Papers by Babou André Bationo
L'adequation entre les ligneux et les conditions hydriques des sites est un des facteurs dete... more L'adequation entre les ligneux et les conditions hydriques des sites est un des facteurs determinants de la reussite des reboisements et de la production forestiere au Sahel. C'est pour contribuer a une meilleure connaissance du fonctionnement hydrique des especes forestieres que les courbes volume-pression, la dynamique journaliere et saisonniere du potentiel hydrique foliaire et la morphologie racinaire de Isoberlinia doka Caib. et Stapf., Detarium microcarpum Guill. et Perr., Piliostigma thonningii (Sch.) Miln. et Redh. et Terminalia avicennioides Guill. et Perr. ont ete etudies dans la foret classee de Nazinon au sud du Burkina Faso. Les resultats indiquent des differences de morphologie racinaire et de statut hydrique entre les especes et permettent de les ordonner selon leur xerophilie : Isoberlinia doka
IRD Éditions eBooks, 2022
Algerian journal of arid environment, Jun 1, 2015
Land Degradation & Development, Jun 9, 2021
The zaï cropping system that involves precision manure placement in small excavated soil pits is ... more The zaï cropping system that involves precision manure placement in small excavated soil pits is designed to restore the productivity of encrusted and degraded soils of the Sahel. However, there is little information on the effectiveness of zaï cropping to improve soil quality, particularly as to how it relates to manure sources. Therefore, our objective was to determine the effect of manure type on plant nutrient availability and soil microbial activity in relation to crop productivity. The experiment had a randomized block design with the following treatments with all manure amendments applied at 6 Mg ha−1: 1) sheep (Ovis aries), 2) goats (Capra hircus), and 3) cattle (Bos indicus) manures; 4) an equal mix of all three manures; and 5) a control with no manure amendment ‐ after which sorghum (Sorghum bicolor [L.] Moench) was planted. Soil samples (0–20 cm) were taken from zaï pits at the sorghum boot stage and analyzed for a suite of plant‐available nutrients, microbial composition, and enzyme activities. The results showed that the zaï system with manure amendments significantly increased soil pH, plant‐available nitrogen by three‐fold, and phosphorus by two‐fold over the control. Goat or mixed manure amended soils had significantly higher enzyme activities than sheep or cattle manure. Manure type also shifted the EL‐FAME biomarkers for bacteria, fungi, and protozoa indicating a more favorable copiotrophic environment in manure amended soils. zaï cropping systems amended with the higher quality or the mixed manure had greater microbial responses, nutrient availability, and crop productivity than the lower quality manure.
International Journal of Environment, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 2021
In the Sudano-Sahelian zones of West Africa, climate controls the distribution and composition of... more In the Sudano-Sahelian zones of West Africa, climate controls the distribution and composition of spontaneous vegetation. The study was conducted in Niger and Burkina Faso. It aims to (1) analyze the ecological and floristic characteristics in a heterogeneous environment of 8 forests: (2) determine the woody groups of plant formations in P. erinaceus along an agroecological gradient. A total of 206 plots of 1000 m 2 were established in 8 forests along an agroecological gradient in Niger and Burkina Faso. In each plot, dendrometric measurements such as DBH, Total height and two perpendicular diameters of the crown were performed on all woody individuals of all recorded species with DBH˃5 cm. Our study identified 117 species belonging to 25 families. The four most represented families are Fabaceae (31.8%), Combretaceae (16.8%), Malvaceae (7.9%) and Rubiaceae (6.9%). Our results revealed that Microphanerophytes is the dominating biological type in all forests. The Shannon index shows that the species richness and diversity increase with increasing humidity from the Sahelian to the Sudano-Guinean zone. Sorensen's index shows that the similarity is greater between the forests of Tiogo, Cassou and Laba in Burkina Faso. The Ascending Hierarchical Classification and the Non-Multidimensional Scaling made it possible to determine six large groupings of P. erinaceus. We conclude that P. erinaceus has great ecological amplitude and its distribution zone extends from the Sahelian to the Guinean zones while associating with a diversity of plant species.
Journal of Plant Studies, Jul 19, 2017
This study aims at identifying the effect of P. reticulatum on the vegetation regeneration dynami... more This study aims at identifying the effect of P. reticulatum on the vegetation regeneration dynamic in Sudanian fallows of Burkina Faso. Two fallows of about twenty years old have been considered. The point quadrat method was used for herbaceous inventory. Aboveground biomass has been estimated. Moreover, effect of P. reticulatum on the regeneration of others woody species has been studied under, at the limit and out of the shrub canopy. In north Sudanian zone, inventory recorded 39 herbaceous species of which 23 species under the canopy and 16 in open grassland, distributed in 12 families and 22 genera. In south Sudanian zone, species diversity is 41 species from which 23 under the canopy and 18 out of, spread in 16 families and 26 genera. Species higher than 80 cm have been observed only under P. reticulatum canopy in south and north Sudanian zone. In addition, no species of striga met in open sunlight has been observed under the shrub canopy. East and West directions recorded the important proportions of species with individuals belonging to the stratum superior to 100 cm (3.13 and 4.81 % in north direction, 1.47 and 1.73% in south directions).
Morphologie racinaire d'un pied adulte de Guiera senegalensis sur sol sableux profond PLANCHE N°5... more Morphologie racinaire d'un pied adulte de Guiera senegalensis sur sol sableux profond PLANCHE N°5: Morphologie racinaire d'un pied adulte de Guiera senegalensis sur sol gravillonnaire PLANCHE N°6 : Différentes étapes de la germination des graines de Cuiera senegalensis PLANCHE N°7 : Parties aériennes des plantules de Guiera senegalensis PLANCHE N°8 : Morphologie du système racinaire des plantules de Cuiera senegalensis PLANCHE N°9 : Protocole expérimental de marcottage de Guiera senegalensis PLANCHE N°10: Marcottes enracinées de Guiera senegalensis PLANCHE N°Il : Bouture enracinée de rameau axillaire de Guiera senegalensis PLANCHE N°12 : Bouture enracinée de la tige principale de Guiera senegalensis PLANCHE N°l3: Meilleure croissance des cultures sur les microbuttes édifiées par Guiera senegalensis PLANCHE N°14: Développement préférentiel de Andropogon gayanus et Cuperus difformis sur les microbuttes de Guiera senegalensis PLANCHE N°15: Utilisation de Guiera senegalensis dans différentes activités
Bois Et Forets Des Tropiques, Jun 1, 2000
The Building Biocarbon and Rural Development in West Africa Programme aims to demonstrate the mul... more The Building Biocarbon and Rural Development in West Africa Programme aims to demonstrate the multiple developmental and environmental wins that result from a high value biocarbon approach to climate change and variability in large landscapes principally in Mali, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The Programme will also build local institutions and capacity to be able to sustain the benefits in the sites and will establish linkages with related initiatives to jointly build national and regional capacity to scale up the approaches into other programmes and projects. The themes of the Programme are very closely linked to Finland's international development priorities and are closely aligned with the priorities expressed in its national poverty reduction and climate change adaptation strategies. Furthermore, the Programme aims to generate critical information that can fill the global knowledge gaps on how to better link climate change mitigation and adaptation thrusts and how to make these actions work effectively to enhance the livelihoods of rural communities. (2015)
Bois Et Forets Des Tropiques, 2009
Summary Sowing of seeds, planting or stump sprouts are used to reconstitute vegetation cover. Som... more Summary Sowing of seeds, planting or stump sprouts are used to reconstitute vegetation cover. Sometimes, these methods appear ineffective and costly. Layering and suckering are a fourth and very economic alternative which is not yet well investigated. In semi-arid region, it is necessary to update traditional knowledge on the natural vegetative propagation and to start case studies on key-species which show this ability.
Catena, Jul 1, 2020
Savannas are dry tropical biomes characterized by high above-and belowground biomass production, ... more Savannas are dry tropical biomes characterized by high above-and belowground biomass production, but at the same time there is extensive C loss by fire regimes. Soil-mediated responses are crucial in biogeochemical cycling and the role of soil minerals may be important in controlling organic carbon (OC) storage and stabilization. The objective of this study was to determine OC fractional distribution and saturation capacity in three soil groups (Vertisols, Lixisols, Luvisols) that are characterized by specific and different 1:1 and 2:1 clay mineral dominance. For each soil group, top-and subsoils (0-10 cm, 40-60 cm) were sampled in protected Soudanian savannas across Burkina Faso and fractionated into free and aggregate-occluded particulate organic matter (fPOM, oPOM) and mineral-associated organic matter (mOM). The results showed that oPOM and mOM were significantly affected by soil groups and topsoil/subsoil layers. We consider this to be due to interactions with fine particles (clay, fine and medium silt), the presence of exchangeable Ca and Mg and extractable Al (D) and Fe (D) as revealed by significant positive correlations. We found that oPOM (13-29% of total OC) and mOM < 20 µm (54-76%) were the most important OC pools in these tropical savanna soils. Vertisols exhibited the highest OC contents and held three times more OC in the fine mineral fraction mOM < 20 µm than Lixisols and Luvisols. Luvisols were affected by mineral illuviation processes which lowered their OC contents. Overall, topsoils contained three times higher OC amounts of mOM < 20 µm than subsoils. Indications were found that all investigated topsoils are below OC saturation, likely due to prescribed fire and soil erosion effects, while the OC saturation deficit was important in Vertisols (−49 to −65%) and Lixisols (−41 to −45%). We conclude that tropical savanna soils have a high protective capacity for OC in top-and subsoils but require adequate management in order to increase OC storage.
Field Crops Research, Jun 1, 2012
Low inherent fertility of tropical soils and degradation, nutrient deficiency and water stress ar... more Low inherent fertility of tropical soils and degradation, nutrient deficiency and water stress are the key factors that hamper rainfed agriculture in semi-arid West Africa. Conservation Agriculture (CA) is currently promoted in the region as a technology to reduce soil degradation, mitigate the effect of droughts and increase crop productivity while reducing production costs. CA relies on the simultaneous use of three practices: (1) minimum or zero-tillage; (2) maintenance of a permanent soil cover and; (3) diversified profitable crop rotation. The most prominent aspect of CA for degraded lands in the semi-arid tropics would be the organic soil cover that impacts on the soil water balance, biological activity, soil organic matter build-up and fertility replenishment. Yet, the organic resources are the most limiting factor in Sahelian agroecosystems due to low biomass productivity and the multiple uses of crop residues, chiefly to feed the livestock. Hence, CA as such may hardly succeed in the current Sahelian context unless alternative sources of biomass are identified. Alternatively, we propose: (1) to gradually rehabilitate the biomass production function of the soil through increased nutrient input and traditional water harvesting measures that have been promoted as "soil and water conservation" technologies in the Sahel, e.g. zaï, in order to restore soil hydrological properties as prerequisite to boosting biomass production; (2) to encourage during this restorative phase the regeneration of native evergreen multipurpose woody shrubs (NEWS) traditionally and deliberately associated to crops and managed the year around and; (3) to shift to classical, less labour intensive CA practices once appropriate levels of soil fertility and water capture are enough to allow increased agroecosystem primary productivity (i.e., an active 'aggradation' phase followed by one of conservation). The CA systems we propose for the Sahelian context are based on intercropping cereal crops and NEWS building on traditional technologies practiced by local farmers. Traditionally, NEWS are allowed to grow in croplands during the dry season; they reduce wind erosion, trap organic residues and capture the Harmattan dust, influence the soil hydraulics and favour soil biological activity under their canopies. They are coppiced at the end of the dry season, leaves and twigs remain as mulch while branches are collected for domestic fuel and other uses. Shoots re-sprouting during the rainy season are suppressed as weeds. Such CA systems have limited competition with livestock due to the poor palatability of the shrub green biomass, which may increase their acceptance by smallholders. Such aggradation-conservation strategy is not free of challenges, as it may imply initial soil disturbance that entail important labour investments, substantially change the structure and management of the cropping system (annual crop-perennial plant), and lead to emerging tradeoffs in the use of resources at different scales. This paper offers a state of the art around NEWS and their integration in relay intercropping CA systems, discusses the above mentioned challenges and the main research needs to address them.
Agricultural sciences, 2022
In degraded Sahelian agro-systems, livestock manures increase agricultural production and ensure ... more In degraded Sahelian agro-systems, livestock manures increase agricultural production and ensure natural regeneration through their selective seed potential. Yet, this seed potential that contributes to species dissemination is still poorly known. This study aimed to determine the seed potential of different livestock ruminant manures. To this end, cattle (Bos indicus), goat (Capra hircus) and sheep (Ovis aries) manures were collected in 45 distinct enclo
Bois Et Forets Des Tropiques, Dec 1, 2010
The impacts of climate change on food security are a thorny issue, especially in countries with m... more The impacts of climate change on food security are a thorny issue, especially in countries with marginal and volatile weather conditions. Burkina Faso is one of those countries where agriculture, mainly rain- fed type, is highly dependent on agro-climatic parameters such as rainfall, temperature, sunshine, wind, etc. In Yatenga province, located in the northern region of Burkina Faso, the agro climatic parameters are undergoing major changes over the years. The autonomous adaptation to climate change and climate variability has been implemented by the people through the diversification of their activities, irrigation, water management, risk management and disaster insurance. French version:
The Building Biocarbon and Rural Development in West Africa Programme aims to demonstrate the mul... more The Building Biocarbon and Rural Development in West Africa Programme aims to demonstrate the multiple developmental and environmental wins that result from a high value biocarbon approach to climate change and variability in large landscapes principally in Mali, Sierra Leone and Guinea. The Programme will also build local institutions and capacity to be able to sustain the benefits in the sites and will establish linkages with related initiatives to jointly build national and regional capacity to scale up the approaches into other programmes and projects. The themes of the Programme are very closely linked to Finland's international development priorities and are closely aligned with the priorities expressed in its national poverty reduction and climate change adaptation strategies. Furthermore, the Programme aims to generate critical information that can fill the global knowledge gaps on how to better link climate change mitigation and adaptation thrusts and how to make these ...
Tree growth is an important means of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon and is thus a key t... more Tree growth is an important means of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon and is thus a key to mitigating the effects of climate change. Over recent decades, mango (Mangifera indica L.) parklands have expanded in Burkina Faso, due to the species’ fast growth and its compatibility with local agricultural crops. However, the contribution of mango parklands to reducing atmospheric CO2 remains unknown, due to the lack of local tools for aboveground biomass (AGB) estimation. The aim of this study was to develop accurate allometric equations for estimating the AGB and carbon (C) stocks of mango parklands. A field survey was carried out to select mango parklands according to their age. These parklands were then classified into six groups age (0≦y
Papers by Babou André Bationo