Universidad de Belgrano. Area de Psicologia Clinica Serie Metodos de Psicologia Clinica N° 6. Dep... more Universidad de Belgrano. Area de Psicologia Clinica Serie Metodos de Psicologia Clinica N° 6. Departamento de Investigaciones Diciembre 2006
III Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XVIII Jornadas de Investigación Séptimo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR, 2011
problem and preliminary diagnosis). A second group of 10 expert Ps and 5 expert CTs were asked ex... more problem and preliminary diagnosis). A second group of 10 expert Ps and 5 expert CTs were asked explicitly about their theoretical-clinical conceptualization of what DSM-IV-TR typifies as GAD. Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) methodology developed by Hill, Thompson & Nutt-Williams (1997) was used to analyze the data. Domains and categories related to GAD´s diagnostic validity; GAD´s psychopathological conceptualization; and the function of worry and anxiety in GAD were developed; generating hypotheses about future research and implications for clinical practice.
Background Exposure-based treatments have demonstrated some of the largest effect sizes in the tr... more Background Exposure-based treatments have demonstrated some of the largest effect sizes in the treatment of specific phobias (SP). There are different ways of delivering exposure such as Augmented Reality Exposure which has become an interesting alternative to In Vivo Exposure for treating SP. The present study aimed to investigate the therapeutic alliance and treatment expectations as possible predictors of treatment outcomes in these two exposure treatment conditions. Methods Participants were 63 adults who met diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of a SP of cockroaches or spiders (animal subtype). Patients were randomized to receive a one-session treatment of either In Vivo Exposure (N = 31) or Augmented Reality Exposure (N = 32). The assessment protocol included diagnostic, as well as primary-, and secondary outcome measures. Materials included the Behavioral Avoidance Test for measuring symptoms and outcomes, the Expectations and Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Working Alliance Inventory. We ran multilevel analyses for the study of predictors controlling for the treatment effect conditions. Results Results showed a significant effect of expectations on treatment outcomes (specifically avoidance and beliefs scores). The therapeutic alliance did not have a significant effect on treatment outcome. Patients reduced their symptoms of phobia. Conclusion These results empirically support treatment expectations as a relevant predictor of change in exposure treatments for SP.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2007
Several virtual reality (VR) applications for the understanding, assessment and treatment of ment... more Several virtual reality (VR) applications for the understanding, assessment and treatment of mental health problems have been developed in the last 10 years. The purpose of this review is to outline the current state of virtual reality research in the treatment of mental health problems. PubMed and PsycINFO were searched for all articles containing the words "virtual reality". In addition a manual search of the references contained in the papers resulting from this search was conducted and relevant periodicals were searched. Studies reporting the results of treatment utilizing VR in the mental health field and involving at least one patient were identified. More than 50 studies using VR were identified, the majority of which were case studies. Seventeen employed a between groups design: 4 involved patients with fear of flying; 3 involved patients with fear of heights; 3 involved patients with social phobia/public speaking anxiety; 2 involved people with spider phobia; 2 involved patients with agoraphobia; 2 involved patients with body image disturbance and 1 involved obese patients. There are both advantages in terms of delivery and disadvantages in terms of side effects to using VR. Although virtual reality based therapy appears to be superior to no treatment the effectiveness of VR therapy over traditional therapeutic approaches is not supported by the research currently available. There is a lack of good quality research on the effectiveness of VR therapy. Before clinicians will be able to make effective use of this emerging technology greater emphasis must be placed on controlled trials with clinically identified populations.
In the present paper we describe a classificatory schema of psychoanalytic and cognitive-behaviou... more In the present paper we describe a classificatory schema of psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioural psychotherapeutic interventions. The schema distinguishes diverse levels of analysis, which make it possible to discriminate the psychotherapeutic strategies, the structure of the interventions, the themes addressed by the interventions and their orientation in time and space. Likewise, it differentiates the interventions in terms of their specificity or not to the cognitive-behavioural or thepsychoanalytic frameworks, and in terms of their exclusive or shared implementation between both frameworks (cognitivebehavioural or psychoanalytic). The present classification was specifically designed to analyze clinical material. This tool is oriented to research that is focused in the study of intra-session; nonetheless, it can be utilized, also, for process studies of psychotherapeutic treatments and their results (for example, mediation and moderation based methodologies, among other possible applications). The systematization of the intervening modalities in psychotherapy enables the delimitation of the specific actions that correspond to the different theoretical frameworks and the development of possible treatments for different disorders.
Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento, Apr 24, 2019
Tabla de Contenido Los modelos lineales jerárquicos (HLM) representan una estrategia estadística ... more Tabla de Contenido Los modelos lineales jerárquicos (HLM) representan una estrategia estadística fundamental para la investigación en psicoterapia, ya que permiten superar la dependencia de las observaciones que habitualmente se presenta en sus datos. Estos métodos son útiles para estimar el cambio, desagregar fuentes de variación y analizar efectos de predictores de distintos niveles de jerarquía. Debido a que la aplicación de estos métodos requiere de un alto grado de conocimiento técnico, aún inaccesible para muchos investigadores, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una guía para entender, aplicar y reportar los HLM para estudiar los efectos de la psicoterapia. Para ilustrar cómo aplicar y reportar los HLM hemos utilizado una base de datos clínica real. Diseminar estos métodos en Latinoamérica puede representar una contribución tanto para la investigación como para la práctica, mejorando la solidez de los estudios clínicos y desarrollando un conocimiento robusto para optimizar los procesos y resultados en psicoterapia. Using Hierarchical Linear Models to study psychotherapy efficacy. Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) represents a valuable statistical tool for psychotherapy research, given that they allow dealing with the usual dependency presented in its data. These methods are useful to estimate change, disaggregate sources of variations, and analyze the effect of different level predictors. Considering that, these analyses required a highly sophisticated technical knowledge that might remain inaccessible for many researchers, the aim of this paper is to present a guide on how to understand, apply, and report HLM for psychotherapy effects research. To illustrate how to apply HLM, we have drawn on a naturalistic clinical dataset. Disseminating these methods in the Latin-America might represent a meaningful contribution both for research and practice, improving the soundness of clinical studies and helping to develop a more robust knowledge that might leads to greater process and outcome in psychotherapy. Introducción Aplicación de los modelos Síntesis Agradecimiento Referencias 25 30 35 35 35 Palabras clave: Modelos lineales jerárquicos, modelos de curva de crecimiento, modelos multinivel, psicoterapia.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Jul 1, 2019
Aim. The aim of this study was to identify differential baseline profiles of interpersonal proble... more Aim. The aim of this study was to identify differential baseline profiles of interpersonal problems in patients with emotional disorders, and investigate their ability to predict the extent to which alliance is important for early treatment outcome in therapy. Methods. Ninety-six patients diagnosed with emotional disorders were admitted to psychotherapy at a private practice center. After the first session, participants completed the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, and after each of the first four sessions the Alliance Negotiation Scale and the Outcome Questionnaire. We characterized the interpersonal problems of the sample using the circular statistics and the structural summary methods. Based on evidence of heterogeneity between patients, we conducted cluster analysis to identify differential profiles of interpersonal problems. We tested whether the identified profiles can predict the strength of the association between alliance negotiation and early treatment outcome using hierarchical linear models. Results. A two-cluster solution showed the best fit for the data. One cluster was characterized by Cold interpersonal problems (too hostile), the other by Overly Nurturant interpersonal problems (too dependent). The identified profiles were significant predictors of the early alliance negotiation-outcome association. Overly Nurturant patients showed greater early improvements in outcome in the face of a stronger alliance negotiation. Conclusions. Results support the importance of personalized approaches using patients' interpersonal profiles to determine the importance of alliance negotiation for early treatment outcome. Findings should be replicated in randomized controlled trials using strategies to manipulate alliance negotiation.
The aim of the current study was to design and evaluate a therapist version of the Alliance Negot... more The aim of the current study was to design and evaluate a therapist version of the Alliance Negotiation Scale (ANS). The ANS was created in order to operationalize the construct of dyadic negotiation in psychotherapy and to augment existing conceptualizations of the working alliance. The ANS has existed only as a client self-report form since its inception and has demonstrated promise as a psychotherapy process measure. This research intended to develop a complementary therapist self-report version of the measure. The scale creation process is discussed in detail, and the results of a preliminary psychometric investigation are reported. The ANS-Therapist version (ANS-T) was developed using a sample of therapists (n = 114) through a principal components analysis procedure. The ANS-T contains 9 unidimensional items and was moderately correlated with therapist-reported working alliance (r = .468). The results of the study support the composition of the ANS-T and provide initial support for the reliability and validity of the measure.
RESUMEN En el presente artículo exponemos la evolución de las tareas que, como miembros de EIPSI ... more RESUMEN En el presente artículo exponemos la evolución de las tareas que, como miembros de EIPSI (Equipo de Investigación en Psicología Clínica), venimos desarrollando sobre la evaluación de las intervenciones clínicas de distintos marcos teóricos. En trabajos anteriores hemos descripto la estructura general para la clasificación de intervenciones en tratamientos psicoterapéuticos adherentes a los marcos teóricos psicoanalítico, por un lado, y cognitivo-conductual, por el otro (para mayor información ver: Roussos, Etchebarne y Waizmann, 2006; y Roussos, Waizmann y Etchebarne, 2003). En el presente artículo, presentamos su expansión hacia un nuevo marco teórico: el marco teórico de la Terapia Interpersonal (TIP). Por lo cual, se detalla y se discute la metodología empleada para integrar nuevos elementos específicos sobre un marco de evaluación ya organizado (obstáculos y formas de solucionarlo) y se presentan las tablas para la clasificación de intervenciones específicas interpersonales. Asimismo se presentan los resultados preliminares obtenidos mediante la aplicación de la presente metodología de evaluación de intervenciones en los tratamientos cognitivos y los tratamientos psicoanalíticos.
Considerando que a área de pesquisa em psicoterapia no Brasil e seus expoentes carecem de maior v... more Considerando que a área de pesquisa em psicoterapia no Brasil e seus expoentes carecem de maior visibilidade, este estudo objetivou apresentar e analisar parcela da produção científica da pesquisadora brasileira Elisa Medici Pizão Yoshida, por meio de uma revisão narrativa. O material analisado se constituiu de informações declaradas no Currículo Lattes da Pesquisadora e de publicações acadêmicas disponíveis on-linee/ou fisicamente. Entre 1990 e 2013 Elisa Yoshida publicou 65 artigos em periódicos científicos, relatando resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas desde sua integração ao Departamento de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas. A média de publicações nos 23 anos em que ali esteve foi de 2,8 artigos/ ano (DP = 1,52). Ao considerar a publicação de artigos com foco específico em relatos de pesquisas sobre psicoterapias, ela correspondeu a 49% (n = 32) da produção analisada. Feita a leitura das produções e da correspondente trajetória científica da Pesquisadora, observou-se o desenvolvimento de uma carreira sólida, coerente e com objetivos claros, iniciada em preocupações nascidas da prática clínica no Brasil. Com o passar dos anos a integração da atuação clínica à produção de conhecimento se consolidou, sendo a presidência do capítulo latino-americano da Society for Psychotherapy Research (2007-2008) um reflexo desse processo. Inquietações relativas à criação de um corpo de conhecimentos adaptado à realidade brasileira e empiricamente embasado também marcaram a produção considera da. Elisa Yoshida aposentou-se num momento em que seus estudos se aprofundavam em fatores que possibilitariam a mudança em psicoterapia, a partir de uma perspectiva teórica integrativa.
The present study investigates the effects of negative mood regulation expectancies (NMRE) on sym... more The present study investigates the effects of negative mood regulation expectancies (NMRE) on symptom severity of depression in two cognitive therapies for depression. The sample included the first 146 consecutively recruited patients from a randomized controlled trial. Patients received 22 sessions of either cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or exposure based cognitive therapy (EBCT). They completed the Beck Depression Inventory and Negative Mood Regulation Scale at baseline and treatment termination, as well as after sessions seven and 14. Multilevel modeling was applied. We found a significant between-patient effect of NMRE on symptom severity of depression, when NMRE within-patient effects were set to random. There was no significant interactive effect of the between-patient NMRE with type of treatment. However, a significant moderation effect of the within-patient NMRE effect by treatment condition on depression severity was detected, with patients receiving CBT benefiting more from improvements in NMRE. Together, these results empirically support NMRE as a relevant mechanism of change in cognitive therapy for depression.
We failed to find brief instruments validated in Argentina to explore and monitor psychological s... more We failed to find brief instruments validated in Argentina to explore and monitor psychological symptoms from psychotherapy patients. This paper presents the Argentinian adaptation of the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist (HSCL-11) and analyzes its psychometric properties. A sample of 356 participants completed the HSCL-11 adaptation, along with other measures of depression, anxiety, and well-being. We analyzed Cronbach's alpha and item-total correlations adjusted. We ran confirmatory factor analysis, correlations among the measures, and examined differences in HSCL-11 between subjects who were psychotherapy patients and those who were not. We found evidence of adequate internal consistency and item homogeneity, as well as construct validity, concurrent validity, and criterion validity. Results showed evidence of reliability and validity for the HSCL-11 Argentinian adaptation, suggesting that it might represent a meaningful resource for the evaluation and treatment of mental disorders in Argentina.
La empatía es un concepto sumamente utilizado dentro del campo de la psicoterapia, se la menciona... more La empatía es un concepto sumamente utilizado dentro del campo de la psicoterapia, se la menciona como aspecto valorado de los terapeutas y, por esta causa, muchos programas de formación para psicoterapeutas cuentan con cursos de entrenamiento empático. Sin embargo, el concepto cuenta con gran variedad de definiciones conceptuales y operacionales que dan lugar a diferentes instrumentos para medirla. En el siguiente artículo se reúnen los instrumentos más utilizados para medir la empatía; así como los que específicamente se han desarrollado para medir empatía en el ámbito terapéutico.
ABSTRACT In the present paper the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) method developed by Hill,... more ABSTRACT In the present paper the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) method developed by Hill, Thompson & Nutt-Williams (1997) is presented, aiming to illustrate its applicability for analyzing interviews to psychotherapists in the context of on going psychotherapeutic process current researches. The field of qualitative research in clinical psychology is briefly presented. CQR model is described, with its steps and methodology. The relationships between CQR and others qualitative research methodologies are analyzed. An example of data analysis is offered. Finally, future research´s implications of CQR and qualitative methods in general, in the field of clinical psychology, are discussed.
Article based on the masters dissertation of M.A. SVACINA, entitled "Relações entre crenças de au... more Article based on the masters dissertation of M.A. SVACINA, entitled "Relações entre crenças de autoeficácia, depressão e sofrimento psicológico de quem procura intervenções online para depressão no Brasil".
Universidad de Belgrano. Area de Psicologia Clinica Serie Metodos de Psicologia Clinica N° 6. Dep... more Universidad de Belgrano. Area de Psicologia Clinica Serie Metodos de Psicologia Clinica N° 6. Departamento de Investigaciones Diciembre 2006
III Congreso Internacional de Investigación y Práctica Profesional en Psicología XVIII Jornadas de Investigación Séptimo Encuentro de Investigadores en Psicología del MERCOSUR, 2011
problem and preliminary diagnosis). A second group of 10 expert Ps and 5 expert CTs were asked ex... more problem and preliminary diagnosis). A second group of 10 expert Ps and 5 expert CTs were asked explicitly about their theoretical-clinical conceptualization of what DSM-IV-TR typifies as GAD. Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) methodology developed by Hill, Thompson & Nutt-Williams (1997) was used to analyze the data. Domains and categories related to GAD´s diagnostic validity; GAD´s psychopathological conceptualization; and the function of worry and anxiety in GAD were developed; generating hypotheses about future research and implications for clinical practice.
Background Exposure-based treatments have demonstrated some of the largest effect sizes in the tr... more Background Exposure-based treatments have demonstrated some of the largest effect sizes in the treatment of specific phobias (SP). There are different ways of delivering exposure such as Augmented Reality Exposure which has become an interesting alternative to In Vivo Exposure for treating SP. The present study aimed to investigate the therapeutic alliance and treatment expectations as possible predictors of treatment outcomes in these two exposure treatment conditions. Methods Participants were 63 adults who met diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis of a SP of cockroaches or spiders (animal subtype). Patients were randomized to receive a one-session treatment of either In Vivo Exposure (N = 31) or Augmented Reality Exposure (N = 32). The assessment protocol included diagnostic, as well as primary-, and secondary outcome measures. Materials included the Behavioral Avoidance Test for measuring symptoms and outcomes, the Expectations and Satisfaction Questionnaire, and the Working Alliance Inventory. We ran multilevel analyses for the study of predictors controlling for the treatment effect conditions. Results Results showed a significant effect of expectations on treatment outcomes (specifically avoidance and beliefs scores). The therapeutic alliance did not have a significant effect on treatment outcome. Patients reduced their symptoms of phobia. Conclusion These results empirically support treatment expectations as a relevant predictor of change in exposure treatments for SP.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2007
Several virtual reality (VR) applications for the understanding, assessment and treatment of ment... more Several virtual reality (VR) applications for the understanding, assessment and treatment of mental health problems have been developed in the last 10 years. The purpose of this review is to outline the current state of virtual reality research in the treatment of mental health problems. PubMed and PsycINFO were searched for all articles containing the words "virtual reality". In addition a manual search of the references contained in the papers resulting from this search was conducted and relevant periodicals were searched. Studies reporting the results of treatment utilizing VR in the mental health field and involving at least one patient were identified. More than 50 studies using VR were identified, the majority of which were case studies. Seventeen employed a between groups design: 4 involved patients with fear of flying; 3 involved patients with fear of heights; 3 involved patients with social phobia/public speaking anxiety; 2 involved people with spider phobia; 2 involved patients with agoraphobia; 2 involved patients with body image disturbance and 1 involved obese patients. There are both advantages in terms of delivery and disadvantages in terms of side effects to using VR. Although virtual reality based therapy appears to be superior to no treatment the effectiveness of VR therapy over traditional therapeutic approaches is not supported by the research currently available. There is a lack of good quality research on the effectiveness of VR therapy. Before clinicians will be able to make effective use of this emerging technology greater emphasis must be placed on controlled trials with clinically identified populations.
In the present paper we describe a classificatory schema of psychoanalytic and cognitive-behaviou... more In the present paper we describe a classificatory schema of psychoanalytic and cognitive-behavioural psychotherapeutic interventions. The schema distinguishes diverse levels of analysis, which make it possible to discriminate the psychotherapeutic strategies, the structure of the interventions, the themes addressed by the interventions and their orientation in time and space. Likewise, it differentiates the interventions in terms of their specificity or not to the cognitive-behavioural or thepsychoanalytic frameworks, and in terms of their exclusive or shared implementation between both frameworks (cognitivebehavioural or psychoanalytic). The present classification was specifically designed to analyze clinical material. This tool is oriented to research that is focused in the study of intra-session; nonetheless, it can be utilized, also, for process studies of psychotherapeutic treatments and their results (for example, mediation and moderation based methodologies, among other possible applications). The systematization of the intervening modalities in psychotherapy enables the delimitation of the specific actions that correspond to the different theoretical frameworks and the development of possible treatments for different disorders.
Revista Argentina de Ciencias del Comportamiento, Apr 24, 2019
Tabla de Contenido Los modelos lineales jerárquicos (HLM) representan una estrategia estadística ... more Tabla de Contenido Los modelos lineales jerárquicos (HLM) representan una estrategia estadística fundamental para la investigación en psicoterapia, ya que permiten superar la dependencia de las observaciones que habitualmente se presenta en sus datos. Estos métodos son útiles para estimar el cambio, desagregar fuentes de variación y analizar efectos de predictores de distintos niveles de jerarquía. Debido a que la aplicación de estos métodos requiere de un alto grado de conocimiento técnico, aún inaccesible para muchos investigadores, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una guía para entender, aplicar y reportar los HLM para estudiar los efectos de la psicoterapia. Para ilustrar cómo aplicar y reportar los HLM hemos utilizado una base de datos clínica real. Diseminar estos métodos en Latinoamérica puede representar una contribución tanto para la investigación como para la práctica, mejorando la solidez de los estudios clínicos y desarrollando un conocimiento robusto para optimizar los procesos y resultados en psicoterapia. Using Hierarchical Linear Models to study psychotherapy efficacy. Hierarchical Linear Models (HLM) represents a valuable statistical tool for psychotherapy research, given that they allow dealing with the usual dependency presented in its data. These methods are useful to estimate change, disaggregate sources of variations, and analyze the effect of different level predictors. Considering that, these analyses required a highly sophisticated technical knowledge that might remain inaccessible for many researchers, the aim of this paper is to present a guide on how to understand, apply, and report HLM for psychotherapy effects research. To illustrate how to apply HLM, we have drawn on a naturalistic clinical dataset. Disseminating these methods in the Latin-America might represent a meaningful contribution both for research and practice, improving the soundness of clinical studies and helping to develop a more robust knowledge that might leads to greater process and outcome in psychotherapy. Introducción Aplicación de los modelos Síntesis Agradecimiento Referencias 25 30 35 35 35 Palabras clave: Modelos lineales jerárquicos, modelos de curva de crecimiento, modelos multinivel, psicoterapia.
Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Jul 1, 2019
Aim. The aim of this study was to identify differential baseline profiles of interpersonal proble... more Aim. The aim of this study was to identify differential baseline profiles of interpersonal problems in patients with emotional disorders, and investigate their ability to predict the extent to which alliance is important for early treatment outcome in therapy. Methods. Ninety-six patients diagnosed with emotional disorders were admitted to psychotherapy at a private practice center. After the first session, participants completed the Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, and after each of the first four sessions the Alliance Negotiation Scale and the Outcome Questionnaire. We characterized the interpersonal problems of the sample using the circular statistics and the structural summary methods. Based on evidence of heterogeneity between patients, we conducted cluster analysis to identify differential profiles of interpersonal problems. We tested whether the identified profiles can predict the strength of the association between alliance negotiation and early treatment outcome using hierarchical linear models. Results. A two-cluster solution showed the best fit for the data. One cluster was characterized by Cold interpersonal problems (too hostile), the other by Overly Nurturant interpersonal problems (too dependent). The identified profiles were significant predictors of the early alliance negotiation-outcome association. Overly Nurturant patients showed greater early improvements in outcome in the face of a stronger alliance negotiation. Conclusions. Results support the importance of personalized approaches using patients' interpersonal profiles to determine the importance of alliance negotiation for early treatment outcome. Findings should be replicated in randomized controlled trials using strategies to manipulate alliance negotiation.
The aim of the current study was to design and evaluate a therapist version of the Alliance Negot... more The aim of the current study was to design and evaluate a therapist version of the Alliance Negotiation Scale (ANS). The ANS was created in order to operationalize the construct of dyadic negotiation in psychotherapy and to augment existing conceptualizations of the working alliance. The ANS has existed only as a client self-report form since its inception and has demonstrated promise as a psychotherapy process measure. This research intended to develop a complementary therapist self-report version of the measure. The scale creation process is discussed in detail, and the results of a preliminary psychometric investigation are reported. The ANS-Therapist version (ANS-T) was developed using a sample of therapists (n = 114) through a principal components analysis procedure. The ANS-T contains 9 unidimensional items and was moderately correlated with therapist-reported working alliance (r = .468). The results of the study support the composition of the ANS-T and provide initial support for the reliability and validity of the measure.
RESUMEN En el presente artículo exponemos la evolución de las tareas que, como miembros de EIPSI ... more RESUMEN En el presente artículo exponemos la evolución de las tareas que, como miembros de EIPSI (Equipo de Investigación en Psicología Clínica), venimos desarrollando sobre la evaluación de las intervenciones clínicas de distintos marcos teóricos. En trabajos anteriores hemos descripto la estructura general para la clasificación de intervenciones en tratamientos psicoterapéuticos adherentes a los marcos teóricos psicoanalítico, por un lado, y cognitivo-conductual, por el otro (para mayor información ver: Roussos, Etchebarne y Waizmann, 2006; y Roussos, Waizmann y Etchebarne, 2003). En el presente artículo, presentamos su expansión hacia un nuevo marco teórico: el marco teórico de la Terapia Interpersonal (TIP). Por lo cual, se detalla y se discute la metodología empleada para integrar nuevos elementos específicos sobre un marco de evaluación ya organizado (obstáculos y formas de solucionarlo) y se presentan las tablas para la clasificación de intervenciones específicas interpersonales. Asimismo se presentan los resultados preliminares obtenidos mediante la aplicación de la presente metodología de evaluación de intervenciones en los tratamientos cognitivos y los tratamientos psicoanalíticos.
Considerando que a área de pesquisa em psicoterapia no Brasil e seus expoentes carecem de maior v... more Considerando que a área de pesquisa em psicoterapia no Brasil e seus expoentes carecem de maior visibilidade, este estudo objetivou apresentar e analisar parcela da produção científica da pesquisadora brasileira Elisa Medici Pizão Yoshida, por meio de uma revisão narrativa. O material analisado se constituiu de informações declaradas no Currículo Lattes da Pesquisadora e de publicações acadêmicas disponíveis on-linee/ou fisicamente. Entre 1990 e 2013 Elisa Yoshida publicou 65 artigos em periódicos científicos, relatando resultados de pesquisas desenvolvidas desde sua integração ao Departamento de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia da Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas. A média de publicações nos 23 anos em que ali esteve foi de 2,8 artigos/ ano (DP = 1,52). Ao considerar a publicação de artigos com foco específico em relatos de pesquisas sobre psicoterapias, ela correspondeu a 49% (n = 32) da produção analisada. Feita a leitura das produções e da correspondente trajetória científica da Pesquisadora, observou-se o desenvolvimento de uma carreira sólida, coerente e com objetivos claros, iniciada em preocupações nascidas da prática clínica no Brasil. Com o passar dos anos a integração da atuação clínica à produção de conhecimento se consolidou, sendo a presidência do capítulo latino-americano da Society for Psychotherapy Research (2007-2008) um reflexo desse processo. Inquietações relativas à criação de um corpo de conhecimentos adaptado à realidade brasileira e empiricamente embasado também marcaram a produção considera da. Elisa Yoshida aposentou-se num momento em que seus estudos se aprofundavam em fatores que possibilitariam a mudança em psicoterapia, a partir de uma perspectiva teórica integrativa.
The present study investigates the effects of negative mood regulation expectancies (NMRE) on sym... more The present study investigates the effects of negative mood regulation expectancies (NMRE) on symptom severity of depression in two cognitive therapies for depression. The sample included the first 146 consecutively recruited patients from a randomized controlled trial. Patients received 22 sessions of either cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) or exposure based cognitive therapy (EBCT). They completed the Beck Depression Inventory and Negative Mood Regulation Scale at baseline and treatment termination, as well as after sessions seven and 14. Multilevel modeling was applied. We found a significant between-patient effect of NMRE on symptom severity of depression, when NMRE within-patient effects were set to random. There was no significant interactive effect of the between-patient NMRE with type of treatment. However, a significant moderation effect of the within-patient NMRE effect by treatment condition on depression severity was detected, with patients receiving CBT benefiting more from improvements in NMRE. Together, these results empirically support NMRE as a relevant mechanism of change in cognitive therapy for depression.
We failed to find brief instruments validated in Argentina to explore and monitor psychological s... more We failed to find brief instruments validated in Argentina to explore and monitor psychological symptoms from psychotherapy patients. This paper presents the Argentinian adaptation of the Hopkins Symptoms Checklist (HSCL-11) and analyzes its psychometric properties. A sample of 356 participants completed the HSCL-11 adaptation, along with other measures of depression, anxiety, and well-being. We analyzed Cronbach's alpha and item-total correlations adjusted. We ran confirmatory factor analysis, correlations among the measures, and examined differences in HSCL-11 between subjects who were psychotherapy patients and those who were not. We found evidence of adequate internal consistency and item homogeneity, as well as construct validity, concurrent validity, and criterion validity. Results showed evidence of reliability and validity for the HSCL-11 Argentinian adaptation, suggesting that it might represent a meaningful resource for the evaluation and treatment of mental disorders in Argentina.
La empatía es un concepto sumamente utilizado dentro del campo de la psicoterapia, se la menciona... more La empatía es un concepto sumamente utilizado dentro del campo de la psicoterapia, se la menciona como aspecto valorado de los terapeutas y, por esta causa, muchos programas de formación para psicoterapeutas cuentan con cursos de entrenamiento empático. Sin embargo, el concepto cuenta con gran variedad de definiciones conceptuales y operacionales que dan lugar a diferentes instrumentos para medirla. En el siguiente artículo se reúnen los instrumentos más utilizados para medir la empatía; así como los que específicamente se han desarrollado para medir empatía en el ámbito terapéutico.
ABSTRACT In the present paper the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) method developed by Hill,... more ABSTRACT In the present paper the Consensual Qualitative Research (CQR) method developed by Hill, Thompson & Nutt-Williams (1997) is presented, aiming to illustrate its applicability for analyzing interviews to psychotherapists in the context of on going psychotherapeutic process current researches. The field of qualitative research in clinical psychology is briefly presented. CQR model is described, with its steps and methodology. The relationships between CQR and others qualitative research methodologies are analyzed. An example of data analysis is offered. Finally, future research´s implications of CQR and qualitative methods in general, in the field of clinical psychology, are discussed.
Article based on the masters dissertation of M.A. SVACINA, entitled "Relações entre crenças de au... more Article based on the masters dissertation of M.A. SVACINA, entitled "Relações entre crenças de autoeficácia, depressão e sofrimento psicológico de quem procura intervenções online para depressão no Brasil".
Papers by Andres Roussos