The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the underwater substrate and the loca... more The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the underwater substrate and the location that has the potential to be developed as marine tourism (snorkelling) in Pasumpahan Island, Padang city. The research method used scoring assessment the suitability parameters of marine tourism with weighting the score. The location in this research was Pasumpahan Island waters based on waters brightness, beach type, lifeform, and underwater substrate. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that 1) the basic substrate of Pasumpahan Island waters is a living coral area of 63,900 m² with a percentage of 25.81%, dead coral covering 75,600 m² with a percentage of 30.54%, and sand covering 108,000 m² with a percentage of 43.63 %; and 2) Pasumpahan Island has a suitability category for snorkelling tours as follows, quite suitable category (S2) with an area of 64,859 m², very suitable category (S1) with an area of 117,276 m².
Kondisi perairan Teluk Kendari saat ini semakin memprihatinkan, padahal kawasan perairan ini meru... more Kondisi perairan Teluk Kendari saat ini semakin memprihatinkan, padahal kawasan perairan ini merupakan pelabuhan utama di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Wanggu seluas 339,73 km² merupakan DAS penyumbang sedimen terbesar di perairan Teluk Kendari, dengan laju sedimentasi yang semakin meningkat. Kondisi ini akan menyebabkan terjadinya ancaman terhadap kualitas air untuk biota laut dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pola sebaran kualitas air laut berdasarkan KepMen LH No.51 Tahun 2004 tentang baku mutu untuk biota laut. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2015 berdasarkan parameter nilai pH, DO, kekeruhan dan salinitas yang diukur menggunakan alat Water Quality Checker TOA DKK di 25 stasiun titik pengamatan. Data – data yang diperoleh kemudian disesuaikan dengan baku mutu air untuk biota laut dan selanjutnya dilakukan analisis dengan pendekatan spasial menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil yang diperoleh menunju...
The use of coastal forests as natural tsunami barrier has long been the source of controversies d... more The use of coastal forests as natural tsunami barrier has long been the source of controversies due to inconclusive understanding on the damping performance and contradictory field findings from the last tsunami events. After experiencing hundreds of casualties and severe destruction on the infrastructures due to the 2006 South Java Tsunami, the coastline of Pangandaran district in West Java was replanted by coastal forest vegetation to mitigate future tsunami as well as improving the quality of the environment. The design of coastal forests along the coastline of Pangandaran adopted divide-and-rule strategy concept. Considering their physical and biological aspects as well as the ability to withstand hydraulic forces. This concept requires different species at different locations perpendicular to the coastline with staggered formations in order to provide optimum damping performance of the coastal forests. Unfortunately, this concept has never been quantified or hydraulically teste...
Bungus district of Kabung Bay is a growing region located at coastal zone of southern city of Pad... more Bungus district of Kabung Bay is a growing region located at coastal zone of southern city of Padang, west sumatra. As a growing region, the Bungus district brings some impacts on population increase and degradation of environment quality. Therefore, it is needed an effort to identify land use changes and the distribution of land use in this region from the year of 2003 until 2013. This research used landsat 7 imagery in 2003 and landsat 8 imagery in 2013. The data were analysed descriptively using geographical informastion system. The result showd that (1) swamp land cover experienced the smallest land use change between 2003 until 2013 (0.02 ha/yr), meanwhile forest land use had the biggest change of about 224.8 ha/yr. The biggest addition of land cover belong to settlement area about 47.59 hectare, and the other hand occur on bush about-31.68 hectare.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2016
Mentawai Islands Regency, especially north Pagai island, suffered two earthquakes on April 15 201... more Mentawai Islands Regency, especially north Pagai island, suffered two earthquakes on April 15 2016. The local government in cooperation with the relevant parties had tried to minimize casualties before the disaster or during the disaster by making an evacuation route to the TES. The purpose of this study was to the mapping of TES and tsunami evacuation route using the approach of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for disaster mitigation of tsunami-potential earthquake in north Pagai island.The research was conducted at 3 locations in the coast of Sikakap village, 4 locations in the coast of Taikako village, 3 locations in the coast of Silabu village, 7 locations in the coast of Saumanganya village, and 3 locations in the coast of Matobe village. The effort taken was to evacuate people to the TES with an average distance of 372.62 m from the beach. The results showed that the feasibility of TES that could accommodate residents, among others, were in the hills behind Sikakap Port, Taikako Silaoinan hills, the hills near the Mapinang Silabu village chief's office and Mapinang hills, Gulukguluk Saumanganya and Panatarat Matobe hills.
Jurnal Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2016
Bungus bay waters have a lot of activity, but there is no reliable data related to their oceanogr... more Bungus bay waters have a lot of activity, but there is no reliable data related to their oceanographic parameters. It is necessary to study their physical oceanography, to acquire basic information of physical oceanographic characteristics that are useful for the daily activities around these waters. Bathymetric data obtained from the map issued by Dishidros, analyzed in the form of 2D and 3D map display. Tide data measured from ADCP measuring devices, a measuring instrument for the major ocean currents, and also HOBO which has a pressure sensor in the device. While the wave data obtained from ECMWF in the form of significant wave height, but it also contained model / forecasting a significant wave height of BMKG. The depth of the bay of Bungus relatively shallow sea, which reaches 30 m. Form of the sea bottom relief not seen a significant impact on the influence of the ocean, because the waters are adequately protected by the shape of the bay. Tide that occur is predominantly a mixture of type double
This research aims to determine work willingness after industrial placement of XII-grade students... more This research aims to determine work willingness after industrial placement of XII-grade students in the study program of electrical power installation engineering (TITL) at VHS 5 Padang. The method uses a quantitative descriptive approach using the similarity of the terms cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The results of this research indicate the work will of 31 students is likely to be more interested in entering higher education or entrepreneurship. The Data shows that students` work willingness is in the excellent category with a percentage of 55%. It means that 45% of students graduating from 2021-2022 are not ready to work.
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2021
Development in the seawater region of Bungus Bay-Padang City continues to develop rapidly, this c... more Development in the seawater region of Bungus Bay-Padang City continues to develop rapidly, this can cause damage to the surrounding water environment due to seawater pollution and high sedimentation. Therefore, research is needed on the analysis of seawater's heavy metal contents and the spatial distribution of contamination values based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment (KEPMEN LH) No. 51/2004. This study aims at elaborating the correlation between the distribution of heavy metals (Cd, Cr+6, Pb, and Cu) in the seawater region of Bungus Bay. The data processed is data on heavy metal content from the results of sample measurements using the AAS, where the points and values of the sample analysis that have been collected using GPS at 3 location points are then imported into GIS using GIS Kriging. The value of heavy metal index for seawater based on the quality standard of KEPMEN LH No/5/2004 shows that a category does not fit, where Cd (0.0013-0.0031 mg/l), Cr+6 (0.008-0.013 mg/l), Pb (0,009-0,017 mg/l), and Cu (0.010-0.014 mg/l). The value of concentrations of these heavy metals generally shows a spatial distribution pattern different in each direction of movement. On one hand, the highest concentrations of this heavy metal are generally located in the Northwest of the bay (Cd, Cr+6, Pb) except Cu which is in the Northern part of the bay, as it is close to the discharge locations and outlet of rainwater from the catchment area. Generally, heavy metal contamination in the seawater region of Bungus Bay comes from the household, industrial, and ship loading and unloading waste. The pollution occurs as the result of the oil from transferring tankers, oil spills from fishing boats that rinse at Bungus PPS, and debris resulted from the plywood industry activity.
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, 2019
Pariaman city is one of the areas most severely affected by natural disasters that have the poten... more Pariaman city is one of the areas most severely affected by natural disasters that have the potential for tsunamis. The impact of the earthquake potential tsunami seen in fatalities and damage to infrastructure, both residents' homes and other public facilities. The impact also caused the community to lose their livelihood. Most of the people of Nagari Gunung Padang have livelihoods as farmers, after the earthquake disaster has the potential of a tsunami, many people lost their land and gardens because of the cliff ruins and buried by landslides that caused the land cannot be recycled. By taking into account all the physical, social, and economic aspects, this is the reason for the researchers' interest to conduct research related to the direction of Natural Disaster Mitigation Policy based on Environmental Physical Conditions and SocioEconomic Characteristics of Coastal Area Communities in Pariaman city. With Mixed Method methods, such as simultaneous and sequential data collection. Then descriptive physical environmental conditions and socioeconomic characteristics, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in policy direction. The results of this study in the form of an explanation of the physical, social and economic Pariaman city, as well as the policies needed in disaster mitigation in Pariaman city
Abstrak Kondisi ekosistem pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran, sepanjang 28 km mengalami kerusakan teru... more Abstrak Kondisi ekosistem pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran, sepanjang 28 km mengalami kerusakan terutama pasca tsunami tahun 2006 mulai dari Pananjung hingga Parigi, kecuali Cagar Alam Pananjung yang masih terjaga kelestariannya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan konsep terintegrasi yang memperhatikan aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan ekologi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini meliputi wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju perubahan luasan greenbelt untuk mitigasi bencana tsunami yang terjadi di pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran menggunakan data citra landsat tahun 1999, 2003, 2010 dan 2013. Metode yang digunakan dengan analisa supervised classification dengan interpretasi Citra Landsat. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sejak tahun 1999 hingga 2013, kondisi greenbelt di pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran mengalami perubahan. Greenbelt tahun 1999 memiliki luasan sekitar 133,56 Ha dan turun sekitar 40% pada tahun 2003 menjadi hanya 81,27 Ha. Pengrusakan ...
Secara garis besar, morfologi pesisir timur laut Bali dikategorikan sebagai “Mountainous Coast&qu... more Secara garis besar, morfologi pesisir timur laut Bali dikategorikan sebagai “Mountainous Coast" yaitu pesisir yang terbentuk dari aktivitas gunung api Tersier-Resen dari gunung Agung (3.142 mdpl). Sungai-sungai yang bermuara umumnya bersifat sub radial karena pengaruh gelombang dan arus laut lebih dominan dari arus sungai, maka beberapa sungai mengalir sejajar dengan garis pantai (spit) sebelum bermuara ke laut. Pengaruh endapan sungai dan gunung api menyebabkan pesisir timur laut Bali memiliki sedimen pasir hitam, kerakal dan bongkah yang terbentuk oleh proses-proses vulkanik. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui zona wilayah pesisir yang rentan terhadap perubahan iklim di timur laut Bali. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu dengan Indeks Kerentanan Pesisir (IKP) dimana data-data yang digunakan terdiri dari data geospasial dan data oseanografi yang diolah menjadi angka-angka secara kuantitatif. Hasil analisa data penelitian menunjukkan, pesisir timur laut Ba...
Fishery reserves are part of inland public waters in the form of lakes, swamps, rivers or protect... more Fishery reserves are part of inland public waters in the form of lakes, swamps, rivers or protected puddles. The purpose of this study is to assess fisheries reserves based on social culture, analyze the suitability of locations and analyze zoning in Bokuok lake fishery reserves. The results of the socioculturalanalysis show that the fishery reserves are determined based on the system or customary law regulated in Ninik Mamak Decree No. 04/N.M/TB/IV/2014, have easy access to visit, have Pokmaswas who play an active role, have local wisdom that is Ma'awu activity. The results of the analysis of conformity, station I obtained a score of 75, classified as a fishery sanctuary functioning well and very effective. Station II obtained a score of 62 classified as fisheries asylum functioning well and is very effective. Station III obtained a score of 59 classified as fisheries asylum functioning moderately and quite effectively. The totalarea of Bokuok lake fishery reserves covers an ar...
Mangrove is a plant that can live in tidal areas and form a community of independent vegetation, ... more Mangrove is a plant that can live in tidal areas and form a community of independent vegetation, ranges to various disorders, especially marine resource management that is not environmentally friendly causing damage to the Mangrove forest. Thus researched to know the condition, the rate of change in land area and public response to the mangrove ecosystem implemented in August 2019 using Phantom 4 Drone data and a descriptive method Quantitative. The results were adopted, namely, the condition of the mangrove ecosystem was declared normal (0.22) in the year 2009 using NDVI value classification, as well as the year 2019 NDVI value of 1 in the condition is very good. The area on land cover amounted to 406.61 ha in 2019, while the year 2009 amounted to 406.69 ha with a change of-0.08 ha. Mangrove conditions with an area of 79.13 ha in 2009, a decline in 2019 of 60.01 ha, a change of-19.12 ha (-24.16%). The mangrove ecosystem is getting worse because of the road construction that causes ...
Kondisi ekosistem pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran, sepanjang 28 kmmengalami kerusakan terutama pasc... more Kondisi ekosistem pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran, sepanjang 28 kmmengalami kerusakan terutama pasca tsunami tahun 2006 mulai dari Pananjung hingga Parigi, kecuali Cagar Alam Pananjung yang masih terjaga kelestariannya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan konsep terintegrasi yang memperhatikan aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan ekologi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini meliputi wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju Perubahan luasan greenbelt untuk mitigasi bencana tsunami yang terjadi di pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran menggunakan data citra landsat tahun 1999, 2003, 2010 dan 2013. Metode yang digunakan dengan analisa supervised classification dengan interpretasi Citra Landsat. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sejak tahun 1999 hingga 2013, kondisi greenbelt di pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran mengalami Perubahan. Greenbelt tahun 1999 memiliki luasan sekitar 133,56 Ha dan turun sekitar 40% pada tahun 2003 menjadi hanya 81,27 Ha. Pengrusakan hutan dia...
This article aims to improve the ability of teachers and students to create 3D geography learning... more This article aims to improve the ability of teachers and students to create 3D geography learning media (fold and fracture models of the earth and earth structures) and to improve teachers' understanding and ability in terms of understanding pedagogical aspects which can be seen from the process of designing a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). especially in terms of choosing a model or learning method. This activity was carried out at SMAN 2 Batang Anai, Padang Pariaman Regency and SMA N 5 Pariaman City using training methods, question and answer, and practice. The participants involved were geography teachers and students who were represented in each class with 10 participants. With the COVID-19 Pandemic and appeals from the government to comply with health protocols by checking temperature, washing hands, using hand sanitizer, maintaining distance, wearing masks and wearing face shields, this activity was carried out with limited participants, so that COVID-19 transmission d...
The main purpose of writing this research is to analyze the pattern of adaptation of fisherman co... more The main purpose of writing this research is to analyze the pattern of adaptation of fisherman communities to the impact of changes in the ecosystem in the coastal region of Padang City. To understand the adaptation patterns of fishermen to the impact of ecosystem changes, literature reviews, in-depth interviews, observations, and focus group discussions were conducted with local fisherman communities in the coastal region of Padang City. The results show that the fisherman community of Padang City has felt the impact of ecosystem changes such as damage to mangroves and coral reefs due to exploitation of coastal resources and natural disasters. Therefore, the adaptation of fisherman communities to cope with the impacts of changing ecosystems follows a reactive adaptation pattern. They tend to use abilities from within the community. The adaptation pattern is carried out by developing job diversification, modifying the boat fleet, adjusting fisherman times with natural signs, and tak...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Padang City is located on the West coast of Sumatra Island that borders directly with the Indian ... more Padang City is located on the West coast of Sumatra Island that borders directly with the Indian Ocean. The coastal region of the city stretches from Pasia Jambak beach, Muara Anai in the Northto Sungai Pisang in the South. The coast of South section is different from the coast of Northsection, because the Southern coastline is heterogeneous because there are many small bay, small islands and narrow beaches directly adjacent to the volcanic hills. This research aims to determine the dynamics condition of a coastal environment based on the characteristic (length, velocity, energy, and height), sediment transport value, accretion/abrasion factor value, and coastal equilibrium in Padang City.The method used in this study is the calculation of wavelength (L0 ), wave velocity (C), wave energy (E), run-up height (Hb ), and sediment transport (Q) to determine accretion/abrasion factor and equilibrium (G0 ). Furthermore, it is done by Geographic Information System (GIS) approach to spatial ...
This study aims to determine changes in the condition of coral reef ecosystems using satellite im... more This study aims to determine changes in the condition of coral reef ecosystems using satellite imagery. The research method used is the Geographic Information System (GIS) approach using Lyzenga algorithm method with data of Landsat +ETM 7 in 1998, 2008 and Landsat OLI 8 in 2018. The results of this study indicate a decrease in the extent of coral reef conditions in 1998-2008 occurs in live coral cover covering 106.60 ha and the addition of area occurred in dead coral cover covering 147.97 ha. While the decrease of coral reefs condition in 2008-2018 occurs in dead coral cover covering 29.66 ha and the addition of area occurred in live coral cover covering 112.29 ha. Coral mortality index in Nirwana beach with an average 62.28 %, meaning very large coral deaths in this region. Coral mortality index in Cindakir estuary with an average 46.60 %, meaning quite large coral deaths in this region so that coral reefs need to be rehabilitated in these waters, which can be done in form of artificial coral transplants. The coral mortality index in Muara Dua bay average 39 %, meaning that coral mortality is quite large in this region, while the coral mortality index in Ujung Siboko bay average 44.65 %, this means quite a large number of coral deaths in this region, but this location has a very good soft coral and it is necessary to rehabilitate corals in these waters with the form of artificial coral transplants.
The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the underwater substrate and the loca... more The purpose of this study was to determine the condition of the underwater substrate and the location that has the potential to be developed as marine tourism (snorkelling) in Pasumpahan Island, Padang city. The research method used scoring assessment the suitability parameters of marine tourism with weighting the score. The location in this research was Pasumpahan Island waters based on waters brightness, beach type, lifeform, and underwater substrate. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that 1) the basic substrate of Pasumpahan Island waters is a living coral area of 63,900 m² with a percentage of 25.81%, dead coral covering 75,600 m² with a percentage of 30.54%, and sand covering 108,000 m² with a percentage of 43.63 %; and 2) Pasumpahan Island has a suitability category for snorkelling tours as follows, quite suitable category (S2) with an area of 64,859 m², very suitable category (S1) with an area of 117,276 m².
Kondisi perairan Teluk Kendari saat ini semakin memprihatinkan, padahal kawasan perairan ini meru... more Kondisi perairan Teluk Kendari saat ini semakin memprihatinkan, padahal kawasan perairan ini merupakan pelabuhan utama di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara. Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Wanggu seluas 339,73 km² merupakan DAS penyumbang sedimen terbesar di perairan Teluk Kendari, dengan laju sedimentasi yang semakin meningkat. Kondisi ini akan menyebabkan terjadinya ancaman terhadap kualitas air untuk biota laut dan lingkungan sekitarnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pola sebaran kualitas air laut berdasarkan KepMen LH No.51 Tahun 2004 tentang baku mutu untuk biota laut. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juni 2015 berdasarkan parameter nilai pH, DO, kekeruhan dan salinitas yang diukur menggunakan alat Water Quality Checker TOA DKK di 25 stasiun titik pengamatan. Data – data yang diperoleh kemudian disesuaikan dengan baku mutu air untuk biota laut dan selanjutnya dilakukan analisis dengan pendekatan spasial menggunakan Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG). Hasil yang diperoleh menunju...
The use of coastal forests as natural tsunami barrier has long been the source of controversies d... more The use of coastal forests as natural tsunami barrier has long been the source of controversies due to inconclusive understanding on the damping performance and contradictory field findings from the last tsunami events. After experiencing hundreds of casualties and severe destruction on the infrastructures due to the 2006 South Java Tsunami, the coastline of Pangandaran district in West Java was replanted by coastal forest vegetation to mitigate future tsunami as well as improving the quality of the environment. The design of coastal forests along the coastline of Pangandaran adopted divide-and-rule strategy concept. Considering their physical and biological aspects as well as the ability to withstand hydraulic forces. This concept requires different species at different locations perpendicular to the coastline with staggered formations in order to provide optimum damping performance of the coastal forests. Unfortunately, this concept has never been quantified or hydraulically teste...
Bungus district of Kabung Bay is a growing region located at coastal zone of southern city of Pad... more Bungus district of Kabung Bay is a growing region located at coastal zone of southern city of Padang, west sumatra. As a growing region, the Bungus district brings some impacts on population increase and degradation of environment quality. Therefore, it is needed an effort to identify land use changes and the distribution of land use in this region from the year of 2003 until 2013. This research used landsat 7 imagery in 2003 and landsat 8 imagery in 2013. The data were analysed descriptively using geographical informastion system. The result showd that (1) swamp land cover experienced the smallest land use change between 2003 until 2013 (0.02 ha/yr), meanwhile forest land use had the biggest change of about 224.8 ha/yr. The biggest addition of land cover belong to settlement area about 47.59 hectare, and the other hand occur on bush about-31.68 hectare.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2016
Mentawai Islands Regency, especially north Pagai island, suffered two earthquakes on April 15 201... more Mentawai Islands Regency, especially north Pagai island, suffered two earthquakes on April 15 2016. The local government in cooperation with the relevant parties had tried to minimize casualties before the disaster or during the disaster by making an evacuation route to the TES. The purpose of this study was to the mapping of TES and tsunami evacuation route using the approach of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for disaster mitigation of tsunami-potential earthquake in north Pagai island.The research was conducted at 3 locations in the coast of Sikakap village, 4 locations in the coast of Taikako village, 3 locations in the coast of Silabu village, 7 locations in the coast of Saumanganya village, and 3 locations in the coast of Matobe village. The effort taken was to evacuate people to the TES with an average distance of 372.62 m from the beach. The results showed that the feasibility of TES that could accommodate residents, among others, were in the hills behind Sikakap Port, Taikako Silaoinan hills, the hills near the Mapinang Silabu village chief's office and Mapinang hills, Gulukguluk Saumanganya and Panatarat Matobe hills.
Jurnal Kelautan: Indonesian Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2016
Bungus bay waters have a lot of activity, but there is no reliable data related to their oceanogr... more Bungus bay waters have a lot of activity, but there is no reliable data related to their oceanographic parameters. It is necessary to study their physical oceanography, to acquire basic information of physical oceanographic characteristics that are useful for the daily activities around these waters. Bathymetric data obtained from the map issued by Dishidros, analyzed in the form of 2D and 3D map display. Tide data measured from ADCP measuring devices, a measuring instrument for the major ocean currents, and also HOBO which has a pressure sensor in the device. While the wave data obtained from ECMWF in the form of significant wave height, but it also contained model / forecasting a significant wave height of BMKG. The depth of the bay of Bungus relatively shallow sea, which reaches 30 m. Form of the sea bottom relief not seen a significant impact on the influence of the ocean, because the waters are adequately protected by the shape of the bay. Tide that occur is predominantly a mixture of type double
This research aims to determine work willingness after industrial placement of XII-grade students... more This research aims to determine work willingness after industrial placement of XII-grade students in the study program of electrical power installation engineering (TITL) at VHS 5 Padang. The method uses a quantitative descriptive approach using the similarity of the terms cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. The results of this research indicate the work will of 31 students is likely to be more interested in entering higher education or entrepreneurship. The Data shows that students` work willingness is in the excellent category with a percentage of 55%. It means that 45% of students graduating from 2021-2022 are not ready to work.
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2021
Development in the seawater region of Bungus Bay-Padang City continues to develop rapidly, this c... more Development in the seawater region of Bungus Bay-Padang City continues to develop rapidly, this can cause damage to the surrounding water environment due to seawater pollution and high sedimentation. Therefore, research is needed on the analysis of seawater's heavy metal contents and the spatial distribution of contamination values based on the Decree of the Minister of Environment (KEPMEN LH) No. 51/2004. This study aims at elaborating the correlation between the distribution of heavy metals (Cd, Cr+6, Pb, and Cu) in the seawater region of Bungus Bay. The data processed is data on heavy metal content from the results of sample measurements using the AAS, where the points and values of the sample analysis that have been collected using GPS at 3 location points are then imported into GIS using GIS Kriging. The value of heavy metal index for seawater based on the quality standard of KEPMEN LH No/5/2004 shows that a category does not fit, where Cd (0.0013-0.0031 mg/l), Cr+6 (0.008-0.013 mg/l), Pb (0,009-0,017 mg/l), and Cu (0.010-0.014 mg/l). The value of concentrations of these heavy metals generally shows a spatial distribution pattern different in each direction of movement. On one hand, the highest concentrations of this heavy metal are generally located in the Northwest of the bay (Cd, Cr+6, Pb) except Cu which is in the Northern part of the bay, as it is close to the discharge locations and outlet of rainwater from the catchment area. Generally, heavy metal contamination in the seawater region of Bungus Bay comes from the household, industrial, and ship loading and unloading waste. The pollution occurs as the result of the oil from transferring tankers, oil spills from fishing boats that rinse at Bungus PPS, and debris resulted from the plywood industry activity.
Sumatra Journal of Disaster, Geography and Geography Education, 2019
Pariaman city is one of the areas most severely affected by natural disasters that have the poten... more Pariaman city is one of the areas most severely affected by natural disasters that have the potential for tsunamis. The impact of the earthquake potential tsunami seen in fatalities and damage to infrastructure, both residents' homes and other public facilities. The impact also caused the community to lose their livelihood. Most of the people of Nagari Gunung Padang have livelihoods as farmers, after the earthquake disaster has the potential of a tsunami, many people lost their land and gardens because of the cliff ruins and buried by landslides that caused the land cannot be recycled. By taking into account all the physical, social, and economic aspects, this is the reason for the researchers' interest to conduct research related to the direction of Natural Disaster Mitigation Policy based on Environmental Physical Conditions and SocioEconomic Characteristics of Coastal Area Communities in Pariaman city. With Mixed Method methods, such as simultaneous and sequential data collection. Then descriptive physical environmental conditions and socioeconomic characteristics, and Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in policy direction. The results of this study in the form of an explanation of the physical, social and economic Pariaman city, as well as the policies needed in disaster mitigation in Pariaman city
Abstrak Kondisi ekosistem pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran, sepanjang 28 km mengalami kerusakan teru... more Abstrak Kondisi ekosistem pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran, sepanjang 28 km mengalami kerusakan terutama pasca tsunami tahun 2006 mulai dari Pananjung hingga Parigi, kecuali Cagar Alam Pananjung yang masih terjaga kelestariannya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan konsep terintegrasi yang memperhatikan aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan ekologi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini meliputi wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju perubahan luasan greenbelt untuk mitigasi bencana tsunami yang terjadi di pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran menggunakan data citra landsat tahun 1999, 2003, 2010 dan 2013. Metode yang digunakan dengan analisa supervised classification dengan interpretasi Citra Landsat. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sejak tahun 1999 hingga 2013, kondisi greenbelt di pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran mengalami perubahan. Greenbelt tahun 1999 memiliki luasan sekitar 133,56 Ha dan turun sekitar 40% pada tahun 2003 menjadi hanya 81,27 Ha. Pengrusakan ...
Secara garis besar, morfologi pesisir timur laut Bali dikategorikan sebagai “Mountainous Coast&qu... more Secara garis besar, morfologi pesisir timur laut Bali dikategorikan sebagai “Mountainous Coast" yaitu pesisir yang terbentuk dari aktivitas gunung api Tersier-Resen dari gunung Agung (3.142 mdpl). Sungai-sungai yang bermuara umumnya bersifat sub radial karena pengaruh gelombang dan arus laut lebih dominan dari arus sungai, maka beberapa sungai mengalir sejajar dengan garis pantai (spit) sebelum bermuara ke laut. Pengaruh endapan sungai dan gunung api menyebabkan pesisir timur laut Bali memiliki sedimen pasir hitam, kerakal dan bongkah yang terbentuk oleh proses-proses vulkanik. Adapun tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui zona wilayah pesisir yang rentan terhadap perubahan iklim di timur laut Bali. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu dengan Indeks Kerentanan Pesisir (IKP) dimana data-data yang digunakan terdiri dari data geospasial dan data oseanografi yang diolah menjadi angka-angka secara kuantitatif. Hasil analisa data penelitian menunjukkan, pesisir timur laut Ba...
Fishery reserves are part of inland public waters in the form of lakes, swamps, rivers or protect... more Fishery reserves are part of inland public waters in the form of lakes, swamps, rivers or protected puddles. The purpose of this study is to assess fisheries reserves based on social culture, analyze the suitability of locations and analyze zoning in Bokuok lake fishery reserves. The results of the socioculturalanalysis show that the fishery reserves are determined based on the system or customary law regulated in Ninik Mamak Decree No. 04/N.M/TB/IV/2014, have easy access to visit, have Pokmaswas who play an active role, have local wisdom that is Ma'awu activity. The results of the analysis of conformity, station I obtained a score of 75, classified as a fishery sanctuary functioning well and very effective. Station II obtained a score of 62 classified as fisheries asylum functioning well and is very effective. Station III obtained a score of 59 classified as fisheries asylum functioning moderately and quite effectively. The totalarea of Bokuok lake fishery reserves covers an ar...
Mangrove is a plant that can live in tidal areas and form a community of independent vegetation, ... more Mangrove is a plant that can live in tidal areas and form a community of independent vegetation, ranges to various disorders, especially marine resource management that is not environmentally friendly causing damage to the Mangrove forest. Thus researched to know the condition, the rate of change in land area and public response to the mangrove ecosystem implemented in August 2019 using Phantom 4 Drone data and a descriptive method Quantitative. The results were adopted, namely, the condition of the mangrove ecosystem was declared normal (0.22) in the year 2009 using NDVI value classification, as well as the year 2019 NDVI value of 1 in the condition is very good. The area on land cover amounted to 406.61 ha in 2019, while the year 2009 amounted to 406.69 ha with a change of-0.08 ha. Mangrove conditions with an area of 79.13 ha in 2009, a decline in 2019 of 60.01 ha, a change of-19.12 ha (-24.16%). The mangrove ecosystem is getting worse because of the road construction that causes ...
Kondisi ekosistem pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran, sepanjang 28 kmmengalami kerusakan terutama pasc... more Kondisi ekosistem pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran, sepanjang 28 kmmengalami kerusakan terutama pasca tsunami tahun 2006 mulai dari Pananjung hingga Parigi, kecuali Cagar Alam Pananjung yang masih terjaga kelestariannya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan konsep terintegrasi yang memperhatikan aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan ekologi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Penelitian ini meliputi wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui laju Perubahan luasan greenbelt untuk mitigasi bencana tsunami yang terjadi di pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran menggunakan data citra landsat tahun 1999, 2003, 2010 dan 2013. Metode yang digunakan dengan analisa supervised classification dengan interpretasi Citra Landsat. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa sejak tahun 1999 hingga 2013, kondisi greenbelt di pesisir Kabupaten Pangandaran mengalami Perubahan. Greenbelt tahun 1999 memiliki luasan sekitar 133,56 Ha dan turun sekitar 40% pada tahun 2003 menjadi hanya 81,27 Ha. Pengrusakan hutan dia...
This article aims to improve the ability of teachers and students to create 3D geography learning... more This article aims to improve the ability of teachers and students to create 3D geography learning media (fold and fracture models of the earth and earth structures) and to improve teachers' understanding and ability in terms of understanding pedagogical aspects which can be seen from the process of designing a Learning Implementation Plan (RPP). especially in terms of choosing a model or learning method. This activity was carried out at SMAN 2 Batang Anai, Padang Pariaman Regency and SMA N 5 Pariaman City using training methods, question and answer, and practice. The participants involved were geography teachers and students who were represented in each class with 10 participants. With the COVID-19 Pandemic and appeals from the government to comply with health protocols by checking temperature, washing hands, using hand sanitizer, maintaining distance, wearing masks and wearing face shields, this activity was carried out with limited participants, so that COVID-19 transmission d...
The main purpose of writing this research is to analyze the pattern of adaptation of fisherman co... more The main purpose of writing this research is to analyze the pattern of adaptation of fisherman communities to the impact of changes in the ecosystem in the coastal region of Padang City. To understand the adaptation patterns of fishermen to the impact of ecosystem changes, literature reviews, in-depth interviews, observations, and focus group discussions were conducted with local fisherman communities in the coastal region of Padang City. The results show that the fisherman community of Padang City has felt the impact of ecosystem changes such as damage to mangroves and coral reefs due to exploitation of coastal resources and natural disasters. Therefore, the adaptation of fisherman communities to cope with the impacts of changing ecosystems follows a reactive adaptation pattern. They tend to use abilities from within the community. The adaptation pattern is carried out by developing job diversification, modifying the boat fleet, adjusting fisherman times with natural signs, and tak...
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2019
Padang City is located on the West coast of Sumatra Island that borders directly with the Indian ... more Padang City is located on the West coast of Sumatra Island that borders directly with the Indian Ocean. The coastal region of the city stretches from Pasia Jambak beach, Muara Anai in the Northto Sungai Pisang in the South. The coast of South section is different from the coast of Northsection, because the Southern coastline is heterogeneous because there are many small bay, small islands and narrow beaches directly adjacent to the volcanic hills. This research aims to determine the dynamics condition of a coastal environment based on the characteristic (length, velocity, energy, and height), sediment transport value, accretion/abrasion factor value, and coastal equilibrium in Padang City.The method used in this study is the calculation of wavelength (L0 ), wave velocity (C), wave energy (E), run-up height (Hb ), and sediment transport (Q) to determine accretion/abrasion factor and equilibrium (G0 ). Furthermore, it is done by Geographic Information System (GIS) approach to spatial ...
This study aims to determine changes in the condition of coral reef ecosystems using satellite im... more This study aims to determine changes in the condition of coral reef ecosystems using satellite imagery. The research method used is the Geographic Information System (GIS) approach using Lyzenga algorithm method with data of Landsat +ETM 7 in 1998, 2008 and Landsat OLI 8 in 2018. The results of this study indicate a decrease in the extent of coral reef conditions in 1998-2008 occurs in live coral cover covering 106.60 ha and the addition of area occurred in dead coral cover covering 147.97 ha. While the decrease of coral reefs condition in 2008-2018 occurs in dead coral cover covering 29.66 ha and the addition of area occurred in live coral cover covering 112.29 ha. Coral mortality index in Nirwana beach with an average 62.28 %, meaning very large coral deaths in this region. Coral mortality index in Cindakir estuary with an average 46.60 %, meaning quite large coral deaths in this region so that coral reefs need to be rehabilitated in these waters, which can be done in form of artificial coral transplants. The coral mortality index in Muara Dua bay average 39 %, meaning that coral mortality is quite large in this region, while the coral mortality index in Ujung Siboko bay average 44.65 %, this means quite a large number of coral deaths in this region, but this location has a very good soft coral and it is necessary to rehabilitate corals in these waters with the form of artificial coral transplants.
Papers by Aprizon Putra