Aysel Baytok
Kırgız Türkçesi, Kırgız Edebiyatı ve Kırgız Kültürü araştırmacısı.
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Papers by Aysel Baytok
visuals alone. When used correctly, television can be one of the most effective educational tools and can be used in various fields such as sociocultural, political, scientific, etc. Programs broadcast on television affect people to different degrees, with films and TV series being the most influential. In particular, TV series have the power to influence not only their own people but also to cross national boundaries, influencing people's behaviors, lifestyles, opinions, and thoughts. TV series can even affect language usage, encouraging individuals to learn a new language
or adopt words from another language.
Turkish cinema, particularly Turkish TV series, has increasingly gained recognition and demand among global audiences in recent years. In connection with this, various studies have been conducted on the impact of Turkish TV series in different regions and countries around the world. However, the cultural and linguistic impact of Turkish TV series in Russia has not been sufficiently studied. This research provides a sociolinguistic
examination of the linguistic and cultural effects of Turkish TV series on Russian society. The study focuses solely on TV series, excluding feature films, short films, advertisements, television programs, and interactive projects on social networks. The research employs methods such as “personal interviews, promotion, interpretation, and viewership data from websites about films and series broadcast in Russia, and a review of relevant literature in Turkey and Russia.” Additionally, the study seeks to answer the questions: “To what extent are Turkish TV series used accurately and effectively as a soft power tool for language and cultural transmission? How can Turkish TV series be used for language and cultural transmission purposes?” The study concludes that Turkish TV series have a significant impact not only on culture and language but also on areas such as the economy, tourism, and consumption habits in Russian society.
visuals alone. When used correctly, television can be one of the most effective educational tools and can be used in various fields such as sociocultural, political, scientific, etc. Programs broadcast on television affect people to different degrees, with films and TV series being the most influential. In particular, TV series have the power to influence not only their own people but also to cross national boundaries, influencing people's behaviors, lifestyles, opinions, and thoughts. TV series can even affect language usage, encouraging individuals to learn a new language
or adopt words from another language.
Turkish cinema, particularly Turkish TV series, has increasingly gained recognition and demand among global audiences in recent years. In connection with this, various studies have been conducted on the impact of Turkish TV series in different regions and countries around the world. However, the cultural and linguistic impact of Turkish TV series in Russia has not been sufficiently studied. This research provides a sociolinguistic
examination of the linguistic and cultural effects of Turkish TV series on Russian society. The study focuses solely on TV series, excluding feature films, short films, advertisements, television programs, and interactive projects on social networks. The research employs methods such as “personal interviews, promotion, interpretation, and viewership data from websites about films and series broadcast in Russia, and a review of relevant literature in Turkey and Russia.” Additionally, the study seeks to answer the questions: “To what extent are Turkish TV series used accurately and effectively as a soft power tool for language and cultural transmission? How can Turkish TV series be used for language and cultural transmission purposes?” The study concludes that Turkish TV series have a significant impact not only on culture and language but also on areas such as the economy, tourism, and consumption habits in Russian society.
Kırgızlarda Ak-bataya olan inanç, ondaki sözün kuvvetine güven asırlardan beri görülmektedir. Savaşa meydanlarına giden yiğitler altın, gümüş değil Ak-bata alıp çıkmışlardır. Kırgızlarda tabiattaki her varlığın bir sahibi, koruyucusu vardır. Bu koruyuculardan biri de dileğe ulaştıran, kazadan beladan koruyan Ak-batalardır.
Ak-batalar’ın içinde en büyüğü, en yücesi, Zalkar Batalar’dır. Bu bataları halkın inandığı değerli kişiler verirler. Bu kişiler günlük sofralarda, aşlarda, toylarda bata vermezler; onlar önemli bir olay olduğunda halkı vatanı için özel olarak dua ederler.
Ak-bataların bir diğeri iş dualarıdır. Öncelikle en basit olarak İş ilgeri bolsun. (İşiniz yürüsün/ Bereketli olsun.) şeklindeki iyi dilek ifade eden söz, işi ileri götürme arzusunu dile getiren bir duadır. Kırgızlarda iş yaparken, işin yürümesi dileğiyle selâm olarak söylenen iyi dilek sözleri çoktur. Örneğin Kırgızlar yere tohum ekerken gelecekte verimi bol olsun diye duayla eker. Ayrıca Kırgızlar tabiatın sahibinin sıcak sözleri, bataları duyduğuna inandıkları için tabiatla konuşur şekilde ak-batasını, dileğini, ellerini açıp dua eden kişiye benzer şekilde söyleyerek tohum serper. Tohumunu tabiat varlıklarına rızık olarak serpip bir avucunu yetimlere, bir avucunu ihtiyarlara, düşkünlere, ondan sonrakini de açlara, sonrakini kurda kuşa vb. rızık olarak eker.
Kırgızlar Anadolu köylerinde de olduğu gibi her tür işte, işi yapan kişiye iyi dileğini içeren bir selâm verir: Örneğin harman savuran kişilere Harmanınız bereketli olsun. (Kırmanıñar tolsun.), İşiniz üresin. (İş ilgeri bolsun.) denir. Bunu duyan çalışanlar da sırasıyla Yolunuz açık olsun. (Coluñuz bolsun.), İleri olmak sizden. (İlgeri bolmok özüñüzdön.) diye karşılık verir.
Orak biçenlere Orağınız körelsin. (Oroguñar mokosun.) diyen biri Söylediğin olsun. (Aytkanıñ kelsin.) şeklinde bir karşılık alır.
At, koyun vb. sağanlara Sağının çoğalsın. (Saan köböysün.) ya da Mal sütten kesilmesin. (Mal bayıbasın.) dendiğinde, sağan kişi Ağzına sağlık. (Oozuñuzga ak.) diye karşılık verir.
Kervana Yükün sakin olsun. (Cügüñ baysalduu bolsun.), Kazancın bol olsun. (Soodañ colduu bolsun.) diyen biri karşılığında Dileğinizi (Allah) versin. (Tilegiñizdi bersin.) diye karşılık alacaktır.
Bu dua ve dileklerden de görüleceği üzere birbirlerinin iyiliğini isteyen, birbirleri için dua ve dileklerde bulunan Kırgız halkı bu gelenek, örf ve âdetlerini yetmiş yıllık Rus esaretine rağmen kaybetmemiştir.
Anahtar kelime: Kırgızlar, Ak Batalar, Dilek Selamları
Kırgızlarda geleneksel olarak misafiri karşılamanın, ağırlamanın ve yolcu etmenin belli kuralları vardır. Mutlaka uyulması gereken kurallardan biri de eve gelen misafire yemek yedirmek, ikramda bulunmaktır. Kırgızlarda, oturma düzeninden başlayarak yemeği yiyip bitirene dek sofranın da belli kuralları vardır. İlk olarak yemekten önce oturanların elleri yıkatılır. Genç bir erkek ya da kız bir leğen, ibrik ve havluyla dolaşarak misafirlerin ellerini yıkatır. Sofrada herkes yaşına, durumuna göre kesilen hayvanın belli bölgelerini yer. Hayvanın en önemli parçası başıdır. O nedenle baş sofranın aksakalına verilir. Misafir de önüne konan yemeği, eti tamamen bitirmelidir, aksi takdirde ayıp etmiş olur. Misafir yolcu edilirken de atına ya da arabasına kadar refakat edilir ve en güzel dilek ve dualarla uğurlanır. Misafir ağırlama Kırgız Türklerini (aynı zamanda bütün Türk topluluklarını) diğer toplumlardan ayıran en önemli özelliklerden biridir. Kırgızlarda günümüzün modern yaşam şartlarında geleneklerin bir kısmı uygulamadan kalkmış olsa da çoğu aynı şekilde veya şekil değiştirerek devam etmektedir.
Anahtar kelimeler: Kırgızlar, misafir, yemek, sofra adabı.
Just like the other Turkic communities, Kyrgyz people are also exceptionally hospitable; a nation whose doors are open to anyone any time. For the Kyrgyz, who are highly loyal to their traditions, it is one of the most sacred duties of the host and a requirement of his dignity to welcome his guests and treat them appropriately. In Kyrgyz culture, those who are not pleased with the existence of a guest or those who don't accept guests willingly are highly condemned in the society. Kyrgyz people treat their guests in the best way no matter who they are and no matter where they come from by serving whatever they have available at home to show their hospitality and respect, so that their guests leave with complete satisfaction. They would also look after the horse of the guest by feeding it. Today, they take care of guests' cars that replace the horse, preventing children or other people from harming it. They reserve the best of their food for their guests, even by not allowing their own children to eat it. In Kyrgyz, when guests visit a house and if there is a patient in that house, the person doesn't reveal his/her illness and pretends to be healthy. Even if somebody from the family passes away while the guests are still at that home, the guests are not announced and the necessary actions to be taken are carried out later after the guests leave.
In Kyrgyz traditions, there are certain manners for welcoming, hosting and seeing off guests. One of the most essential rules that must be followed is to offer food and refreshments for the guests. Besides, there are certain rules of the table, starting from the seating arrangement till the end of the meal. First of all, before the meal, it is ensured that everybody washes the hands. A young man or girl serves the guests a washbowl, pitcher and towel to help them wash their hands. At the table, everyone eats certain parts of the animal which is slaughtered according to their age, status. The most important part of the animal is the head. That's why, this part of the animal is served to the most elderly person at the table. Guests should also finish the meat and the dish in front of them completely, otherwise it would be regarded as an unmannerly behaviour. While guests are leaving, they are accompanied to their horse or car and sent off with the best wishes and prayers. The custom of welcoming guests is one of the most important features that differentiates Kyrgyz Turks, and all the other Turkish communities, from other societies. Although some of the traditions have disappeared in today's modern living conditions in Kyrgyz, most of them continue in the same way or transform into new ones.
Key Words: Kyrgyz, guest, food, table manner.