Papers by Athanase Millogo
SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine
![Research paper thumbnail of Etiological Spectrum of Status Epilepticus in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso: A Prospective Cross-sectional Multicenter Hospital Study](
Clinical Neurology and Neuroscience
Introduction: In sub-Saharan Africa, cerebrovascular aetiologies of status epilepticus (SE) are o... more Introduction: In sub-Saharan Africa, cerebrovascular aetiologies of status epilepticus (SE) are on the rise alongside infectious brain lesions. The aim of our study was to describe the etiologic spectrum of SE in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, in a high risk SE setting. Patients and methods: This is a prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive, multicenter and hospital study of patients hospitalized consecutively in the university hospitals of the city of Ouagadougou, in Burkina Faso, from 01/01/2015 to 12/31/2019, for SE. The sociodemographic, clinical, paraclinical (biological, critical and / or intercritical EEG, neuroradiological) characteristics and the aetiological data of the patients were analyzed using the Epi-info software: calculations of numbers, frequencies, averages. The significance rate was set at 0.05. Results: 91 patients hospitalized for SE were collected, with a male predominance (73.62%). The mean age was 36.6 years +/-24.5 years (2 days and 86 years); 25 patients (27.5%) already had known epilepsy. Generalized tonic-clonic SE from the start and focal SE with convulsive bilateralization were the most common seizure types with 46 cases (50.5%) and 27 cases (29.7%), respectively. The average duration of an EME episode was 18 hours +/-31 (5 minutes-6 days). On admission, a focused motor deficit with 36 cases (46.7%) and fever in 28 patients (30.8%) were the main clinical signs; hyperleukocytosis with 23 cases (25.3) and anemia with 22 cases (24.2%), were the main laboratory abnormalities. On cerebral CT scan, sequelae with 33 cases (51.6%), acute stroke with 14 cases (21.9%) and acute meningoencephalitis with 8 cases (12.5%), were the most frequent. SEs symptomatic of acute brain disease, with 61 cases (67%), were dominated by infectious etiologies with 30 cases (33%) and acute strokes with 16 cases (17.6%). Among the non-acute or sequelae SEs of etiology, the sequelae of traumatic brain injury with 10 cases (11%) and the sequelae of stroke with 8 cases (8.8%) were the most represented. Conclusion: The aetiologies of SE are dominated in the Ouagadougou CHUs by CNS infections, acute or sequelae strokes and cranio-encephalic trauma. The fight against infectious diseases and the prevention of vascular risk factors will help reduce the frequency and severity of EMEs.
![Research paper thumbnail of Frequency of recurrent stroke in Burkina Faso: an observational hospital based study of 6 months](
Pan African Medical Journal, 2021
studies on stroke recurrence are rare in sub-Sahara Africa. The aim to this study is to determine... more studies on stroke recurrence are rare in sub-Sahara Africa. The aim to this study is to determine the prevalence and risk factors for recurrent stroke in two University Teaching Hospital in Burkina Faso. this prospective cross-sectional study was carried on 266 stroke patients admitted in two hospitals in the city of Ouagadougou from September 1, 2017 to February 28, 2018. Patients with stroke recurrence (ischemic or hemorrhagic) were included. of 266 acute stroke patients included, 44 (16.4%) had recurrent stroke. The mean age of patients was 66.5 ± 11.49 years with male predominance. Hypertension was the most vascular risk factors (81.8%). Previous stroke was ischemic in 61.4%, hemorrhagic in 22.7% and unknown in 15.9% of cases. Poor compliance (< 60%) was determined in patients taking antiagregant (43.6%) and statins (50%). At admission, the most neurological disorders was motor deficit (100%), aphasia (84.1%), and deglutition disorders (15.9%). CT scan showed ischemic in 82% and hemorrhagic stroke in 18% of cases. With the analysis of second stroke, recurrent stroke after intracerebral hemorrhage was hemorrhagic in 77.8% and ischemic in 22.2%. Recurrent stroke after ischemic stroke was ischemic in 100%. stroke recurrence is common in our context. Hypertension was the most common vascular risk factor in recurrent stroke. Poor compliance was determined in patients taking antiagregant agents and statins in previous stroke.
![Research paper thumbnail of Clinical management and disease-modifying treatment for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in African hospital centers: the TROPALS study](
Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis & frontotemporal degeneration, 2021
Objective: To assess the availability of health workers and medications for clinical management o... more Objective: To assess the availability of health workers and medications for clinical management of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in African hospital centers. Availability and affordability analyses of disease-modifying treatments were performed. Methods: A multicenter observational study involving African hospitals was conducted. A standard questionnaire was developed based on the European Federation of the Neurological Societies (EFNS) guidelines. We collected data on multidisciplinary care and availability of medicines. The availability and affordability were evaluated according to the WHO guidelines. Results: Nine hospital centers from eight African countries participated. We observed a low degree of implementation of multidisciplinary care in ALS management. Riluzole was only available in centers from South Africa, Senegal, Tunisia, and Togo. This treatment was unaffordable and the adjusted price was highly variable among countries. The cost of riluzole was partly or fully...
![Research paper thumbnail of EFECAB: 10 years of research on cysticercosis in Burkina Faso using the One Health concept](
EFECAB (Epidemiologie et Fardeau Economique de la Cysticercosis au Burkina) was initiated in 2006... more EFECAB (Epidemiologie et Fardeau Economique de la Cysticercosis au Burkina) was initiated in 2006 with a grant funded through the Brain Disorders in the developing world - Research Across the lifespan program of the National Institutes of Health in the United States (R21NS055353) followed by a more substantial grant in 2010 (R01NS064901). The pilot grant showed that human and porcine cysticercosis were not only present in Burkina Faso, but more prevalent in two of three pilot villages. A cluster randomized controlled trial was subsequently conducted to estimate the effectiveness of a community-based educational intervention to reduce the frequency of cysticercosis in 60 villages located in 3 provinces where pigs were raised. The intervention was developed using an implementation research method which resulted in offering the Participatory Hygiene And Sanitation Transformation - Self-esteem Associative strengths Resourcefulness Action planning Responsibility approach, adapted for cys...
![Research paper thumbnail of Evaluation de la satisfaction des patients hospitalisés dans les services du département de Médecine du Centre hospitalier universitaire Souro Sanou (CHUSS) de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso](
La satisfaction des usagers des etablissements sanitaires fait partie de l’appreciation de la qua... more La satisfaction des usagers des etablissements sanitaires fait partie de l’appreciation de la qualite des soins. L’objectif etait d’etudier la satisfaction des patients hospitalises dans les services du departement de medecine du Centre hospitalier universitaire Souro Sanou (CHUSS) de Bobo-Dioulasso, Burkina Faso. Il s’est agi d’une etude transversale a visee analytique conduite en 8 mois. Les domaines de satisfaction ont ete calcules selon le modele SAPHORA (version 7). Des 294 patients eligibles, 250 (85,0 %) patients ont ete retenus dont 42,0 % de femmes. L’âge moyen des patients etait de 47,1 (± 17,9) ans. Les domaines a score faible etaient : niveau global de satisfaction, accueil, communication avec le personnel, restauration et organisation de la sortie. Les patients plus âges et ceux a duree d'hospitalisation plus longue etaient plus satisfaits. Les 94,0 % des patients sans assurance maladie etaient moins satisfaits. Les scores des domaines de satisfaction par service et...
![Research paper thumbnail of Etiologies of Non-Genetic Epilepsies of Adults Newly Diagnostic in Ouagadougou in Burkina Faso](
Journal of Neurological Disorders, 2018
Introduction: Epilepsy is a common disease in sub-Saharan Africa. The etiological diagnosis of ep... more Introduction: Epilepsy is a common disease in sub-Saharan Africa. The etiological diagnosis of epilepsies is still based on interrogation and clinical examination, due to a lack of means of complementary diagnostic investigations, electroencephalogram (EEG), computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The aim of our study was to determine the etiological varieties of non-genetic epilepsies of adults, newly diagnosed in Ouagadougou, according to diagnostic, clinical, EEG and neuroradiological criteria (encephalic CT and/or MRI). Patients and methods: This was a prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study that ran from September 1 to August 31, 2017, and included patients diagnosed with non-genetic epilepsy in adults, newly diagnosed in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. For each of the patients included in the study, the etiological diagnosis was based on the results of CT and /or brain MRI, in addition to the electroclinical criteria of non-genetic epilepsy. Results: We collected 137 patients; the average age was 41.8 ± 17.6 years, with 51.8% men (71 patients). The average age of onset of seizures was 34.3 years and the average duration of seizures was 7.3 years. Of all patients, 87.5% had focal seizures, 5.2% generalized seizures and 7.3% non-classifiable seizures. All of our patients had EEG and brain scan, only 11.8% had brain MRI. EEG was normal in 13.1%; there were inter-critical epileptic paroxysms in 86.9%. Localized atrophy associated with underlying parenchymal hypodensity with 48 cases (35%), porencephalic cavities with 16 cases (11.8%), circumscribed cortico-subcortical hypodense without contrast enhancement with 14 cases (10.2%), brain tumors with 12 cases (8.8%), were the most representative neuroradiological abnormalities. The structural causes and unknown causes were found respectively in 54% and in 46% of cases. CNS infections (16.8%), sequelae of stroke (11.7%), sequelae of cranioencephalic trauma (10.9%), brain tumors (8.7%), sequelae of Perinatal encephalopathy (4%) and cerebral vascular malformations (cavernoma) (1.5%) were the epileptogenic structural abnormalities found. Conclusion: Our results confirm the predominance of infectious and post-traumatic causes and the emergence of cerebrovascular causes in sub-Saharan Africa. Some epileptogenic lesions, such as certain brain tumors, focal cortical dysplasias, hippocampal sclerosis, have been under diagostized because of the poor availability and accessibility of cerebral MRI.
![Research paper thumbnail of Knowledge and attitudes of driver license applicants and instructors about driving of patients with epilepsy in Burkina Faso](
Acta Epileptologica, 2022
Background Epilepsy is the most common neurological disease in the world. The objective of the st... more Background Epilepsy is the most common neurological disease in the world. The objective of the study was to determine the knowledge, attitude and practice of driver’s license applicants and instructors in driving schools on epilepsy in Burkina Faso. Method This cross-sectional study was carried out from January 7th to March 7th 2020 in 21 driving schools approved by the National Driver License Authority in the city of Ouagadougou. Fifteen driver applicants and one instructor were selected in each driving school, resulting in a total of 315 driver applicants and 21 instructors in the study. Results The mean age of participants was 29.91 ± 7.63 years. One of the driver applicants included in the study was once experienced a seizure attack. All respondents had heard of epilepsy. The main source of epilepsy information was from family (42.5%). Two hundred and twenty-six respondents (67.3%) had witnessed an epileptic seizure. A majority of participants (55.9%) believed that persons with ...
![Research paper thumbnail of Seroprevalence and Associated Risk Factors of Porcine Cysticercosis in Boucle Du Mouhoun Region of Burkina Faso: A Cross-sectional Survey](
World's Veterinary Journal
Taenia solium cysticercosis is a neglected tropical zoonosis with economic and public health impo... more Taenia solium cysticercosis is a neglected tropical zoonosis with economic and public health importance. Cysticercosis is widely present in low-income countries with extensive pig breeding systems and poor human hygiene practices. In Burkina Faso, a study on porcine cysticercosis has been done only in Boulkiemde province. There is a lack of serological data on this disease in other areas, such as Balés province in the Boucle du Mouhoun region. This study aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors of porcine cysticercosis in Boucle du Mouhoun, Burkina Faso. A total of 373 serum samples were collected from local breed pigs that were randomly selected from four villages in the mentioned region. Data were also collected using a structured questionnaire to determine explanatory factors for the infection. Serum samples were tested using an antigen ELISA test to detect circulating antigens of Tænia solium. The prevalence of the disease was 54.9% (95% CI = 49.8-59.9). Following univari...
![Research paper thumbnail of Substances psychoactives et AVC](
Revue Neurologique, 2021
Les accidents vasculaires cerebraux (AVC) constituent un veritable probleme de sante publique dan... more Les accidents vasculaires cerebraux (AVC) constituent un veritable probleme de sante publique dans le monde, en nette augmentation chez le sujet jeune. Tout AVC survenant chez un sujet jeune necessite une recherche etiologique complete. Chez les sujets jeunes, environ un tiers des accidents vasculaires ischemiques ont une origine indeterminee d’ou l’importance de la recherche de l’usage de substances psychoactives pouvant faire le lit d’AVC ischemiques ou hemorragiques. La consommation aigue mais egalement chronique de substances illicites telles que la cocaine, les derives de l’amphetamine « ecstasy » ou le cannabis semble exposer a un risque accru de developper parmi une population particulierement jeune des accidents vasculaires cerebraux tant hemorragiques qu’ischemiques. L’accident vasculaire cerebral d’origine toxique est une pathologie relativement frequente notamment chez le sujet jeune. Outre l’alcool et le tabac qui sont des facteurs de risque vasculaire modifiables reconn...
![Research paper thumbnail of Epilepsy due to Neurocysticercosis: Analysis of a Hospital Cohort](
Journal of Neuroscience and Neurological Disorders, 2020
Introduction: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a common helminthic infection of the nervous system tha... more Introduction: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a common helminthic infection of the nervous system that occurs when humans become intermediate hosts in the life cycle of the pig tapeworm (Taenia solium) after ingesting its eggs. The objective of this study was to analyze socio-demographic, clinical and paraclinical features of patients with NCC in Lubumbashi, DRC. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study conducted over a period of 2 years within the Neuropsychiatric Center of Lubumbashi. Socio-demographic, clinical, paraclinical and therapeutic features were studied. Results: A total of 18 patients with NCC were listed. Epilepsy was found in 72.2% (13/18) of the cases. The mean age of the patients was 30.2 ± 13.5 years; males accounted for 61.2% of the cases. 84.6% were consumers of pork. Generalized epilepsy was found in 84.6% of the cases and hypereosinophilia in 38% of the cases. On the neuroimaging, the parietal location of lesions represented 92.3%; calcifications were the type of l...
Brain Research Bulletin, 2018
Neurocysticercosis is a public health problem and the leading cause of epilepsy in developing cou... more Neurocysticercosis is a public health problem and the leading cause of epilepsy in developing countries especially in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). In this paper, the authors review the epidemiology of cysticercosis and neurocysticercosis, as well as the non-specific clinical manifestations which render clinical diagnosis challenging especially in the sub-Saharan African context. Special attention is given to the association of epilepsy and neurocysticercosis, the former being the most common symptom of the later, and the role of the later in epileptogenesis is discussed. The state of the art guidelines regarding diagnostic tests and treatment options are discussed and proposals for prevention are made, given the specific socio-culturaland economic context of the endemic countries, mostly in SSA.
![Research paper thumbnail of Neurocysticercose et épilepsie](
Revue Neurologique, 2015
L’epilepsie est une maladie chronique affectant plus de 50 millions de personnes dans le monde. P... more L’epilepsie est une maladie chronique affectant plus de 50 millions de personnes dans le monde. Parmi les causes infectieuses de l’epilepsie, la neurocysticercose (NCC), parasitose du systeme nerveux central est la cause la plus frequente d’epilepsie tardive de l’adulte dans les pays endemiques. La prevalence de la NCC est en progression meme dans le pays non endemiques en raison des flux d’immigration a partir des zones d’endemies, d’ou l’importance d’en assurer une bonne prise en charge. Toutefois, la majorite des personnes souffrant de NCC sont asymptomatiques. Cette parasitose se traduit par des manifestations cliniques nombreuses et pleiomorphes. L’expression clinique de la NCC depend du nombre, de la taille, de la localisation du parasite ainsi que de la reponse immunitaire de l’hote a la presence du parasite dans le cerveau. La NCC intraparenchymateuse, forme clinique la plus frequente, survient lorsque le kyste est localise dans le parenchyme cerebral. Les crises epileptiques en sont de loin les manifestations cliniques les plus frequentes. Toutefois, la majorite des personnes souffrant de NCC sont asymptomatiques. Les crises epileptiques resultent de reaction inflammatoire suite a la degenerescence des kystes ou encore de la formation de granulome calcifie, siege potentiel d’activite epileptogene. Toutefois, les mecanismes de survenue de la crise d’epilepsie au cours de la NCC restent mal elucidee. L’imagerie par resonance magnetique a une meilleure sensibilite dans le diagnostic des kystes tandis que le scanner cerebral identifie mieux les calcifications qui demeurent les lesions les plus frequemment rencontrees chez les patients ayant une NCC intraparenchymateuse. L’albendazole demeure l’anthelmintique de choix pour la NCC intraparenchymateuse, en association avec l’administration des antiepileptiques. Ce diagnostic doit etre evoque de parti pris en cas d’epilepsie tardive chez l’adulte en zone tropicale ou de retour apres un sejour en zone endemique. L’ampleur de sante publique de cette parasitose impose plus d’attention par les agents de sante concernant cette cause d’epilepsie accessible a la prevention. Informations complementaires Remerciements a l’Institut de neurologie tropicale de Limoges.
![Research paper thumbnail of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis in Africa: a multi-centre cohort study. TROPALS collaboration](
F1000Research, 2017
International audienceBackground:The literature on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Africa ... more International audienceBackground:The literature on amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Africa is limited. A few studies have been performed, mostly case series with variable methodology, sample sizes and data collection (1). In recent years, there has been increased interest in the epidemiologic and phenotypic variability of ALS among different populations (23).Objective:We aimed to describe and compare demographics, clinical features, management and survival of ALS in Africa.Methods:A hospital-based multi-centre cohort study was undertaken in African countries. ALS patients diagnosed from 2005 to 2017 in the participant centres were included. An ALS expert neurologist confirmed the diagnosis through medical records. Patients were categorized at diagnosis according to El Escorial revised criteria and follow-up assessments were performed. Descriptiveand analytical statistics were conducted. Subgroup analyses were performed according to subcontinent, based on the United Nations Statistics Division. Survival analyses were carried out with the Kaplan-Meier method.Results:10 centres from 89 African countries participated. An overall 185 patients were included: 114 in Northern Africa, 30 in Southern Africa and 41 in Western Africa. A male predominance was found with a sex ratio (male/female) of 2.9 overall. Median age at onset was 54 years (interquartile range (IQR) 4 64). Western African patients had younger age at onset (47 years) compared with Northern and Southern Africa, p¼ 0.0001. Themedian diagnostic delay was 12 months. Onset was bulbar in 22.7% of cases. Median ALS Functional Rating Scale Revised (ALSFRS-R) was 38 at diagnosis. 59 cases presented with atypical signs (32%), of which nearly 40% had cognitive impairment. Concerning the management, 80% had a medical or traditional treatment. However, only 47 cases had access to riluzole, mostly in Northern Africa. Overall, the median survival sincediagnosis was 14 months. Longer survival was observed in Northern Africa with a median of 19 months compared with Southern Africa (11 months) and Western Africa (6 months), log rank p¼ 0.001.Conclusions:This is the first ALS multi-centre cohort study in African countries. Our research contributes to improving the clinical and survival understanding of ALS in Africa. However, we are aware that hospital-based studies are limited by selection bias. Further studies are needed to clarify variability in clinical features. Genetic research should also be included for a more comprehensive approach on ALS in African populations
Papers by Athanase Millogo