Books by Budiarsih Budiarsih
Nasdem, Hanura, PP dan Golkar, telah ditetapkan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum sebagai peserta dan/at... more Nasdem, Hanura, PP dan Golkar, telah ditetapkan oleh Komisi Pemilihan Umum sebagai peserta dan/atau pasangan terpilih dalam Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2019. Dengan telah berakhirnya penyelenggaraan Pemilihan Umum Tahun 2019 tersebut, berarti Bangsa Indonesia telah selesai mewujudkan kedaulatan rakyat untuk menghasilkan wakil rakyat dan pemerintahan negara yang demokratis, karena Pemilihan Umum pada dasarnya merupakan pengakuan dan perwujudan dari hak-hak politik rakyat sekaligus merupakan pendelegasian hak-hak tersebut oleh rakyat kepada wakilwakilnya untuk menjalankan pemerintahan, atau dengan kata lain Pemilihan Umum merupakan simbol kedaulatan rakyat.
Praise be to God Almighty because for his grace and grace, the preparation of the book entitled "... more Praise be to God Almighty because for his grace and grace, the preparation of the book entitled " CONSTITUTIONAL COURT in National Law System Indonesia" can be completed properly and appropriately at a predetermined time. This book we compiled to fulfill the task of The Constitutional Court Event Law Course in the Faculty of Law, the University of Stikubank Semarang based on what we have learned and studied in previous sources. In the preparation of this book, we realize there are still many shortcomings both in terms of the composition, content, and way of writing, therefore suggestions and criticisms that are constructive for the sake of perfection of this book we hope. We hope that this book can be useful for readers in general and also useful for the author in particular.
He is active in writing journals both nationally and internationally. Several journal titles rela... more He is active in writing journals both nationally and internationally. Several journal titles related to health law that have been made are "Solutions governance and corruption in public health care systems in Indonesia", "Integration of Law and Health Systems in Indonesia: One Effort to Realize Universal Health Coverage 2019", Book "Law and Health Financing Systems, The book "Overview of Health Corruption Crimes" in 2020 and as a speaker in various Procceding and Webinars. She is actively teaching as a lecturer in various universities. In 1990-2017 he became a permanent lecturer at the SI Faculty and Masters of Law Undaris. In years 2-17-now she is a permanent lecturer at the Faculty of Law, Untag Surabaya as well as a non-permanent lecturer at the
asalah tindak pidana korupsi di bidang kesehatan semakin hari semakin banyak. Banyak persoalan ... more M
asalah tindak pidana korupsi di bidang kesehatan semakin hari semakin banyak. Banyak persoalan korupsi kesehatan yang tidak bisa tersentuh dengan hukum yang disebabkan karena pelaku tindak pidana korupsi dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai kewenangan yang lebih besar dan dilakukan oleh pejabat – pejabat, sebagai contoh kejaksaan agung telah menetapkan 8 tersangka yang diduga telah melakukan tindak pidana korupsi pegelolaan keuangan dan dana investasi di PT. Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia (Persero) salah satu tersangka adalah mantan direktur Utama ASABRi yang merupakan jendral purnawirawan TNI angkatan darat. Berikutnya Mayjen (purn) Adam Rachmat Damiri dan Letjen (purn) Sony Widjaya periode 2011-2016 sementara Sony 2016-2020 mereka melakukan kesepakatan dan transksi diperusahaan milik negara yang mana ASABRI adalah uang milik anggota POLRI dan TNI yang sangat dibutuhkan uang tersebut. Hal ini tentunya sangat menyakiti hati dan melemahkan kepercayaan publik terhadap industri asuransi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan semetara kerugian negara mencapai Rp23,739 triliun.
Kesehatan merupakan kebutuhan mendasar dari setiap manusia untuk dapat hidup layak, produktif, se... more Kesehatan merupakan kebutuhan mendasar dari setiap manusia untuk dapat hidup layak, produktif, serta mampu bersaing untuk meningkatkan taraf hidupnya. Perkembangan teknologi dalam bidang kesehatan berjalan dengan pesat dalam abad terakhir ini, yang manfaatnya dapat dinikmati oleh masyarakat luas. Namun demikian jangkauan pelayanan kesehatan ini masih terbatas; artinya masih banyak masyarakat yang belum mampu menikmati pelayanan kesehatan yang bermutu. Untuk dapat mencapai derajat kesehatan masyarakat yang setinggi-tingginya perlu diselenggarakan berbagai upaya kesehatan dengan menghimpun seluruh potensi bangsa Indonesia. Pemerintah melalui Kementrian Kesehatan RI telah menetapkan visi masyarakat sehat yang mandiri dan berkeadilan dengan salah satu strateginya meningkatkan pembiayaan pembangunan kesehatan. Badan kesehatan dunia (WHO) telah mengadakan analisis sistem kesehatan ke berbagai negara dengan dihasilkan bahwa mutu sistem pelayanan kesehatan tidak semata- mata ditentukan oleh besarnya biaya yang dikeluarkan untuk pembiayaan kesehatan tersebut. (Ediani, 2015).
BAB I PENDAHULUAN Tindak pidana khusus mulanya dikenal dengan istilah Hukum Pidana Khusus, yang s... more BAB I PENDAHULUAN Tindak pidana khusus mulanya dikenal dengan istilah Hukum Pidana Khusus, yang sekarang dikenal dengan istilah Hukum Tindak Pidana Khusus. Lingkup hukum tindak pidana khusus berada diluar hukum pidana umum yang mengatur perbuatan tertentu atau berlaku terhadap orang tertentu, walaupun pada dasarnya tindak pidana khusus merupakan bagian dari hukum pidana. Di Indonesia hukum kesehatan berkembang seiring dengan dinamika kehidupan manusia, dia lebih banyak mengatur hubungan hukum dalam pelayanan kesehatan, dan lebih spesifik bagi hukum kesehatan mengatur antara pelayanan kesehatan dokter, rumah sakit, puskesmas, dan tenaga-tenaga kesehatan lain dengan pasien. Karena merupakan hak dasar yang harus dipenuhi, maka dilakukan pengaturan hukum kesehatan, yang di Indonesia dibuat suatu aturan tentang hukum tersebut, yaitu hukum disahkannya Undang-undang Nomor 36 Tahun 2009 tentang kesehatan. Hukum kesehatan di Indonesia diharapkan lebih fleksibel dan mengikuti perkembangan IPTEK kedokteran. Kesehatan sebagai salah satu unsur kesejahteraan umum yang harus diwujudkan melalui berbagai upaya dalam rangkaian pembangunan kesehatan secara menyeluruh dan terpadu yang didukung oleh suatu sistem kesehatan nasional yang berpihak pada rakyat. Indonesia sebagai negara yang berasaskan negara
Papers by Budiarsih Budiarsih
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2021
The research objective was to determine the form of legal protection for medical personnel and pa... more The research objective was to determine the form of legal protection for medical personnel and patients or their families for criminal acts of medical negligence and the form of the mediation concept of penalties for medical negligence. This research uses normative juridical legal research, is descriptive analysis, data sources are primary and secondary legal materials. Medical negligence lies between deliberate and coincidence, the crime of medical negligence is not mens rea, culpa offense is a false offense. The concept of penal mediation for the criminal act of medical negligence is to bring together medical personnel with patients or their families directly, changing the perspective of criminal law towards a humanistic criminal law, because the main focus isn’t on retaliation but on efforts to restore and make peace. The concept of penal mediation isn’t intended to maintain discretionary measures by law enforcers but to provide a place for penal mediation for criminal acts of me...
Technium Social Sciences Journal, 2022
This research is normative law. The rule of law gives the highest supremacy to a country in provi... more This research is normative law. The rule of law gives the highest supremacy to a country in providing welfare and forming legal norms, the ratification of GATT through Law No.7 of 1994 concerning Ratification of the Agreement Establishing The World Trade Organization (ADDITIONAL TO STATE GAZETTE OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIA NO. 3564) is the rule of law that has the highest supremacy, the result is to comply with the ratified GATT legal norms where the related parties of the public contract agreement can exercise the right to test for inconsistencies.
International Journal of Multicultural and Multireligious Understanding, 2020
Labor law in Indonesia has not comprehensively provided protection for the rights of resigning wo... more Labor law in Indonesia has not comprehensively provided protection for the rights of resigning workers qualification. Since provisions of labor law does not mention the amount of separation pay for resigning workers. This research is conducted to analyze and find the ratio legis in providing separation pay for resigning workers in the Manpower Act and also the concept of giving separation pay to resigning workers in justice perspective. The research method used in this study is normative legal research by using several approach including philosophical approach, purposive approach, conceptual approach, case approach and historical approach. The result of the study shows that the regulation of separation pay in the Manpower Act is a form of reward for workers given by employers as a reward for devotion and loyalty of workers during a certain period of service. The Regulation of separation pay for resigning workers which reflecting justice is by formulating separation pay for resigning...
Tapis : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmiah, 2020
Law Number 23, 2009 concerning Environmental and Management Protection has been running for eleve... more Law Number 23, 2009 concerning Environmental and Management Protection has been running for eleven years. This law still needs a lot of evaluation, especially at the level of implementation or implementation. One of them is related to the sanction for corporations that do environmental damage. There are three types of sanctions that can be given to corporations, namely: civil, criminal and administrative. However, all this time the three did not provide a deterrent effect. As a result, the rights of affected citizens to get a healthy environment are also ignored. For this reason, this paper focused on how is the Analysis of corporate sanctions of perpetrators of waste dumping without permission viewed from a Human Rights perspective? This study uses a juridical normative research method, by analyzing secondary data in the form of laws and regulations related to sanctions for corporations that carry out waste dumping without permission. The results of the study found that the analysi...
The world has evolved, cultural influences have been acculturated into a world that is very unive... more The world has evolved, cultural influences have been acculturated into a world that is very universal. The influence of western culture is becoming increasingly difficult to be limited. Modern style has taken many forms in the lives of the citizens of the country. Modern culture is a big trend that has a variety of political, social, cultural and technological. One of the modern lifestyle that is unhealthy has caused illness and even premature death. Some existing laws in order to prevent and strategies to deter have been made but the condition still prevails. As a result of unhealthy lifestyles lead to poor public health in the future. This research tried to focus on the role of law in limiting the influence of modern lifestyle related with fast food and smoking as a lifestyle in Indonesia and Malaysia. The methodology of sociological jurisprudence is edopted by connecting aspects of normative and sociological. The results of this study will describe the extent to which the laws of...
A country that has a good system will be able to provide good services to its people, but in prac... more A country that has a good system will be able to provide good services to its people, but in practice the regulations and financing systems experience obstacles. One of the problems faced by a country is fraud which has the potential to become an act of corruption. Corruption by some individuals is very detrimental to the community as recipients of health services. The data shows the purpose of creating a health system that has a good vision and mission, but in practice, it creates misery for the community, especially the middle to a lower class. During the Covid-19 pandemic, corruption in the financing of the health system also increased. Based on the above background, the researcher will focus on the issue of how to analyze the impact of corruption in the Health System and how to conceptualize recommendations to overcome it. Juridical normative and sociological methods are used to study the problems found and at the same time analyzed in the health financing system. The results of...
Books by Budiarsih Budiarsih
asalah tindak pidana korupsi di bidang kesehatan semakin hari semakin banyak. Banyak persoalan korupsi kesehatan yang tidak bisa tersentuh dengan hukum yang disebabkan karena pelaku tindak pidana korupsi dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai kewenangan yang lebih besar dan dilakukan oleh pejabat – pejabat, sebagai contoh kejaksaan agung telah menetapkan 8 tersangka yang diduga telah melakukan tindak pidana korupsi pegelolaan keuangan dan dana investasi di PT. Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia (Persero) salah satu tersangka adalah mantan direktur Utama ASABRi yang merupakan jendral purnawirawan TNI angkatan darat. Berikutnya Mayjen (purn) Adam Rachmat Damiri dan Letjen (purn) Sony Widjaya periode 2011-2016 sementara Sony 2016-2020 mereka melakukan kesepakatan dan transksi diperusahaan milik negara yang mana ASABRI adalah uang milik anggota POLRI dan TNI yang sangat dibutuhkan uang tersebut. Hal ini tentunya sangat menyakiti hati dan melemahkan kepercayaan publik terhadap industri asuransi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan semetara kerugian negara mencapai Rp23,739 triliun.
Papers by Budiarsih Budiarsih
asalah tindak pidana korupsi di bidang kesehatan semakin hari semakin banyak. Banyak persoalan korupsi kesehatan yang tidak bisa tersentuh dengan hukum yang disebabkan karena pelaku tindak pidana korupsi dilakukan oleh orang-orang yang mempunyai kewenangan yang lebih besar dan dilakukan oleh pejabat – pejabat, sebagai contoh kejaksaan agung telah menetapkan 8 tersangka yang diduga telah melakukan tindak pidana korupsi pegelolaan keuangan dan dana investasi di PT. Angkatan Bersenjata Republik Indonesia (Persero) salah satu tersangka adalah mantan direktur Utama ASABRi yang merupakan jendral purnawirawan TNI angkatan darat. Berikutnya Mayjen (purn) Adam Rachmat Damiri dan Letjen (purn) Sony Widjaya periode 2011-2016 sementara Sony 2016-2020 mereka melakukan kesepakatan dan transksi diperusahaan milik negara yang mana ASABRI adalah uang milik anggota POLRI dan TNI yang sangat dibutuhkan uang tersebut. Hal ini tentunya sangat menyakiti hati dan melemahkan kepercayaan publik terhadap industri asuransi. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan semetara kerugian negara mencapai Rp23,739 triliun.