Papers by Arturo Castellanos-Ruelas

The aim of this work was to develop and evaluate the effect of a nutrition education intervention... more The aim of this work was to develop and evaluate the effect of a nutrition education intervention in a group of return migrants workers at rural areas of the State of Yucatán, México. The study included 54 subjects who were selected through non-probabilistic sampling in three communities in the center of the State. Didactic material was developed which consisted of seven lessons in nutrition including concepts mentioned in the Health Belief Model and the Social Cognitive Theory. The lessons were applied to an intervened group (n = 27), taking other as control (n = 27). The pre and post test effect of the intervention was evaluated using a questionnaire, which was tested statistically with the Wilcoxon test. To compare differences between groups before and after intervention Mann-Whitney U statistic test was used. The didactic 13 Nutr. clín. diet. hosp. 2010; 30(3):13-20 Correspondencia: Castellanos Ruelas A. Campus de Ingenierías y Ciencias Exactas. Periférico Nte. km 33.5. Tablaje ...
Food and Nutrition Sciences, 2012
The aim of this study was to evaluate the texture of corn dough as well as the nutritional qualit... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the texture of corn dough as well as the nutritional quality and acceptance of corn cakes (tortillas) made either with a readymade commercial corn flour (CCF) or with a traditional way (nixtamal) both fortified with lys + tryp

Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2014
Masa or dough from nixtamalized maize with cassava (Cf) and malanga flour (Mf) addition at 20, 30... more Masa or dough from nixtamalized maize with cassava (Cf) and malanga flour (Mf) addition at 20, 30 and 40 % (w/w) were prepared making seven treatments. The produced masas or doughs were subjected to chemical analysis, rheological and mechanical tests. Tortillas were manufactured from these doughs and mechanical tests were undertaken. Doughs from tubers had less protein and lipid content but higher nitrogen free extract than the control. All doughs presented weak viscoelastic gel-like behavior, with those of Mf behaving mainly as viscous systems. Doughs with Cf showed lower decrease in both the elastic (G') and viscous (G") moduli than those with Mf. The adhesiveness and cohesiveness of doughs with Mf showed a higher reduction of maximum force than those with Cf. Tortillas with Cf were more elastic with higher tensile strength than those with Mf. Using Cf as partial substitution of maize might lower production costs, but Mf is not particularly suitable as maize substitute in tortilla production. Tortillas with 40 % (w/w) cassava flour, presented the highest preference on a sensory test.
no cobra tasas por el envío de trabajos, ni tampoco cuotas por la publicación de sus artículos.

Copyright © 2013 Maira R. Segura-Campos et al. This is an open access article distributed under t... more Copyright © 2013 Maira R. Segura-Campos et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. Hypertension is one of the most common worldwide diseases in humans. Angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) plays an important role in regulating blood pressure andhypertension.An evaluationwas done on the effect ofAlcalase hydrolysis of defatted Jatropha curcas kernel meal on ACE inhibitory activity in the resulting hydrolysate and its purified fractions. Alcalase exhibited broad specificity and produced a protein hydrolysate with a 21.35 % degree of hydrolysis and 34.87 % ACE inhibition. Ultrafiltration of the hydrolysate produced peptide fractions with increased biological activity (24.46–61.41%). Hydrophobic residues contributed substantially to the peptides ’ inhibitory potency. The 5–10 and <1 kDa fractions were selec...
Interciencia, 2009
Resumen es: Se evaluo el comportamiento productivo y la composicion de lipidos de la yema del hue... more Resumen es: Se evaluo el comportamiento productivo y la composicion de lipidos de la yema del huevo y de tejidos corporales en aves alimentadas con dietas conteniend...

Physicochemical, functional and digestibility analyses were done of dehydrated quail egg white to... more Physicochemical, functional and digestibility analyses were done of dehydrated quail egg white to determine its possible practical applications. Quail egg white was dehydrated by air convection using one of two temperatures and times: M1 (65 ̊C, 3.5 h), M2 (65 ̊C, 5.0 h), M3 (70 ̊C, 3.5 h) and M4 (70 ̊C, 5.0 h). Lyophilized quail egg white was used as a standard. All four air-dried treatments had good protein levels (92.56% to 93.96%), with electrophoresis showing the predominant proteins to be lysozyme, ovalbumin and ovotransferin. Denaturation temperatures ranged from 81.16 ̊C to 83.85 ̊C and denaturation enthalpy values from 5.51 to 9.08 J/g. Treatments M1-4 had lower water-holding (0.90 2.95 g/g) and oil-holding (0.92 1.01 g/g) capacities than the lyophilized treatment (4.5 g/g, 1.95 g/g, respectively). Foaming capacity was pH-dependent in all five treatments, with the lowest values at alkaline pH and the highest (153% to 222%) at acid pH (pH 2). Foam stability was lowest at aci...

esumenLos estudios sobre el perfil mineral de forrajes que consu-men los rumiantes en pastoreo de... more esumenLos estudios sobre el perfil mineral de forrajes que consu-men los rumiantes en pastoreo deben completarse con in-formacion sobre su deposito en los tejidos, debido a que las deficiencias y desequilibrios de minerales se reflejan en la composicion corporal y por consecuencia en la producti-vidad de los animales. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue cuantificar el contenido de cuatro minerales en la duodeci-ma costilla de ovinos de pelo en pastoreo en el estado de Yu-catan durante la epoca de lluvias (junio-octubre). Se mues-trearon 50 predios de ovinocultores en 47 municipios y se recolectaron 139 muestras de costilla mediante biopsias. Se determino el contenido de Ca, K, Cu y Fe mediante espec-trofotometria de absorcion atomica. Los resultados se ana-lizaron estadisticamente usando un diseno experimental completamente al azar con un arreglo trifactorial incluyen-do el efecto de la zona geografica (Centro, Oriente, Poniente y Sur), el estado fisiologico de los ovinos (Destete,...

Characterized by uncontrolled, long-term high blood sugar levels, diabetes mellitus affects ever ... more Characterized by uncontrolled, long-term high blood sugar levels, diabetes mellitus affects ever increasing numbers of people worldwide. Type 2 diabetes is the most common, accounting for 95% of reported cases. The main objective of this article was to evaluate the in vitro antidiabetic effects of hydrolysates from Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) proteins. The hydrolysates were produced with either the Alcalase®-Flavourzyme® (AF) or pepsin-pancreatin (PP) sequential systems and peptide fractions (F > 10, F5-10, F3-5, 1–3 and 10 kDa fraction against α-amylase (IC50 = 54.61 ± 1.76 mg protein mL−1), the F5-10 kDa (IC50 = 124.14 ± 3.05) against α-glucosidase and the F5-10 kDa (IC50 = 1.93 ± 0.20) against DPP-IV. For the PP products, inhibitory activities were highest in the F < 1 kDa (IC50 = 55.79 ± 1.06). None of the highly inhibitory hydrolysates or peptide fractions exhibited cytotoxicity in vitro versus Vero cells. These fractions are potential ingredients for inclusion in ...
Resumen es: Los estudios sobre el perfil mineral de forrajes que consumen los rumiantes en pastor... more Resumen es: Los estudios sobre el perfil mineral de forrajes que consumen los rumiantes en pastoreo deben completarse con informacion sobre su deposito en los tejido...

Physicochemical, functional and digestibility analyses were done of dehydrated quail egg white to... more Physicochemical, functional and digestibility analyses were done of dehydrated quail egg white to determine its possible practical applications. Quail egg white was dehydrated by air convection using one of two temperatures and times: M1 (65℃, 3.5 h), M2 (65℃, 5.0 h), M3 (70℃, 3.5 h) and M4 (70℃, 5.0 h). Lyophilized quail egg white was used as a standard. All four air-dried treatments had good protein levels (92.56% to 93.96%), with electrophoresis showing the predominant proteins to be lysozyme, ovalbumin and ovotransferin. Denaturation temperatures ranged from 81.16℃ to 83.85℃ and denaturation enthalpy values from 5.51 to 9.08 J/g. Treatments M1-4 had lower water-holding (0.90 - 2.95 g/g) and oil-holding (0.92 - 1.01 g/g) capacities than the lyophilized treatment (4.5 g/g, 1.95 g/g, respectively). Foaming capacity was pH-dependent in all five treatments, with the lowest values at alkaline pH and the highest (153% to 222%) at acid pH (pH 2). Foam stability was lowest at acid pH and...

Abril Lecuona-Villanueva, David A. Betancur-Ancona, Luis A. Chel-Guerrero, Arturo F. Castellanos-Ruelas
The aim of this study was to evaluate the texture of corn dough as well as the nutritional qualit... more The aim of this study was to evaluate the texture of corn dough as well as the nutritional quality and acceptance of corn cakes (tortillas) made either with a readymade commercial corn flour (CCF) or with a traditional way (nixtamal) both fortified with lys + tryp (L + T) or with a protein concentrate from Phaseolus lunatus added with L + T (PC + L + T). All treatments were analyzed to investigate the physical properties of the dough and tortillas as well as their physicochemical and nutritional quality. Results showed that cohesion was affected (p < 0.05) in the fortified tortillas made with CCF decreasing from 34.3 to 28.4 and 27.4 N for Control, L + T and PC + L + T, respectively; tortillas made with nixtamal showed no difference. Adhesion was not affected by treatments. Weight loss increased only in the fortified tortillas made with CCF (p < 0.05). Rolling capacity was not affected by fortification. The tension of tortillas increased with the fortification being the highes...

Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2008
To examine effects of feeding higher levels of minerals antagonistic to Cu (S, Fe and Zn) on prod... more To examine effects of feeding higher levels of minerals antagonistic to Cu (S, Fe and Zn) on productioll and digestibility of Cu of hair sheep fed a diet based on poultry waste (poultry manure) containing over 90 p p m Cu for 90 d, eight diets were fed to thirty-two male Pelibuey sheep. The diets contained each of the three minerals (Fe, S and Zn) at two levels, 647 mglkg, 0.3910 and 216 mglkg; versus 833 mglkg, 0.42% and 772 mglkg, respectively i n a 2 x 2~2 factorial design. Animal productivity as well as CU content of liver and kidney were not affected by the treatments, High levels of Fe reduced (P<0.05) Cu digestibility. The ceruloplasmin activity during the experiment also was reduced by the addition of S or Fe plus Zn. Results indicate that supplementation with S or Fe plus Zn may delay Cu intoxication of sheep consuming diets containing excess Cu.
Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2011
Use of gums for microencapsulation has increased in the nutraceutical industry. Microcapsule beha... more Use of gums for microencapsulation has increased in the nutraceutical industry. Microcapsule behavior and properties differ between gums and description of non-conventional sources is needed to identify their potential applications. Flamboyant tree Delonix regia seed is not currently used as a commercial gum source, but carboxymethylated flamboyant seed gum (CFG) has properties similar to those of carboxymethylated guar gum. The
Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2007
Journal of Applied Animal Research, 2007
Nutricion Clinica Y Dietetica Hospitalaria, 2009
40 Nutr. clín. diet. hosp. 2009; 29 (2): 40-45 Resumen México padece de un grave problema aliment... more 40 Nutr. clín. diet. hosp. 2009; 29 (2): 40-45 Resumen México padece de un grave problema alimentario re-flejado en situaciones de desnutrición crónica, así como en problemas de obesidad. Son pocos los estu-dios antropométricos realizados a los estudiantes uni- ...

Nutrición Hospitalaria
Introduction: Insulin resistance is the preliminary stage of diseases such as diabetes and hypert... more Introduction: Insulin resistance is the preliminary stage of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension. These diseases can be controlled through medication, yet the consumption of functional foods (FF) may be one complementary treatment option. Ingredients for this FF could be the pyrodextrin and enzymatically resistant maltodextrin (ERM), in this studio were obtained from modified native starch (NS) of M. cavendish.Objective: To evaluate the effects of modified banana starch on glycemic control and blood pressure in rats with high sucrose diet. Methods: We used 25 male Wistar rats that were fed with a high sucrose diet for 12 weeks. In the ninth week, the rats were divided into five groups: NC (negative control), PC (positive control), NS (native starch), PI (pyrodextrin), and ERM (enzymatically resistant maltodextrin). It was evaluated the glucose tolerance test, blood pressure (BP), insulin levels, total cholesterol, high-density lipoproteins (HDL), and triglycerides.Results: Di...
Papers by Arturo Castellanos-Ruelas