Papers by Andres leon salcedo
Revista Colombiana de Antropología, 2008
Este artículo analiza cómo entienden diversos grupos de población el desplazamiento forzoso y las... more Este artículo analiza cómo entienden diversos grupos de población el desplazamiento forzoso y las articulaciones que esta geopolítica bélica presenta entre guerra, movimientos sociales y reconfiguración urbana. Con base en testimonios explora el complejo trabajo de rememoración del lugar por parte de personas en situación de desplazamiento, que contrarresta los discursos dominantes de la neutralidad humanitaria. Examina los discursos de los movimientos étnicos sobre su pasado y por la defensa del territorio y la cultura desde la ciudad. Propone el término “reconstrucción” para dar cuenta de la activación de nuevos espacios políticos y sociales que los recién llegados establecen con las comunidades que dejaron atrás y con migrantes de su misma parentela, grupos étnicos o afiliaciones ideológicas, ubicados en la capital de tiempo atrás.
Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 2008
Monteagudo Revista De Literatura Espanola Hispanoamericana Y Teoria De La Literatura, 1953

Tropical Plant Biology, 2014
Due to its accuracy, sensitivity and reproducibility, real-time PCR has emerged as a key techniqu... more Due to its accuracy, sensitivity and reproducibility, real-time PCR has emerged as a key technique to measure changes in expression of target genes. But to obtain reliable results using real-time PCR, gene transcripts that do not alter its expression under different conditions need to be identified. These transcripts can then be used as references to normalize the expression of target genes. Only a few studies have been conducted so far in the identification of such reference genes in plants. In an effort to identify appropriate reference genes, cassava, an important food source in the tropics and an excellent crop against famine and drought, was assessed for its capacity to express eight housekeeping genes in leaves, stems and roots at four different stages of development under field conditions. The eight candidate genes tested were rRNA18S(18S), β-tubulin(TUB), actin 11(ACT), elongation factor 1α(EF1), translation initiation factor 5A(F5A), ubiquitin protein ligase E3-2a(UBI), ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2-10(U10) and ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2-35(U35). Data analysis was performed using four approaches commonlyemployed in identifying the reference genes and consensus rankings were generated using the output of each independent approach. EF1 and TUB were the most stable genes when all tissues and developmental stages were analyzed together. At different stages of development, UBI/18S, EF1/U35, TUB/U35werethe most stable genes in roots, leaves and stem tissues, respectively. Our results suggest the use of more than one reference gene in gene expression studies involving different tissues at different developmental stages. Keywords Cassava tissues. qPCR. Gene expression. Developmental stages. Reference genes Abbreviations ACT Actin 11 gene DAP Days after planting EF1 Elongation factor 1α gene F5A Translation initiation factor 5A gene HKG Housekeeping genes SD Standard deviation TUB β-tubulin gene U10 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2-10 gene U35 Ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2-35gene UBI Ubiquitin protein ligase E3-2a gene 18S rRNA18S gene
African Journal of …, 2010
Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is the most important root crop in the tropics and due to its drought... more Cassava (Manihot esculenta) is the most important root crop in the tropics and due to its drought tolerance, ability to grow in poor soils, and resistance to herbivore, cassava is well suited for cultivation by subsistence farmers. However, its use and expansion is constrained by ...
Antípoda. Revista de Antropología y Arqueología, 2008
Papers by Andres leon salcedo