Andy Law
During his forty-year career as communications advisor to global companies, Andy was named an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the Year, was profiled by the Harvard Business Review, chaired plenary sessions at Davos, advised in Downing Street and shared the podium with world leaders. He has written a number of highly acclaimed business books. His first, Open Minds, was a Daily Telegraph Business Book of the Year, described by Theodore Zeldin as “a 20th-Century equivalent of John Foxe’s Book of Martyrs (1563), a business book which is literature.” His book, Work and Days, was described as ‘Surprising, refreshing and empowering ... one of its kind”.
When Andy retired, he had time ‘to do other things’. There was, in fact, only one ‘thing’ he was going to do and that was to return to the Classics.
Andy's latest book is a fresh Translation and Interpretation of Horace's Iambi (aka Epodes). He is currently woking on A Translation and Interpretation of Horace's Sermones Book II. This series of books began with A Translation and Interpretation of Horace's Sermones Book I (pub. 2021).
Andy first read Horace properly under the watchful of eye of Niall Rudd in the mid-seventies and has been reading him ever since.
When Andy retired, he had time ‘to do other things’. There was, in fact, only one ‘thing’ he was going to do and that was to return to the Classics.
Andy's latest book is a fresh Translation and Interpretation of Horace's Iambi (aka Epodes). He is currently woking on A Translation and Interpretation of Horace's Sermones Book II. This series of books began with A Translation and Interpretation of Horace's Sermones Book I (pub. 2021).
Andy first read Horace properly under the watchful of eye of Niall Rudd in the mid-seventies and has been reading him ever since.
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Books by Andy Law
The Satires have floated in and out of fashion ever since they first appeared, regularly eclipsed by the Odes. Today, rehabilitated, they find space in the higher levels of the school curriculum. This book can be read by all classicists as well as students studying core influences on European literature.
The Satires have floated in and out of fashion ever since they first appeared, regularly eclipsed by the Odes. Today, rehabilitated, they find space in the higher levels of the school curriculum. This book can be read by all classicists as well as students studying core influences on European literature.