Papers by Barbara Hanfstingl
Der Beitrag stellt ausgewählte Forschungsbefunde aus der Begleitforschung des Schul-und Unterrich... more Der Beitrag stellt ausgewählte Forschungsbefunde aus der Begleitforschung des Schul-und Unterrichtsentwicklungsprojekts IMST (Innovations in Mathematics, Science and Technology Teaching) vor. Der Fokus der hier referierten Befunde richtet sich auf die Motivation von Lehrkräften und Schülern innerhalb der Entwicklungsmaße. Es wird erstens der Frage nachgegangen, wie sich die Motivation von Lehrkräften und die Lernmotivation von Schülern innerhalb eines Schuljahrs im Projekt IMST entwickeln. Ferner wird auch untersucht, ob sich die motivationsfördernden bzw.-hindernden Bedingungen in Schule und Unterricht innerhalb eines Schuljahrs verändern. Zweitens wird mit Hilfe eines Strukturgleichungsmodells untersucht, inwiefern Lehrer-und Schülermotivation mit den Arbeitsbedingungen bzw. mit Unterrichtsmerkmalen zusammenhängen. Als theoretische Grundlage der Studie dient die Selbstbestimmungstheorie von Deci und Ryan (2002), welche davon ausgeht, dass selbstbestimmte Motivation von der Befriedigung der grundlegenden psychologischen Bedürfnisse nach Autonomie, Kompetenz und sozialer Einbindung abhängt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen direkte und indirekte Zusammenhänge zwischen den Rahmenbedingungen, der Lehrermotivation und der Lernmotivation der Schüler sowie deren Unterrichtsbedingungen. Einleitung Das österreichweite Projekt IMST (Innovations in Mathematics, Science and Technology Teaching) wurde als Reaktion auf das nur mäßige Abschneiden der Schülerinnen und Schüler 1 in der Sekundarstufe II in den Fächern Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften bei der internationalen Vergleichsstudie TIMSS ins Leben gerufen und insbesondere in Folge mittelmäßiger PISA-Ergebnisse in Österreich weiter forciert. IMST interveniert auf den verschiedensten Ebenen in das Bildungssystem, von der Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften und der Unterrichtsentwicklung über den Ausbau regionaler Vernetzung von Schulen bis hin zur Beratung der Bildungspolitik. Dabei wird auf eine enge Verzahnung von Wissenschaft, Schulverwaltung, Bildungspolitik und Schulpraxis besonderer Wert gelegt. Die Interventionsstrategie von IMST kann als "Bottom-up"-Ansatz beschrieben werden, der die Eigeninitiative und Selbstbestimmung von Lehrpersonen, Schulen oder Schulregionen betont (für einen Überblick zur Konzeption und den Zielen von IMST siehe z.B. Krainer, 2002, 2007a, 2007b). Eine der zentralen Maßnahmen von IMST ist der so genannte Fonds für Unterrichts-und Schulentwicklung 2 (IMST-Fonds), der ähnlich einem Fonds für 1 Aus Gründen der besseren Lesbarkeit wird in diesem Beitrag die männliche Form verwendet und darauf verwiesen, dass auch immer weibliche Personen damit gemeint sind.
Educational Action Research
This paper reports the results from a second-order action research process, accompanying a contin... more This paper reports the results from a second-order action research process, accompanying a continuing professional development (CPD), the Pedagogy and Subject Didactics Programme (PFL). PFL is a 2-year-postgraduate university course that focuses primarily on subject didactics, action research methods and peer group learning. This study accompanied PFL 2015-2017 with 20 graduates. The main objectives of the evaluation were to verify and maintain a good quality of the input and the possibility to bring this input into the daily work of teachers. Through the formative process orientation, we as program administrators were enabled to integrate many insights directly into the further development of the course. The described process shows how and to what extent PFL could be positively shaped by feedback from teachers and our reflection on it. In this way we were able to meet the needs of the participants without losing sight of PFL's goal. Targeted interventions enabled us to achieve most of the two main objectives of the study.
Lernprozesse über die Lebensspanne
Frontiers in Psychology
Editorial on the Research Topic Epistemological and Ethical Aspects of Research in the Social Sci... more Editorial on the Research Topic Epistemological and Ethical Aspects of Research in the Social Sciences This Research Topic focuses on the questions "behind" empirical research in the social sciences, especially in psychology, sociology and education, and presents various ideas about the nature of empirical knowledge and the values knowledge is or should be based on. The questions raised in the contributions are central for empirical research, especially with respect to disciplinary and epistemological diversity among researchers. This diversity is also mirrored by the variety of article types collected in this issue, "Hypotheses & Theory, " "Methods, " "Conceptual Analyses, " "Review, " "Opinion, " "Commentary, " and "Book Review." Krueger and Heck explore in their "Hypotheses & Theory" article "The Heuristic Value of p in Inductive Statistical Inference." Taking up a very lively debate on the significance of nullhypothesis testing, they explore how well the p-value predicts what researchers presumably seek: the probability of the hypothesis being true given the evidence, and the probability of reproducing significant results. They furthermore investigate the effect of sample size on inferential accuracy, bias, and error. In a series of simulation experiments, they find that the p-value performs quite well as a heuristic cue in inductive inference, although there are identifiable limits to its usefulness. Krueger and Heck conclude that despite its general usefulness, the p-value cannot bear the full burden of inductive inference; it is but one of several heuristic cues available to the data analyst. Depending on the inferential challenge at hand, investigators may supplement their reports with effect size estimates, Bayes factors, or other suitable statistics, to communicate what they think the data say. The argumentation of this article is flanked with a "Comment" on the article "The Need for Bayesian Hypothesis Testing in Psychological Science" (Wagenmakers et al., 2017) by Perezgonzalez. He argues that Wagenmakers et al. fail to demonstrate the illogical nature of pvalues, while, secondarily, they succeed to defend the philosophical consistency of the Bayesian alternative. He comments on their interpretation of the logic underlying p-values without necessarily invalidating their Bayesian arguments. A second contribution by Perezgonzalez et al. deals with a comment on epistemological, ethical, and didactical ideas to the debate on null hypothesis significance testing, chief among them ideas about falsificationism, statistical power, dubious statistical practices, and publication bias presented by Heene and Ferguson (2017). The authors of this commentary conclude that frequentist approaches only deal with the probability of data under H0 [p(D|H 0)]. If anything about the (posterior) probability of the hypotheses is at question, then a Bayesian approach is needed in order to confirm which hypothesis is most likely given both the likelihood of the data and the prior probabilities of the hypotheses themselves.
Educational Action Research
International Journal for Lesson and Learning Studies
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present an implemented lesson study (LS) in English as a ... more Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present an implemented lesson study (LS) in English as a second language course for 11-year-old students in the fifth grade. The aim of the research lesson was to learn how to describe a person systematically. Design/methodology/approach Two LS cycles in two different classes were conducted and evaluated using systematic observation, case student interviews and student feedback. The data were analysed by the involved teacher team and the mentor. Findings The study shows that and how LS and variation theory promotes theory-based lesson preparation and postprocessing as well as team orientation among teachers without LS experience. Second, the lesson data show how elements of variation theory lead to a significant improvement in student learning activity. Originality/value This paper provides insights how teachers apply a first time LS and variation theory and how this effects student learning positively.
Frontiers in Psychology
This paper discusses theoretical and epistemological problems concerning validity of psychologica... more This paper discusses theoretical and epistemological problems concerning validity of psychological science in the context of latent constructs. I consider the use of latent constructs as one reason for the replicability crisis. At the moment, there exist different constructs describing the same psychological phenomena side by side, and different psychological phenomena that are reflected by the same latent construct. Hagger called them déjà-variables, which lead to a decreasing validity of measurements and inhibit a deeper understanding of psychological phenomena. To overcome this problem, I suggest a shift of theoretical and epistemological perspective on latent constructs. One main point is the explicit consideration of latent constructs as mental representations, which change objects and are changed by objects via assimilative and accommodative processes. The explicit orientation toward assimilation and accommodation allows the control of normally automatized processes that influence our understanding of psychological phenomena and their corresponding latent constructs. I argue that assimilation and accommodation are part of our research practice anyway and cause the mentioned problems. For example, taking a measurement is an assimilative process, and thus a high measurement error should lead to an increase of accommodative processes. Taking into account these considerations, I suggest consequences for research practices, for individual researchers and for the philosophy of science.
Educational Action Research
Educational Action Research
Educational Studies in Mathematics
Scaling up educational innovations is a complex endeavour. It often fails or is only successful t... more Scaling up educational innovations is a complex endeavour. It often fails or is only successful to a limited extent. More knowledge is therefore needed about the factors that lead to successful scaling up and about the challenges in doing so. The factors fostering the scaling up of educational innovations depend on the level where innovations are expected-at the teachers', schools', regional or at the national level. There is a lack of knowledge about these factors and their interconnectedness, in particular regarding large initiatives aiming at innovations at some or even at all of these levels. This paper reports a meta-study building on several existing empirical studies, theoretical considerations and complementing new studies related to the multi-layered nationwide initiative IMST (Innovations Make Schools Top) in Austria. The meta-study synthesises findings and considerations regarding IMST and aims to analyse and identify relevant fostering factors and challenges. The diffusion of innovation (DOI) theory and the self-determination theory (SDT) are used as lenses on the complex topic of scaling up of educational innovations. The meta-study highlights the particular relevance of the factors need for competence (referring to SDT) as well as relative advantage and trialability (both referring to DOI) in scaling up the initiative. As major challenges, we highlight the interconnection between individual and organisational learning, the balance between a bottom-up and top-down strategy and the need to further build up resources in subject didactics in Austria. Finally, we sketch ideas how to further develop IMST.
Psychologie in Erziehung Und Unterricht, Nov 17, 2004
Educational Psychology, 2015
Papers by Barbara Hanfstingl