Risiko dari perdagangan internasional yaitu fluktuasi kurs valuta asing. Oleh sebab itu, perusaha... more Risiko dari perdagangan internasional yaitu fluktuasi kurs valuta asing. Oleh sebab itu, perusahaan harus mengelola dan melakukan manajemen risiko agar dapat meminimalisir risiko dalam transaksi pedagangan internasional. Hedging merupakan cara yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan untuk menurunkan tingkat fluktuasi harga dan mengurangi risiko akibat fluktuasi harga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh likuiditas, leverage, Profitabilitas, Firm Size, Growth Opportunity terhadap Keputusan Hedging Instrumen Derivatif studi kasus pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di ISSI tahun 2014-2018, baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 79 perusahaan manufaktur dan dilakukan pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling maka diperoleh 30 perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi logistik untuk melihat pengaruh antara variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara simultan...
Model Regresi Poisson merupakan model standar yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang memuat ... more Model Regresi Poisson merupakan model standar yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang memuat variabel dependen berupa diskrit (count data). Pada regresi Poisson terdapat asumsi yang harus dipenuhi yaitu kesamaan antara nilai mean dan variansinya. Akan tetapi, pada analisis data diskrit yang menggunakan regresi Poisson sering terjadi overdispersi (overdispersion) yaitu keadaan nilai variansnya lebih besar dari nilai meannya. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya overdispersi adalah terdapat kelebihan nilai nol pada variabel dependennya. Adanya overdispersi dalam data menyebabkan nilai prediksi menjadi tidak tepat sehingga distribusi Poisson tidak layak digunakan. Model-model regresi alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah overdispersi adalah dengan menggunakan model regresi Generalized Poisson (GP), Zero Inflated Poisson (ZIP), dan Zero Inflated Generalized Poisson (ZIGP). Dengan membandingkan nilai AIC, Log-likelihood, Pearson Chi Square/DB maka model ZIP lebih baik dig...
Introduction: Indonesia is ranked the 4th most populous country in the world. Since Covid19 is hi... more Introduction: Indonesia is ranked the 4th most populous country in the world. Since Covid19 is highly transmissible from human to human, Indonesia might suffer a long period of the Covid19 pandemic than other less-populous countries. This study aimed to find the correlations of tropical climate, population density and confounding factors with Covid19 progression in Indonesia from March to August 2020. Methods: The climatological data, population density, laboratory testing, and the confirmed Covid19 cases were statistically analyzed. The correlations between each data were performed with Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient using a Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The values of statistical significance were considered at 95% and 99% confidence intervals. Results and Discussion: Indonesia recorded more than 1,315 confirmed Covid19 cases in almost all provinces (30 out of 34) during the dry season (March to August 2020). During the early pandemic, DKI Jakarta and East Java ha...
Proceedings of the International Conference of Social Science, 2019
This study aims to determine the competence of inclusive elementary school teachers in utilizing ... more This study aims to determine the competence of inclusive elementary school teachers in utilizing media based on technology in terms of planning of learning based on information and communication technology. The research method is descriptive quantitative. The research was carried out in the province particular region of Yogyakarta. The subjects consisted of 138 teachers of SD Inklusi located in Bantul, Gunungkidul, Sleman, Kulonprogo and Yogyakarta. The research instrument using the test is completed with observation and interview. The results showed that the ability of elementary school teachers Inclusion in planning learning based on information and communication technology (ICT) of 38.65%. The highest value is the ability to plan ICTbased learning activities by 54.35%. Furthermore, the ability to prepare ICT-based materials reaches a value of 32.61%. While the lowest cost is the ability to plan ICTbased e-learning media of 28.98%. The result of the study illustrates that the learning done in the classroom is still conventional and teacher-centered with the dominance of the lecture method and has not done the development of ICT-based learning media capable of accommodating all the diversity and also raises the participation of all students in the class.
Guidelines for organizing learning in tertiary institutions in online courses are developed based... more Guidelines for organizing learning in tertiary institutions in online courses are developed based on learning process planning documents, one of which uses teaching materials. Good teaching materials are teaching materials that meet qualification standards. Teaching materials have an important position in learning and have an effective influence on increasing student activity and learning outcomes in the lecture process. Because learning in tertiary institutions should be able to involve students in higher-order thinking activities, it is better if in the lecture process in higher education learning materials used are HOTS (Higher order thinking skills) based teaching materials so that in their activities they can involve students to be involved. in higher-order thinking activities.
Increased awareness regarding environmental issues has encouraged organizations to use environmen... more Increased awareness regarding environmental issues has encouraged organizations to use environmental management accounting, which has been said to deliver many benefits to users, including an increase in innovation. This study aims to examine the effect of the implementation of environmental management accounting and strategy of the company’s innovation. That innovation is product innovation and process innovation. Using survey data from management accountans manufacturing company located in Province Riau. The sample used is manufacturing company’s located in Province Riau. The sample used some 30 large-scale manufacturing firms in Province Riau. The analytical method used is with the help of sofware Smart PLS. Parameter Significant tested by comparing the value tstatistic with ttable, where the value tstatistik>ttabel at 0,05 confidence level, its meaning there significant influence between independent variabel with dependent variabel. The result indicate that there is a positiv...
Ventilation is the process of exchanging air in a closed space to provide good indoor air quality... more Ventilation is the process of exchanging air in a closed space to provide good indoor air quality. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become one of the most important and reliable tools to assess natural ventilation. This paper presents the effect of wind direction on temperature and velocity inside a building with outlet windows at leeward wall and side wall. The CFD simulation was performed using Reynolds-Average Navier-Stoke (RANS) approach with k-ε model. The selection of standard k-ε model is due to suitability of this model to perform the wind speed profile and temperature profile inside the building. Validation of cross-ventilation is performed based on earlier Particular Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements and shows very minimal discrepancy between CFD and PIV result. The result of velocity and temperature shows that the wind speed and temperature inside a building strongly depends on the incident winds angle and outlet opening of the building.
Bidang pangan saat ini sangatlah berpengaruh pada pemanfaatan mikroorganisme. Pemanfaatan mikroor... more Bidang pangan saat ini sangatlah berpengaruh pada pemanfaatan mikroorganisme. Pemanfaatan mikroorganisme tersebut masih banyak pelajar, mahasiswa, ataupun masyarakat umum yang tidak mengetahui apa saja mikroorganisme yang dapat digunakan untuk mengolah bidang pangan. Oleh karena itu, pada penulisan ilmiah ini dikembangkan suatu aplikasi informasi pemanfaatan mikroorganisme dalam bidang pangan yang akan memudahkan pelajar, mahasiswa, ataupun masyarakat umum mempelajari dan mengakses semua pemanfaatan mikroorganisme yang ada. Penulis akan membuat Aplikasi Informasi Mikroorganisme Dalam Bidang Pangan Berbasis Android guna memenuhi kebutuhan informasi dengan praktis dan efisien. Pembuatan Aplikasi Informasi Mikroorganisme Dalam Bidang Pangan Berbasis Android, menggunakan Activity Diagram. Penjelasan lebih detail dari tiap – tiap bagian Activity Diagram dijelaskan pada perancangan halaman Aplikasi Informasi Mikroorganisme Dalam Bidang Pangan yang berisi rancangan tampilan yang akan dibua...
The implication of this research is to inform to the reader about of racism happen in American es... more The implication of this research is to inform to the reader about of racism happen in American especially in magnolia plantations about slavery, which divided in two kind of Racism, Individual and Institutional Racism. Individual racism occurs when a person of other certain race makes rules and act rudely to the other races (Charmichael and Hamilton, 1967 ; 28). In the other side, Institutional racism is an action of the majority to the minority which instituted and well organized to suppress minor races to get a fair and equitable treatment in community. The purpose of this researcher is to give understanding to the readers whom would like to know more about racism. Hopefully, this thesis can become reference to contribute in education for another research that related to Racism in perspective of literary work.
Teachers must be aware that each student has various abilities and characteristics. Then, the tea... more Teachers must be aware that each student has various abilities and characteristics. Then, the teachers must be able to create a comfortable atmosphere in learning process that can accommodate student diversity, both at the level of learning readiness, interest and student learning styles. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to offer one alternative way to increase the student participation, student involvement, activeness and the student who the various learning readiness, interests and learning styles through Teams Games Tournaments. The research method that is used is literature review from several journals and scientific studies which reveal the same thing. It is believed that the contents of this article will be triggering in developing a framework for accommodating the student learning diversity.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hambatan perkembangan belajar anak learning disabilitie... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hambatan perkembangan belajar anak learning disabilities di SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD SD Tamanmuda Ibu Pawiyatan Kota Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas II semester genap tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis data kualitatif yang terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat satu siswa dengan hambatan perkembangan belajar learning disabilities. Siswa tersebut menunjukkan kemampuan yang masih kurang dalam membaca, menulis, dan berhitung. Siswa tersebut membutuhkan latihan secara intensif dan bimbingan untuk menulis huruf, suku kata, dan kalimat agar nantinya dapat menulis karangan atau paragraf dengan baik.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, Mar 1, 2020
Inclusive education is one of the efforts to provide equal rights for all students in getting an ... more Inclusive education is one of the efforts to provide equal rights for all students in getting an equal education. One of the internal factors that support the success of inclusive education is the teacher. The teacher is expected to design a learning model that can accommodate the diversity of their students in the class. However, in reality, the learning process in class still impersonates, and there is no struggle to divide the characteristics of each student. Even, the students who have different abilities and special needs are just served the same learning material without considering their skills. Therefore, the efforts are needed for developing curriculum adaptation models that can meet the learning needs of all students' diversity in terms of learning readiness, learning styles and interests. This method used in this research is the R&D method by analyzing the needs and exploring the classroom teachers ability in 25 elementary schools at Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially in preparing learning activities in the classroom, internal school perceptions about diversity and educational services for all. Then, it is expected that the results of the data obtained can produce curriculum adaptation models and it can be suitable for 10 elementary schools at Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Proceedings of the International Conference of Science and Technology for the Internet of Things, 2019
This study aims to reveal how cooperative problem based learning model can accommodate learning d... more This study aims to reveal how cooperative problem based learning model can accommodate learning disabilities students in science learning in elementary schools. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The study was conducted at SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. Research subjects were third grade students on odd semester 2018-2019 school year. The results of the study show that through cooperative problem based learning model, groups of students with diverse characteristics are able to work together with the division of tasks according to their competencies. Learning disabilities students are able to follow learning through observation and discussion of science concepts in their cooperative groups. Learning disabilities students are able to convey the application of the science concept in their daily lives.
Risiko dari perdagangan internasional yaitu fluktuasi kurs valuta asing. Oleh sebab itu, perusaha... more Risiko dari perdagangan internasional yaitu fluktuasi kurs valuta asing. Oleh sebab itu, perusahaan harus mengelola dan melakukan manajemen risiko agar dapat meminimalisir risiko dalam transaksi pedagangan internasional. Hedging merupakan cara yang dapat dilakukan perusahaan untuk menurunkan tingkat fluktuasi harga dan mengurangi risiko akibat fluktuasi harga. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh likuiditas, leverage, Profitabilitas, Firm Size, Growth Opportunity terhadap Keputusan Hedging Instrumen Derivatif studi kasus pada perusahaan manufaktur yang terdaftar di ISSI tahun 2014-2018, baik secara simultan maupun secara parsial. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 79 perusahaan manufaktur dan dilakukan pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode purposive sampling maka diperoleh 30 perusahaan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode analisis regresi logistik untuk melihat pengaruh antara variabel independen terhadap variabel dependen. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian secara simultan...
Model Regresi Poisson merupakan model standar yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang memuat ... more Model Regresi Poisson merupakan model standar yang digunakan untuk menganalisis data yang memuat variabel dependen berupa diskrit (count data). Pada regresi Poisson terdapat asumsi yang harus dipenuhi yaitu kesamaan antara nilai mean dan variansinya. Akan tetapi, pada analisis data diskrit yang menggunakan regresi Poisson sering terjadi overdispersi (overdispersion) yaitu keadaan nilai variansnya lebih besar dari nilai meannya. Salah satu penyebab terjadinya overdispersi adalah terdapat kelebihan nilai nol pada variabel dependennya. Adanya overdispersi dalam data menyebabkan nilai prediksi menjadi tidak tepat sehingga distribusi Poisson tidak layak digunakan. Model-model regresi alternatif yang dapat digunakan untuk mengatasi masalah overdispersi adalah dengan menggunakan model regresi Generalized Poisson (GP), Zero Inflated Poisson (ZIP), dan Zero Inflated Generalized Poisson (ZIGP). Dengan membandingkan nilai AIC, Log-likelihood, Pearson Chi Square/DB maka model ZIP lebih baik dig...
Introduction: Indonesia is ranked the 4th most populous country in the world. Since Covid19 is hi... more Introduction: Indonesia is ranked the 4th most populous country in the world. Since Covid19 is highly transmissible from human to human, Indonesia might suffer a long period of the Covid19 pandemic than other less-populous countries. This study aimed to find the correlations of tropical climate, population density and confounding factors with Covid19 progression in Indonesia from March to August 2020. Methods: The climatological data, population density, laboratory testing, and the confirmed Covid19 cases were statistically analyzed. The correlations between each data were performed with Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient using a Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. The values of statistical significance were considered at 95% and 99% confidence intervals. Results and Discussion: Indonesia recorded more than 1,315 confirmed Covid19 cases in almost all provinces (30 out of 34) during the dry season (March to August 2020). During the early pandemic, DKI Jakarta and East Java ha...
Proceedings of the International Conference of Social Science, 2019
This study aims to determine the competence of inclusive elementary school teachers in utilizing ... more This study aims to determine the competence of inclusive elementary school teachers in utilizing media based on technology in terms of planning of learning based on information and communication technology. The research method is descriptive quantitative. The research was carried out in the province particular region of Yogyakarta. The subjects consisted of 138 teachers of SD Inklusi located in Bantul, Gunungkidul, Sleman, Kulonprogo and Yogyakarta. The research instrument using the test is completed with observation and interview. The results showed that the ability of elementary school teachers Inclusion in planning learning based on information and communication technology (ICT) of 38.65%. The highest value is the ability to plan ICTbased learning activities by 54.35%. Furthermore, the ability to prepare ICT-based materials reaches a value of 32.61%. While the lowest cost is the ability to plan ICTbased e-learning media of 28.98%. The result of the study illustrates that the learning done in the classroom is still conventional and teacher-centered with the dominance of the lecture method and has not done the development of ICT-based learning media capable of accommodating all the diversity and also raises the participation of all students in the class.
Guidelines for organizing learning in tertiary institutions in online courses are developed based... more Guidelines for organizing learning in tertiary institutions in online courses are developed based on learning process planning documents, one of which uses teaching materials. Good teaching materials are teaching materials that meet qualification standards. Teaching materials have an important position in learning and have an effective influence on increasing student activity and learning outcomes in the lecture process. Because learning in tertiary institutions should be able to involve students in higher-order thinking activities, it is better if in the lecture process in higher education learning materials used are HOTS (Higher order thinking skills) based teaching materials so that in their activities they can involve students to be involved. in higher-order thinking activities.
Increased awareness regarding environmental issues has encouraged organizations to use environmen... more Increased awareness regarding environmental issues has encouraged organizations to use environmental management accounting, which has been said to deliver many benefits to users, including an increase in innovation. This study aims to examine the effect of the implementation of environmental management accounting and strategy of the company’s innovation. That innovation is product innovation and process innovation. Using survey data from management accountans manufacturing company located in Province Riau. The sample used is manufacturing company’s located in Province Riau. The sample used some 30 large-scale manufacturing firms in Province Riau. The analytical method used is with the help of sofware Smart PLS. Parameter Significant tested by comparing the value tstatistic with ttable, where the value tstatistik>ttabel at 0,05 confidence level, its meaning there significant influence between independent variabel with dependent variabel. The result indicate that there is a positiv...
Ventilation is the process of exchanging air in a closed space to provide good indoor air quality... more Ventilation is the process of exchanging air in a closed space to provide good indoor air quality. Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has become one of the most important and reliable tools to assess natural ventilation. This paper presents the effect of wind direction on temperature and velocity inside a building with outlet windows at leeward wall and side wall. The CFD simulation was performed using Reynolds-Average Navier-Stoke (RANS) approach with k-ε model. The selection of standard k-ε model is due to suitability of this model to perform the wind speed profile and temperature profile inside the building. Validation of cross-ventilation is performed based on earlier Particular Image Velocimetry (PIV) measurements and shows very minimal discrepancy between CFD and PIV result. The result of velocity and temperature shows that the wind speed and temperature inside a building strongly depends on the incident winds angle and outlet opening of the building.
Bidang pangan saat ini sangatlah berpengaruh pada pemanfaatan mikroorganisme. Pemanfaatan mikroor... more Bidang pangan saat ini sangatlah berpengaruh pada pemanfaatan mikroorganisme. Pemanfaatan mikroorganisme tersebut masih banyak pelajar, mahasiswa, ataupun masyarakat umum yang tidak mengetahui apa saja mikroorganisme yang dapat digunakan untuk mengolah bidang pangan. Oleh karena itu, pada penulisan ilmiah ini dikembangkan suatu aplikasi informasi pemanfaatan mikroorganisme dalam bidang pangan yang akan memudahkan pelajar, mahasiswa, ataupun masyarakat umum mempelajari dan mengakses semua pemanfaatan mikroorganisme yang ada. Penulis akan membuat Aplikasi Informasi Mikroorganisme Dalam Bidang Pangan Berbasis Android guna memenuhi kebutuhan informasi dengan praktis dan efisien. Pembuatan Aplikasi Informasi Mikroorganisme Dalam Bidang Pangan Berbasis Android, menggunakan Activity Diagram. Penjelasan lebih detail dari tiap – tiap bagian Activity Diagram dijelaskan pada perancangan halaman Aplikasi Informasi Mikroorganisme Dalam Bidang Pangan yang berisi rancangan tampilan yang akan dibua...
The implication of this research is to inform to the reader about of racism happen in American es... more The implication of this research is to inform to the reader about of racism happen in American especially in magnolia plantations about slavery, which divided in two kind of Racism, Individual and Institutional Racism. Individual racism occurs when a person of other certain race makes rules and act rudely to the other races (Charmichael and Hamilton, 1967 ; 28). In the other side, Institutional racism is an action of the majority to the minority which instituted and well organized to suppress minor races to get a fair and equitable treatment in community. The purpose of this researcher is to give understanding to the readers whom would like to know more about racism. Hopefully, this thesis can become reference to contribute in education for another research that related to Racism in perspective of literary work.
Teachers must be aware that each student has various abilities and characteristics. Then, the tea... more Teachers must be aware that each student has various abilities and characteristics. Then, the teachers must be able to create a comfortable atmosphere in learning process that can accommodate student diversity, both at the level of learning readiness, interest and student learning styles. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to offer one alternative way to increase the student participation, student involvement, activeness and the student who the various learning readiness, interests and learning styles through Teams Games Tournaments. The research method that is used is literature review from several journals and scientific studies which reveal the same thing. It is believed that the contents of this article will be triggering in developing a framework for accommodating the student learning diversity.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hambatan perkembangan belajar anak learning disabilitie... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hambatan perkembangan belajar anak learning disabilities di SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kualitatif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SD SD Tamanmuda Ibu Pawiyatan Kota Yogyakarta. Subjek penelitian adalah siswa kelas II semester genap tahun ajaran 2018/2019. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis data kualitatif yang terdiri dari 3 tahap yaitu reduksi data, penyajian data, dan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat satu siswa dengan hambatan perkembangan belajar learning disabilities. Siswa tersebut menunjukkan kemampuan yang masih kurang dalam membaca, menulis, dan berhitung. Siswa tersebut membutuhkan latihan secara intensif dan bimbingan untuk menulis huruf, suku kata, dan kalimat agar nantinya dapat menulis karangan atau paragraf dengan baik.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, Mar 1, 2020
Inclusive education is one of the efforts to provide equal rights for all students in getting an ... more Inclusive education is one of the efforts to provide equal rights for all students in getting an equal education. One of the internal factors that support the success of inclusive education is the teacher. The teacher is expected to design a learning model that can accommodate the diversity of their students in the class. However, in reality, the learning process in class still impersonates, and there is no struggle to divide the characteristics of each student. Even, the students who have different abilities and special needs are just served the same learning material without considering their skills. Therefore, the efforts are needed for developing curriculum adaptation models that can meet the learning needs of all students' diversity in terms of learning readiness, learning styles and interests. This method used in this research is the R&D method by analyzing the needs and exploring the classroom teachers ability in 25 elementary schools at Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially in preparing learning activities in the classroom, internal school perceptions about diversity and educational services for all. Then, it is expected that the results of the data obtained can produce curriculum adaptation models and it can be suitable for 10 elementary schools at Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Proceedings of the International Conference of Science and Technology for the Internet of Things, 2019
This study aims to reveal how cooperative problem based learning model can accommodate learning d... more This study aims to reveal how cooperative problem based learning model can accommodate learning disabilities students in science learning in elementary schools. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The study was conducted at SD Taman Muda Ibu Pawiyatan Yogyakarta. Research subjects were third grade students on odd semester 2018-2019 school year. The results of the study show that through cooperative problem based learning model, groups of students with diverse characteristics are able to work together with the division of tasks according to their competencies. Learning disabilities students are able to follow learning through observation and discussion of science concepts in their cooperative groups. Learning disabilities students are able to convey the application of the science concept in their daily lives.
Papers by Ayu Rahayu 013