A növényi pollen allergizáló képessége számos tényezőtől függ. E feltételek: a pollen allergiás i... more A növényi pollen allergizáló képessége számos tényezőtől függ. E feltételek: a pollen allergiás immunválasz kiváltására alkalmas anyagot tartalmazzon, a pollent nagy mennyiségben termelje a növény, a pollenszem kis méretű legyen és könnyen, nagy mennyiségben szálljon a levegőben, a növény gyakori, tömegesen előforduló fajba tartozzon. E tényezőket külön súlyozva kiszámítható az egyes növénytaxonok potenciális allergenitása. Dolgozatunkban a szakirodalomban fellelhető módszereket hasonlítjuk össze, és keressük a megfelelő eljárást, amely a növények ültetésére, kereskedelmére irányuló jogi szabályozás alapja lehetne. Az irodalmi áttekintés alapján nem találtunk olyan jelenleg létező módszert, amely a jogi szabályozás követelményeit kielégítheti (megfelelő bizonyítékok felsorolása és reprodukálhatóság), ezért kidolgoztunk egy saját eljárást a növények potenciális allergenitásának kiszámítására.
ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS: A természetes és az épített környezet tényezői és az emberi egészség közötti kapcs... more ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS: A természetes és az épített környezet tényezői és az emberi egészség közötti kapcsolat régóta ismert, azonban a károsító hatások azonosítása, az ok-okozat közötti összefüggés felderítése gyakran nehéz, bonyolult és költségigényes feladat. A leíró epidemiológiai vizsgálatok - térinformatikai módszerekkel kiegészítve - jelentőségét az adja, hogy megkönnyítik a veszélyeztetett területek, lakosság-csoportok azonosítását, alapul szolgálnak további célzott, részletes, többirányú analitikus epidemiológiai vizsgálatok tervezéséhez, lebonyolításához, illetve a célzott intervenciós stratégiák kialakításához. Hazánkban is számos módszert alkalmaznak a lakosság egészségi állapota és a környezet kapcsolatának vizsgálatára. A SAHSU (Small Area Health Statistic Unit, Imperial College, Nagy-Britania, CDC, USA) által kifejlesztett és az EUROHEIS2 (A European Health And Environment Information System For Risk Assessment And Disease Mapping) által terjesztett informatikai program, a RIF...
Gyakori kérdés, hogy van-e kapcsolat a földfelszínre érkező UV-besugárzás és a légköri ózontartal... more Gyakori kérdés, hogy van-e kapcsolat a földfelszínre érkező UV-besugárzás és a légköri ózontartalom hosszú távú változásai, valamint az éghajlati rendszer, illetve annak megváltozása között. Az egész problémakörnek azonban nemcsak légkörfizikai vonatkozásai vannak, hanem egész társadalmunkra hatással van. A cikk első részében ismertetjük a szóban forgó komplex légkörfizikai kapcsolati rendszert, és megmagyarázzuk azokat a lényegesebb folyamatokat, amelyek révén az ózonmennyiség változása hat vagy hathat az éghajlat változására és fordítva. Bemutatjuk az ezek következtében tapasztalható és várható tendenciákat is. Utána ismertetjük az UV-sugárzás egészségünkre gyakorolt pozitív és negatív hatásait, illetve az ezekre vonatkozó vizsgálatok számszerűsített eredményeit. Végül az ózonréteg elvékonyodásának társadalmi okait vizsgáljuk, és elemezzük az ózonréteg elvékonyodása ellen folytatott küzdelem társadalmi, gazdasági és politikai tanulságait.
Long-distance pollen transport can substantially raise local pollen levels, but their relative co... more Long-distance pollen transport can substantially raise local pollen levels, but their relative contribution has not yet been quantified temporally or spatially in ragweed infested regions. Using common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) pollen accumulation at a ragweed infested area, Szeged, Hungary as a test case, this study attempted to: (1) identify, using cluster analysis, biogeographical regions that contribute to long-range transport of ragweed pollen to Szeged; (2) quantify the relative contribution of ragweed pollen from these regions; (3) Determine the relative contribution of “local” and “transported” pollen for Szeged. Using the HYSPLIT model, three-dimensional backward trajectories were produced daily over a 5-year period, 2009-2013 for ragweed pollen accumulation at Szeged. A k-means clustering algorithm using the Mahalanobis distance was applied in order to develop trajectory types. Nine back-trajectory clusters were identified. Cluster 1 (direction: from the Channel area south of Great Britain) and cluster 5 (direction: from Northern Mediterranean) were found the most relevant potential long-distance sources for Ambrosia pollen transport to Szeged. Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) and Concentration Weighted Trajectory (CWT) values indicated additional potential source areas including the central and eastern part of France, the northern part of Italy and the Carpathian Basin. For Szeged on non-rainy days, medium-range transport is important, while on rainy days the two transport ranges have equal weights. Based on the Granger causality, annual pollen amount transported by the atmospheric circulation is 27.8% of the annual total pollen at Szeged. From this quantity, 7.5% is added to (due to transport), while 20.3% is subtracted from (e.g. because of wash-out by frontal rainfalls going towards Szeged) local sources.
This document is the author's final manuscript version of the journal article, incorporating any ... more This document is the author's final manuscript version of the journal article, incorporating any revisions agreed during the peer review process. There may be differences between this and the publisher's version. You are advised to consult the publisher's version if you wish to cite from this article.
The importance and risk of emerging mosquito borne diseases is going to increase in the European ... more The importance and risk of emerging mosquito borne diseases is going to increase in the European temperate areas due to climate change. The present and upcoming climates of Transdanubia seem to be suitable for the main vector of Chikungunya virus, the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus Skuse (syn. Stegomyia albopicta). West Nile fever is recently endemic in Hungary. We used climate envelope modeling to predict the recent and future potential distribution/occurrence areas of the vector and the disease. We found that climate can be sufficient to explain the recently observed area of A. albopictus, while in the case of West Nile fever, the migration routes of reservoir birds, the run of the floodplains, and the position of lakes are also important determinants of the observed occurrence.
Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM, 2013
The increase of Lyme borreliosis (LB) can be expected due to climate change, while the distributi... more The increase of Lyme borreliosis (LB) can be expected due to climate change, while the distribution of the disease and annual activity of the vector and host animals depend on several factors of the environment. The presented study aimed to assess expressly the spring season temperature dependence on the incidence of LB in Hungary. The weekly LB data were obtained from the National Epidemiologic and Surveillance System for a period of 13 years--1998-2010. Daily temperature data were derived from the European Climate Assessment and Dataset. The association was studied at national level, descriptive statistics and linear regression models were applied. A significant increasing trend was observed in the mean temperature of the analysed years (0.052°C per year). The annual LB incidence doubled during the 13 year period. The incidence rates of the periods 1998-2001 and 2007-2010 were 11.1 resp. 17.0 per 100,000. The start of a steep increase in weekly LB incidence (0.1 per 100,000) shift...
The mortality of the Hungarian population is very unfavourable in relation to other European coun... more The mortality of the Hungarian population is very unfavourable in relation to other European countries. Mortality from malignant diseases is the second most frequent cause of death in both sexes. The most frequent localisation of cancer is that of the bronchi and the lungs, followed by colorectal, breast and oral cavity cancers. Of the publication was to demonstrate the spatial distribution of mortality from malignant diseases of all sites, bronchi and the lungs, as well as mortality from cancer of the thyroid gland and leukaemias, and to evaluate the possible impact of the Chernobyl nuclear accident on the frequency of cancer mortality. The spatial distribution of mortality in the country is evaluated by computing standardized mortality ratio on settlement level, using geographical information system. In case of frequent mortality events a region analysis was carried out, in the opposite case--a cluster analysis. Regarding the spatial distribution of mortality from all malignant di...
The authors examined the spatial accumulation of mortality and morbidity of cancer of the prostat... more The authors examined the spatial accumulation of mortality and morbidity of cancer of the prostate of the total as well as age stratified male population of Hungary. Using GIS, a descriptive epidemiological study was carried out examining the spatial differences of mortality on settlement level with 2000 inhabitants by calculating standardized mortality and morbidity ratios. The significance of the difference of mortality and morbidity from the national mean was tested by chi square probe. On the basis of the results a significant excess in mortality was detected in 11 regions of the country. The unfavourable regions cover 11.6% of the territory of the country where 25.6% of the male population live. A significant excess morbidity can be observed in 8 counties. A significant correlation was found between the unfavourable regions of mortality and morbidity (r=0.443, p<0.05). The age-specific analysis of morbidity revealed the highest excess in morbidity in the age group over 70 ye...
GIS for Emergency Preparedness and Health Risk Reduction, 2002
1. Introduction Within the framework of the National Environmental Health Action Programme of Hun... more 1. Introduction Within the framework of the National Environmental Health Action Programme of Hungary (NEHAP) (Pinter 1996) a health environmental geographic information system (HEGIS) has been developed in the National Institute of Environmental Health. The aim of this system was to evaluate the association between health and environmental data, in order to track spatial and temporal changes and thus to
Education and Training in Indoor Air Sciences, 1999
An epidemiological study was carried out to evaluate indoor air quality in three towns with diffe... more An epidemiological study was carried out to evaluate indoor air quality in three towns with different level of ambient exposure and to assess the health impact of indoor air pollutants. The indoor air concentration of VOCs, formaldehyde and NO 2, was measured by passive ...
General mortality analysis showed an increasing tendency of circulatory diseases in two villages ... more General mortality analysis showed an increasing tendency of circulatory diseases in two villages examined. Respiratory diseases and suicide were more frequent in the village with greater pesticide use (village I). The relative risk (RR) of gastric cancer for men is significantly higher in village I (high rate of pesticide use) than in the county as a whole (RR, 1.65; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.96-2.83) and also in relation to the national data (RR, 3.20; 95% CI, 1.91-5.36). Since the nitrate concentration in the drinking water, the drug consumption, smoking and eating habits are similar in the two villages, and since alcohol consumption is higher in village II (moderate rate of pesticide use), it seems that nitrosable pesticides may play a role in the etiology of stomach cancer. This is supported by the fact that a higher number of gastric cancer cases was found where larger quantities of nitrosable pesticides had been used.
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2007
A review is given on the state of activities regarding environmental health in Hungary, with spec... more A review is given on the state of activities regarding environmental health in Hungary, with special respect to present and future health of children.
Introduction: According to the data of the Hungarian pulmonological network, the prevalence of as... more Introduction: According to the data of the Hungarian pulmonological network, the prevalence of asthma in the last 15 years has increased (almost linearly) in Hungary. In 2004 it was 1.8%. There are only a few data about the prevalence of childhood asthma. Aims: The aim of the authors was to measure the prevalence of bronchial asthma in childhood in Budapest in 1995, 1999 and 2003, using questionnaires directed to district pediatricians. Methods: There were only two questions in these questionnaires: how many children are in their districts, and how many are suffering from asthma? Besides of this survey the dust, CO, NO 2 and SO 2 concentrations in the air were measured on-line at 8 points in Budapest, while ozone level measurements were also made at 2 stations. The counts of pollen and of fungal elements in the air were calculated separately for Buda and for Pest. Results: In 1995, replies were received from 118 pediatricians in 11 districts, who were responsible for the supervision...
Objectively defined clusters of meteorological elements and weather types described by weather fr... more Objectively defined clusters of meteorological elements and weather types described by weather fronts and precipitation occurrences are produced in order to classify Poaceae pollen levels. The Poaceae pollen concentration was then estimated one day ahead for each of the above categories of days at the villages of Szeged and Győr in Hungary. The database describes an 11-year period from 1997 to 2007. For weather-front recognition purposes, the ECMWF ERA-INTERIM database was used. In order to estimate the actual daily Poaceae pollen concentrations, previous-day values of five meteorological variables and previous-day Poaceae pollen concentrations were applied. We find that both for Szeged and Győr, as well as both for the subjective and objective classifications, high daily mean Poaceae pollen levels are favoured by anticyclone ridge weather situations, as we might expect. When estimating the Poaceae pollen level, the previous-day pollen concentration, previous-day mean temperature, and previous-day mean global solar flux for Győr were statistically significant, but for Szeged it was only the previous-day pollen concentration. Taking into account the clusters, the objective classification based on original data proved the most effective. For the subjective classification, the best estimates were obtained for days with a warm front and precipitation.
A növényi pollen allergizáló képessége számos tényezőtől függ. E feltételek: a pollen allergiás i... more A növényi pollen allergizáló képessége számos tényezőtől függ. E feltételek: a pollen allergiás immunválasz kiváltására alkalmas anyagot tartalmazzon, a pollent nagy mennyiségben termelje a növény, a pollenszem kis méretű legyen és könnyen, nagy mennyiségben szálljon a levegőben, a növény gyakori, tömegesen előforduló fajba tartozzon. E tényezőket külön súlyozva kiszámítható az egyes növénytaxonok potenciális allergenitása. Dolgozatunkban a szakirodalomban fellelhető módszereket hasonlítjuk össze, és keressük a megfelelő eljárást, amely a növények ültetésére, kereskedelmére irányuló jogi szabályozás alapja lehetne. Az irodalmi áttekintés alapján nem találtunk olyan jelenleg létező módszert, amely a jogi szabályozás követelményeit kielégítheti (megfelelő bizonyítékok felsorolása és reprodukálhatóság), ezért kidolgoztunk egy saját eljárást a növények potenciális allergenitásának kiszámítására.
ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS: A természetes és az épített környezet tényezői és az emberi egészség közötti kapcs... more ÖSSZEFOGLALÁS: A természetes és az épített környezet tényezői és az emberi egészség közötti kapcsolat régóta ismert, azonban a károsító hatások azonosítása, az ok-okozat közötti összefüggés felderítése gyakran nehéz, bonyolult és költségigényes feladat. A leíró epidemiológiai vizsgálatok - térinformatikai módszerekkel kiegészítve - jelentőségét az adja, hogy megkönnyítik a veszélyeztetett területek, lakosság-csoportok azonosítását, alapul szolgálnak további célzott, részletes, többirányú analitikus epidemiológiai vizsgálatok tervezéséhez, lebonyolításához, illetve a célzott intervenciós stratégiák kialakításához. Hazánkban is számos módszert alkalmaznak a lakosság egészségi állapota és a környezet kapcsolatának vizsgálatára. A SAHSU (Small Area Health Statistic Unit, Imperial College, Nagy-Britania, CDC, USA) által kifejlesztett és az EUROHEIS2 (A European Health And Environment Information System For Risk Assessment And Disease Mapping) által terjesztett informatikai program, a RIF...
Gyakori kérdés, hogy van-e kapcsolat a földfelszínre érkező UV-besugárzás és a légköri ózontartal... more Gyakori kérdés, hogy van-e kapcsolat a földfelszínre érkező UV-besugárzás és a légköri ózontartalom hosszú távú változásai, valamint az éghajlati rendszer, illetve annak megváltozása között. Az egész problémakörnek azonban nemcsak légkörfizikai vonatkozásai vannak, hanem egész társadalmunkra hatással van. A cikk első részében ismertetjük a szóban forgó komplex légkörfizikai kapcsolati rendszert, és megmagyarázzuk azokat a lényegesebb folyamatokat, amelyek révén az ózonmennyiség változása hat vagy hathat az éghajlat változására és fordítva. Bemutatjuk az ezek következtében tapasztalható és várható tendenciákat is. Utána ismertetjük az UV-sugárzás egészségünkre gyakorolt pozitív és negatív hatásait, illetve az ezekre vonatkozó vizsgálatok számszerűsített eredményeit. Végül az ózonréteg elvékonyodásának társadalmi okait vizsgáljuk, és elemezzük az ózonréteg elvékonyodása ellen folytatott küzdelem társadalmi, gazdasági és politikai tanulságait.
Long-distance pollen transport can substantially raise local pollen levels, but their relative co... more Long-distance pollen transport can substantially raise local pollen levels, but their relative contribution has not yet been quantified temporally or spatially in ragweed infested regions. Using common ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) pollen accumulation at a ragweed infested area, Szeged, Hungary as a test case, this study attempted to: (1) identify, using cluster analysis, biogeographical regions that contribute to long-range transport of ragweed pollen to Szeged; (2) quantify the relative contribution of ragweed pollen from these regions; (3) Determine the relative contribution of “local” and “transported” pollen for Szeged. Using the HYSPLIT model, three-dimensional backward trajectories were produced daily over a 5-year period, 2009-2013 for ragweed pollen accumulation at Szeged. A k-means clustering algorithm using the Mahalanobis distance was applied in order to develop trajectory types. Nine back-trajectory clusters were identified. Cluster 1 (direction: from the Channel area south of Great Britain) and cluster 5 (direction: from Northern Mediterranean) were found the most relevant potential long-distance sources for Ambrosia pollen transport to Szeged. Potential Source Contribution Function (PSCF) and Concentration Weighted Trajectory (CWT) values indicated additional potential source areas including the central and eastern part of France, the northern part of Italy and the Carpathian Basin. For Szeged on non-rainy days, medium-range transport is important, while on rainy days the two transport ranges have equal weights. Based on the Granger causality, annual pollen amount transported by the atmospheric circulation is 27.8% of the annual total pollen at Szeged. From this quantity, 7.5% is added to (due to transport), while 20.3% is subtracted from (e.g. because of wash-out by frontal rainfalls going towards Szeged) local sources.
This document is the author's final manuscript version of the journal article, incorporating any ... more This document is the author's final manuscript version of the journal article, incorporating any revisions agreed during the peer review process. There may be differences between this and the publisher's version. You are advised to consult the publisher's version if you wish to cite from this article.
The importance and risk of emerging mosquito borne diseases is going to increase in the European ... more The importance and risk of emerging mosquito borne diseases is going to increase in the European temperate areas due to climate change. The present and upcoming climates of Transdanubia seem to be suitable for the main vector of Chikungunya virus, the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus Skuse (syn. Stegomyia albopicta). West Nile fever is recently endemic in Hungary. We used climate envelope modeling to predict the recent and future potential distribution/occurrence areas of the vector and the disease. We found that climate can be sufficient to explain the recently observed area of A. albopictus, while in the case of West Nile fever, the migration routes of reservoir birds, the run of the floodplains, and the position of lakes are also important determinants of the observed occurrence.
Annals of agricultural and environmental medicine : AAEM, 2013
The increase of Lyme borreliosis (LB) can be expected due to climate change, while the distributi... more The increase of Lyme borreliosis (LB) can be expected due to climate change, while the distribution of the disease and annual activity of the vector and host animals depend on several factors of the environment. The presented study aimed to assess expressly the spring season temperature dependence on the incidence of LB in Hungary. The weekly LB data were obtained from the National Epidemiologic and Surveillance System for a period of 13 years--1998-2010. Daily temperature data were derived from the European Climate Assessment and Dataset. The association was studied at national level, descriptive statistics and linear regression models were applied. A significant increasing trend was observed in the mean temperature of the analysed years (0.052°C per year). The annual LB incidence doubled during the 13 year period. The incidence rates of the periods 1998-2001 and 2007-2010 were 11.1 resp. 17.0 per 100,000. The start of a steep increase in weekly LB incidence (0.1 per 100,000) shift...
The mortality of the Hungarian population is very unfavourable in relation to other European coun... more The mortality of the Hungarian population is very unfavourable in relation to other European countries. Mortality from malignant diseases is the second most frequent cause of death in both sexes. The most frequent localisation of cancer is that of the bronchi and the lungs, followed by colorectal, breast and oral cavity cancers. Of the publication was to demonstrate the spatial distribution of mortality from malignant diseases of all sites, bronchi and the lungs, as well as mortality from cancer of the thyroid gland and leukaemias, and to evaluate the possible impact of the Chernobyl nuclear accident on the frequency of cancer mortality. The spatial distribution of mortality in the country is evaluated by computing standardized mortality ratio on settlement level, using geographical information system. In case of frequent mortality events a region analysis was carried out, in the opposite case--a cluster analysis. Regarding the spatial distribution of mortality from all malignant di...
The authors examined the spatial accumulation of mortality and morbidity of cancer of the prostat... more The authors examined the spatial accumulation of mortality and morbidity of cancer of the prostate of the total as well as age stratified male population of Hungary. Using GIS, a descriptive epidemiological study was carried out examining the spatial differences of mortality on settlement level with 2000 inhabitants by calculating standardized mortality and morbidity ratios. The significance of the difference of mortality and morbidity from the national mean was tested by chi square probe. On the basis of the results a significant excess in mortality was detected in 11 regions of the country. The unfavourable regions cover 11.6% of the territory of the country where 25.6% of the male population live. A significant excess morbidity can be observed in 8 counties. A significant correlation was found between the unfavourable regions of mortality and morbidity (r=0.443, p<0.05). The age-specific analysis of morbidity revealed the highest excess in morbidity in the age group over 70 ye...
GIS for Emergency Preparedness and Health Risk Reduction, 2002
1. Introduction Within the framework of the National Environmental Health Action Programme of Hun... more 1. Introduction Within the framework of the National Environmental Health Action Programme of Hungary (NEHAP) (Pinter 1996) a health environmental geographic information system (HEGIS) has been developed in the National Institute of Environmental Health. The aim of this system was to evaluate the association between health and environmental data, in order to track spatial and temporal changes and thus to
Education and Training in Indoor Air Sciences, 1999
An epidemiological study was carried out to evaluate indoor air quality in three towns with diffe... more An epidemiological study was carried out to evaluate indoor air quality in three towns with different level of ambient exposure and to assess the health impact of indoor air pollutants. The indoor air concentration of VOCs, formaldehyde and NO 2, was measured by passive ...
General mortality analysis showed an increasing tendency of circulatory diseases in two villages ... more General mortality analysis showed an increasing tendency of circulatory diseases in two villages examined. Respiratory diseases and suicide were more frequent in the village with greater pesticide use (village I). The relative risk (RR) of gastric cancer for men is significantly higher in village I (high rate of pesticide use) than in the county as a whole (RR, 1.65; 95% confidence interval (CI), 0.96-2.83) and also in relation to the national data (RR, 3.20; 95% CI, 1.91-5.36). Since the nitrate concentration in the drinking water, the drug consumption, smoking and eating habits are similar in the two villages, and since alcohol consumption is higher in village II (moderate rate of pesticide use), it seems that nitrosable pesticides may play a role in the etiology of stomach cancer. This is supported by the fact that a higher number of gastric cancer cases was found where larger quantities of nitrosable pesticides had been used.
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 2007
A review is given on the state of activities regarding environmental health in Hungary, with spec... more A review is given on the state of activities regarding environmental health in Hungary, with special respect to present and future health of children.
Introduction: According to the data of the Hungarian pulmonological network, the prevalence of as... more Introduction: According to the data of the Hungarian pulmonological network, the prevalence of asthma in the last 15 years has increased (almost linearly) in Hungary. In 2004 it was 1.8%. There are only a few data about the prevalence of childhood asthma. Aims: The aim of the authors was to measure the prevalence of bronchial asthma in childhood in Budapest in 1995, 1999 and 2003, using questionnaires directed to district pediatricians. Methods: There were only two questions in these questionnaires: how many children are in their districts, and how many are suffering from asthma? Besides of this survey the dust, CO, NO 2 and SO 2 concentrations in the air were measured on-line at 8 points in Budapest, while ozone level measurements were also made at 2 stations. The counts of pollen and of fungal elements in the air were calculated separately for Buda and for Pest. Results: In 1995, replies were received from 118 pediatricians in 11 districts, who were responsible for the supervision...
Objectively defined clusters of meteorological elements and weather types described by weather fr... more Objectively defined clusters of meteorological elements and weather types described by weather fronts and precipitation occurrences are produced in order to classify Poaceae pollen levels. The Poaceae pollen concentration was then estimated one day ahead for each of the above categories of days at the villages of Szeged and Győr in Hungary. The database describes an 11-year period from 1997 to 2007. For weather-front recognition purposes, the ECMWF ERA-INTERIM database was used. In order to estimate the actual daily Poaceae pollen concentrations, previous-day values of five meteorological variables and previous-day Poaceae pollen concentrations were applied. We find that both for Szeged and Győr, as well as both for the subjective and objective classifications, high daily mean Poaceae pollen levels are favoured by anticyclone ridge weather situations, as we might expect. When estimating the Poaceae pollen level, the previous-day pollen concentration, previous-day mean temperature, and previous-day mean global solar flux for Győr were statistically significant, but for Szeged it was only the previous-day pollen concentration. Taking into account the clusters, the objective classification based on original data proved the most effective. For the subjective classification, the best estimates were obtained for days with a warm front and precipitation.
Papers by Anna Páldy