Dentre as principais pragas que incidem sobre os grãos armazenados está o gorgulho do milho (Sito... more Dentre as principais pragas que incidem sobre os grãos armazenados está o gorgulho do milho (Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)). O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o uso do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon nardus sobre a mortalidade de adultos deste inseto e seus efeitos sobre a qualidade de sementes de milho. Avaliou-se o efeito inseticida pelo método de impregnação, de doses puras de óleo de 0; 5; 10; 15 e 20 µL em 20 g de sementes de milho, onde foi observada a porcentagem de insetos mortos durante 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas. Após isso, as sementes utilizadas neste teste foram submetidas à exames de infestação e testes de qualidade fisiológica. Os delineamentos foram inteiramente casualizados, com 4 repetições e as médias comparadas pelo teste F e Tukey (5%). O incremento da dosagem e do tempo de exposição dos insetos às sementes tratadas causou o aumento da mortalidade de adultos de S. zeamais. O óleo essencial de C. nardus apresentou atividade inseticida em adult...
Forests constitute a valuable natural resource, especially when including non-timber forest produ... more Forests constitute a valuable natural resource, especially when including non-timber forest products (NTFPs). Bioprospecting for and sustainable exploration of native species and the development of protocols for seedling production promote conservation. Piper aduncum L. stands out in several regions of Brazil because of several biological activities, notably action as a repellent, antimicrobial and insecticide. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of defoliation and different substrates on the cutting process. For this, an experiment was conducted in February, 2016 at the Health Plant Department, Sector of Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Piper aduncum stem cuttings with 10 cm and 1/3 of the leaf area and defoliated cuttings. Stem cuttings were washed in running water for 5 minutes for subsequent use in three different substrates (medium sand sifted, vermiculite and commercial substrate Tropstrato HP®). The experiment design was completely randomized...
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni es una especie de alta importancia económica debido a la producción de ... more Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni es una especie de alta importancia económica debido a la producción de edulcorantes naturales con bajo valor calórico. La producción de semillas de esta especie es irregular y las técnicas de micropropagación aumentan el costo de la producción de plántulas. Por lo tanto, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo optimizar la propagación vegetativa de un genotipo brasileño de esta especie a través de estacas de tallo. El material vegetal se recogió de plantas maduras con 1 año de edad. Se realizaron dos experimentos para determinar la mejor concentración de ácido indolbutírico (IBA) para mejorar el enraizamiento y evaluar la interacción entre la posición de corte del tallo (apical, mediana y basal) y sustratos (Tropstrato HT®, vermiculita y mezcla de vermiculita y Tropstrato HT®). Las estacas de tallos se vieron afectadas por las concentraciones de IBA. Se recomienda la aplicación de 710 mg L-1 de IBA para mayores porcentajes de enraizamiento. Las estacas de tallos de...
Introduction: Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae), commonly known as matico, produces an oil with repel... more Introduction: Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae), commonly known as matico, produces an oil with repellent, antimicrobial, insecticidal, antitumor and antiprotozoal activity. Objective: Evaluate the rooting of P. aduncum cuttings of varying lengths in different substrates. Methods: P. aduncum branches and leaves were collected in February 2016 at Bom Jesus Nature Reserve (25°29'69.3''S and 49°00'84.4''W) in Antonina, Parana, Brazil. The cuttings were 10, 15 and 20 cm in length and an average 6 mm in diameter. They were planted in 53 cm 3 plastic tubes and kept under intermittent mist. The substrates used were sand of average-sized particles, vermiculite and the commercial substrate Tropstrato HP®. At 60 days evaluation was performed of survival and mortality rates, cuttings with new buds, and the number and average duration of the three main roots. Results: Verification was conducted of the interaction between length and substrate for rooting variables, percentage...
Solidago chilensis Meyen, popularmente conhecida como arnica brasileira, e uma especie com propri... more Solidago chilensis Meyen, popularmente conhecida como arnica brasileira, e uma especie com propriedades medicinais devido a presenca de quercitrina (3- o -ram-quercetina) que possui acao antiiflamatoria. Objetivou-se avaliar os teores de quercitrina em flores, folhas e parte aerea (ramos, folhas e flores) de acessos de S. chilensis e sua correlacao com os atributos quimicos do solo. O material vegetal foi coletado de dez acessos distribuidos na regiao metropolitana de Curitiba, Estado do Parana, quando apresentavam-se em pleno florescimento. O maior teor quercitrina foi verificado nas folhas quando comparado com flores e parte aerea da planta. Os acessos A05 (Curitiba) e A07 (Mandirituba) apresentaram os maiores teores de principio ativo (58,13 e 57,63 mg g -1 , respectivamente). Maiores teores de quercitrina foram observados em solos com maior pH e disponibilidade de calcio e com menores teores de aluminio no solo.
Piptocarpha angustifolia Dusen (Asteraceae) is a brazilian native woody species belonging to Mixe... more Piptocarpha angustifolia Dusen (Asteraceae) is a brazilian native woody species belonging to Mixed Rain Forest (Araucarias Forest) with potential use for enviromental restoration and economical in plantation for woody production. Its propagation by seeds presents difficulties by irregular production and collection and low germination by poor number of feasible seeds. This work aims to verify the rooting response for semihardwood cuttings of annual shoots from mature plants, collected in spring 2004, summer, autumn and winter 2005 in Colombo, Parana state, Brazil and submitted a different treatments by alcoholic solution with use of plant growth regulator indolebutyric acid (IBA). Anatomical and biochemical analysis of total carbohydrates and proteins were made to investigate possible obstacle to roots initiation. The statistical analyses were made by completly randomized design with four treatments of twenty cuttings, evaluating rooting percentage, callus cuttings, alive and dead cu...
A maior parte da humanidade vive atualmente nos centros urbanos, funcionando como verdadeiros “pa... more A maior parte da humanidade vive atualmente nos centros urbanos, funcionando como verdadeiros “parasitas” do planeta, devido ao estilo e proporcao do consumo e a consequente geracao de lixo, residuos sanitarios e industriais, produzidos e despejados diariamente nos rios e em outras areas. Alem da formacao de ilhas de calor, subproduto da verticalizacao arquitetonica, utilizacao de materiais impermeaveis e a transformacao dos antigos jardins, quintais e pracas em areas macicas concretadas. Este cenario tende a se agravar em areas de risco social, fomentando ainda mais a baixa qualidade de vida dos moradores dessas regioes. Desta forma, o escopo desse trabalho que constitui um recorte metodologico do projeto intitulado “Comunidades verdejantes” e mostrar o programa que vem sendo desenvolvido desde agosto de 2006 ate o presente na area de Paisagismo, Horticultura e Agricultura Urbana com as criancas frequentadoras da ONG Casa da Videira, localizada no bairro Vila Fanny, na cidade de Cu...
Hop has economic importance around the world mainly because of the use bythe brewery companies. A... more Hop has economic importance around the world mainly because of the use bythe brewery companies. Althoughthe hop production in Brazil is incipient, the cultivation has grown and the evaluation of genetic materials adapted to the Brazilian environmental conditions is needed.The main objective of this work was to evaluate the cone aromatic profiles of hopgrown in Southern Brazil. Mature cones of hop cultivated in two regions of São Paulo state were harvested and the essential oil samples extracted by hydrodestillation and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results of the volatile fraction of all samples showed myrcene (10.79-16.29%) and α-humulene (22.7-29.47%) as the main constituents. β-selinene (10.79-11.99%)andγ-muurolene (9.96-10.73%) were also identified in allof the evaluated samples.The results showed thatphytochemical variability among the samples according to the different environmental conditions. The improvement of the variability of the genetic materials...
This study aimed to determinate the moon phase's influence on Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl.) D. ... more This study aimed to determinate the moon phase's influence on Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl.) D. Don. In January 2008, semi woody cuttings were collected in Curitiba, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in a randomly design with four treatments that represent the moon phases (new; full; waning and waxing). The cuttings were maintained inside a greenhouse. After 90 days the followings were analyzed: rooting percentage, number of roots, length of the three longer roots, un-rooted living cuttings, dead cuttings and cuttings with sprouts. It was also evaluated the amount of reducing sugar and total sugar. From the results obtained it was not possible conclude that the moon phases had any influence on the rooting of Brunfelsia uniflora.
O paisagismo, embora muitos nao o percebam, sempre exerceu uma valiosa funcao social, pois observ... more O paisagismo, embora muitos nao o percebam, sempre exerceu uma valiosa funcao social, pois observa-se sua evolucao ao longo da historia da humanidade, de forma sincronizada com as mudancas ocorridas em diversos âmbitos da vida humana. Mas no momento historico em que comecam a surgir as primeiras comunidades capitalistas (Renascimento), onde eclode um novo paradigma para se abordar o universo (cartesianismo) e se consolida a especializacao do trabalho (revolucao industrial), o trabalho do paisagista que, no passado, beneficiava a toda uma sociedade, ficou restrito a uma pequena elite, que o utilizava como simbolo de status e tambem como ponto de encontro de dirigentes de reinados, para realizarem pactos e aliancas economicas. E e nesse contexto, que surge o arquiteto paisagista, o qual, principalmente na Franca tem por meta “domar a natureza indomavel”. E devido ao rumo tomado por essa atividade e tambem pela ciencia, ou seja o rumo do paradigma cartesiano, no cenario atual o paisagi...
The essential oils (EOs) chemical composition can be affected by several environmental factors, i... more The essential oils (EOs) chemical composition can be affected by several environmental factors, impacting their desired biological activities. In this sense, this work aimed to evaluate the seasonal variation of the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Piper caldense and Piper xylosteoides leaves EOs. Their chemical composition was determined by GC/MS and GC‐FID analyses, resulting in the identification of eighty compounds. P. caldense EOs were mainly consisted of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, whereas in P. xylosteoides EOs, monoterpene hydrocarbons were predominant. EOs from both species strongly inhibited B. subtilis (MIC=0.25 mg mL−1), while only P. caldense EOs showed strong activity against S. aureus (MIC=0.50 mg mL−1). P. caldense spring EO showed the broadest spectrum of antimicrobial action amongst all samples. For each species, PCA seasonally differentiated EOs chemical composition. In addition, as expected, PCA of all samples showed a distinction between the tw...
Sementes contaminadas podem introduzir patógenos em novas áreas causando prejuízos significativos... more Sementes contaminadas podem introduzir patógenos em novas áreas causando prejuízos significativos na produção, tombamento, morte de plantas, podridões e infecções generalizadas. O tratamento das sementes com óleos essenciais é um método alternativo ao uso de agrotóxico que pode apresentar propriedades microbianas capazes de controlar a microflora associada às sementes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de sorgo tratadas com diferentes concentrações de óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia. Sementes de sorgo foram tratadas com soluções de óleo essencial de melaleuca nas concentrações de 0,25; 0,50; 1,00 e 1,50 além da testemunha e submetidas aos testes de germinação, primeira contagem da germinação, peso de matéria seca de plântula, teste de sanidade ("Blotter test") (em laboratório) e emergência em casa vegetação (logo após o tratamento e após 30 dias). O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com 5 repetições para casa de vegetação e 4 repetições para o teste de germinação, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. De acordo com os resultados verificou-se que não houve efeito prejudicial às plântulas de sorgo quando a semeadura foi realizada após o tratamento das sementes; a partir da concentração de 0,50% de óleo houve controle do Colletotrichum spp. e maior índice de sementes "limpas" (visualmente sem a presença de patógenos) e o uso das sementes após 30 dias do tratamento ocasionou redução de peso de matéria seca e altura de plântulas.
Native Piper species present significant repellent, antimicrobial, inseticidal, anti-tumor and an... more Native Piper species present significant repellent, antimicrobial, inseticidal, anti-tumor and anti-protozoal biological activities. Studies on new species can discover unpublished potentialities and vegetative propagation for the development of cultivation protocols and reduce the natural extraction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the rooting of P. arboreum, P. cernuum and P. diospyrifolium stem cuttings with different treatments containing doses of indole butyric acid (0, 500; 1,000; 1,500; 2,000 and 3,000 mg L-1). Branches were collected in the “Bom Jesus Biological Reserve”, Parana state, Brazil. The cuttings, with a length of 12 cm and average diameter of 6 mm, were placed in 53 cm3 plastic tubes with the commercial substrate Tropstrato HP® and intermittent misting. After 90 days, the survival, mortality, cuttings with new shoots, number and length of the three main roots were evaluated. The percentages of rooting reached an average of 67.5% for P. arboreum, 51.6% ...
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon citrat... more O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon citratus na qualidade sanitária e fisiológica de sementes de sorgo do cultivar XB6020. O experimento utilizou sementes de sorgo tratadas com óleo essencial de C. citratus nas concentrações de 0, 0,25%, 0,50%, 1% e 1,5%. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: sanidade de sementes pelo método de Blotter test, primeira contagem de germinação, germinação e peso de massa seca das plântulas normais. A análise foi feita utilizando delineamento inteiramente ao acaso (DIC) com cinco concentrações e cinco repetições, em dois ensaios separados, para verificação da sanidade e avaliação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Concluiu-se que o óleo essencial de capim-limão (C. citratus) reduz a infestação de fungos, principalmente de Fusarium spp., porém, pode induzir o desenvolvimento de Penicillium spp. e em concentração de 1,5% apresenta efeito fitotóxico reduzindo a germinação e o vigor das sementes de sorgo.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the phytochemical composition and the antibacterial an... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the phytochemical composition and the antibacterial and antibiotic-modulating activities of the essential oils of Eugenia brasiliensis Lam (OEEb) and Piper mosenii C. DC (OEPm) singly or in association with blue LED (Light-emitting diode) light. The antibacterial and antibiotic-modulatory activities of the essential oils on the activity of aminoglycosides were evaluated to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC, μg/mL) in the presence or absence of exposure to blue LED light. The chemical analysis showed α-pinene and bicyclogermacrene as major constituents of OEPm, whereas α-muurolol was the main compound of OEEb. Both OEEb and OEPm showed MIC ≥ 512 μg/mL against the strains under study. However, the association of these oils with the blue LED light enhanced the action of the aminoglycosides amikacin and gentamicin. In conclusion, the association of aminoglycosides with the blue LED light and essential oils was effective agains...
Piper cernuum Vell., a native species known as pariparoba, presents essential oil with potential ... more Piper cernuum Vell., a native species known as pariparoba, presents essential oil with potential properties and significant growth in clearings, being indicated for the recovery of degraded areas. Prospecting studies for new botanical matrices need the development of specific essays of plant propagation for future domestication of the species. This work aimed to evaluate the rooting of different types of cuttings using different substrates to develop a seedling production protocol. Stem cuttings with one or two nodes were installed on three types of substrates (medium sifted sand, vermiculite of medium granulometry and commercial substrate [Tropstrato HP®]) and maintained in greenhouse for 60 days to evaluation of the percentages of survival, mortality, sprouts, rooting, average number and average length of the roots. The results showed interaction between cutting types and substrates for rooting percentage and sprouting cuttings. The largest rooting percentages were observed in api...
In this study, the Piper cernuum Essential Oil (EOPC) was tested against bacterial and fungal str... more In this study, the Piper cernuum Essential Oil (EOPC) was tested against bacterial and fungal strains using the microdilution method to evaluate its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC), as well as its antibiotic modifying effect, in addition to observing the oils ability to cause fungal dimorphism and to generate an IC 50 cell viability curve. The EO was obtained through hydrodistillation using a Clevenger-type apparatus with the dry leaves and analyzed by GC-FID, allowing the identification of 14 compounds, with the main compound being 4-epi-cis-dihydromarofuran (28.97%). An EOPC intrinsic activity was identified only against Candida albicans 4127 (IC 50 56.851 μg/mL). Given the MIC results from the EOPC intrinsic activity against Staphylococcus aureus 10 at the concentration of 406 μg/mL, its association with fluconazole potentiated it's antifungal action. The action of gentamicin was potentiated by the addition of the EOPC to Staphylococcus aureus 10 and Escherichia coli 06 strains, both with MIC < 40 μg/ml, however, when the EOPC was combined with other antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus 10 they presented an antagonistic response. When the EOPC was tested with the antibiotic norfloxacin against the Gram-negative Escherichia coli 06 strain an antagonistic response was also found. The EOPC inhibited fungal dimorphism, reducing the virulence of these strains, with this effect being better than that of fluconazole. These results highlight the species as a promising source of active antimicrobial compounds.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2019
The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has made bacterial resistance an important public health pr... more The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has made bacterial resistance an important public health problem, since many antibiotics have become ineffective. Phototherapy can be considered an alternative to reduce the abusive use of antimicrobials, thus impacting microbial resistance. The objective of this study was to determine the chemical profile and to evaluate the effect of blue LED lights on the antibacterial activity of essential oils from Piper species, as well as their aminoglycoside antibiotic activity modulation using the microdilution method to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The antibiotic activity modulating effect of these oils was also determined using the broth microdilution method with 96-well plates which were exposed to LED light for 20 minutes. Chemical components were characterized by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, revealing β-copaen-4-α-ol, germacrene A and germacrene B as major essential oil constituents for Piper arboreum (OEPar), Piper aduncum (OEPad) and Piper gaudichaudianum (OEPg), respectively. OEPar obtained a MIC of 512 μg / mL against Staphylococcus aureus and a MIC ≥ 1024 μg / mL against Escherichia coli. OEPad and OEPg showed MIC values ≥ 1024 μg / mL against the utilized strains. The essential oils modulated the effect of the antibiotics amikacin and gentamicin, with this effect being potentiated when exposed to blue LED. The blue LED light in the absence of the essential oil also showed an ability to modulate aminoglycoside antibiotic activity in this study, presenting mostly synergistic effects. In conclusion, the results obtained in this study demonstrate that photodynamic therapy using blue LED light interferes with the antibacterial action of P. arboreum, P. aduncum and P. gaudichaudianum essential oils and aminoglycoside antibiotic activity.
The family Piperaceae is known for presenting in its species flavoring, healing and antimicrobial... more The family Piperaceae is known for presenting in its species flavoring, healing and antimicrobial properties among others. The objective of the present study was: to study the chemical profile of the essential oil of Piper rivinoides (EOPR); to analyze its anti-bacterial and antifungal potential, as well as to evaluate the antifungal and antibiotic-modifying capacity. The chemical constituents were identified by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID), allowing the identification of 7 constituents of a total of 86.99%. E-Isoelemicin was identified as the main constituent of petroleum (40.81%). Clinically relevant MIC results were obtained against fungi in which the inhibitory concentration remained < 256 μg/mL, as for Candida albicans 4127 (217.6 μg/mL). The association of EOPR with an antifungal showed a high synergistic affinity against the strains of C. tropicalis 40042 and 4262. We concluded that no intrinsic EOPR activity was observed at any concentrations tested against bacteria. However, EOPR associated with Gentamicin acted synergistically against S. aureus 10 and Escherichia coli 06, but with Erythromycin there was a synergistic effect against Escherichia coli 06, and antagonism with norfloxacin.
Dentre as principais pragas que incidem sobre os grãos armazenados está o gorgulho do milho (Sito... more Dentre as principais pragas que incidem sobre os grãos armazenados está o gorgulho do milho (Sitophilus zeamais (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)). O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar o uso do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon nardus sobre a mortalidade de adultos deste inseto e seus efeitos sobre a qualidade de sementes de milho. Avaliou-se o efeito inseticida pelo método de impregnação, de doses puras de óleo de 0; 5; 10; 15 e 20 µL em 20 g de sementes de milho, onde foi observada a porcentagem de insetos mortos durante 24, 48, 72 e 96 horas. Após isso, as sementes utilizadas neste teste foram submetidas à exames de infestação e testes de qualidade fisiológica. Os delineamentos foram inteiramente casualizados, com 4 repetições e as médias comparadas pelo teste F e Tukey (5%). O incremento da dosagem e do tempo de exposição dos insetos às sementes tratadas causou o aumento da mortalidade de adultos de S. zeamais. O óleo essencial de C. nardus apresentou atividade inseticida em adult...
Forests constitute a valuable natural resource, especially when including non-timber forest produ... more Forests constitute a valuable natural resource, especially when including non-timber forest products (NTFPs). Bioprospecting for and sustainable exploration of native species and the development of protocols for seedling production promote conservation. Piper aduncum L. stands out in several regions of Brazil because of several biological activities, notably action as a repellent, antimicrobial and insecticide. This study aimed to evaluate the influence of defoliation and different substrates on the cutting process. For this, an experiment was conducted in February, 2016 at the Health Plant Department, Sector of Agricultural Sciences, Federal University of Paraná (UFPR). Piper aduncum stem cuttings with 10 cm and 1/3 of the leaf area and defoliated cuttings. Stem cuttings were washed in running water for 5 minutes for subsequent use in three different substrates (medium sand sifted, vermiculite and commercial substrate Tropstrato HP®). The experiment design was completely randomized...
Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni es una especie de alta importancia económica debido a la producción de ... more Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni es una especie de alta importancia económica debido a la producción de edulcorantes naturales con bajo valor calórico. La producción de semillas de esta especie es irregular y las técnicas de micropropagación aumentan el costo de la producción de plántulas. Por lo tanto, este trabajo tuvo como objetivo optimizar la propagación vegetativa de un genotipo brasileño de esta especie a través de estacas de tallo. El material vegetal se recogió de plantas maduras con 1 año de edad. Se realizaron dos experimentos para determinar la mejor concentración de ácido indolbutírico (IBA) para mejorar el enraizamiento y evaluar la interacción entre la posición de corte del tallo (apical, mediana y basal) y sustratos (Tropstrato HT®, vermiculita y mezcla de vermiculita y Tropstrato HT®). Las estacas de tallos se vieron afectadas por las concentraciones de IBA. Se recomienda la aplicación de 710 mg L-1 de IBA para mayores porcentajes de enraizamiento. Las estacas de tallos de...
Introduction: Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae), commonly known as matico, produces an oil with repel... more Introduction: Piper aduncum L. (Piperaceae), commonly known as matico, produces an oil with repellent, antimicrobial, insecticidal, antitumor and antiprotozoal activity. Objective: Evaluate the rooting of P. aduncum cuttings of varying lengths in different substrates. Methods: P. aduncum branches and leaves were collected in February 2016 at Bom Jesus Nature Reserve (25°29'69.3''S and 49°00'84.4''W) in Antonina, Parana, Brazil. The cuttings were 10, 15 and 20 cm in length and an average 6 mm in diameter. They were planted in 53 cm 3 plastic tubes and kept under intermittent mist. The substrates used were sand of average-sized particles, vermiculite and the commercial substrate Tropstrato HP®. At 60 days evaluation was performed of survival and mortality rates, cuttings with new buds, and the number and average duration of the three main roots. Results: Verification was conducted of the interaction between length and substrate for rooting variables, percentage...
Solidago chilensis Meyen, popularmente conhecida como arnica brasileira, e uma especie com propri... more Solidago chilensis Meyen, popularmente conhecida como arnica brasileira, e uma especie com propriedades medicinais devido a presenca de quercitrina (3- o -ram-quercetina) que possui acao antiiflamatoria. Objetivou-se avaliar os teores de quercitrina em flores, folhas e parte aerea (ramos, folhas e flores) de acessos de S. chilensis e sua correlacao com os atributos quimicos do solo. O material vegetal foi coletado de dez acessos distribuidos na regiao metropolitana de Curitiba, Estado do Parana, quando apresentavam-se em pleno florescimento. O maior teor quercitrina foi verificado nas folhas quando comparado com flores e parte aerea da planta. Os acessos A05 (Curitiba) e A07 (Mandirituba) apresentaram os maiores teores de principio ativo (58,13 e 57,63 mg g -1 , respectivamente). Maiores teores de quercitrina foram observados em solos com maior pH e disponibilidade de calcio e com menores teores de aluminio no solo.
Piptocarpha angustifolia Dusen (Asteraceae) is a brazilian native woody species belonging to Mixe... more Piptocarpha angustifolia Dusen (Asteraceae) is a brazilian native woody species belonging to Mixed Rain Forest (Araucarias Forest) with potential use for enviromental restoration and economical in plantation for woody production. Its propagation by seeds presents difficulties by irregular production and collection and low germination by poor number of feasible seeds. This work aims to verify the rooting response for semihardwood cuttings of annual shoots from mature plants, collected in spring 2004, summer, autumn and winter 2005 in Colombo, Parana state, Brazil and submitted a different treatments by alcoholic solution with use of plant growth regulator indolebutyric acid (IBA). Anatomical and biochemical analysis of total carbohydrates and proteins were made to investigate possible obstacle to roots initiation. The statistical analyses were made by completly randomized design with four treatments of twenty cuttings, evaluating rooting percentage, callus cuttings, alive and dead cu...
A maior parte da humanidade vive atualmente nos centros urbanos, funcionando como verdadeiros “pa... more A maior parte da humanidade vive atualmente nos centros urbanos, funcionando como verdadeiros “parasitas” do planeta, devido ao estilo e proporcao do consumo e a consequente geracao de lixo, residuos sanitarios e industriais, produzidos e despejados diariamente nos rios e em outras areas. Alem da formacao de ilhas de calor, subproduto da verticalizacao arquitetonica, utilizacao de materiais impermeaveis e a transformacao dos antigos jardins, quintais e pracas em areas macicas concretadas. Este cenario tende a se agravar em areas de risco social, fomentando ainda mais a baixa qualidade de vida dos moradores dessas regioes. Desta forma, o escopo desse trabalho que constitui um recorte metodologico do projeto intitulado “Comunidades verdejantes” e mostrar o programa que vem sendo desenvolvido desde agosto de 2006 ate o presente na area de Paisagismo, Horticultura e Agricultura Urbana com as criancas frequentadoras da ONG Casa da Videira, localizada no bairro Vila Fanny, na cidade de Cu...
Hop has economic importance around the world mainly because of the use bythe brewery companies. A... more Hop has economic importance around the world mainly because of the use bythe brewery companies. Althoughthe hop production in Brazil is incipient, the cultivation has grown and the evaluation of genetic materials adapted to the Brazilian environmental conditions is needed.The main objective of this work was to evaluate the cone aromatic profiles of hopgrown in Southern Brazil. Mature cones of hop cultivated in two regions of São Paulo state were harvested and the essential oil samples extracted by hydrodestillation and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results of the volatile fraction of all samples showed myrcene (10.79-16.29%) and α-humulene (22.7-29.47%) as the main constituents. β-selinene (10.79-11.99%)andγ-muurolene (9.96-10.73%) were also identified in allof the evaluated samples.The results showed thatphytochemical variability among the samples according to the different environmental conditions. The improvement of the variability of the genetic materials...
This study aimed to determinate the moon phase's influence on Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl.) D. ... more This study aimed to determinate the moon phase's influence on Brunfelsia uniflora (Pohl.) D. Don. In January 2008, semi woody cuttings were collected in Curitiba, Brazil. The experiment was conducted in a randomly design with four treatments that represent the moon phases (new; full; waning and waxing). The cuttings were maintained inside a greenhouse. After 90 days the followings were analyzed: rooting percentage, number of roots, length of the three longer roots, un-rooted living cuttings, dead cuttings and cuttings with sprouts. It was also evaluated the amount of reducing sugar and total sugar. From the results obtained it was not possible conclude that the moon phases had any influence on the rooting of Brunfelsia uniflora.
O paisagismo, embora muitos nao o percebam, sempre exerceu uma valiosa funcao social, pois observ... more O paisagismo, embora muitos nao o percebam, sempre exerceu uma valiosa funcao social, pois observa-se sua evolucao ao longo da historia da humanidade, de forma sincronizada com as mudancas ocorridas em diversos âmbitos da vida humana. Mas no momento historico em que comecam a surgir as primeiras comunidades capitalistas (Renascimento), onde eclode um novo paradigma para se abordar o universo (cartesianismo) e se consolida a especializacao do trabalho (revolucao industrial), o trabalho do paisagista que, no passado, beneficiava a toda uma sociedade, ficou restrito a uma pequena elite, que o utilizava como simbolo de status e tambem como ponto de encontro de dirigentes de reinados, para realizarem pactos e aliancas economicas. E e nesse contexto, que surge o arquiteto paisagista, o qual, principalmente na Franca tem por meta “domar a natureza indomavel”. E devido ao rumo tomado por essa atividade e tambem pela ciencia, ou seja o rumo do paradigma cartesiano, no cenario atual o paisagi...
The essential oils (EOs) chemical composition can be affected by several environmental factors, i... more The essential oils (EOs) chemical composition can be affected by several environmental factors, impacting their desired biological activities. In this sense, this work aimed to evaluate the seasonal variation of the chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of Piper caldense and Piper xylosteoides leaves EOs. Their chemical composition was determined by GC/MS and GC‐FID analyses, resulting in the identification of eighty compounds. P. caldense EOs were mainly consisted of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, whereas in P. xylosteoides EOs, monoterpene hydrocarbons were predominant. EOs from both species strongly inhibited B. subtilis (MIC=0.25 mg mL−1), while only P. caldense EOs showed strong activity against S. aureus (MIC=0.50 mg mL−1). P. caldense spring EO showed the broadest spectrum of antimicrobial action amongst all samples. For each species, PCA seasonally differentiated EOs chemical composition. In addition, as expected, PCA of all samples showed a distinction between the tw...
Sementes contaminadas podem introduzir patógenos em novas áreas causando prejuízos significativos... more Sementes contaminadas podem introduzir patógenos em novas áreas causando prejuízos significativos na produção, tombamento, morte de plantas, podridões e infecções generalizadas. O tratamento das sementes com óleos essenciais é um método alternativo ao uso de agrotóxico que pode apresentar propriedades microbianas capazes de controlar a microflora associada às sementes. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade fisiológica e sanitária de sementes de sorgo tratadas com diferentes concentrações de óleo essencial de Melaleuca alternifolia. Sementes de sorgo foram tratadas com soluções de óleo essencial de melaleuca nas concentrações de 0,25; 0,50; 1,00 e 1,50 além da testemunha e submetidas aos testes de germinação, primeira contagem da germinação, peso de matéria seca de plântula, teste de sanidade ("Blotter test") (em laboratório) e emergência em casa vegetação (logo após o tratamento e após 30 dias). O delineamento foi inteiramente casualizado, com 5 repetições para casa de vegetação e 4 repetições para o teste de germinação, as médias foram comparadas pelo teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. De acordo com os resultados verificou-se que não houve efeito prejudicial às plântulas de sorgo quando a semeadura foi realizada após o tratamento das sementes; a partir da concentração de 0,50% de óleo houve controle do Colletotrichum spp. e maior índice de sementes "limpas" (visualmente sem a presença de patógenos) e o uso das sementes após 30 dias do tratamento ocasionou redução de peso de matéria seca e altura de plântulas.
Native Piper species present significant repellent, antimicrobial, inseticidal, anti-tumor and an... more Native Piper species present significant repellent, antimicrobial, inseticidal, anti-tumor and anti-protozoal biological activities. Studies on new species can discover unpublished potentialities and vegetative propagation for the development of cultivation protocols and reduce the natural extraction. The objective of this study was to evaluate the rooting of P. arboreum, P. cernuum and P. diospyrifolium stem cuttings with different treatments containing doses of indole butyric acid (0, 500; 1,000; 1,500; 2,000 and 3,000 mg L-1). Branches were collected in the “Bom Jesus Biological Reserve”, Parana state, Brazil. The cuttings, with a length of 12 cm and average diameter of 6 mm, were placed in 53 cm3 plastic tubes with the commercial substrate Tropstrato HP® and intermittent misting. After 90 days, the survival, mortality, cuttings with new shoots, number and length of the three main roots were evaluated. The percentages of rooting reached an average of 67.5% for P. arboreum, 51.6% ...
O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon citrat... more O presente trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a eficiência do óleo essencial de Cymbopogon citratus na qualidade sanitária e fisiológica de sementes de sorgo do cultivar XB6020. O experimento utilizou sementes de sorgo tratadas com óleo essencial de C. citratus nas concentrações de 0, 0,25%, 0,50%, 1% e 1,5%. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: sanidade de sementes pelo método de Blotter test, primeira contagem de germinação, germinação e peso de massa seca das plântulas normais. A análise foi feita utilizando delineamento inteiramente ao acaso (DIC) com cinco concentrações e cinco repetições, em dois ensaios separados, para verificação da sanidade e avaliação da qualidade fisiológica das sementes. Concluiu-se que o óleo essencial de capim-limão (C. citratus) reduz a infestação de fungos, principalmente de Fusarium spp., porém, pode induzir o desenvolvimento de Penicillium spp. e em concentração de 1,5% apresenta efeito fitotóxico reduzindo a germinação e o vigor das sementes de sorgo.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the phytochemical composition and the antibacterial an... more The objective of this work was to evaluate the phytochemical composition and the antibacterial and antibiotic-modulating activities of the essential oils of Eugenia brasiliensis Lam (OEEb) and Piper mosenii C. DC (OEPm) singly or in association with blue LED (Light-emitting diode) light. The antibacterial and antibiotic-modulatory activities of the essential oils on the activity of aminoglycosides were evaluated to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC, μg/mL) in the presence or absence of exposure to blue LED light. The chemical analysis showed α-pinene and bicyclogermacrene as major constituents of OEPm, whereas α-muurolol was the main compound of OEEb. Both OEEb and OEPm showed MIC ≥ 512 μg/mL against the strains under study. However, the association of these oils with the blue LED light enhanced the action of the aminoglycosides amikacin and gentamicin. In conclusion, the association of aminoglycosides with the blue LED light and essential oils was effective agains...
Piper cernuum Vell., a native species known as pariparoba, presents essential oil with potential ... more Piper cernuum Vell., a native species known as pariparoba, presents essential oil with potential properties and significant growth in clearings, being indicated for the recovery of degraded areas. Prospecting studies for new botanical matrices need the development of specific essays of plant propagation for future domestication of the species. This work aimed to evaluate the rooting of different types of cuttings using different substrates to develop a seedling production protocol. Stem cuttings with one or two nodes were installed on three types of substrates (medium sifted sand, vermiculite of medium granulometry and commercial substrate [Tropstrato HP®]) and maintained in greenhouse for 60 days to evaluation of the percentages of survival, mortality, sprouts, rooting, average number and average length of the roots. The results showed interaction between cutting types and substrates for rooting percentage and sprouting cuttings. The largest rooting percentages were observed in api...
In this study, the Piper cernuum Essential Oil (EOPC) was tested against bacterial and fungal str... more In this study, the Piper cernuum Essential Oil (EOPC) was tested against bacterial and fungal strains using the microdilution method to evaluate its minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC), as well as its antibiotic modifying effect, in addition to observing the oils ability to cause fungal dimorphism and to generate an IC 50 cell viability curve. The EO was obtained through hydrodistillation using a Clevenger-type apparatus with the dry leaves and analyzed by GC-FID, allowing the identification of 14 compounds, with the main compound being 4-epi-cis-dihydromarofuran (28.97%). An EOPC intrinsic activity was identified only against Candida albicans 4127 (IC 50 56.851 μg/mL). Given the MIC results from the EOPC intrinsic activity against Staphylococcus aureus 10 at the concentration of 406 μg/mL, its association with fluconazole potentiated it's antifungal action. The action of gentamicin was potentiated by the addition of the EOPC to Staphylococcus aureus 10 and Escherichia coli 06 strains, both with MIC < 40 μg/ml, however, when the EOPC was combined with other antibiotics against Staphylococcus aureus 10 they presented an antagonistic response. When the EOPC was tested with the antibiotic norfloxacin against the Gram-negative Escherichia coli 06 strain an antagonistic response was also found. The EOPC inhibited fungal dimorphism, reducing the virulence of these strains, with this effect being better than that of fluconazole. These results highlight the species as a promising source of active antimicrobial compounds.
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, 2019
The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has made bacterial resistance an important public health pr... more The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has made bacterial resistance an important public health problem, since many antibiotics have become ineffective. Phototherapy can be considered an alternative to reduce the abusive use of antimicrobials, thus impacting microbial resistance. The objective of this study was to determine the chemical profile and to evaluate the effect of blue LED lights on the antibacterial activity of essential oils from Piper species, as well as their aminoglycoside antibiotic activity modulation using the microdilution method to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC). The antibiotic activity modulating effect of these oils was also determined using the broth microdilution method with 96-well plates which were exposed to LED light for 20 minutes. Chemical components were characterized by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry, revealing β-copaen-4-α-ol, germacrene A and germacrene B as major essential oil constituents for Piper arboreum (OEPar), Piper aduncum (OEPad) and Piper gaudichaudianum (OEPg), respectively. OEPar obtained a MIC of 512 μg / mL against Staphylococcus aureus and a MIC ≥ 1024 μg / mL against Escherichia coli. OEPad and OEPg showed MIC values ≥ 1024 μg / mL against the utilized strains. The essential oils modulated the effect of the antibiotics amikacin and gentamicin, with this effect being potentiated when exposed to blue LED. The blue LED light in the absence of the essential oil also showed an ability to modulate aminoglycoside antibiotic activity in this study, presenting mostly synergistic effects. In conclusion, the results obtained in this study demonstrate that photodynamic therapy using blue LED light interferes with the antibacterial action of P. arboreum, P. aduncum and P. gaudichaudianum essential oils and aminoglycoside antibiotic activity.
The family Piperaceae is known for presenting in its species flavoring, healing and antimicrobial... more The family Piperaceae is known for presenting in its species flavoring, healing and antimicrobial properties among others. The objective of the present study was: to study the chemical profile of the essential oil of Piper rivinoides (EOPR); to analyze its anti-bacterial and antifungal potential, as well as to evaluate the antifungal and antibiotic-modifying capacity. The chemical constituents were identified by gas chromatography with flame ionization detector (GC-FID), allowing the identification of 7 constituents of a total of 86.99%. E-Isoelemicin was identified as the main constituent of petroleum (40.81%). Clinically relevant MIC results were obtained against fungi in which the inhibitory concentration remained < 256 μg/mL, as for Candida albicans 4127 (217.6 μg/mL). The association of EOPR with an antifungal showed a high synergistic affinity against the strains of C. tropicalis 40042 and 4262. We concluded that no intrinsic EOPR activity was observed at any concentrations tested against bacteria. However, EOPR associated with Gentamicin acted synergistically against S. aureus 10 and Escherichia coli 06, but with Erythromycin there was a synergistic effect against Escherichia coli 06, and antagonism with norfloxacin.
Papers by Aurea Ferriani