoids, antioxidant activity test (DPPH), an... more Quantification of total phenolate content, total flavonoids, antioxidant activity test (DPPH), and chromatographic identification of phenolic compounds of the coumarin class in the p-nan hexane fraction of Pimpinella alpina Molk have been performed. The results showed that the total phenolic compound content of n-hexane fraction was 45.04 mg equivalent of galic acid/gram of dry fraction. While the total flavonoid content of the n-hexane fraction was 5.58 mg equivalent of quercetin/gram of dry fraction. Antioxidant activity with DPPH method obtained IC50 is 13485 ppm. The identification of the coumarin class of column chromatography yielded 11 fractions, based on the KLT profile results after being sprayed with NH3 color reagent and viewed under a 365 nm UV lamp. It has been found that the positive F 1 fraction contains a class of coumarin compounds exhibited by yellow-green stains. However, the chemical structure of the compound can not yet be proposed.
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, 2002
Sintesis senyawa 3-metoksi-4-hidroksikalkon dengan bahan awal vanilin dan asetofenon lelah dilaku... more Sintesis senyawa 3-metoksi-4-hidroksikalkon dengan bahan awal vanilin dan asetofenon lelah dilakukan dengan metode Kohler-Chadwell yang dimodifikasi. Reaksi dilakukan dalam suasana basa pekat berdasarkan mekanisme Claisen-Schmidt. Hasil eksperimen menunjukkan bahwa transformasi menghasilkan produk murni yang dapat dipisahkan setelah dilakukan reaksi dalam NaOH 60% pada keadaan suhu optimum 70°C selama 1,5 jam. Produksi murni yang dihasilkan sebesar 77,11%.
Jurnal Kimia Sains dan Aplikasi, 2006
Masih banyak minyak VCO yang dijual di pasaran memiliki kualitas rendah. Hal ini dikarenakan belu... more Masih banyak minyak VCO yang dijual di pasaran memiliki kualitas rendah. Hal ini dikarenakan belum adanya standarisasi untuk menentukan standar kualitas minyak VCO. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan tahap pra-standarisasi terhadap proses produksi dan analisis minyak VCO. Pra-standarisasi terutama dilakukan pada metode isolasi minyak VCO, analisis kualitas fisik meliputi uji organoleptik dan berat jenis, analisis standar khasiat yang berkaitan dengan komposisi asam-asam lemak esensial dan analisis standar keawetan yang meliputi kadar air, kadar nitrogen, uji peroksida dan kadar asam-asam lemak bebas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa metode isolasi pemancingan mampu menghasilkan minyak VCO sebanyak 0,150 liter/kg kelapa, warna jernih, rasa gurih kelapa-enak dan bau wangi-kelapa, berat jenis 0,924 g/mL, kadar air 0%, nitrogen 0%, uji peroksida positip (+), asam lemak bebas 0,002%. Komposisi asam-asam lemak yaitu asam laurat 39,69%; miristat 24,12%; palmitat 11,17%; kaprat 7,27%; oktanoat...
Reaktor, 2011
EFFECT OF DRYING PROCESSES ON CURCUMINOID CONTENT AND COMPOSITION OF TEMULAWAK (Curcuma xanthorri... more EFFECT OF DRYING PROCESSES ON CURCUMINOID CONTENT AND COMPOSITION OF TEMULAWAK (Curcuma xanthorriza ROXB) RHIZOMES. Curcuminoid a yellow coloring agent of turmeric is known to have many benefits in food and medicinal industries. This compound can be isolated by simple extraction from fresh rhizome or symplicia. The research of comparing qualitative and quantitative of curcuminoid in different drying process has not yet been published. Drying methods used in this research were done in an oven at 60°C and under 30-watt electrical lamp at ±30°C. Each method was carried out in time variation of 1, 3, and 5 days. Extraction of curcuminoid was done using ethanol 95% followed by fat reduction process using petroleum ether. Curcuminoid analysis was done by TLC, UV-Visible spectrophotometer and HPLC. The result showed that the water content of all samples was approximately 4.06%-7.76%. TLC analysis identified the presence of two dominant components in the curcuminoid with the Rf values of 0....
Papers by Bambang Cahyono