This article gives a preview of the text and commentary of one of the most problematic pieces of ... more This article gives a preview of the text and commentary of one of the most problematic pieces of the little canconer (anthology) of Jordi de Sant Jordi, which will be published in a critical edition in the collection Els nostres classics prepared by Donatella Siviero and the author of these lines. Together with new textual and interpretative proposals, this articles seeks to offer new answers to the many questions posed to the modern reader by Jordi de Sant Jordi?s estramps: from their particular anomalous metric form (all «negative rhymes») to their relation to the medieval poetic tradition. In this respect it points out the important signs of a privileged dialogue with Dante?s works, including those which are most properly lyric as well as the Commedia. These signs, together with Jordi de Sant Jordi?s probable conviction that Dante was the inventor of negative rhyme, lead us to think that it would be neither exaggerated nor unfounded to define the estramps as a sort of ?homage to ...
SCRIPTA. Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna, 2019
Riassunto: L’articolo, partendo dall’analisi dell’evoluzione della filoginia corellana, propone u... more Riassunto: L’articolo, partendo dall’analisi dell’evoluzione della filoginia corellana, propone un possibile percorso poetico di Joan Roís de Corella: da una rivisitazione del paradosso amoroso di rudelliana memoria, che avrebbe potuto ispirare la sua concezione della ver’amor, alla poesia religiosa.Parole chiave: Joan Roís de Corella, filoginia, paradosso amoroso, ver’amor, poesia religiosa..: Moving from an analysis of the evolution of Joan Roís de Corella’s philogyny, this paper will attempt to trace the development of his poetry: from a return to the paradox of love as formulated by Jaufre Rudel, which could have inspired his conception of ver’amor, through to religious poetry.Keywords: Joan Roís de Corella, philogyny, paradox of love, ver’amor, religious poetry.
This article gives a preview of the text and commentary of one of the most problematic pieces of ... more This article gives a preview of the text and commentary of one of the most problematic pieces of the little canconer (anthology) of Jordi de Sant Jordi, which will be published in a critical edition in the collection Els nostres classics prepared by Donatella Siviero and the author of these lines. Together with new textual and interpretative proposals, this articles seeks to offer new answers to the many questions posed to the modern reader by Jordi de Sant Jordi?s estramps: from their particular anomalous metric form (all «negative rhymes») to their relation to the medieval poetic tradition. In this respect it points out the important signs of a privileged dialogue with Dante?s works, including those which are most properly lyric as well as the Commedia. These signs, together with Jordi de Sant Jordi?s probable conviction that Dante was the inventor of negative rhyme, lead us to think that it would be neither exaggerated nor unfounded to define the estramps as a sort of ?homage to ...
SCRIPTA. Revista Internacional de Literatura i Cultura Medieval i Moderna, 2019
Riassunto: L’articolo, partendo dall’analisi dell’evoluzione della filoginia corellana, propone u... more Riassunto: L’articolo, partendo dall’analisi dell’evoluzione della filoginia corellana, propone un possibile percorso poetico di Joan Roís de Corella: da una rivisitazione del paradosso amoroso di rudelliana memoria, che avrebbe potuto ispirare la sua concezione della ver’amor, alla poesia religiosa.Parole chiave: Joan Roís de Corella, filoginia, paradosso amoroso, ver’amor, poesia religiosa..: Moving from an analysis of the evolution of Joan Roís de Corella’s philogyny, this paper will attempt to trace the development of his poetry: from a return to the paradox of love as formulated by Jaufre Rudel, which could have inspired his conception of ver’amor, through to religious poetry.Keywords: Joan Roís de Corella, philogyny, paradox of love, ver’amor, religious poetry.
Papers by Aniello Fratta