O fluxo contínuo de informações na vida cotidiana e as mudanças na forma de aprender e ensinar de... more O fluxo contínuo de informações na vida cotidiana e as mudanças na forma de aprender e ensinar devido à difusão de tecnologias tornaram relevantes os estudos do impacto dessas transformações no campo educacional. O presente estudo busca compreender o modo como o uso de recursos tecnológicos, nas esferas doméstica e escolar, influencia o processo de escolarização e formação do estudante. Foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica em que foram estudados alguns dos limites da possibilidade da tecnologia ser uma aliada no processo de formação. A análise e a interpretação do material disponível permitem inferir que o uso de recursos tecnológicos, seja no contexto familiar, seja no escolar, deve estar estreitamente relacionado a uma ideia de formação humana para a autonomia e não apenas de escolarização para uma formação técnica. Vê-se que os recursos tecnológicos têm se tornado novos meios da indústria cultura, que tende a transformar cultura em mercadoria, e seu uso na vida cotidiana precisa ...
Model driven architecture (MDA) represents a challenge for the companies to increase the benefits... more Model driven architecture (MDA) represents a challenge for the companies to increase the benefits of code generation, creating systems by using common libraries and standards. This paper presents the Quantools that is a result of a 5-year project, introducing the benefits of MDA in a Brazilian software development company. Quantools is based on the concept of cartridges that specify the transformation rules and constraints for a particular domain. The tool may be integrated to the modeling activities of the system to check the correctness of models according to the standards previously defined. The Quantools and its Cartridges execute transformations to generate the source code in a particular domain.
We consider connected identical-edge homogeneous networks whose cells can be grouped into populat... more We consider connected identical-edge homogeneous networks whose cells can be grouped into populations. The identification of cells in the same population de- termines a new network - the quotient network. In terms of the dynamics this corresponds to restrict the coupled cell systems associated with a network to flow- invariant subspaces given by equality of certain cell coordinates. Assuming a
This paper set out to identify the presence of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in radicu... more This paper set out to identify the presence of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in radicular cysts and periapical granuloma associated or not with carious injuries, using the hystochemical techniques of Brown- Hoops and Brown-Benn. The Oral Pathology Department at the University of Pernambuco contributed with a total of 40 cases of periapical injuries , comprising 20 radicular cysts and 20
Revista Eletrônica em Gestão, Educação e Tecnologia Ambiental, 2013
A grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos gerados pela população ocasiona problemas sociais, ambien... more A grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos gerados pela população ocasiona problemas sociais, ambientais e de saúde, por isso, é importante que nos municípios do Brasil existam programas de manejo de resíduos sólidos com o intuito de diminuir os reflexos da má gestão desses materiais. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o manejo de resíduos sólidos na região Sul do Brasil, sendo que para análise de dados foi utilizada estatística descritiva. Os dados são provenientes do IBGE referentes à Pesquisa Nacional de Saneamento Básico de 2008. Com este estudo, foi possível perceber que todos os municípios da região Sul do Brasil possuem manejo de resíduos sólidos, porém não existe coleta seletiva em 52,4% dos municípios do Paraná, 66,6% dos municípios de Santa Catarina e 66,5% dos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. No Brasil, a maior quantidade diária de resíduos sólidos é destinada a aterros sanitários, correspondendo a 64,6%. Portanto, deve-se incessantemente investir no manejo de resíduos sólidos, com o objetivo de melhorar o serviço prestado à população e minimizar os danos sociais, ambientais e à saúde causados pelo manejo inadequado dos mesmos.
The poly(p-dioxanone) (PPDO) and poly(β-methyl-δ-valerolactone) they are easily decompose in aque... more The poly(p-dioxanone) (PPDO) and poly(β-methyl-δ-valerolactone) they are easily decompose in aqueous medium and, in contact with microorganisms it is decomposed in CO 2 and H 2 O. Due to its excellent mechanical properties and biocompatibility, the PPDO is used in the manufacture of surgical sutures and other medical applications, as well as, in the confection of absorbable implants. The great advantage this material is to be bioabsorbable inside human organism and the products of the degradation are eliminated naturally. In this work, we describe the synthesis and characterization of lactones: p-dioxanone and β-methyl-δ-valerolactone. Also, it is described the synthesis and characterization the poly(p-dioxanone). Introdução A poli(p-dioxanona) [poli(1,4-dioxan-2-ona)], PPDO, é um polímero biodegradável, bioreabsorvível, biocompatível e com boa flexibilidade [1], sendo utilizado já algum tempo na área médica. A partir dos anos 70, a PPDO passou a ser utilizada na produção de monofil...
Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS) is a powerful technique for genome-wide gene expre... more Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS) is a powerful technique for genome-wide gene expres- sion analysis, which, similar to SAGE, relies on the production of short tags proximal to the 30end of transcripts. A single MPSS experiment can generate over 107 tags, providing a 10-fold coverage of the transcripts expressed in a human cell. A significant fraction of MPSS tags cannot
The presence of Salmonella in 200 raw food samples of animal origin was investigated by means of ... more The presence of Salmonella in 200 raw food samples of animal origin was investigated by means of the rapid immunoassays Tecra Salmonella VIA and Tecra Salmonella UNIQUE (Tecra Diagnostics, Rosewille, New South Wales, Australia) and a cultural procedure. Forty-five samples (22.5%) were Salmonella positive by at least one of the three methods. The number of positive samples according to the analytical method was 34 (75.6%) for the cultural procedure, 29 (64.4%) for Tecra Salmonella VIA, and 27 (60.0%) for Tecra Salmonella UNIQUE. Tecra Salmonella UNIQUE detected three positive samples that were not detected by the two other methods. The cultural method also detected three positive samples that both rapid methods were unable to detect. McNemar's chi-square tests indicated that the differences between results given by the rapid immunoassays when compared with those of the cultural method were not significant (P > 0.05).
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular, 2007
Effects of myocardial protection in hypertrophic rabbit hearts: structural and ultra structural a... more Effects of myocardial protection in hypertrophic rabbit hearts: structural and ultra structural analysis Efeitos das cardioplegias sangüínea e cristalóide no miocárdio hipertrófico de coelho: avaliação estrutural e ultra-estrutural Resumo Objetivo: Comparar e avaliar experimentalmente as alterações estruturais e ultra-estruturais em corações hipertrofiados isolados de coelhos submetidos à parada protegida pela solução de cardioplegia sangüínea e cardioplegia cristalóide. Método: O estudo compreendeu um grupo controle e dois grupos experimentais. No grupo I, a parada cardíaca foi obtida pela infusão da solução de cardioplegia sangüínea contínua e tépida. No grupo II, a parada cardíaca foi conseguida pela infusão da solução de cardioplegia cristalóide intermitente e fria. No grupo controle, os corações foram submetidos à parada anóxia normotérmica por 45 minutos. Após experimentos, oito amostras da parede lateral do ventrículo esquerdo foram coletadas e fixadas em formaldeído 10% e glutaraldeído 2,5% para análises estrutural e ultra-estrutural. Resultados: Os resultados estruturais e as descrições ultraestruturais mostraram que os corações submetidos à parada protegida pela cardioplegia sangüínea contínua e tépida (grupo I) estavam mais preservados com alterações celulares menos acentuadas se comparados aos submetidos à parada protegida pela cardioplegia cristalóide intermitente e fria (grupo II) e ao grupo controle. Conclusão: A cardioplegia sangüínea contínua e tépida (Grupo I) foi mais eficiente na preservação da integridade estrutural e ultra-estrutural do miocárdio, quando comparada à cardioplegia cristalóide intermitente e fria (Grupo II).
Background: The normal stomach is virtually sterile but the effect of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (R... more Background: The normal stomach is virtually sterile but the effect of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) on bacterial flora in the used (very small proximal pouch) and unused (large bypassed) gastric chambers is not known. In a prospective study, this variable was documented. Methods: Bariatric subjects (n=37) were submitted to endoscopic examination of both gastric reservoirs via FUJINON enteroscope model EN-450P5, 7.3 ± 1.4 years after RYGBP. Age was 42.4 ± 9.9 years (70.2% females), preoperative BMI was 53.5 ± 10.6, and current BMI was 32.6 ± 7.8 kg/m 2. Methods included quantitative culture of gastric secretion along with gastric pH and lactulose/hydrogen breath test. Results: None of the subjects displayed diarrhea, malabsorption or other complaints suggestive of GI bacterial overgrowth. Elevated counts of bacteria and fungi were identified in both chambers, with predominance of aerobes and anaerobes, but not molds and yeasts, in the proximal stomach. Gram-positive cocci, bacilli and coccobacilli represented the majority of the isolates. Gastric pH was neutral (pH 7.0 ± 0.2) in the proximal pouch, whereas the distal chamber mostly but not always conserved the expected acidity (pH 3.3 ± 2.2, P<0.001). The breath test for bacterial overgrowth was positive in 40.5% of the population. Conclusions: 1) Frequent colonization of both gastric chambers was detected; 2) Aerobes, anaerobes and fungi were represented in both situations; 3) Gastric pH as well as bacterial count was higher in the functioning proximal stomach; 4) Breath test was positive in 40.5% of the subjects; 5) Clinical manifestation such as diarrhea, malabsorption or pneumonia were not demonstrated; 6) Further histologic and microbiologic studies of both the stomach and the small bowel are recommended.
Abstract: This work presents the TEAM ambulance location model and a Constructive Genetic Algorit... more Abstract: This work presents the TEAM ambulance location model and a Constructive Genetic Algorithm to solve it. It is also presented a toy-model with the demand points, ambulance possible bases, the distance between them and the feasible solutions found ...
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 2003
Objective-The redox pathophysiology of vascular repair is incompletely understood. We assessed th... more Objective-The redox pathophysiology of vascular repair is incompletely understood. We assessed the role of vascular superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in oxidative/nitrative stress and caliber loss postinjury (PI). Methods and Results-Rabbits submitted to iliac artery balloon overdistension were followed for 14 days PI. Significant decrease in vascular SOD activity occurred at 7 and 14 days PI (by 45% and 34%, respectively, versus control, 96Ϯ1 U/mg, PϽ0.05). Separation in concanavalin-A column showed that both extracellular SOD (ecSOD) and CuZn SOD activities were reduced, whereas Western analysis showed normal or augmented protein expression. Immunoreactivity to nitrotyrosine, neuronal NO synthase (NOS), and inducible NOS (iNOS) increased in media and neointima PI; iNOS mRNA also augmented. Administration of ecSOD from days 7 to 14 PI corrected the SOD activity decrease and minimized caliber loss by 59% (Pϭ0.007) despite unaltered neointima. Nitrate levels markedly increased with ecSOD in injured artery homogenates (26Ϯ5 versus 4Ϯ0.3 mol/L per mg, Pϭ0.001). Such increase was 70% inhibited by specific iNOS antagonist 1400w. Nitrotyrosine and neuronal NOS expression decreased after ecSOD. Conclusions-Sustained low vascular SOD activity has a key role in constrictive remodeling after injury, promoting oxidative/nitrative stress and impairment of iNOS-derived NO bioavailability. SOD function may critically determine whether iNOS induction is beneficial or deleterious in vivo.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia, 2003
A fim de avaliar a incidência, comportamento, evolução clínica e determinação de possíveis fatore... more A fim de avaliar a incidência, comportamento, evolução clínica e determinação de possíveis fatores preditivos da associação entre carcinoma de tireóide (CT) e Doença de Graves (DG), analisamos os prontuários de todos os pacientes submetidos à tireoidectomia para tratamento definitivo de DG em 2 hospitais universitários, entre 01/79 e 11/02. Dos 341 pacientes identificados, o exame histológico das peças cirúrgicas revelou CT em 7 (2,1%). A idade dos pacientes do grupo sem CT variou de 13 a 79 anos (mediana: 34) e naqueles com CT variou de 19 a 50 anos (mediana: 29), sem diferença significativa entre os grupos. Havia 293 mulheres (87,7%) e 41 homens (12,3%) no grupo sem CT e 5 mulheres (71,5%) e 2 homens (28,5%) no grupo com CT. O tipo histológico presente em todos os casos foi carcinoma papilífero de tireóide (CPT), sendo um caso de CPT multicêntrico sem acometimento extra-tireoidiano, 2 casos de variante folicular com 8 e 25mm de diâmetro, sem invasão capsular, um caso de CPT clássi...
Revista Brasileira De Cirurgia Cardiovascular, 2009
Objective: To develop an easy-handling totally closed pediatric peritoneal dialysis system and as... more Objective: To develop an easy-handling totally closed pediatric peritoneal dialysis system and assess the sterility assurance level. Methods: From February to December 2008 was designed and developed a closed-system pediatric peritoneal dialysis at the Bioengineering Division of Braile Biomédica Indústria, Comércio e Representações S/A ® . Twenty systems were manufactured and submitted to sterility assurance level testing, and were divided
O fluxo contínuo de informações na vida cotidiana e as mudanças na forma de aprender e ensinar de... more O fluxo contínuo de informações na vida cotidiana e as mudanças na forma de aprender e ensinar devido à difusão de tecnologias tornaram relevantes os estudos do impacto dessas transformações no campo educacional. O presente estudo busca compreender o modo como o uso de recursos tecnológicos, nas esferas doméstica e escolar, influencia o processo de escolarização e formação do estudante. Foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica em que foram estudados alguns dos limites da possibilidade da tecnologia ser uma aliada no processo de formação. A análise e a interpretação do material disponível permitem inferir que o uso de recursos tecnológicos, seja no contexto familiar, seja no escolar, deve estar estreitamente relacionado a uma ideia de formação humana para a autonomia e não apenas de escolarização para uma formação técnica. Vê-se que os recursos tecnológicos têm se tornado novos meios da indústria cultura, que tende a transformar cultura em mercadoria, e seu uso na vida cotidiana precisa ...
Model driven architecture (MDA) represents a challenge for the companies to increase the benefits... more Model driven architecture (MDA) represents a challenge for the companies to increase the benefits of code generation, creating systems by using common libraries and standards. This paper presents the Quantools that is a result of a 5-year project, introducing the benefits of MDA in a Brazilian software development company. Quantools is based on the concept of cartridges that specify the transformation rules and constraints for a particular domain. The tool may be integrated to the modeling activities of the system to check the correctness of models according to the standards previously defined. The Quantools and its Cartridges execute transformations to generate the source code in a particular domain.
We consider connected identical-edge homogeneous networks whose cells can be grouped into populat... more We consider connected identical-edge homogeneous networks whose cells can be grouped into populations. The identification of cells in the same population de- termines a new network - the quotient network. In terms of the dynamics this corresponds to restrict the coupled cell systems associated with a network to flow- invariant subspaces given by equality of certain cell coordinates. Assuming a
This paper set out to identify the presence of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in radicu... more This paper set out to identify the presence of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in radicular cysts and periapical granuloma associated or not with carious injuries, using the hystochemical techniques of Brown- Hoops and Brown-Benn. The Oral Pathology Department at the University of Pernambuco contributed with a total of 40 cases of periapical injuries , comprising 20 radicular cysts and 20
Revista Eletrônica em Gestão, Educação e Tecnologia Ambiental, 2013
A grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos gerados pela população ocasiona problemas sociais, ambien... more A grande quantidade de resíduos sólidos gerados pela população ocasiona problemas sociais, ambientais e de saúde, por isso, é importante que nos municípios do Brasil existam programas de manejo de resíduos sólidos com o intuito de diminuir os reflexos da má gestão desses materiais. Diante disso, o objetivo deste trabalho foi caracterizar o manejo de resíduos sólidos na região Sul do Brasil, sendo que para análise de dados foi utilizada estatística descritiva. Os dados são provenientes do IBGE referentes à Pesquisa Nacional de Saneamento Básico de 2008. Com este estudo, foi possível perceber que todos os municípios da região Sul do Brasil possuem manejo de resíduos sólidos, porém não existe coleta seletiva em 52,4% dos municípios do Paraná, 66,6% dos municípios de Santa Catarina e 66,5% dos municípios do Rio Grande do Sul. No Brasil, a maior quantidade diária de resíduos sólidos é destinada a aterros sanitários, correspondendo a 64,6%. Portanto, deve-se incessantemente investir no manejo de resíduos sólidos, com o objetivo de melhorar o serviço prestado à população e minimizar os danos sociais, ambientais e à saúde causados pelo manejo inadequado dos mesmos.
The poly(p-dioxanone) (PPDO) and poly(β-methyl-δ-valerolactone) they are easily decompose in aque... more The poly(p-dioxanone) (PPDO) and poly(β-methyl-δ-valerolactone) they are easily decompose in aqueous medium and, in contact with microorganisms it is decomposed in CO 2 and H 2 O. Due to its excellent mechanical properties and biocompatibility, the PPDO is used in the manufacture of surgical sutures and other medical applications, as well as, in the confection of absorbable implants. The great advantage this material is to be bioabsorbable inside human organism and the products of the degradation are eliminated naturally. In this work, we describe the synthesis and characterization of lactones: p-dioxanone and β-methyl-δ-valerolactone. Also, it is described the synthesis and characterization the poly(p-dioxanone). Introdução A poli(p-dioxanona) [poli(1,4-dioxan-2-ona)], PPDO, é um polímero biodegradável, bioreabsorvível, biocompatível e com boa flexibilidade [1], sendo utilizado já algum tempo na área médica. A partir dos anos 70, a PPDO passou a ser utilizada na produção de monofil...
Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS) is a powerful technique for genome-wide gene expre... more Massively Parallel Signature Sequencing (MPSS) is a powerful technique for genome-wide gene expres- sion analysis, which, similar to SAGE, relies on the production of short tags proximal to the 30end of transcripts. A single MPSS experiment can generate over 107 tags, providing a 10-fold coverage of the transcripts expressed in a human cell. A significant fraction of MPSS tags cannot
The presence of Salmonella in 200 raw food samples of animal origin was investigated by means of ... more The presence of Salmonella in 200 raw food samples of animal origin was investigated by means of the rapid immunoassays Tecra Salmonella VIA and Tecra Salmonella UNIQUE (Tecra Diagnostics, Rosewille, New South Wales, Australia) and a cultural procedure. Forty-five samples (22.5%) were Salmonella positive by at least one of the three methods. The number of positive samples according to the analytical method was 34 (75.6%) for the cultural procedure, 29 (64.4%) for Tecra Salmonella VIA, and 27 (60.0%) for Tecra Salmonella UNIQUE. Tecra Salmonella UNIQUE detected three positive samples that were not detected by the two other methods. The cultural method also detected three positive samples that both rapid methods were unable to detect. McNemar's chi-square tests indicated that the differences between results given by the rapid immunoassays when compared with those of the cultural method were not significant (P > 0.05).
Revista Brasileira de Cirurgia Cardiovascular, 2007
Effects of myocardial protection in hypertrophic rabbit hearts: structural and ultra structural a... more Effects of myocardial protection in hypertrophic rabbit hearts: structural and ultra structural analysis Efeitos das cardioplegias sangüínea e cristalóide no miocárdio hipertrófico de coelho: avaliação estrutural e ultra-estrutural Resumo Objetivo: Comparar e avaliar experimentalmente as alterações estruturais e ultra-estruturais em corações hipertrofiados isolados de coelhos submetidos à parada protegida pela solução de cardioplegia sangüínea e cardioplegia cristalóide. Método: O estudo compreendeu um grupo controle e dois grupos experimentais. No grupo I, a parada cardíaca foi obtida pela infusão da solução de cardioplegia sangüínea contínua e tépida. No grupo II, a parada cardíaca foi conseguida pela infusão da solução de cardioplegia cristalóide intermitente e fria. No grupo controle, os corações foram submetidos à parada anóxia normotérmica por 45 minutos. Após experimentos, oito amostras da parede lateral do ventrículo esquerdo foram coletadas e fixadas em formaldeído 10% e glutaraldeído 2,5% para análises estrutural e ultra-estrutural. Resultados: Os resultados estruturais e as descrições ultraestruturais mostraram que os corações submetidos à parada protegida pela cardioplegia sangüínea contínua e tépida (grupo I) estavam mais preservados com alterações celulares menos acentuadas se comparados aos submetidos à parada protegida pela cardioplegia cristalóide intermitente e fria (grupo II) e ao grupo controle. Conclusão: A cardioplegia sangüínea contínua e tépida (Grupo I) foi mais eficiente na preservação da integridade estrutural e ultra-estrutural do miocárdio, quando comparada à cardioplegia cristalóide intermitente e fria (Grupo II).
Background: The normal stomach is virtually sterile but the effect of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (R... more Background: The normal stomach is virtually sterile but the effect of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) on bacterial flora in the used (very small proximal pouch) and unused (large bypassed) gastric chambers is not known. In a prospective study, this variable was documented. Methods: Bariatric subjects (n=37) were submitted to endoscopic examination of both gastric reservoirs via FUJINON enteroscope model EN-450P5, 7.3 ± 1.4 years after RYGBP. Age was 42.4 ± 9.9 years (70.2% females), preoperative BMI was 53.5 ± 10.6, and current BMI was 32.6 ± 7.8 kg/m 2. Methods included quantitative culture of gastric secretion along with gastric pH and lactulose/hydrogen breath test. Results: None of the subjects displayed diarrhea, malabsorption or other complaints suggestive of GI bacterial overgrowth. Elevated counts of bacteria and fungi were identified in both chambers, with predominance of aerobes and anaerobes, but not molds and yeasts, in the proximal stomach. Gram-positive cocci, bacilli and coccobacilli represented the majority of the isolates. Gastric pH was neutral (pH 7.0 ± 0.2) in the proximal pouch, whereas the distal chamber mostly but not always conserved the expected acidity (pH 3.3 ± 2.2, P<0.001). The breath test for bacterial overgrowth was positive in 40.5% of the population. Conclusions: 1) Frequent colonization of both gastric chambers was detected; 2) Aerobes, anaerobes and fungi were represented in both situations; 3) Gastric pH as well as bacterial count was higher in the functioning proximal stomach; 4) Breath test was positive in 40.5% of the subjects; 5) Clinical manifestation such as diarrhea, malabsorption or pneumonia were not demonstrated; 6) Further histologic and microbiologic studies of both the stomach and the small bowel are recommended.
Abstract: This work presents the TEAM ambulance location model and a Constructive Genetic Algorit... more Abstract: This work presents the TEAM ambulance location model and a Constructive Genetic Algorithm to solve it. It is also presented a toy-model with the demand points, ambulance possible bases, the distance between them and the feasible solutions found ...
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology, 2003
Objective-The redox pathophysiology of vascular repair is incompletely understood. We assessed th... more Objective-The redox pathophysiology of vascular repair is incompletely understood. We assessed the role of vascular superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity in oxidative/nitrative stress and caliber loss postinjury (PI). Methods and Results-Rabbits submitted to iliac artery balloon overdistension were followed for 14 days PI. Significant decrease in vascular SOD activity occurred at 7 and 14 days PI (by 45% and 34%, respectively, versus control, 96Ϯ1 U/mg, PϽ0.05). Separation in concanavalin-A column showed that both extracellular SOD (ecSOD) and CuZn SOD activities were reduced, whereas Western analysis showed normal or augmented protein expression. Immunoreactivity to nitrotyrosine, neuronal NO synthase (NOS), and inducible NOS (iNOS) increased in media and neointima PI; iNOS mRNA also augmented. Administration of ecSOD from days 7 to 14 PI corrected the SOD activity decrease and minimized caliber loss by 59% (Pϭ0.007) despite unaltered neointima. Nitrate levels markedly increased with ecSOD in injured artery homogenates (26Ϯ5 versus 4Ϯ0.3 mol/L per mg, Pϭ0.001). Such increase was 70% inhibited by specific iNOS antagonist 1400w. Nitrotyrosine and neuronal NOS expression decreased after ecSOD. Conclusions-Sustained low vascular SOD activity has a key role in constrictive remodeling after injury, promoting oxidative/nitrative stress and impairment of iNOS-derived NO bioavailability. SOD function may critically determine whether iNOS induction is beneficial or deleterious in vivo.
Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia, 2003
A fim de avaliar a incidência, comportamento, evolução clínica e determinação de possíveis fatore... more A fim de avaliar a incidência, comportamento, evolução clínica e determinação de possíveis fatores preditivos da associação entre carcinoma de tireóide (CT) e Doença de Graves (DG), analisamos os prontuários de todos os pacientes submetidos à tireoidectomia para tratamento definitivo de DG em 2 hospitais universitários, entre 01/79 e 11/02. Dos 341 pacientes identificados, o exame histológico das peças cirúrgicas revelou CT em 7 (2,1%). A idade dos pacientes do grupo sem CT variou de 13 a 79 anos (mediana: 34) e naqueles com CT variou de 19 a 50 anos (mediana: 29), sem diferença significativa entre os grupos. Havia 293 mulheres (87,7%) e 41 homens (12,3%) no grupo sem CT e 5 mulheres (71,5%) e 2 homens (28,5%) no grupo com CT. O tipo histológico presente em todos os casos foi carcinoma papilífero de tireóide (CPT), sendo um caso de CPT multicêntrico sem acometimento extra-tireoidiano, 2 casos de variante folicular com 8 e 25mm de diâmetro, sem invasão capsular, um caso de CPT clássi...
Revista Brasileira De Cirurgia Cardiovascular, 2009
Objective: To develop an easy-handling totally closed pediatric peritoneal dialysis system and as... more Objective: To develop an easy-handling totally closed pediatric peritoneal dialysis system and assess the sterility assurance level. Methods: From February to December 2008 was designed and developed a closed-system pediatric peritoneal dialysis at the Bioengineering Division of Braile Biomédica Indústria, Comércio e Representações S/A ® . Twenty systems were manufactured and submitted to sterility assurance level testing, and were divided
Papers by Ana Paula