Papers by Ankie Hoefnagels
This research has been conducted in accordance with the Dutch code of conduct for scientific inte... more This research has been conducted in accordance with the Dutch code of conduct for scientific integrity (2018). Explicit permission was obtained to process the student blogs for research purposes anonymously.

Globalization has led to an exponential growth of intercultural service encounters. In view of th... more Globalization has led to an exponential growth of intercultural service encounters. In view of the importance of customer-orientation in services, we investigate the effect of the frontline employee’s intercultural competence on customer’s affective and cognitive evaluations of intercultural service encounters. The focus of this study is on the effect of employee cultural competence, relative to employee technical competence and cultural distance. A 2x2x2 full-factorial design (N= 322) with video vignettes was used. MANOVA results show significant main effects of employee intercultural competence and employee technical competence on both types of customer evaluations. Moreover, employee intercultural competence positively moderates the effects of employee technical competence, and eliminates a negative effect of cultural distance. We conclude that employee intercultural competence is a powerful extra-role behavior with an additive effect on both the affective and cognitive evaluatio...
a review and research agenda", Journal of Service Management, Vol. 24 Iss 3 pp. 245- 267

Hoger onderwijsinstellingen investeren vaak fors in studentenmobiliteit en andere internationalis... more Hoger onderwijsinstellingen investeren vaak fors in studentenmobiliteit en andere internationaliseringsactiviteiten die de ontwikkeling van interculturele competenties bij studenten moeten bevorderen. De verwachte meerwaarde van zulke projecten wordt vooral uitgedrukt in termen van carrièreperspectief, waarin interculturele competenties een centrale component vormen. Wat in veel internationaliseringsprojecten echter niet gebeurt, is nagaan in welke mate deze projecten ook echt het gewenste effect opleveren op de houding en het gedrag van de studenten. Vooral internationaliseringservaringen in verre bestemmingen vergen een substantiële investering van student en instelling, terwijl niet helemaal duidelijk is of studenten hierdoor ook daadwerkelijk intercultureel competenter worden. Mede om het leerrendement van internationalisering beter in kaart te brengen, is binnen Zuyd Hogeschool de Global Mind Monitor ontwikkeld, een kwantitatief meetinstrument dat zowel de effecten van internationalisering in eigen land als over de grenzen kan meten. In dit artikel gebruiken we recente data (2015-2016) van een eerste longitudinale pilot study bij 320 studenten met dit meetinstrument. Op basis van t-toetsen en meervoudige regressieanalyses onderzoeken we met name het belang van culturele afstand tot het gastland voor de ontwikkeling van interculturele competenties bij studenten. De analytische modellen bevestigen onze verwachting: hoe groter de culturele afstand tussen het thuisland en het gastland, hoe sterker het leereffect. Deze resultaten kunnen nuttige inzichten opleveren voor de verdere ontwikkeling van in internationalisering, zowel over de grens als ‘at home’.

It is fair to say that, of all service sectors, the hospitality sector is by far the most affecte... more It is fair to say that, of all service sectors, the hospitality sector is by far the most affected by globalization. Leading and working in multicultural teams and managing intercultural service encounters have become standard elements of a hotel manager’s professional profile. Hospitality management schools that offer an opportunity to complete a work placement abroad allow students to link theories of culture learnt in university and theories of culture in use in a multicultural professional working environment and develop the skills needed to deal with cultural diversity. Yet, traditionally, students still digest their work placement learning experiences by writing a report and having an interview with their supervisor afterwards. We argue that the learning efficiency of intercultural competences could be substantially improved if methods are adopted that meet the needs of twenty-first-century learners better than the current ones. In this chapter, the authors present their insig...

International Journal of Educational Management
PurposeThe authors examine the role of internationalisation at-home activities and an internation... more PurposeThe authors examine the role of internationalisation at-home activities and an international classroom at a home institution to promote intercultural competence development during a study abroad.Design/methodology/approachThe authors use large scale longitudinal data from the global mind monitor (GMM) (2018–2020) to examine change over time in both multicultural personality (MPQ) and cultural knowledge (CQ) among students in Dutch higher education institutions. The authors analyse the moderating effect of the preparation in the home institution by looking at the added value of both intercultural communication courses and international classroom setting for intercultural competence development during a study abroad.FindingsThe results show that particularly courses on intercultural communication significantly promote intercultural competence development during a stay abroad. Frequent interactions with international staff also seem to be beneficial for this development.Research...

Employee Relations: The International Journal
PurposeAs a step toward more firmly establishing factors to promote retention among younger emplo... more PurposeAs a step toward more firmly establishing factors to promote retention among younger employees in the hospitality industry, this study aims to focuses on fun in the workplace (fun activities, manager support for fun and coworker socializing) and training climate (organizational support, manager support and job support) as potential antecedents of turnover in a European context.Design/methodology/approachLogistic regression was used to analyze the impact of fun and training climate on turnover with a sample of 902 employees from Belgium, Germany and The Netherlands. Data on fun and training climate were obtained through surveys, which were paired with turnover data from organizational records.FindingsWith respect to fun in the workplace, group-level manager support for fun and coworker socializing were significantly related to turnover, but not fun activities. With respect to training climate, individual-level job support was significantly related to turnover, but not organiza...
Journal of Service Management, Jun 14, 2013
He teaches and does research in the areas of services and technology's role in serving customers.... more He teaches and does research in the areas of services and technology's role in serving customers. He has published extensively in scholarly journals, written a textbook on Marketing Research, and coauthored several research monographs and three business books.
Papers by Ankie Hoefnagels