Papers by Armin Skowronek
Quaternary International, 2001
Since the Tortonian the carbonate-dominated Granada Basin has received various terrestrial sedime... more Since the Tortonian the carbonate-dominated Granada Basin has received various terrestrial sediments: late-Miocene, Pliocene, early-and mid-Pleistocene alluvial fans and late-Pleistocene slope deposits and loesses. These deposits include many paleosols. Two hundred and forty samples of paleosols and sediments in 20 representative Pliocene and Pleistocene pro"les were analysed by standard methods. The long sequences with up to 85 paleosols indicate climatic cycles over at least 5 Ma. Erosion and sedimentation occurred under dry conditions without vegetation cover during periods of geomorphodynamic activity. Soil formation occurred under wet conditions with closed vegetation during periods of geomorphodynamic stability. The pedogenetically e!ective climate has been (subtropical-) Mediterranean since the early-Pliocene. Decreasing soil formation intensity indicates decreases of humidity in the mid-/late-Pliocene and late-Pleistocene.
CATENA, 2014
Micromorphology The Mediterranean δ 18 O and δ 13 C isotopes Paleosols and sediments are suitable... more Micromorphology The Mediterranean δ 18 O and δ 13 C isotopes Paleosols and sediments are suitable objects for reconstructing paleoclimate. To obtain a high climatostratigraphic resolution in the Western Mediterranean, we investigated geoarchives with paleosols and sediment layers in cliff profiles of two alluvial fans on Mallorca, their pedostratigraphy covered the Late Pliocene, Pleistocene and Holocene. The sites were analysed in terms of colour, CaCO 3 , δ 13 C and δ 18 O isotopes, and micromorphology. The sequence of El Toro (SW Mallorca) comprises 44 partly polygenetic paleosols and sediment layers, where redness is mostly pronounced in Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene layers, but also partly in younger periods. The Eemian to Würmian sequence of Colonia de Sant Pere (NE Mallorca) consists of yellowish-red beach sand deposits and fine red sediments, while the overlying brunified Holocene soil on loess follows shorter dry periods under moderate climate conditions with a declined pedogenetic intensity. Apart from iron weathering and hematite formation processes, soil reddening also requires polygenesis with frequent secondary climatic oscillations under distinctly alternating moisture conditions. Consequently, the current Mediterranean climate alone is not sufficient for soil reddening. Polygenetic development of the respective paleosols and sediments was underlined by micromorphological studies, showing an alternation of carbonate-rich sediments with predominantly decalcified, brunified and partly recalcified paleosols. Shrink-swell cracks reflect seasonal Mediterranean climate conditions already during the Early Pleistocene. Altogether, pedogenesis was most intense during the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene as enhanced by comparatively humid Mediterranean conditions, but then gradually decelerated. The sediments developed under comparatively drier and partly cooler climate conditions with a reduced open or even absent vegetation cover enhancing surface erosion. Paleosols and sediments on the Balearic Islands thus reflect a pronounced climatic cyclicity in the Western Mediterranean since the Late Pliocene.
North-Iranian loesses are intercalated by several paleosols, which range from weakly developed in... more North-Iranian loesses are intercalated by several paleosols, which range from weakly developed interstadial soils (Ah, CBk, or Bwk horizons of steppe soils) to strongly developed interglacial soils (Bht, Bt horizons of forest soils). The loess-soil sequences probably cover the lower Middle Pleistocene to Holocene period. Two pedostratigraphic profiles are discussed and future research for confirmation and refining of the proposed stratigraphy is suggested.
Quaternary International, Jul 1, 2015
Sediment-soil-sequences are suitable geoarchives and may contribute to resolving palaeoclimate co... more Sediment-soil-sequences are suitable geoarchives and may contribute to resolving palaeoclimate conditions and reconstructing the according stratigraphy. We highlight the characteristics of Holocene soils, Pleistocene palaeosols, aeolianites, loess, slope debris and calcretes on the Balearic Islands at 17 new locations on Mallorca, Ibiza, and Menorca. Their stratigraphy is correlated with sedimentary and pedogenetic processes, and compared to sequences in the Granada Basin (Southern Spain). On the Balearic Islands, surface soils are mainly brunified and loamy, while underlying palaeosols have different features due to clay illuviation, iron weathering and intense reddening, as emphasized by higher iron indices [Fe Index ¼ (% Fe d À % Fe o)/(% Fe t /% clay)] and their close correlation to redness. Intermediate sediments appear as aeolianites, silty loess, calcretes and silteclay dominated slope debris, and may reflect rather dry-cool climates and scarce vegetation. The increase of palaeosol redness with depth underlines a successive development in respect of polygenesis. While the palaeoclimate is humid Mediterranean, the declined pedogenetic intensity refers to gradual transition to less pronounced humidity and lower temperatures. The palaeosols of the Granada Basin are comparatively less developed. Surface soils are brunified and loamy, and underlying palaeosols show features connected to clay-illuviation and reddening, while a distinctly smaller Fe Index is evidence of less intense weathering. Soil properties indicate declined pedogenetic intensity upon time. Soil formation is influenced by distinct sea level oscillations and a seasonal humid climate. Close correlations between Fe Index and RR visual (R 2 ¼ 0.89) highlight hematite formation as particularly intense in the Early Pleistocene. It followed a more arid Late Pliocene with intense erosion and sedimentation, as underlined by distinctly lower values of both Fe Index and RR visual during this time. Quaternary processes of pedogenesis and sedimentation therefore not only substantiate a distinct climatic cyclicity in the Western Mediterranean, but also reflect advanced development of palaeosols with depth and thus with time.
Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, Apr 1, 2002
In soils derived from loess on a range land site in the Rhenish Slate Mountains pipes were found ... more In soils derived from loess on a range land site in the Rhenish Slate Mountains pipes were found at 120—190 cm depth above denser solifluction material. The pipes were 5—30 cm wide and 15—30 cm high. Various soil physical and chemical properties were determined and checked for their suitability as piping indicators. Silt contents reached 808 g kg—1 in the piped soil sections where bulk densities were low to medium in comparison with clay rich and denser horizons beneath. Aggregate stabilities indicated by dispersion features, percolation rates, and dispersion ratios were suitable parameters to indicate piping vulnerability. Organic carbon contents tended to be low in the piped horizons, but there was no relationship between base saturation, ESP or EC values, and piping in the investigated soils. Tunnelerosion und Erodierbarkeit von Losboden im Bergischen Land, Nordrhein-Westfalen In losreichen Boden des Rheinischen Schiefergebirges wurden auf einem Weidestandort Tunnel in 120—190 cm Tiefe oberhalb von dichterem Solifluktionsmaterial gefunden. Die Tunnel waren 5—30 cm breit und 15—30 cm hoch. Es wurden verschiedene physikalische und chemische Bodeneigenschaften bestimmt und auf ihre Eignung als Indikatoren fur Tunnelerosion gepruft. Die Schluffgehalte erreichten 800 g kg—1 in den durchtunnelten Bodenhorizonten, die Lagerungsdichte war hier gering bis mittel hoch, wahrend die darunter liegenden Horizonte tonreicher und dichter waren. Die anhand von Dispergierungsmustern, Perkolationsraten und Dispersionsverhaltnissen ermittelte Aggregatstabilitat erwies sich als geeigneter Parameter zur Kennzeichnung der Anfalligkeit fur Tunnelerosion. Die Gehalte an organischer Substanz lagen in den durchtunnelten Horizonten in der Regel niedrig. Es konnte keine Korrelation zwischen Basensattigung, ESP- oder EC-Wert und Tunnelerosion in den untersuchten Boden festgestellt werden.
Quaternary International, Jun 1, 2012
A Plio-Pleistocene alluvial fan near La Regia, in the southeast coast of Spain contains a vertica... more A Plio-Pleistocene alluvial fan near La Regia, in the southeast coast of Spain contains a vertical series of 7 fossil soils and 7 calcrete complexes. The soil stratigraphy reflects recurring alternation of sedimentation and soil formation suggesting numerous, pedogenically effective cyclical climatic changes during the Late Pliocene and Early Pleistocene. The differentiated composition of calcretes near La Regia is a polygenetic product: Surface erosion and sedimentary fossilization were followed by secondary carbonatization and subsequent induration. At least 15 stages of soil formation are reconstructed. Red paleosols and pedogenic calcretes are well developed and reflect humid subtropical and Mediterranean conditions during soil genesis with geomorphodynamic stability. In contrast, the accumulation of sediments and synsedimentary calcretes correlates with geomorphodynamic activity under considerably drier Mediterranean conditions.
Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie
Journal of Arid Environments, 1985
E&G Quaternary Science Journal, 2005
E&G Quaternary Science Journal, 1996
Late Holocene, alluvial soils, surface and soil development, Sieg river, mining, Nordrhein-Westfa... more Late Holocene, alluvial soils, surface and soil development, Sieg river, mining, Nordrhein-Westfalen Kurzfassung: Die jungholozänen carbonatfreien Auenlehme im Talabschnitt der Sieg bei Hennef können nach geomorphologischen. sedimentologischen und pedologischen Untersuchungen vier Auenterrassen zugeordnet und ihre Ablagerung zeitlich eingegrenzt werden. Die Obere Auenterrasse trägt eine Auenparabraunerde-Auenbraunerde, deren Entwicklung in die ältere Eisenzeit zu stellen ist. Während sich auf der älteren Mittleren Auenterrasse eine kräftige latenezeitlichc Aucnbrauncrde gebildet hat, reicht die Pedogenese auf der jüngeren Mittleren Auen terrasse nur bis zum Braunauenboden mittelalterlich/früh neuzeitlichen Ursprungs. Die jüngste, maximal 200 Jahre alte, geomorphologisch-pedologische Einheit stellt die Un tere Auenterrasse dar. Auf ihr ist die Bodenentwicklung erst bis zum Auengley/Auenregosol fortgeschritten. Für die Hochnutsedimente mit Parabraunerde Bildung auf der weichselzeitlichen Niederterrasse ist eine Ablagerung in der Bronzezeit anzunehmen. Ein vermutlich altholozäner Boden ist lediglich als Fragment, vom anthropogen be dingten Auenlehm fossiliert, auf der Niederterrasse erhal ten.
Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 2021
Zusammenfassung Fließendes Wasser ebnet Relief im Wesentlichen durch Einschneidung in Gerinnen un... more Zusammenfassung Fließendes Wasser ebnet Relief im Wesentlichen durch Einschneidung in Gerinnen und Rinnen sowie durch anschließende Seitenerosion oder Pedimentation ein. Entscheidende Faktoren sind das Gefälle des Oberflächenabflusses und die Resistenz der Erdoberfläche (Substrat, Vegetation). Ein Gang durch die deutsche Forschungsgeschichte zeigt, dass Pedimentation als Teil der Hangentwicklung aufgefasst werden muss. Nur einmal wurde die Kontinuität physikalisch-geomorphologischen Denkens mittels semantischer Modellierung unterbrochen und "Seitendenudation" durch "Arbeitsböden" begründet. Ein physikalisch basiertes Modell des Oberflächenabflusses hat diesen semantischen Exzess aber überwunden und die Pedimentation wieder in den Hangentwicklungsprozess integriert. Talbodenpedimentation ist Seitenerosion in Gerinnen infolge Basisstau, Hangpedimentation ist summierte Talbodenpedimentation in Rinnen. Das Zusammenwachsen von Hangpedimenten nennt man Pediplanation, das von Talbodenpedimenten kann Panplainbildung genannt werden.
EG Quaternary Science Journal, 1994
Abstract. Im Rheinischen Braunkohlentagebau werden seit dem 19. Jahrhundert grose Flachen der lan... more Abstract. Im Rheinischen Braunkohlentagebau werden seit dem 19. Jahrhundert grose Flachen der landwirtschaftlichen Nutzung entzogen und nach der Auskohlung einer Wiedernutzbarmachung zugefuhrt. Aufgrund der reichen Losvorkommen in der Niederrheinischen Bucht besteht die Moglichkeit, agrarische Nutzflachen mit guten bodenkundlichen Eigenschaften herzustellen. Die Untersuchung eines im Tagebau Garzweiler I anstehenden Losprofils soll die bodenphysikalisch-chemischen Verhaltnisse aufzeigen und zu einer differenzierten Beurteilung der Rekultivierungseignung der Losse fuhren. Anhand der Ergebnisse lassen sich auch Rekultivierungs- und Bearbeitungseffekte in Neulandboden (Kultosolen) besser einschatzen.
Bodenschutz und Baumasnahmen stehen sich derzeit sehr konfliktreich gegenuber. Die durch stofflic... more Bodenschutz und Baumasnahmen stehen sich derzeit sehr konfliktreich gegenuber. Die durch stoffliche Verunreinigungen drohenden Schadigungen des Bodens sind den am Bau Beteiligten zwar haufig bewusst. Fur mogliche funktionelle Bodenschadigungen wird jedoch ein deutlicher Aufklarungsbedarf gesehen. Im Folgenden sollen der Sachstand aufgezeigt und Handlungsansatze dargestellt werden.
North-Iranian loesses are intercalated by several paleosols, which range from weakly developed in... more North-Iranian loesses are intercalated by several paleosols, which range from weakly developed interstadial soils (Ah, CBk, or Bwk horizons of steppe soils) to strongly developed interglacial soils (Bht, Bt horizons of forest soils). The loess-soil sequences probably cover the lower Middle Pleistocene to Holocene period. Two pedostratigraphic profiles are discussed and future research for confirmation and refining of the proposed stratigraphy is suggested.
Handbuch der Bodenkunde, 2016
Fe d /Fe t Fig. 6. Fe d /Fe t ratio and RR in soils and calcretes. Preface Discussion and conclus... more Fe d /Fe t Fig. 6. Fe d /Fe t ratio and RR in soils and calcretes. Preface Discussion and conclusions Cliff profile Main findings in paleosols and calcretes An alluvial fan near Campoamor comprises 7 fossil soils and 7 calcrete complexes. Calcretes are formed by surface cementation, subterranean crusts, surface (lamellae) crust or subterranean lamellae crusts (Rutte 1958, 1960). Rohdenburg and Sabelberg (1969) regard all calcretes are pedogenic product. Blümel (1981) distinguished three stages of crust formation, of which the 1 st "cryptogenic initial" is pedogenic, whereas induration and karst formation are diagenetic processes. He did not find a convincing relation between red soils and calcretes in this alluvial fan. Description of paleosol and calcrete genesis Soil and calcrete stratigraphy Comparison with soil and calcrete development in a nearby area Pedogenic interpretation and discussion with reference to climate conditions Plio-/Pleistocene (soil) sedime...
Quaternary International, 2001
The Granada Basin contains several sites that include Late Pleistocene loess. About seventy sampl... more The Granada Basin contains several sites that include Late Pleistocene loess. About seventy samples of fossil soils and sediments in six representative soil sequences were studied using palaeopedological methods. The results form a basis for a regional pedostratigraphy and a high resolution indicator of changing climate during the last interglacial/glacial cycle in the Western Mediterranean. Ten fossil soils of di!erent ages show some similarity to the Middle European loess stratigraphy. It is thus inferred that there was a regular climatic sequence in this region during the Late Pleistocene with sedimentation during dry stadials and soil formation during wetter interstadials even in the sub-humid to semi-arid parts of Southern Spain.
Papers by Armin Skowronek