Papers by Armelle Champenois
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2011
Cette sélection des références bibliographiques est une compilation de références signalées par l... more Cette sélection des références bibliographiques est une compilation de références signalées par la Chambre d'agriculture des Pays-de-la-Loire et de références provenant de la base locale de l'INRA-UREQUA du Mans et d'interrogations de différentes bases de données en ligne ou sur CD-ROM
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2011
Ce chapitre et le rapport complet sont disponibles en ligne sur les sites Inra et Cirad :
L’information scientifique et technique (IST) fait partie integrante du processus de recherche (a... more L’information scientifique et technique (IST) fait partie integrante du processus de recherche (allant de la recherche d’information a la valorisation des resultats). Connu et reconnu au niveau de l’activite du chercheur ou d’un collectif de recherche, l’apport des professionnels de l’IST prend egalement tout son sens dans l’appui aux projets scientifiques. Nous illustrerons ici la contribution mise en oeuvre a l’occasion des expertises scientifiques collectives portees par l’Inra, ou comment les professionnels de l’IST trouvent pleinement leur place dans une expertise menee en mode projet. Nous nous attacherons a montrer la valeur ajoutee des documentalistes au niveau de la cellule d’animation comme dans les phases importantes du projet. Nous dresserons un bilan de cette experience et degagerons des orientations en matiere d’evolution des services proposes et de competences a developper, pour repondre aux nouvelles pratiques d’acces a l’information.
Matiere a Debattre Et Decider, 2011
Matiere a Debattre Et Decider, 2011
Les questions d'alimentation durable ne peuvent etre circonscrites a la sphere national, dans... more Les questions d'alimentation durable ne peuvent etre circonscrites a la sphere national, dans la mesure ou les interactions internationales sont indeniables. Ce chapitre s'interroge sur leur role, en se concentrant sur la volatilite des prix alimentaires mondiaux et sur les normes et standards, publics et prives. (Resume d'auteur)
Food System Sustainability
A detailed analysis of 21 peer-review studies was performed following specific criteria. • 66 die... more A detailed analysis of 21 peer-review studies was performed following specific criteria. • 66 dietary choices were compared considering their carbon footprints. • Nutritional quality was assessed in specific scenarios according to data availability. • Dietary choices rich in vegetables had lower carbon footprints than meat-rich ones. • Reducing animal products can be environmentally favourable but limit some nutrients ingestion.
Food System Sustainability
Les questions d'alimentation durable ne peuvent etre circonscrites a la sphere nationale, dan... more Les questions d'alimentation durable ne peuvent etre circonscrites a la sphere nationale, dans la mesure ou les interactions internationales sont indeniables. Ce chapitre s'interroge sur leur role, en se concentrant sur la volatilite des prix alimentaires mondiaux et sur les normes et standards publics et prives.
Food System Sustainability
Analysis of the medium- and long-term evolution of global food consumption highlights sorne strik... more Analysis of the medium- and long-term evolution of global food consumption highlights sorne striking regularities. This chapter addresses the potential consequences of a generalisation of the se trends, before focusing on their determinants and in particular the factors that might alter current trends to promo te grea ter sustainability. Six main areas are covered: the characteristics of long-term changes to diet, the international convergence of food models and evolution of the situation in Southern countries, the bio-physiological determinants of changes to consumption, the role of agricultural policies, the identification of factors that may change trends and, finally, the heterogeneity of consumption and nutritional inequalities. One of the major issues addressed by this working group was to determine whether dietary trends and their underlying major determinants were the same in all countries, or whether on the contrary it was possible to identify differences that might indicate alternative pathways for change. The same concern led the group to look at break points in past consomption trends, concerning meat in particular, insofar as they might le ad to a clearer understanding of the mechanisms underlying the alteration of long-term trends and the emergence of new dietary standards. (Resume d'auteur)
Food System Sustainability
The global food context is characterised by growing uncertainties and increasing constraints. The... more The global food context is characterised by growing uncertainties and increasing constraints. The two sides of the global equation for food self-sufficiency are known: the planet will have to provide food for more than 9 billion people in 2050, while satisfying growing non-food demands because of the increasing rarity of fossil energy sources, all in the context of development that is respectful of both the environment and human beings. The joint INRA-CIRAD Agrimonde foresight study (Paillard et al., 2010) showed that achieving these ambitions is not impossible if certain conditions are met; in particular, a sustainable increase in yields on the supply side and an improvement in the use of agricultural products at different stages, including a reduction in los ses and wastage between the farm gate and the consumer's plate, and possible reductions in, or modifications to, the content of different diets on the demand side. Increased and more secure trade is also necessary, insofar as Afi-ica and Asia, where the greatest population rises are anticipated, will remain deficient in agricultural and food products. Finally, the food context of the future is characterised by increasing uncertainties and considerable constraints. These different elements provide a framework for the challenges that will have to be met by food sustainability. (Resume d'auteur)
Matiere a Debattre Et Decider, 2011
Matiere a Debattre Et Decider, 2011
Papers by Armelle Champenois