Papers by Anna Kniazevych
Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Apr 5, 2024
This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution C... more This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 4.
Бізнес-навігатор, 2022
інституціональній підхід до дослідження сутності підприємницької діяльності. Результативність під... more інституціональній підхід до дослідження сутності підприємницької діяльності. Результативність підприємництва значною мірою залежить від створеної системи її регулювання в межах національної економіки та окремо взятої сфери господарської діяльності. Метою статті є дослідження сутності економічної категорії «підприємництво» шляхом застосування порівняльно-інституціонального підходу. Державне втручання не завжди є єдино правильним рішенням щодо усунення конкретних проблем, і альтернативою йому може стати комплекс заходів щодо вдосконалення нормативних актів у напрямі формування конкурентного середовища та створення у регульованих сферах рівних умов діяльності для всіх суб'єктів господарювання, усунення наявних правових перепон, стимулювання ринкового саморегулювання, а також забезпечення верховенства права. Підприємництво-це діяльність, яка ґрунтується на впровадженні інновацій із метою поглиблення спеціалізації та кооперації виробництва, спрямована на отримання економічного ефекту та ведеться на власний ризик і відповідальність. Головною особливістю підприємництва є його інноваційність. Ключовi слова: підприємницька діяльність, неоінституціоналізм, державне регулювання підприємництва, інноваційність. Demydiuk Serhii, Kniazevych Anna, Kraychuk Alexandr. The comparative and institutional approach in the study of the essence of entrepreneurial activity. Entrepreneurial activity is a determining factor in the economic growth of any country in the world. Wherein, the development of entrepreneurship in the country as a whole and in certain areas of economic activity in particular are depending largely on the effectiveness of the organizational and legal system, on the respect for private property rights, on creating a competitive environment, on equality of economic agents, on the availability of effective regulators, various restrictions and barriers to business. That is, the effectiveness of entrepreneurship largely depends on the established system of its regulation within the
Проблеми економіки транспорту, Oct 22, 2018
Ефективна економіка, Jan 30, 2020
Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Jun 25, 2021
The experience of the functioning of national innovation systems in the developed countries indic... more The experience of the functioning of national innovation systems in the developed countries indicates that the development of an innovative model of the national economy is impossible without the formation of an active innovation infrastructure. The article deals with the problems of formation and development of the innovation infrastructure of the country in difficult social and economic conditions based on clustering of the economy. The purpose of the research is to analyze the role and impact of clusters on self-organization and selfdevelopment of the country's innovation infrastructure in the conditions of limited financial resources. The research investigates the tendencies of the spread of regional clustering and its influence on the creation of a network of infrastructure companies, which, on a commercial basis, offer and distribute services. Clustering of regions is accompanied by the spread of the impact of a growing number of clusters (innovation structures of the network type) on the national economy and its innovation infrastructure. A certain infrastructural environment develops around the hub and the core of the cluster. It includes a number of companies specializing in innovative services, which can offer their services on a commercial basis not only to companies in this cluster, but also to all nearby innovative enterprises. The spread of clustering in all regions can serve as a basis for further self-organization and self-development of subsidiary companies under the influence of market mechanisms of management and growth of the innovation infrastructure of clusters into a basic platform of the innovation infrastructure of the country. Activation of entrepreneurship in clusters is carried out through the concentration of business activity and intersectoral cooperation. Vertical cluster associations are formed based on the synergy of enterprises, institutions, organizations, and individuals that are heterogeneous in the field of activity and form of ownership. The state, creating a favorable innovation environment, regulates the boundary conditions for innovation infrastructure subjects and clusters, which independently self-organize themselves under the influence of market mechanisms and expand their services to all regions, forming a holistic innovation infrastructure of the country.
Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, 2018
The article substantiates the key role of processes of formation of an effective national innovat... more The article substantiates the key role of processes of formation of an effective national innovation system, which directly provides the innovative development of the national economy of the country. The article defines peculiarities of the formation of models of national innovation systems of different countries of the world. The article develops the basic principles, on which the concept of the development of the national innovation system of Ukraine is based. One of the main factors, which directly influence the dynamics and pace of the development of the national innovation system, is the degree of the development of the country's innovation infrastructure. It should be stated that the main elements of the national innovation system of Ukraine function in isolation from each other, without any balance in this system, which causes its ineffectiveness. Further research should be aimed at establishing a systemic relationship and developing mechanisms for managing the formation and functioning of the national innovation system based on the effective innovation infrastructure of the country. At the stage of the gradual overcoming the economic crisis, the creation of favourable conditions for the fuller realization of the creative and inventive potential of the Ukrainian society is gaining a special significance in the innovative market of the country. The susceptibility of the national economy to innovation depends largely on the presence of demand for innovative products from consumers in the market, the acceleration of the dissemination of advanced technologies, including the expansion of the range of innovative active firms in the medium business, the creation of new innovative firms, and the dynamic growth of their scale. The strategy of innovation development is aimed at the formation and functioning of a specific infrastructure to increase the acceptability of the business environment to innovation. Significant activation of the market of innovations cannot be carried out without addressing, as necessary, certain markets for innovative services operating in the innovation infrastructure of the country, the economy, etc. The formation of self-sufficient and well-functioning innovative Ukrainian infrastructure, which is self-organized, is necessary not only for the harmonization of the functioning of the innovation system and national economy but also for the survival of the country. Despite the complexity and ambiguity of the influence of external and internal factors on the establishment and development of innovation infrastructure, the overall positive assessment suggests that, with certain efforts on the part of the state and business, Ukraine's innovative infrastructure can effectively develop and carry out its functions.
The purpose of the article is the investigation of the processes of the formation and establishme... more The purpose of the article is the investigation of the processes of the formation and establishment of the main provisions of synergetics, as of a modern concept of development, and of its practical application. The methodology. The synergetics paradigm is an interdisciplinary philosophical generalization, an explanation of various kinds of doctrines and approaches to the study and analysis of practically any phenomena in nature. The synergetic approach to reviewing the state of the management system is to see in the chaotic unstable (in terms of details) system future orderliness and stability, to simulate the course of certain social and economic processes and to provide a forecast using synergetic methods and chaos theory. Scientific Novelty. The results of the research provide the study and substantiation in the interdisciplinary aspect of the possibility of using the synergetic theory as a modern concept of development in various fields of scientific activity, including economi...
Business Inform
Creativity is becoming an increasing source of competitiveness for countries’ economies in a glob... more Creativity is becoming an increasing source of competitiveness for countries’ economies in a global context. This has led to the need to develop a methodological instrumentarium for assessing and analyzing creativity as a system of innovative entrepreneurship in both global and local contexts. The article examines the essence of innovative entrepreneurship as a key element of the creative management system, which ensures its effectiveness and commercialization opportunities. The categories of «creative management» is defined as a type of management activity aimed at creating an appropriate socio-psychological climate in teams together with the adaptive innovation infrastructure that will ensure an efficient process of development, generation and implementation of innovations. A classification of types of creativity is carried out as follows: technological, economic, artistic, and cultural. The methods of evaluation along with international indicators for rankubg creative activity ar...
2019 International Conference on Creative Business for Smart and Sustainable Growth (CREBUS)
The article determines the influence of threats on economic security of enterprises. It offers th... more The article determines the influence of threats on economic security of enterprises. It offers the directions of counteraction to the threats to economic security of enterprises, which involve the expansion in international markets, diversification of production, development of innovation activity by strengthening of scientific and technical interaction, which will promote a more efficient use of enterprises’ potential. The article presents the proposals on improving the process of making managerial decisions for boosting the effectiveness of counteraction to the threats. It proves the necessity of using the indicator of bankruptcy probability diagnosis in the system of assessing the state of economic security of enterprises for a more complete study of the threats to economic security. The article suggests the improved mechanism of counteraction to the threats to economic security, based on the concept that takes into account the use of the opportunities provided by external and internal environments, perspective directions of development, strengthening of integration links of functional systems of the enterprise with the aim of effective counteraction to the threats to economic security and ensuring economic growth of subject of management. The article substantiates the criteria of selection of suppliers of enterprises and defines the conceptual bases of a choice of perspective for markets of the enterprises. The study also determines the necessity of adherence to the principles of complexity, professionalism, and activity with the purpose of effective work of the mechanism of counteraction to the threats to economic security.
Investytsiyi: praktyka ta dosvid
Статтю присвячено дослідженню особливостей та визначенню етапів впровадження систе ми контролінгу... more Статтю присвячено дослідженню особливостей та визначенню етапів впровадження систе ми контролінгу інноваційних проектів як системи раннього попередження і реагування на ризи ки. Ефективність підприємницької діяльності є значною мірою визначається ступенем готов ності менеджменту організації враховувати вірогідність раптового виникнення кризових ситу ацій. Розв'язувати проблеми управління в умовах постійної загрози виникнення кризових ситу ацій необхідно шляхом використання антикризового менеджменту та контролінгу. Розглянуто особливості, основні ознаки та обмеження під час здійснення інноваційної діяльності. Розроб лено вимоги щодо формування системи контролінгу інноваційних проєктів. Реалізація проце су інноваційного підприємництва нерозривно пов'язана з різними етапами інвестування. Об грунтовано, що контролінг інноваційних проєктів забезпечує дієву систему раннього поперед ження і реагування на ризики на кожному етапі виконання проєкту. Запропоновано алгоритм здійснення контролінгу інноваційних проєктів.
Business Navigator
Entrepreneurial activity is a determining factor in the economic growth of any country in the wor... more Entrepreneurial activity is a determining factor in the economic growth of any country in the world. Wherein, the development of entrepreneurship in the country as a whole and in certain areas of economic activity in particular are depending largely on the effectiveness of the organizational and legal system, on the respect for private property rights, on creating a competitive environment, on equality of economic agents, on the availability of effective regulators, various restrictions and barriers to business. That is, the effectiveness of entrepreneurship largely depends on the established system of its regulation within the national economy and a particular area of economic activity. The main economic schools that developed this issue were liberalism, Keynesianism, Marxism, dirigisme, new institutional theory, etc. The comparative-institutional approach was used in the investigation of business regulation, which takes into the account that not only entrepreneurs but also civil s...
TRANSBALTICA XII: Transportation Science and Technology
Neuromarketing has a wide range of applications: to build an effective communication policy with ... more Neuromarketing has a wide range of applications: to build an effective communication policy with consumers, investors and other components of the business ecosystem. Compliance with ethics of neuroscience, data protection, helps to increase consumer confidence, more efficient, more personalized satisfaction of needs. Companies need to educate consumers about the relevance of neuromarketing. Motivating factors are: better, more complete and comprehensive satisfaction of current and anticipation of future needs to improve the quality of life, and this requires constant research. The advantage of neuromarketing is that it allows to detect reactions that occur under the influence of new factors, in particular in a Covid-19 pandemic. Content analysis of leading in Ukraine logistics companies websites showed a comprehensive positioning of companies, paying significant attention to quality standards, environmental safety, corporate social responsibility. In order to achieve the desired emotions, response of consumers more effectively, logistics companies need to improve their websites in the following areas: to place relevant information about services in two versions - concise and more detailed;to ensure the localization of websites, in particular, to follow the usual sites navigation for a particular country. It is expedient to use chatbots more actively for acceleration and convenience of communications. It is advisable to diversify visualization tools that will increase the effectiveness of content perception.
Journal of Geology, Geography and Geoecology
The article deals with the relevant scientific and practical task – assessing the effectiveness o... more The article deals with the relevant scientific and practical task – assessing the effectiveness of various types of existing systems by methods of mathematical modeling. In particular, the research investigates the efficiency of functioning of social and economic systems using nonparametric methods of mathematical modeling. For the verification of the results, the research uses the Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), which is a modern method based on the creation of the efficiency limit. The article considers in detail the theoretical foundations of the DEA method, which is based on the problems of mathematical programming, namely, the problems of linear programming. The article presents main theoretical models of this nonparametric method for input and output and analyzes the technique of its application. As an example of the practical use of this method, the research suggests the analysis of the demographic situation in the regions of Ukraine based on the main demographic indicators ...
The preconditions and features of the formation of post-industrial society are defined in the art... more The preconditions and features of the formation of post-industrial society are defined in the article. The distinctive role of active innovation infrastructure of the country in integrating into the European community and society based on knowledge are proved. The characteristic features of the economy of post-industrial society are the increasing role of intangible resources in ensuring social reproduction, “softization” and “servization” the subjects of innovation infrastructure. The essence of economic category “innovation infrastructure“ is defined in the article. It is a dynamic self-regulating system of markets and subjects that entering these markets in certain economic relations and it provides the necessary conditions for implementation of the innovation processes. Mechanism of functioning of the constituent elements of innovation infrastructure in market economy is proposed, relationships between them are defined.
Economic Studies journal, 2015
The preconditions and features of the formation of post-industrial society are defined in the art... more The preconditions and features of the formation of post-industrial society are defined in the article. The distinctive role of active innovation infrastructure of the country in integrating into the European community and society based on knowledge are proved. The characteristic features of the economy of post-industrial society are the increasing role of intangible resources in ensuring social reproduction, “softization” and “servization” the subjects of innovation infrastructure. The essence of economic category “innovation infrastructure“ is defined in the article. It is a dynamic self-regulating system of markets and subjects that entering these markets in certain economic relations and it provides the necessary conditions for implementation of the innovation processes. Mechanism of functioning of the constituent elements of innovation infrastructure in market economy is proposed, relationships between them are defined.
The purpose of the article is to investigate of the process of commercialization of innovative id... more The purpose of the article is to investigate of the process of commercialization of innovative ideas and factors that contribute to its acceleration. In the article the processes of formation of the market of innovations are investigated. On the effectiveness of this market, the possibilities of rational use of the accumulated scientific and technical and educational potential, the revival of the market of innovative offers, the formation of the innovative infrastructure of the country, depend to a large extent. Intellectual work is becoming increasingly important and becoming a major factor which is necessary for the realization of the concept of the knowledge of economy of post-industrial society. In the article the processes of formation of the innovation market are presented. On the effectiveness of this market, the possibilities of rational use of the accumulated scientific and technical and educational potential, the revival of the market of innovative offers, the formation of...
The preconditions and features of the formation of post-industrial society are defined in the art... more The preconditions and features of the formation of post-industrial society are defined in the article. The distinctive role of active innovation infrastructure of the country in integrating into the European community and society based on knowledge are proved. The characteristic features of the economy of post-industrial society are the increasing role of intangible resources in ensuring social reproduction, "softization" and "servization" the subjects of innovation infrastructure. The essence of economic category "innovation infrastructure" is defined in the article. It is a dynamic self-regulating system of markets and subjects that entering these markets in certain economic relations and it provides the necessary conditions for implementation of the innovation processes. Mechanism of functioning of the constituent elements of innovation infrastructure in market economy is proposed, relationships between them are defined.
2018 International Conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development (HiTech), 2018
Globalization and the innovative way of world economy development in the 21st century are the dec... more Globalization and the innovative way of world economy development in the 21st century are the decisive factors that determine and guide the further development of national economies and their national innovation systems. A key condition for accelerating social and economic development of the country, economy branches, and enterprises is the need to vigorously find and quickly implement in production the most effective innovative proposals. The creation of such conditions ensures the implementation of the innovation process, the ultimate goal of which is the introduction of priority fundamental and applied research, new, advanced technologies, forms of organization of labor and management, based on the achievements of scientific and technological progress.
Ekonomika ta derzhava, 2021
and Humanities" FORMATION OF AN EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE LABOR COLLECTIVE У статті розг... more and Humanities" FORMATION OF AN EFFECTIVE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF THE LABOR COLLECTIVE У статті розглянуто трудовий колектив як ключову складову внутрішнього середовища підприєм ства та всієї системи управління ним. Розкрито об'єкти та соціально економічні процеси під час здійснення виробничої діяльності та її результативності, визначено нові підходи в управлінській діяльності, розроб лено та обгрунтовано систему ефективного управління трудовим колективом підприємства. Мета статті полягає у розробці та обгрунтуванні системи ефективного управління трудовим колективом підприєм ства. На практиці ефективне управління трудовим колективом є головним важелем підвищення резуль тативності діяльності підприємства, отримання конкурентних переваг, адаптації до змін та успіху на ринку. Розроблено і обгрунтовано систему управління трудовим колективом, яка включає чотири скла дові: механізм управління, структуру управління, процес управління і розвиток системи управління. Про ведене дослідження дало змогу узагальнити наукові розробки з цієї проблематики та обгрунтувати доцільність щодо забезпечення комплексного і системного підходу до управління трудовим колективом. The article considers the labor collective as a key component of the internal environment of the enterprise and the entire management system. Objects and socio economic processes in the implementation of production activities and its effectiveness are revealed, new approaches in management are defined, the system of effective management of the labor collective of the enterprise is developed and substantiated. The purpose of the article is to develop and substantiate a system of effective management of the labor collective of the enterprise. Methods. The scientific and methodological basis is modern theories of enterprise management in market conditions. In the process of research, the methods of theoretical generalization, system and logical approach, analysis and synthesis, observation were used. The information base of the study was the regulations of Ukraine, monographs and periodicals of foreign and domestic scientists on the topic of the study, the experience of leading enterprises of Ukraine.
Problemi ekonomìki transportu, 2018
The economic security of an economic entity requires the creation of an effective management syst... more The economic security of an economic entity requires the creation of an effective management system, which integrates the links between all components of the enterprise's potential, as well as the external environment for the integrated solution of the enterprise development tasks. The article substantiates the necessity of realization of proactive strategy with the purpose of prevention of the threats to the economic security by means of revealing and use of the development possibilities of business entities. The article defines as the main ways of improving the effectiveness of the mechanism of counteraction to external threats to economic security the implementation of a set of directions for countering the threats to economic security, improvement of the process of making managerial decisions, and development of communication activities. The development of managerial decisions, such as those that affect the level of economic security of enterprises, requires the use of the i...
Papers by Anna Kniazevych