... pragmatistično in kontekstualno. Npr. če rečem »Ta zid je bel«, je to čisto pravilna trditev ... more ... pragmatistično in kontekstualno. Npr. če rečem »Ta zid je bel«, je to čisto pravilna trditev ne v smislu, da objektivno in faktično obstajata kakna bela barva in bel zid, ... pojasnjevanje neha in tudi z nahajanjem ne pojasnjujemo v določenem smislu ničesar drugega. To je ena pot. ...
Saetak Der Artikel nimmt die ethische Bedeutsamkeit der Transzendenzannahme eines jeglichen Indi... more Saetak Der Artikel nimmt die ethische Bedeutsamkeit der Transzendenzannahme eines jeglichen Individuums auf. Der Autor ergreift das Wort zugunsten folgender Thesen: Die transzendente Anthropologie ist ein positiver Faktor des Personalismus; die ...
The article deals above all with the question of the value of a work of art. It concludes that th... more The article deals above all with the question of the value of a work of art. It concludes that the value is relative to the effects the work of art produces. These effects are context dependent, therefore the value of a work of art is also context relative. There are no available rules for ...
The main topics of the article are two phenomena that play an important role in (modern) higher e... more The main topics of the article are two phenomena that play an important role in (modern) higher education: accountability and trust. The author claims that we should not carry out just any accountability but rather only intelligent accountability. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the knowledge about intelligent accountability. In this framework the author wants to illuminate the key importance of trust for cultivation of intelligent accountability, the “dialectic” between trust and accountability and the importance of the proper understanding of the university. He argues that trust in teachers and faith in educational institutions is a necessary condition for their proper functioning. This faith demands that we comprehend (educational) institutions as paradigms. The author concludes that the implementation of non-intelligent accountability in education is an important factor of developing of the economicist model of education which however is incompatible with the personali...
German sociologist Hartmut Rosa has developed an integral resonance theory, which is a theory of ... more German sociologist Hartmut Rosa has developed an integral resonance theory, which is a theory of our relationship to the world. This theory has aroused much interest in recent years not only among sociologists but also among representatives of other humanities and social sciences, including representatives of the science of religion. Therefore, the author considers it worth discussing. The article deals with religion and nature in light of Rosa’s theory. Rosa understands religion and nature as two of the main axes and areas of man’s search for vertical resonance in modernity. In the section devoted to religion, the author presents Rosa’s view that the essence of religion is man’s need for a response. In light of resonance theory, the author examines phenomena such as prayer, worship, religious rites, certain holidays (Christmas), and sin. Schleiermacher, Buber, Gerhardt, Luther and Camus are singled out as particularly relevant thinkers and creators. On this basis, he discusses exis...
This article explains the concept of genocide by means of the concept of social death. Its centra... more This article explains the concept of genocide by means of the concept of social death. Its central findings are that genocide is an extreme form of social death; the intentional causing of social death is the central evil of genocide; social death is what distinguishes genocide from mass killings; the physical killing of the members of the target groups is not essential for genocide; there are more sophisticated forms of genocide by which the members of the target groups are not killed physically, but instead "only" particular ties, relationships and social structures, which are of vital importance for the survival of the target groups as such, are destroyed. This article also explains what kind of groups are targets of genocide, the claim that genocide is an ethically laden concept, and some implications of this fact. On this basis, it provides a comparative analysis of some phenomena closely connected with genocide: crimes against humanity, totalitarianism, terrorism and...
The paper deals with Kierkegaard's account of human suffering which is a variant of theodicy. Its... more The paper deals with Kierkegaard's account of human suffering which is a variant of theodicy. Its main thesis is that, according to Kierkegaard, God brings suffering only to those that he loves. His position is quite radical and challenging, also because at the same time his main staring point is the belief that God is love. The author explains Kierkegaard's position by referring to his understanding of love, obedience, faith and bliss. His aim is to show its complexity, but at the same time intelligibility when understood in the framework of Christian grammar, and to distinguish it from too simplistic understandings in the sense of God's pedagogy.
Članek ima tri glavne dele. V prvem analiziramo pojem rezilience. Izraz ,rezilienca' se uporablja... more Članek ima tri glavne dele. V prvem analiziramo pojem rezilience. Izraz ,rezilienca' se uporablja v različnih vedah in na različnih področjih. Iz teh rab izluščimo jedrne značilnosti rezilience. Ugotavljamo, da pri rezilienci ne gre za golo odpornost na spremembe-ključne značilnosti rezilientnosti so prilagodljivost, zmožnost preobražanja ter odzivnost. Prav tako rezilientnost ne pomeni varnosti, zavarovanosti pred poškodbami in neranljivosti. Nasprotno, ugotavljamo, da človek lahko doseže rezilientnost predvsem zato, ker je ranljiv. Paradigma rezilientnosti je usmerjena na izzive dogodkov, ki so presenetljivi, še neznani in nepredvidljivi. Zato je rezilienca v svetu, ki je vedno bolj zapleten, nepregleden, nepredvidljiv, ki se izmika nadzoru in se zelo hitro spreminja, tako pomemben pojem. V drugem delu z vidika rezilientnosti obravnavamo kreposti vere, upanja, ljubezni in usmiljenosti. Ugotavljamo, da so vse štiri lahko pomembni pozitivni dejavniki rezilientnosti. Ta del po eni strani poglablja naše razumevanje omenjenih kreposti v luči rezilience, po drugi pa dopolnjuje naše razumevanje rezilience iz prvega dela. V tretjem delu apliciramo dognanja iz prvih dveh delov na vprašanje rezilientne Cerkve. Ugotavljamo, da je samo Cerkev, ki se odziva na konkretne probleme konkretnih ljudi, še posebno najšibkejših in najbolj ranljivih, skladna s svojim poslanstvom in rezilientna. Njena rezilientnost pa ne izvira iz togega vztrajanja na izročilu, ampak iz dejstva, da se je Cerkev ob vsem dolžnem spoštovanju tradicije hkrati znala tudi preobražati in prenavljati.
The general aim of this article is to contribute to the answer how studying of Kierkegaard could ... more The general aim of this article is to contribute to the answer how studying of Kierkegaard could help us to understand societal and political life. The author illustrates Kierkegaard’s usefulness by example of an innovative and illuminative Bellinger’s interpretation of Nazism and Stalinism given in Kierkegaard’s terms of anxiety and stages of existence. Bellinger interprets Hitler and Nazism as an extreme pathological example of the aesthetic stage and anxiety before the good, and Stalinism as an extreme pathological example of the ethical stage and anxiety before the evil. On this basis we may also speak about the importance of Kierkegaard for the understanding of depth motivation for political violence and crime.
The paper has two main parts. In the first the author delineates the Kierkegaardian theory of vio... more The paper has two main parts. In the first the author delineates the Kierkegaardian theory of violence developed by the American theologian Charles K. Bellinger. This theory is an example of transcendental i.e. non-secular humanities. It uses Kierkegaard‟s theological concepts of creation, anxiety and sin to understand human violence. Its central matrix is the relationship „God‟s call – human‟s response to it‟. It makes possible interpretations of violence of key importance that secular theories can‟t offer. Since the significance of the illuminating interpretations of violence for political theory is evident it follows that Kierkegaard is of highest importance for in-depth political theory. In the second part the author argues for two theses. Firstly, he demonstrates that Kierkegaard‟s divine command ethics is compatible with liberal democracy. Secondly, not only that it is compatible, it is of vital importance for cultivation of liberal democracy. The main reason is that it is a f...
The paper explains some important foundations and elements of Wittgenstein‟s view on faith and Th... more The paper explains some important foundations and elements of Wittgenstein‟s view on faith and Theology: his concept of grammar, his conception of philosophy as therapy, and of Theology as the grammar of religious discourse, his view on the importance of certainty for faith, and the nature of religious certainty. Wittgenstein distinguished between factual and grammatical propositions. Theological propositions are grammatical propositions of a particular religious discourse. Their certainty rests on their grammatical nature. The aim of a religious discourse is not to prove, but rather to direct, stimulate, clarify and convert. The paper also addresses some critiques of Wittgenstein‟s understanding of faith and their failure to take into account the distinction between theological and factual propositions.
... pragmatistično in kontekstualno. Npr. če rečem »Ta zid je bel«, je to čisto pravilna trditev ... more ... pragmatistično in kontekstualno. Npr. če rečem »Ta zid je bel«, je to čisto pravilna trditev ne v smislu, da objektivno in faktično obstajata kakna bela barva in bel zid, ... pojasnjevanje neha in tudi z nahajanjem ne pojasnjujemo v določenem smislu ničesar drugega. To je ena pot. ...
Saetak Der Artikel nimmt die ethische Bedeutsamkeit der Transzendenzannahme eines jeglichen Indi... more Saetak Der Artikel nimmt die ethische Bedeutsamkeit der Transzendenzannahme eines jeglichen Individuums auf. Der Autor ergreift das Wort zugunsten folgender Thesen: Die transzendente Anthropologie ist ein positiver Faktor des Personalismus; die ...
The article deals above all with the question of the value of a work of art. It concludes that th... more The article deals above all with the question of the value of a work of art. It concludes that the value is relative to the effects the work of art produces. These effects are context dependent, therefore the value of a work of art is also context relative. There are no available rules for ...
The main topics of the article are two phenomena that play an important role in (modern) higher e... more The main topics of the article are two phenomena that play an important role in (modern) higher education: accountability and trust. The author claims that we should not carry out just any accountability but rather only intelligent accountability. The aim of this paper is to contribute to the knowledge about intelligent accountability. In this framework the author wants to illuminate the key importance of trust for cultivation of intelligent accountability, the “dialectic” between trust and accountability and the importance of the proper understanding of the university. He argues that trust in teachers and faith in educational institutions is a necessary condition for their proper functioning. This faith demands that we comprehend (educational) institutions as paradigms. The author concludes that the implementation of non-intelligent accountability in education is an important factor of developing of the economicist model of education which however is incompatible with the personali...
German sociologist Hartmut Rosa has developed an integral resonance theory, which is a theory of ... more German sociologist Hartmut Rosa has developed an integral resonance theory, which is a theory of our relationship to the world. This theory has aroused much interest in recent years not only among sociologists but also among representatives of other humanities and social sciences, including representatives of the science of religion. Therefore, the author considers it worth discussing. The article deals with religion and nature in light of Rosa’s theory. Rosa understands religion and nature as two of the main axes and areas of man’s search for vertical resonance in modernity. In the section devoted to religion, the author presents Rosa’s view that the essence of religion is man’s need for a response. In light of resonance theory, the author examines phenomena such as prayer, worship, religious rites, certain holidays (Christmas), and sin. Schleiermacher, Buber, Gerhardt, Luther and Camus are singled out as particularly relevant thinkers and creators. On this basis, he discusses exis...
This article explains the concept of genocide by means of the concept of social death. Its centra... more This article explains the concept of genocide by means of the concept of social death. Its central findings are that genocide is an extreme form of social death; the intentional causing of social death is the central evil of genocide; social death is what distinguishes genocide from mass killings; the physical killing of the members of the target groups is not essential for genocide; there are more sophisticated forms of genocide by which the members of the target groups are not killed physically, but instead "only" particular ties, relationships and social structures, which are of vital importance for the survival of the target groups as such, are destroyed. This article also explains what kind of groups are targets of genocide, the claim that genocide is an ethically laden concept, and some implications of this fact. On this basis, it provides a comparative analysis of some phenomena closely connected with genocide: crimes against humanity, totalitarianism, terrorism and...
The paper deals with Kierkegaard's account of human suffering which is a variant of theodicy. Its... more The paper deals with Kierkegaard's account of human suffering which is a variant of theodicy. Its main thesis is that, according to Kierkegaard, God brings suffering only to those that he loves. His position is quite radical and challenging, also because at the same time his main staring point is the belief that God is love. The author explains Kierkegaard's position by referring to his understanding of love, obedience, faith and bliss. His aim is to show its complexity, but at the same time intelligibility when understood in the framework of Christian grammar, and to distinguish it from too simplistic understandings in the sense of God's pedagogy.
Članek ima tri glavne dele. V prvem analiziramo pojem rezilience. Izraz ,rezilienca' se uporablja... more Članek ima tri glavne dele. V prvem analiziramo pojem rezilience. Izraz ,rezilienca' se uporablja v različnih vedah in na različnih področjih. Iz teh rab izluščimo jedrne značilnosti rezilience. Ugotavljamo, da pri rezilienci ne gre za golo odpornost na spremembe-ključne značilnosti rezilientnosti so prilagodljivost, zmožnost preobražanja ter odzivnost. Prav tako rezilientnost ne pomeni varnosti, zavarovanosti pred poškodbami in neranljivosti. Nasprotno, ugotavljamo, da človek lahko doseže rezilientnost predvsem zato, ker je ranljiv. Paradigma rezilientnosti je usmerjena na izzive dogodkov, ki so presenetljivi, še neznani in nepredvidljivi. Zato je rezilienca v svetu, ki je vedno bolj zapleten, nepregleden, nepredvidljiv, ki se izmika nadzoru in se zelo hitro spreminja, tako pomemben pojem. V drugem delu z vidika rezilientnosti obravnavamo kreposti vere, upanja, ljubezni in usmiljenosti. Ugotavljamo, da so vse štiri lahko pomembni pozitivni dejavniki rezilientnosti. Ta del po eni strani poglablja naše razumevanje omenjenih kreposti v luči rezilience, po drugi pa dopolnjuje naše razumevanje rezilience iz prvega dela. V tretjem delu apliciramo dognanja iz prvih dveh delov na vprašanje rezilientne Cerkve. Ugotavljamo, da je samo Cerkev, ki se odziva na konkretne probleme konkretnih ljudi, še posebno najšibkejših in najbolj ranljivih, skladna s svojim poslanstvom in rezilientna. Njena rezilientnost pa ne izvira iz togega vztrajanja na izročilu, ampak iz dejstva, da se je Cerkev ob vsem dolžnem spoštovanju tradicije hkrati znala tudi preobražati in prenavljati.
The general aim of this article is to contribute to the answer how studying of Kierkegaard could ... more The general aim of this article is to contribute to the answer how studying of Kierkegaard could help us to understand societal and political life. The author illustrates Kierkegaard’s usefulness by example of an innovative and illuminative Bellinger’s interpretation of Nazism and Stalinism given in Kierkegaard’s terms of anxiety and stages of existence. Bellinger interprets Hitler and Nazism as an extreme pathological example of the aesthetic stage and anxiety before the good, and Stalinism as an extreme pathological example of the ethical stage and anxiety before the evil. On this basis we may also speak about the importance of Kierkegaard for the understanding of depth motivation for political violence and crime.
The paper has two main parts. In the first the author delineates the Kierkegaardian theory of vio... more The paper has two main parts. In the first the author delineates the Kierkegaardian theory of violence developed by the American theologian Charles K. Bellinger. This theory is an example of transcendental i.e. non-secular humanities. It uses Kierkegaard‟s theological concepts of creation, anxiety and sin to understand human violence. Its central matrix is the relationship „God‟s call – human‟s response to it‟. It makes possible interpretations of violence of key importance that secular theories can‟t offer. Since the significance of the illuminating interpretations of violence for political theory is evident it follows that Kierkegaard is of highest importance for in-depth political theory. In the second part the author argues for two theses. Firstly, he demonstrates that Kierkegaard‟s divine command ethics is compatible with liberal democracy. Secondly, not only that it is compatible, it is of vital importance for cultivation of liberal democracy. The main reason is that it is a f...
The paper explains some important foundations and elements of Wittgenstein‟s view on faith and Th... more The paper explains some important foundations and elements of Wittgenstein‟s view on faith and Theology: his concept of grammar, his conception of philosophy as therapy, and of Theology as the grammar of religious discourse, his view on the importance of certainty for faith, and the nature of religious certainty. Wittgenstein distinguished between factual and grammatical propositions. Theological propositions are grammatical propositions of a particular religious discourse. Their certainty rests on their grammatical nature. The aim of a religious discourse is not to prove, but rather to direct, stimulate, clarify and convert. The paper also addresses some critiques of Wittgenstein‟s understanding of faith and their failure to take into account the distinction between theological and factual propositions.
Papers by Bojan Žalec