The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 4th International Sprin... more The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 4th International Spring Symposium held at Alecu Russo Bălţi State University. The contributions focus on current issues concerning language development and innovative language teaching practice.
The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 5th International Sprin... more The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 5th International Spring Symposium held at Alecu Russo Bălți State University. The contributions focus on current issues concerning language development and innovative language teaching practice.
The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 6th International Virtu... more The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 6th International Virtual Symposium held at Alecu Russo Balti State University. The contributions focus on current issues concerning language development and innovative language teaching practice.
Reading literary works in the original has always been a challenge for EFL students, even those w... more Reading literary works in the original has always been a challenge for EFL students, even those who are in teacher training programs and have a richer philological background. As reading is the best way to discover and understand literature, it is important to identify effective means of involving students in active, meaningful reading procedures. The article provides an example of how to make the reading of J. Swift's "Gulliver's Travels' more engaging for students, applying Gardner's MI theory.
The article deals with examining the new competence based curricula that have been introduced in ... more The article deals with examining the new competence based curricula that have been introduced in the Republic of Moldova responding to the demands of the contemporary information / knowledge based society. The curricula content is participatory, contextualized, process‐oriented, dynamic, interdisciplinary and adaptable to changes and advances in the pedagogical disciplines as well as in society at large. However, implementing the curricula demands a lot of commitment from all participants. Teachers mainly need to develop clear understanding of 'competence' and revise the teaching–learning process in order to develop and consolidate their students' competences.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Nov 30, 2021
The present research focuses on clarifying the concept of formative assessment as well as reveali... more The present research focuses on clarifying the concept of formative assessment as well as revealing its role in improving learning. Research evidence is provided to prove that assessment should not be viewed as a period of evaluating students' learning outcomes. It is rather an efficient tool, providing both the teacher and the learner feedback on the learning process and progress. This approach shaped the content of the Competence Based Tests, designed to complete the set of new textbooks in English for the primary school in Moldova.
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sublicensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
In Western countries, recent decades have witnessed a revolution toward gender equality. Inequali... more In Western countries, recent decades have witnessed a revolution toward gender equality. Inequalities have been greatly reduced in areas such as education or employment. Because inequalities lead to distress, this development has largely benefited women. One notable exception is the realm of parenting, which has remained rife with inequalities even in the most egalitarian countries. We hypothesized that experiencing inequality in parenting when one holds egalitarian values and raising a child in a country characterized by a high level of gender equality in other areas, increases mothers’ psychological distress in the specific area of parenting. Multilevel modeling analyses computed among 11,538 mothers from 40 countries confirmed this prediction: high egalitarian values at the individual level and high gender equality at the societal level are associated with higher burnout levels in mothers. The associations hold beyond differences in sociodemographic characteristics at the individ...
and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson... more and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters-Social Sciences Citation Index (Sociology and Social Work Domains) Working together expert projects publishing 64 Abstract This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational center. In Romania, according to official statistics in June 2014, there are a number of 218 children of both sexes, aged between 14-18 years, in this situation. By 2009, when the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) draws attention to the Romanian state on the rights of children deprived of liberty, these children were silenced, and the child protection system in Romania did not assume responsibilities on them. According to longitudinal internal statistics, approximately 75-80% of the children and youth serving a custodial sentence are found, years later, in adult prisons. These statistics are consist...
The human behavior is giving the entire picture of a person. The behavior is based on a complex c... more The human behavior is giving the entire picture of a person. The behavior is based on a complex combination of personal innate factors, experience and education and the social network within which the individual is integrated. Each moment the complex individual factors face external and internal environmental aspects which in turn, generate proactive and retroactive reactions. The adoption process is an important and challenging social experiment, bringing to the adopted child a new affiliation, social network, experiences and educational standards. This comes in his/her life after the trauma of losing his biological affiliation and social and emotional support. Which are the significant characteristics of the adopted child's behavior? Which are the behavioral characteristics of the adoptive child that guarantee the success of the domestic adoptions in Romania? These are the questions we are going to answer here based on the research done within FISAN 6 project. The 32 children,...
This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a... more This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational center. In Romania, according to official statistics in June 2014, there are a number of 218 children of both sexes, aged between 14-18 years, in this situation. By 2009, when the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) draws attention to the Romanian state on the rights of children deprived of liberty, these children were silenced, and the child protection system in Romania did not assume responsibilities on them. According to longitudinal internal statistics, approximately 75-80% of the children and youth serving a custodial sentence are found, years later, in adult prisons. These statistics are consistent with the percentage of resilience found internationally on populations of vulnerable children. Since the first research on resilience, in the 70s, it was noted a rate of 20-25% of resilient children, despite the vicissitudes that they fa...
In this book evaluation tools on different aspects of play are presented (see Chapter 3, Bulgarel... more In this book evaluation tools on different aspects of play are presented (see Chapter 3, Bulgarelli, Bianquin, Caprino, Molina & Ray-Kaeser, 2018). A preliminary consideration about these tools concerns their validity and reliability, aspects that allow to consider them as tests and their ethical use. But what are tests indeed? What features do they need to have in order to trust on them? Why are they useful?
High levels of stress in the parenting domain can lead to parental burnout, a condition that has ... more High levels of stress in the parenting domain can lead to parental burnout, a condition that has severe consequences for both parents and children. It is not yet clear, however, whether parental burnout varies by culture, and if so, why it might do so. In this study, we examined the prevalence of parental burnout in 42 countries (17,409 parents; 71% mothers; M age = 39.20) and showed that the prevalence of parental burnout varies dramatically across countries. Analyses of cultural values revealed that individualistic cultures, in particular, displayed a noticeably higher prevalence and mean level of parental burnout. Indeed, individualism plays a larger role in parental burnout than either economic inequalities across countries, or any other individual and family characteristic examined so far, including the number and age of children and the number of hours spent with them. These results suggest that cultural values in Western countries may put parents under heightened levels of stress.
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2020
The concept of parental burnout only recently gained the attention of researchers, mainly through... more The concept of parental burnout only recently gained the attention of researchers, mainly through the International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB), a 40-country study of the prevalence of PB around the world. Based on the current goldstandard instrument to evaluate parental burnout, that is the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA), the present research investigates the psychometric properties of the Romanian version of the PBA (PBA-RO) in a sample of 650 Romanian parents (418 mothers), whose ange ranged from 18 to 65 (M age = 36.60, SD = 5.73). First, we examined internal consistency and construct validity. The results displayed good reliability and the confirmatory factor analyses replicated both expected first-and second-order four-factor models. Second, the positive association between parental burnout and perfectionism, as well as the negative relation between parental burnout and both life satisfaction and resilience, confirmed the PBA-RO's concurrent validity. Third, we replicated the low correlations with sociodemographic characteristics (i.e., age, educational level, family type, number of children, children's age, number of women in the household, number of men in the household, hours spent with children, having a paid professional activity, and neighborhood). The results were discussed according to the Romanian
A considerable body of research has analyzed the development of children internationally adopted ... more A considerable body of research has analyzed the development of children internationally adopted from Romania. However, domestic adoption remains largely uninvestigated. Our study examined the behavioral adjustment of 52 Romanian adolescents domestically adopted. Adoptive mothers and their children completed Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) – School Age forms. While overall our sample did not differ from the normative population, the rate of subjects obtaining clinical scores was higher. Behavioral problems did not appear to be linked to the considered pre-adoption risk factors. The overall positive adjustment of this rare sample of domestic adoptees encourages a deeper understanding of the mechanisms involved in the success of this child welfare policy.
In this article we present a brief history and recent statistics of child abandonment and adoptio... more In this article we present a brief history and recent statistics of child abandonment and adoption in Romania. After a rise in international adoptions in the 90s, a moratorium on adoption was established and in 2004 international adoptions became virtually impossible. Based on statistics of the Romanian National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption, we noted that since 2004 international adoptions were rare, whereas domestic adoptions remained relatively stable with about 1,000 adoptions each year. To date, not all potential adoption placements are realized. We conclude with reflecting on possible changes to improve child welfare in Romania.
Low agreement between self-reports and parent reports of the behavioral adjustment of adolescents... more Low agreement between self-reports and parent reports of the behavioral adjustment of adolescents has been widely documented in the literature. However, it has been little studied in connection with adoptees. In the current research, the magnitude of agreement between reports of adolescents’ behavioral problems given by the adolescents themselves and their parents and the direction of the possible discrepancies between these reports were studied. A comparison was made between adopted and nonadopted adolescent–parent dyads. The research questions were tested on a sample of 294 adolescent–parent pairs (189 adoptees and 105 controls) from Belgium, Romania, Chile, Switzerland, Italy, and the Netherlands. Correlation analyses together with Fisher R to Z comparisons between countries and between adopted and nonadopted dyads and Repeated Measures Analyses revealed that both the magnitude of agreement and the direction of the discrepancies in internalizing and externalizing behavioral ratin...
This study is an assessment of different components of attachment for a sample of Romanian adopte... more This study is an assessment of different components of attachment for a sample of Romanian adoptees and their parents, both who participated in the project (n = 63). Results suggest that various aspects of the parent–child relationship in early adolescence is quite positive from both the adoptee and adoptive parent perspective. However, almost half (46 %) of the adoptees were assessed as having insecure attachment. There are differences between all components of parental attachment and adoptee attachment security. Also, insecure attachment is more likely to occur with less optimal parenting style. Implications for social work practice and research are discussed.
The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 4th International Sprin... more The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 4th International Spring Symposium held at Alecu Russo Bălţi State University. The contributions focus on current issues concerning language development and innovative language teaching practice.
The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 5th International Sprin... more The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 5th International Spring Symposium held at Alecu Russo Bălți State University. The contributions focus on current issues concerning language development and innovative language teaching practice.
The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 6th International Virtu... more The current proceedings incorporate the research results presented at the 6th International Virtual Symposium held at Alecu Russo Balti State University. The contributions focus on current issues concerning language development and innovative language teaching practice.
Reading literary works in the original has always been a challenge for EFL students, even those w... more Reading literary works in the original has always been a challenge for EFL students, even those who are in teacher training programs and have a richer philological background. As reading is the best way to discover and understand literature, it is important to identify effective means of involving students in active, meaningful reading procedures. The article provides an example of how to make the reading of J. Swift's "Gulliver's Travels' more engaging for students, applying Gardner's MI theory.
The article deals with examining the new competence based curricula that have been introduced in ... more The article deals with examining the new competence based curricula that have been introduced in the Republic of Moldova responding to the demands of the contemporary information / knowledge based society. The curricula content is participatory, contextualized, process‐oriented, dynamic, interdisciplinary and adaptable to changes and advances in the pedagogical disciplines as well as in society at large. However, implementing the curricula demands a lot of commitment from all participants. Teachers mainly need to develop clear understanding of 'competence' and revise the teaching–learning process in order to develop and consolidate their students' competences.
CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research - Zenodo, Nov 30, 2021
The present research focuses on clarifying the concept of formative assessment as well as reveali... more The present research focuses on clarifying the concept of formative assessment as well as revealing its role in improving learning. Research evidence is provided to prove that assessment should not be viewed as a period of evaluating students' learning outcomes. It is rather an efficient tool, providing both the teacher and the learner feedback on the learning process and progress. This approach shaped the content of the Competence Based Tests, designed to complete the set of new textbooks in English for the primary school in Moldova.
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or s... more This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sublicensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae, and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand, or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
In Western countries, recent decades have witnessed a revolution toward gender equality. Inequali... more In Western countries, recent decades have witnessed a revolution toward gender equality. Inequalities have been greatly reduced in areas such as education or employment. Because inequalities lead to distress, this development has largely benefited women. One notable exception is the realm of parenting, which has remained rife with inequalities even in the most egalitarian countries. We hypothesized that experiencing inequality in parenting when one holds egalitarian values and raising a child in a country characterized by a high level of gender equality in other areas, increases mothers’ psychological distress in the specific area of parenting. Multilevel modeling analyses computed among 11,538 mothers from 40 countries confirmed this prediction: high egalitarian values at the individual level and high gender equality at the societal level are associated with higher burnout levels in mothers. The associations hold beyond differences in sociodemographic characteristics at the individ...
and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson... more and Holt Romania Foundation REVISTA DE CERCETARE SI INTERVENTIE SOCIALA is indexed by ISI Thomson Reuters-Social Sciences Citation Index (Sociology and Social Work Domains) Working together expert projects publishing 64 Abstract This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational center. In Romania, according to official statistics in June 2014, there are a number of 218 children of both sexes, aged between 14-18 years, in this situation. By 2009, when the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) draws attention to the Romanian state on the rights of children deprived of liberty, these children were silenced, and the child protection system in Romania did not assume responsibilities on them. According to longitudinal internal statistics, approximately 75-80% of the children and youth serving a custodial sentence are found, years later, in adult prisons. These statistics are consist...
The human behavior is giving the entire picture of a person. The behavior is based on a complex c... more The human behavior is giving the entire picture of a person. The behavior is based on a complex combination of personal innate factors, experience and education and the social network within which the individual is integrated. Each moment the complex individual factors face external and internal environmental aspects which in turn, generate proactive and retroactive reactions. The adoption process is an important and challenging social experiment, bringing to the adopted child a new affiliation, social network, experiences and educational standards. This comes in his/her life after the trauma of losing his biological affiliation and social and emotional support. Which are the significant characteristics of the adopted child's behavior? Which are the behavioral characteristics of the adoptive child that guarantee the success of the domestic adoptions in Romania? These are the questions we are going to answer here based on the research done within FISAN 6 project. The 32 children,...
This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a... more This study focuses on the resilience of delinquent children, youth and children who are serving a sentence of imprisonment in an educational center. In Romania, according to official statistics in June 2014, there are a number of 218 children of both sexes, aged between 14-18 years, in this situation. By 2009, when the Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) draws attention to the Romanian state on the rights of children deprived of liberty, these children were silenced, and the child protection system in Romania did not assume responsibilities on them. According to longitudinal internal statistics, approximately 75-80% of the children and youth serving a custodial sentence are found, years later, in adult prisons. These statistics are consistent with the percentage of resilience found internationally on populations of vulnerable children. Since the first research on resilience, in the 70s, it was noted a rate of 20-25% of resilient children, despite the vicissitudes that they fa...
In this book evaluation tools on different aspects of play are presented (see Chapter 3, Bulgarel... more In this book evaluation tools on different aspects of play are presented (see Chapter 3, Bulgarelli, Bianquin, Caprino, Molina & Ray-Kaeser, 2018). A preliminary consideration about these tools concerns their validity and reliability, aspects that allow to consider them as tests and their ethical use. But what are tests indeed? What features do they need to have in order to trust on them? Why are they useful?
High levels of stress in the parenting domain can lead to parental burnout, a condition that has ... more High levels of stress in the parenting domain can lead to parental burnout, a condition that has severe consequences for both parents and children. It is not yet clear, however, whether parental burnout varies by culture, and if so, why it might do so. In this study, we examined the prevalence of parental burnout in 42 countries (17,409 parents; 71% mothers; M age = 39.20) and showed that the prevalence of parental burnout varies dramatically across countries. Analyses of cultural values revealed that individualistic cultures, in particular, displayed a noticeably higher prevalence and mean level of parental burnout. Indeed, individualism plays a larger role in parental burnout than either economic inequalities across countries, or any other individual and family characteristic examined so far, including the number and age of children and the number of hours spent with them. These results suggest that cultural values in Western countries may put parents under heightened levels of stress.
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development, 2020
The concept of parental burnout only recently gained the attention of researchers, mainly through... more The concept of parental burnout only recently gained the attention of researchers, mainly through the International Investigation of Parental Burnout (IIPB), a 40-country study of the prevalence of PB around the world. Based on the current goldstandard instrument to evaluate parental burnout, that is the Parental Burnout Assessment (PBA), the present research investigates the psychometric properties of the Romanian version of the PBA (PBA-RO) in a sample of 650 Romanian parents (418 mothers), whose ange ranged from 18 to 65 (M age = 36.60, SD = 5.73). First, we examined internal consistency and construct validity. The results displayed good reliability and the confirmatory factor analyses replicated both expected first-and second-order four-factor models. Second, the positive association between parental burnout and perfectionism, as well as the negative relation between parental burnout and both life satisfaction and resilience, confirmed the PBA-RO's concurrent validity. Third, we replicated the low correlations with sociodemographic characteristics (i.e., age, educational level, family type, number of children, children's age, number of women in the household, number of men in the household, hours spent with children, having a paid professional activity, and neighborhood). The results were discussed according to the Romanian
A considerable body of research has analyzed the development of children internationally adopted ... more A considerable body of research has analyzed the development of children internationally adopted from Romania. However, domestic adoption remains largely uninvestigated. Our study examined the behavioral adjustment of 52 Romanian adolescents domestically adopted. Adoptive mothers and their children completed Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment (ASEBA) – School Age forms. While overall our sample did not differ from the normative population, the rate of subjects obtaining clinical scores was higher. Behavioral problems did not appear to be linked to the considered pre-adoption risk factors. The overall positive adjustment of this rare sample of domestic adoptees encourages a deeper understanding of the mechanisms involved in the success of this child welfare policy.
In this article we present a brief history and recent statistics of child abandonment and adoptio... more In this article we present a brief history and recent statistics of child abandonment and adoption in Romania. After a rise in international adoptions in the 90s, a moratorium on adoption was established and in 2004 international adoptions became virtually impossible. Based on statistics of the Romanian National Authority for the Protection of Children's Rights and Adoption, we noted that since 2004 international adoptions were rare, whereas domestic adoptions remained relatively stable with about 1,000 adoptions each year. To date, not all potential adoption placements are realized. We conclude with reflecting on possible changes to improve child welfare in Romania.
Low agreement between self-reports and parent reports of the behavioral adjustment of adolescents... more Low agreement between self-reports and parent reports of the behavioral adjustment of adolescents has been widely documented in the literature. However, it has been little studied in connection with adoptees. In the current research, the magnitude of agreement between reports of adolescents’ behavioral problems given by the adolescents themselves and their parents and the direction of the possible discrepancies between these reports were studied. A comparison was made between adopted and nonadopted adolescent–parent dyads. The research questions were tested on a sample of 294 adolescent–parent pairs (189 adoptees and 105 controls) from Belgium, Romania, Chile, Switzerland, Italy, and the Netherlands. Correlation analyses together with Fisher R to Z comparisons between countries and between adopted and nonadopted dyads and Repeated Measures Analyses revealed that both the magnitude of agreement and the direction of the discrepancies in internalizing and externalizing behavioral ratin...
This study is an assessment of different components of attachment for a sample of Romanian adopte... more This study is an assessment of different components of attachment for a sample of Romanian adoptees and their parents, both who participated in the project (n = 63). Results suggest that various aspects of the parent–child relationship in early adolescence is quite positive from both the adoptee and adoptive parent perspective. However, almost half (46 %) of the adoptees were assessed as having insecure attachment. There are differences between all components of parental attachment and adoptee attachment security. Also, insecure attachment is more likely to occur with less optimal parenting style. Implications for social work practice and research are discussed.
Papers by Ana Muntean