Anne TAmm annotatsioon. Artiklis selgitan abessiiveituse verbi käändevormi-mata semantilisi seose... more Anne TAmm annotatsioon. Artiklis selgitan abessiiveituse verbi käändevormi-mata semantilisi seoseid nimisõna vastava vormiga (-ta) ja verbivormi kohanemist kontaktkeelte ajakategooria väljendamisel. Käsitlen eesti ta-ja mata-lõpulise abessiiveituse vorme Aikhenvald 2008 ja Csepregi 2001 interkategoriaalsete ehk versatiilsete (nn hõljuvate) käänete raamistikus. Raamistik sobib eri sõnaliikide morfeemides esinevate sarnase tähenduse ja ühise etümoloogiaga vormide uurimiseks. Seega võimaldab raamistik mõista käänderikaste aglutinatiivsete Uurali keelte morfoloogia, süntaksi, semantika ja pragmaatika piirimail asuvaid muutuses olevaid keelenähtusi. Korpusekonkordantside (etTenTen 2021) alusel näitan, et olema-verbi finiitvormi ja mata-partitsiibi tarind (Maril on töö tegemata) on perfektieitus. Tarind eitab tänapäeva eesti keele jaatavat teises staadiumis grammatiseerunud perfektitarindit (Maril on töö tehtud, vt Lindström ja Tragel 2010). võtmesõnad: karitiiv, privatiiv, abessiiv, grammatiseerumine, perfektiaeg, keelekontaktid, variatiivsus 1 Termini on soovitanud üks retsensentidest. Käesolev artikkel põhineb mitmel varasemal konverentsiettekandel (2006-2020), mis keskenduvad ilmaütleva semantika, rõhulisuse ja pragmaatika eripärasustele või Uurali keelte võrdlusele. Tänan südamest kõiki tagasisidet andnud korraldajaid, retsensente, kolleege ja toimetajaid.
Proceedings of the 11th EURALEX International Congress, 2004
This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present t... more This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present the evidence that the equivalence between aspect verbs is systematically incomplete in bilingual dictionaries. Aspectual mismatches emerge between languages that derive sentential aspect by different means. Two Finno-Ugric languages are compared, Hungarian and Estonian. Mismatches emerge despite the typological relatedness and the identical conceptual coverage for the perfective aspectual category. However, Hungarian relies on the lexical means of encodmg aspect, whereas Estonian uses also grammatical means. Many problems of lexical aspectual mismatches can be solved by editing the dictionaries on the basis of uniformlv designed and comparable monolingual knowledge bases, where the lexically and non-lexically determined aspect is distinguished. Recording the lexical aspect of each verb in a database according to a uniform system enables the database tools to notify the lexicographer when an aspectually incomplete translation is created. The equivalence problems that appear • dictionaries of the two typologically related languages discussed here may bepresent in bilingual dictionaries containing typologically less related languages. Aspect is a matter orbüingual lexicography if expressing aspect is determined verbal lexically in at least one ofthelanguages.
The guide to the final report of OTKA PD 73826 by the PI 1.1 Reasons for submitting the final rep... more The guide to the final report of OTKA PD 73826 by the PI 1.1 Reasons for submitting the final report ahead of time As Principal Investigator of OTKA PD 73826 "Cross-Categorial Case," I am submitting the final report 8 months ahead of time. This requires some explanation. The final report is submitted in order to close the project for formal reasons. Namely, as of August 1, 2010, I transferred to another job for main funding. I filed a request to the OTKA office in July 2010, with the goal of finding an appropriate funding scheme for the remaining research time, until March 31, 2011. Since there were no appropriate funding schemes, the funding was stopped on July 31, 2010 instead of March 31, 2011 and a final report has to be delivered. Thus, this report documents the activities performed within the OTKA framework between April 1st, 2008 and July 31, 2010, covering 2.3 years instead of the planned 3 years of funding. The lack of a suitable scheme is the main reason for closing the project 8 months ahead of time. I would like to resume my research and publishing as soon as a suitable OTKA funding scheme emerges. 1.2 The original workplan (3 years and 2 years) The original plan encompassed three years instead of the two years that I was actually able to complete. The research goal of 3 years was to prepare a monographic manuscript for publication and two articles. The planned end result of 2 years was two articles (one article at the end of year 1 and another at the end of year 2). The following sections contain the description of the planning as fixed at the English and Hungarian websites of the OTKA project. 1.2.1. Workplan in English The following text is cited from the official research proposal. The research plan follows the plan for writing a book and some related articles on on the topic. The 1st year is necessary to finalize the theoretical framework and the hypotheses. Finding and reading the literature on the topic, the formulation of the empirical tests, giving a structure for presenting the research in the form of a monograph belong to the tasks of the 1st year. On the basis of the work of the first year and the previos works on the topic, the introduction is written
The paper contributes to the understanding of the variation in finite verb placement in Estonian,... more The paper contributes to the understanding of the variation in finite verb placement in Estonian, a verb-second language, by establishing two descriptive facts. First, it identifies a previously undescribed finite verb position in Estonian declarative main clauses, which will be referred to as 'clause-medial'. The clause-medial position is located between clause-medial sentence adverbials on the one hand, and VP adverbials and the complements of the verb on the other hand. Secondly, the paper reports two empirical studies providing evidence in support of the hypothesis that the occurrence of a finite verb in the proposed clause-medial position, as opposed to its occurrence in the second position, correlates with its accentuation. While clause-medial verbs tend to bear a nuclear pitch accent, second-position verbs don't. Finally, the paper briefly discusses some broader implications of the existence of the clause-medial finite verb position and of the interaction between verb placement and prosody.
Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu Aastaraamat, Apr 23, 2015
Ülevaade. Evidentsiaalsuse ja episteemilise modaalsuse sarnasused ja erinevused on viimasel aasta... more Ülevaade. Evidentsiaalsuse ja episteemilise modaalsuse sarnasused ja erinevused on viimasel aastakümnendil olnud mitme uuringu aluseks. Eesti vat-morfeemi (ole-vat) kohta on arvatud, et see keeleüksus võib kanda kaht tähendust: nii evidentsiaalset kui ka episteemilis-modaalset. Uurisime selles artiklis, kuivõrd tõlgendati vat-morfeemi episteemilise modaalina. Täpsemalt selgitasime eesti laste käitumiskatsetega, mis on evidentsiaalide olemuses sellist, et nad on seotud episteemilise modaalsusega. Katsetest selgus, et evidentsiaalse markerina omandatakse vat-morfeem enne üheksandat eluaastat. Episteemilise modaalina tõlgendamine üheksandaks eluaastaks vaid kasvab, seega omandatakse eesti vat-morfeemi tähendustest kõigepealt evidentsiaalsus ja alles siis episteemiline modaalsus.
This contribution evaluates some aspects ofthe reversing ofthe Dutch-Estonian electronic bilingua... more This contribution evaluates some aspects ofthe reversing ofthe Dutch-Estonian electronic bilingual dictionary database to Estonian-Dutch. The project has linked two monolingual lexical databases and added new lexical and example units with the editor tool OMBI. The links are provided with information about the status of equivalence. The two sources are the Dutch Reference File and an Estonian database ofpolysemous words. The strategies ofderiving correct polysemy representations ofthe Estonian items in the course ofediting the Dutch-Estonian dictionary are be evaluated. Prior to dictionary editing, an Estonian reference file for polysemous words was created. In the course of editing, many missing entries and senses were added. The Estonian reference file consists of three structurally different parts: first, the left side of another bilingual dictionary, second, a database ofamonolingual dictionary, third, a part created specially for the database. It is argued that the high quality ofthe target language database and a correct specification ofthe equivalence information are crucial for successful reversing. Verbal polysemy and its relation to the Estonian object case have posed a major challenge for the project. The project, its tools and methods This paper studies some polysemy-related aspects of a bilingual dictionary reversal. Bilingual dictionary reversal means here the changing the status ofthe target language to the status of the source language in a bilingual electronic database. I present material from the Dutch-Estonian and Estonian-Dutch project of the Dutch and Belgian governmental commission, the CLV^V. Started in 1997, the Dutch-Estonian project aims at creating a database and two bilingual dictionaries, the first Dutch-Estonian and Estonian-Dutch standard modern language dictionaries. Both dictionaries will comprise 25 000 entries. The editors ofthe database work at different workstations, mainly in Estonia.
Biblioteca di studi di filologia moderna, Sep 1, 2012
I prodotti editoriali del Coordinamento editoriale di Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna: C... more I prodotti editoriali del Coordinamento editoriale di Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna: Collana, Riviste e Laboratorio (<>) vengono pubblicati con il contributo del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Comparate dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, ai sensi della Convenzione stipulata tra Dipartimento, Laboratorio editoriale open access e Firenze University Press il 10 febbraio 2009. Il Laboratorio editoriale open access del Dipartimento supporta lo sviluppo dell'editoria open access, ne promuove le applicazioni alla didattica e all'orientamento professionale degli studenti e dottorandi dell'area delle filologie moderne straniere, fornisce servizi di formazione e di progettazione. Le Redazioni elettroniche del Laboratorio curano l'editing e la composizione dei volumi e delle riviste del Coordinamento editoriale.
This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present t... more This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present the evidence that the equivalence between aspect verbs is systematically incomplete in bilingual dictionaries. Aspectual mismatches emerge between languages that derive sentential aspect by different means. Two Finno-Ugric languages are compared, Hungarian and Estonian. Mismatches emerge despite the typological relatedness and the identical conceptual coverage for the perfective aspectual category. However, Hungarian relies on the lexical means of encodmg aspect, whereas Estonian uses also grammatical means. Many problems of lexical aspectual mismatches can be solved by editing the dictionaries on the basis of uniformlv designed and comparable monolingual knowledge bases, where the lexically and non-lexically determined aspect is distinguished. Recording the lexical aspect of each verb in a database according to a uniform system enables the database tools to notify the lexicographer when ...
This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present t... more This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present the evidence that the equivalence between aspect verbs is systematically incomplete in bilingual dictionaries. Aspectual mismatches emerge between languages that derive sentential aspect by different means. Two Finno-Ugric languages are compared, Hungarian and Estonian. Mismatches emerge despite the typological relatedness and the identical conceptual coverage for the perfective aspectual category. However, Hungarian relies on the lexical means of encodmg aspect, whereas Estonian uses also grammatical means. Many problems of lexical aspectual mismatches can be solved by editing the dictionaries on the basis of uniformlv designed and comparable monolingual knowledge bases, where the lexically and non-lexically determined aspect is distinguished. Recording the lexical aspect of each verb in a database according to a uniform system enables the database tools to notify the lexicographer when ...
Anne TAmm annotatsioon. Artiklis selgitan abessiiveituse verbi käändevormi-mata semantilisi seose... more Anne TAmm annotatsioon. Artiklis selgitan abessiiveituse verbi käändevormi-mata semantilisi seoseid nimisõna vastava vormiga (-ta) ja verbivormi kohanemist kontaktkeelte ajakategooria väljendamisel. Käsitlen eesti ta-ja mata-lõpulise abessiiveituse vorme Aikhenvald 2008 ja Csepregi 2001 interkategoriaalsete ehk versatiilsete (nn hõljuvate) käänete raamistikus. Raamistik sobib eri sõnaliikide morfeemides esinevate sarnase tähenduse ja ühise etümoloogiaga vormide uurimiseks. Seega võimaldab raamistik mõista käänderikaste aglutinatiivsete Uurali keelte morfoloogia, süntaksi, semantika ja pragmaatika piirimail asuvaid muutuses olevaid keelenähtusi. Korpusekonkordantside (etTenTen 2021) alusel näitan, et olema-verbi finiitvormi ja mata-partitsiibi tarind (Maril on töö tegemata) on perfektieitus. Tarind eitab tänapäeva eesti keele jaatavat teises staadiumis grammatiseerunud perfektitarindit (Maril on töö tehtud, vt Lindström ja Tragel 2010). võtmesõnad: karitiiv, privatiiv, abessiiv, grammatiseerumine, perfektiaeg, keelekontaktid, variatiivsus 1 Termini on soovitanud üks retsensentidest. Käesolev artikkel põhineb mitmel varasemal konverentsiettekandel (2006-2020), mis keskenduvad ilmaütleva semantika, rõhulisuse ja pragmaatika eripärasustele või Uurali keelte võrdlusele. Tänan südamest kõiki tagasisidet andnud korraldajaid, retsensente, kolleege ja toimetajaid.
Proceedings of the 11th EURALEX International Congress, 2004
This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present t... more This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present the evidence that the equivalence between aspect verbs is systematically incomplete in bilingual dictionaries. Aspectual mismatches emerge between languages that derive sentential aspect by different means. Two Finno-Ugric languages are compared, Hungarian and Estonian. Mismatches emerge despite the typological relatedness and the identical conceptual coverage for the perfective aspectual category. However, Hungarian relies on the lexical means of encodmg aspect, whereas Estonian uses also grammatical means. Many problems of lexical aspectual mismatches can be solved by editing the dictionaries on the basis of uniformlv designed and comparable monolingual knowledge bases, where the lexically and non-lexically determined aspect is distinguished. Recording the lexical aspect of each verb in a database according to a uniform system enables the database tools to notify the lexicographer when an aspectually incomplete translation is created. The equivalence problems that appear • dictionaries of the two typologically related languages discussed here may bepresent in bilingual dictionaries containing typologically less related languages. Aspect is a matter orbüingual lexicography if expressing aspect is determined verbal lexically in at least one ofthelanguages.
The guide to the final report of OTKA PD 73826 by the PI 1.1 Reasons for submitting the final rep... more The guide to the final report of OTKA PD 73826 by the PI 1.1 Reasons for submitting the final report ahead of time As Principal Investigator of OTKA PD 73826 "Cross-Categorial Case," I am submitting the final report 8 months ahead of time. This requires some explanation. The final report is submitted in order to close the project for formal reasons. Namely, as of August 1, 2010, I transferred to another job for main funding. I filed a request to the OTKA office in July 2010, with the goal of finding an appropriate funding scheme for the remaining research time, until March 31, 2011. Since there were no appropriate funding schemes, the funding was stopped on July 31, 2010 instead of March 31, 2011 and a final report has to be delivered. Thus, this report documents the activities performed within the OTKA framework between April 1st, 2008 and July 31, 2010, covering 2.3 years instead of the planned 3 years of funding. The lack of a suitable scheme is the main reason for closing the project 8 months ahead of time. I would like to resume my research and publishing as soon as a suitable OTKA funding scheme emerges. 1.2 The original workplan (3 years and 2 years) The original plan encompassed three years instead of the two years that I was actually able to complete. The research goal of 3 years was to prepare a monographic manuscript for publication and two articles. The planned end result of 2 years was two articles (one article at the end of year 1 and another at the end of year 2). The following sections contain the description of the planning as fixed at the English and Hungarian websites of the OTKA project. 1.2.1. Workplan in English The following text is cited from the official research proposal. The research plan follows the plan for writing a book and some related articles on on the topic. The 1st year is necessary to finalize the theoretical framework and the hypotheses. Finding and reading the literature on the topic, the formulation of the empirical tests, giving a structure for presenting the research in the form of a monograph belong to the tasks of the 1st year. On the basis of the work of the first year and the previos works on the topic, the introduction is written
The paper contributes to the understanding of the variation in finite verb placement in Estonian,... more The paper contributes to the understanding of the variation in finite verb placement in Estonian, a verb-second language, by establishing two descriptive facts. First, it identifies a previously undescribed finite verb position in Estonian declarative main clauses, which will be referred to as 'clause-medial'. The clause-medial position is located between clause-medial sentence adverbials on the one hand, and VP adverbials and the complements of the verb on the other hand. Secondly, the paper reports two empirical studies providing evidence in support of the hypothesis that the occurrence of a finite verb in the proposed clause-medial position, as opposed to its occurrence in the second position, correlates with its accentuation. While clause-medial verbs tend to bear a nuclear pitch accent, second-position verbs don't. Finally, the paper briefly discusses some broader implications of the existence of the clause-medial finite verb position and of the interaction between verb placement and prosody.
Eesti Rakenduslingvistika Uhingu Aastaraamat, Apr 23, 2015
Ülevaade. Evidentsiaalsuse ja episteemilise modaalsuse sarnasused ja erinevused on viimasel aasta... more Ülevaade. Evidentsiaalsuse ja episteemilise modaalsuse sarnasused ja erinevused on viimasel aastakümnendil olnud mitme uuringu aluseks. Eesti vat-morfeemi (ole-vat) kohta on arvatud, et see keeleüksus võib kanda kaht tähendust: nii evidentsiaalset kui ka episteemilis-modaalset. Uurisime selles artiklis, kuivõrd tõlgendati vat-morfeemi episteemilise modaalina. Täpsemalt selgitasime eesti laste käitumiskatsetega, mis on evidentsiaalide olemuses sellist, et nad on seotud episteemilise modaalsusega. Katsetest selgus, et evidentsiaalse markerina omandatakse vat-morfeem enne üheksandat eluaastat. Episteemilise modaalina tõlgendamine üheksandaks eluaastaks vaid kasvab, seega omandatakse eesti vat-morfeemi tähendustest kõigepealt evidentsiaalsus ja alles siis episteemiline modaalsus.
This contribution evaluates some aspects ofthe reversing ofthe Dutch-Estonian electronic bilingua... more This contribution evaluates some aspects ofthe reversing ofthe Dutch-Estonian electronic bilingual dictionary database to Estonian-Dutch. The project has linked two monolingual lexical databases and added new lexical and example units with the editor tool OMBI. The links are provided with information about the status of equivalence. The two sources are the Dutch Reference File and an Estonian database ofpolysemous words. The strategies ofderiving correct polysemy representations ofthe Estonian items in the course ofediting the Dutch-Estonian dictionary are be evaluated. Prior to dictionary editing, an Estonian reference file for polysemous words was created. In the course of editing, many missing entries and senses were added. The Estonian reference file consists of three structurally different parts: first, the left side of another bilingual dictionary, second, a database ofamonolingual dictionary, third, a part created specially for the database. It is argued that the high quality ofthe target language database and a correct specification ofthe equivalence information are crucial for successful reversing. Verbal polysemy and its relation to the Estonian object case have posed a major challenge for the project. The project, its tools and methods This paper studies some polysemy-related aspects of a bilingual dictionary reversal. Bilingual dictionary reversal means here the changing the status ofthe target language to the status of the source language in a bilingual electronic database. I present material from the Dutch-Estonian and Estonian-Dutch project of the Dutch and Belgian governmental commission, the CLV^V. Started in 1997, the Dutch-Estonian project aims at creating a database and two bilingual dictionaries, the first Dutch-Estonian and Estonian-Dutch standard modern language dictionaries. Both dictionaries will comprise 25 000 entries. The editors ofthe database work at different workstations, mainly in Estonia.
Biblioteca di studi di filologia moderna, Sep 1, 2012
I prodotti editoriali del Coordinamento editoriale di Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna: C... more I prodotti editoriali del Coordinamento editoriale di Biblioteca di Studi di Filologia Moderna: Collana, Riviste e Laboratorio (<>) vengono pubblicati con il contributo del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Comparate dell'Università degli Studi di Firenze, ai sensi della Convenzione stipulata tra Dipartimento, Laboratorio editoriale open access e Firenze University Press il 10 febbraio 2009. Il Laboratorio editoriale open access del Dipartimento supporta lo sviluppo dell'editoria open access, ne promuove le applicazioni alla didattica e all'orientamento professionale degli studenti e dottorandi dell'area delle filologie moderne straniere, fornisce servizi di formazione e di progettazione. Le Redazioni elettroniche del Laboratorio curano l'editing e la composizione dei volumi e delle riviste del Coordinamento editoriale.
This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present t... more This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present the evidence that the equivalence between aspect verbs is systematically incomplete in bilingual dictionaries. Aspectual mismatches emerge between languages that derive sentential aspect by different means. Two Finno-Ugric languages are compared, Hungarian and Estonian. Mismatches emerge despite the typological relatedness and the identical conceptual coverage for the perfective aspectual category. However, Hungarian relies on the lexical means of encodmg aspect, whereas Estonian uses also grammatical means. Many problems of lexical aspectual mismatches can be solved by editing the dictionaries on the basis of uniformlv designed and comparable monolingual knowledge bases, where the lexically and non-lexically determined aspect is distinguished. Recording the lexical aspect of each verb in a database according to a uniform system enables the database tools to notify the lexicographer when ...
This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present t... more This article calls the attention to an equivalence problem in bilingual dictionaries. I present the evidence that the equivalence between aspect verbs is systematically incomplete in bilingual dictionaries. Aspectual mismatches emerge between languages that derive sentential aspect by different means. Two Finno-Ugric languages are compared, Hungarian and Estonian. Mismatches emerge despite the typological relatedness and the identical conceptual coverage for the perfective aspectual category. However, Hungarian relies on the lexical means of encodmg aspect, whereas Estonian uses also grammatical means. Many problems of lexical aspectual mismatches can be solved by editing the dictionaries on the basis of uniformlv designed and comparable monolingual knowledge bases, where the lexically and non-lexically determined aspect is distinguished. Recording the lexical aspect of each verb in a database according to a uniform system enables the database tools to notify the lexicographer when ...
Papers by Anne Tamm