Âåðáàëèçàöèÿ êàðèòèâíîé ñåìàíòèêè â ðóññêîì è ïîëüñêîì ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì... Jêzykoznawstwo Âåðáàëèçàö... more Âåðáàëèçàöèÿ êàðèòèâíîé ñåìàíòèêè â ðóññêîì è ïîëüñêîì ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì... Jêzykoznawstwo Âåðáàëèçàöèÿ êàðèòèâíîé ñåìàíòèêè â ðóññêîì è ïîëüñêîì ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì... Streszczenie Werbalizacja semantyki karytywnej w rosyjskim i polskim dyskursach ekonomicznych Celem artyku³u jest analiza rodków jêzykowych stosowanych w rosyjskim i polskim dyskursie ekonomicznym na podstawie artyku³ów publikowanych w rosyjskojêzycznych gazetach Kazachstanu oraz w gazetach polskich. Punktem centralnym rozwa¿añ jest semantyka karytywna, interpretowana jako g³ówna czêae kategorii pozbawienia. Stwierdzono, i¿ w rosyjskim i polskim dyskursach ekonomicznych wykorzystuje siê identyczne rodki jêzykowe, co jest efektem wspólnego pochodzenia wybranych systemów jêzykowych z jêzyka pras³owiañskiego oraz zbli¿onej interpretacji stanu ekonomicznego w Kazachstanie i Polsce.
W centrum uwagi badawczej Autorki pozostaje koncept смех w rosyjskiej literaturze emigracyjnej. C... more W centrum uwagi badawczej Autorki pozostaje koncept смех w rosyjskiej literaturze emigracyjnej. Celem artykułu jest analiza danego konceptu w prozie wspomnieniowej Nadieżdy Teffi, pisarki pierwszej fali emigracji rosyjskiej. Przedmiot niniejszej analizy stanowi leksyka wyekscerpowana z tomów Wspomnienia (1933) oraz Moja kronika (2015). Analiza została ukierunkowana na wyodrębnienie semantycznej struktury konceptu oraz sposobów jego lingwistycznego wyrażenia w tekście literackim. W procesie analizy odwołaliśmy się do metodologii zaproponowanej przez Josifa Sternina, co pozwoliło wyróżnić w strukturze konceptów różnorodne jednostki mentalne autorskiego obrazu świata, werbalizowane w tekstach literackich (sensy i wyobrażenia obiektywne oraz indywidualno-autorskie). Ponadto w badaniu wykorzystano metodę opisową oraz analizę funkcjonalno-stylistyczną. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy lingwistycznej możemy wnioskować, że koncept смех jest szeroko reprezentowany w prozie wspomnieniowej...
This article will examine Marion Grafin Donhoff’s articles published in the Hamburg-based “Die Ze... more This article will examine Marion Grafin Donhoff’s articles published in the Hamburg-based “Die Zeit“ weekly in the years 1946-1970. Donhoff, a renowned German journalist, had to leave East Prussia and her family estate in 1945. The articles under analysis demonstrate an evolution of her views on the problem of losing the so-called German East, from the initial inability to come to terms with the new postwar territo-rial reality, to the eventual recognition that Germany’s loss of provinces in the East is permanent and final.
This article explores the concept of the SOUL based on slang and prison culture. The starting poi... more This article explores the concept of the SOUL based on slang and prison culture. The starting point for the argument is the belief that the soul symbolizes the man and his inner being (from the presence of high moral and ethical qualities to statements of spiritual death) in all cultures, as evidenced by the presence of a large number of phraseological and paremiological units with identical values. The purpose of the study is to consider and characterize the linguistic objectification of the concept of the soul. The conducted comparative analysis allows us to conclude that the perception of this concept among the Slavic and Turkic peoples is largely matching. The concept of the soul in all comparable languages is multilayered, in which cognitive traits are reflected, corresponding to the semantic components of the tokens representing it. The presented variety of semantic and conceptual variations facilitates the modelling of a wide interpretation field of this concept.
The following paper explores the reception of Ivan Bunin’s literary legacy in the interwar Poland... more The following paper explores the reception of Ivan Bunin’s literary legacy in the interwar Poland. The question of how The Nobel Prize in Literature influenced the writer’s popularity in Poland. The main aim of this article is to analyze and characterize those circumstances, which became the reason for Bunin’s failure to visit Poland during his literary tour to the Baltic countries in 1938. Selected materials were taken from traditional card and online catalogues in the National Library of Poland and the University of Warsaw Library. They embrace the period from 1920 to 1940. The analysis, on the one hand, shows the problem of political relationships between the revived Polish state and young Soviet Russia and its role in the development of literary contacts in the interwar period. On the other hand, it allows us to draw conclusions about the political and literary dimensions of I. Bunin’s failed tour to Poland.
This paper analyzes problems involved in the Polish translation of proper names contained in Bori... more This paper analyzes problems involved in the Polish translation of proper names contained in Boris Pasternak’s novel Doctor Zhivago. Empirical material was collected from two Polish translations published in book form: by Jerzy Stempowski (Paris: Instytut Literacki 1959) and by Ewa Rojewska-Olejarczuk (Warsaw: PIW 1990). The study aimed to analyze translatorial equivalents taking into account the following criteria: consistency with the named object, informativeness of the name, and retaining the cultural ambience. The following research methods were applied: descriptive, com-parative analysis as well as functional and stylistic analysis. The comparative analysis focused on the adequacy of the applied translation methods.
Âåðáàëèçàöèÿ êàðèòèâíîé ñåìàíòèêè â ðóññêîì è ïîëüñêîì ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì... Jêzykoznawstwo Âåðáàëèçàö... more Âåðáàëèçàöèÿ êàðèòèâíîé ñåìàíòèêè â ðóññêîì è ïîëüñêîì ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì... Jêzykoznawstwo Âåðáàëèçàöèÿ êàðèòèâíîé ñåìàíòèêè â ðóññêîì è ïîëüñêîì ýêîíîìè÷åñêîì... Streszczenie Werbalizacja semantyki karytywnej w rosyjskim i polskim dyskursach ekonomicznych Celem artyku³u jest analiza rodków jêzykowych stosowanych w rosyjskim i polskim dyskursie ekonomicznym na podstawie artyku³ów publikowanych w rosyjskojêzycznych gazetach Kazachstanu oraz w gazetach polskich. Punktem centralnym rozwa¿añ jest semantyka karytywna, interpretowana jako g³ówna czêae kategorii pozbawienia. Stwierdzono, i¿ w rosyjskim i polskim dyskursach ekonomicznych wykorzystuje siê identyczne rodki jêzykowe, co jest efektem wspólnego pochodzenia wybranych systemów jêzykowych z jêzyka pras³owiañskiego oraz zbli¿onej interpretacji stanu ekonomicznego w Kazachstanie i Polsce.
W centrum uwagi badawczej Autorki pozostaje koncept смех w rosyjskiej literaturze emigracyjnej. C... more W centrum uwagi badawczej Autorki pozostaje koncept смех w rosyjskiej literaturze emigracyjnej. Celem artykułu jest analiza danego konceptu w prozie wspomnieniowej Nadieżdy Teffi, pisarki pierwszej fali emigracji rosyjskiej. Przedmiot niniejszej analizy stanowi leksyka wyekscerpowana z tomów Wspomnienia (1933) oraz Moja kronika (2015). Analiza została ukierunkowana na wyodrębnienie semantycznej struktury konceptu oraz sposobów jego lingwistycznego wyrażenia w tekście literackim. W procesie analizy odwołaliśmy się do metodologii zaproponowanej przez Josifa Sternina, co pozwoliło wyróżnić w strukturze konceptów różnorodne jednostki mentalne autorskiego obrazu świata, werbalizowane w tekstach literackich (sensy i wyobrażenia obiektywne oraz indywidualno-autorskie). Ponadto w badaniu wykorzystano metodę opisową oraz analizę funkcjonalno-stylistyczną. Na podstawie przeprowadzonej analizy lingwistycznej możemy wnioskować, że koncept смех jest szeroko reprezentowany w prozie wspomnieniowej...
This article will examine Marion Grafin Donhoff’s articles published in the Hamburg-based “Die Ze... more This article will examine Marion Grafin Donhoff’s articles published in the Hamburg-based “Die Zeit“ weekly in the years 1946-1970. Donhoff, a renowned German journalist, had to leave East Prussia and her family estate in 1945. The articles under analysis demonstrate an evolution of her views on the problem of losing the so-called German East, from the initial inability to come to terms with the new postwar territo-rial reality, to the eventual recognition that Germany’s loss of provinces in the East is permanent and final.
This article explores the concept of the SOUL based on slang and prison culture. The starting poi... more This article explores the concept of the SOUL based on slang and prison culture. The starting point for the argument is the belief that the soul symbolizes the man and his inner being (from the presence of high moral and ethical qualities to statements of spiritual death) in all cultures, as evidenced by the presence of a large number of phraseological and paremiological units with identical values. The purpose of the study is to consider and characterize the linguistic objectification of the concept of the soul. The conducted comparative analysis allows us to conclude that the perception of this concept among the Slavic and Turkic peoples is largely matching. The concept of the soul in all comparable languages is multilayered, in which cognitive traits are reflected, corresponding to the semantic components of the tokens representing it. The presented variety of semantic and conceptual variations facilitates the modelling of a wide interpretation field of this concept.
The following paper explores the reception of Ivan Bunin’s literary legacy in the interwar Poland... more The following paper explores the reception of Ivan Bunin’s literary legacy in the interwar Poland. The question of how The Nobel Prize in Literature influenced the writer’s popularity in Poland. The main aim of this article is to analyze and characterize those circumstances, which became the reason for Bunin’s failure to visit Poland during his literary tour to the Baltic countries in 1938. Selected materials were taken from traditional card and online catalogues in the National Library of Poland and the University of Warsaw Library. They embrace the period from 1920 to 1940. The analysis, on the one hand, shows the problem of political relationships between the revived Polish state and young Soviet Russia and its role in the development of literary contacts in the interwar period. On the other hand, it allows us to draw conclusions about the political and literary dimensions of I. Bunin’s failed tour to Poland.
This paper analyzes problems involved in the Polish translation of proper names contained in Bori... more This paper analyzes problems involved in the Polish translation of proper names contained in Boris Pasternak’s novel Doctor Zhivago. Empirical material was collected from two Polish translations published in book form: by Jerzy Stempowski (Paris: Instytut Literacki 1959) and by Ewa Rojewska-Olejarczuk (Warsaw: PIW 1990). The study aimed to analyze translatorial equivalents taking into account the following criteria: consistency with the named object, informativeness of the name, and retaining the cultural ambience. The following research methods were applied: descriptive, com-parative analysis as well as functional and stylistic analysis. The comparative analysis focused on the adequacy of the applied translation methods.
Papers by Anna Ndiaye