Papers by Ana Lilia Valderrama Santibáñez
Abordajes en innovación, conocimiento y tecnología ante los retos de la realidad contemporánea, 2016
Revista CEA
El documento identifica las competencias núcleo, entendidas como base de la ventaja competitiva, ... more El documento identifica las competencias núcleo, entendidas como base de la ventaja competitiva, de una muestra de micro y pequeñas empresas de Iztapalapa en la Ciudad de México. Se sigue una doble metodología. Primero, se evalúan atributos de unicidad, colectividad y flexibilidad estratégica de las capacidades; después, se estima un modelo de corte transversal para determinar su contribución en el desarrollo empresarial. Para el sector industrial se establecen a los procesos y compras como competencias núcleo y ventas y marketing para los servicios. Se estima que estas competencias contribuyen a mantener bajos costos, a un rápido ajuste y al aumento de ventas e ingresos en el sector industrial y a la reducción de efectos negativos externos, implicando una pronta respuesta y un incremento de ventas e ingresos en el sector servicios. Los resultados sientan bases para el diseño de políticas de fomento de este grupo de empresas con carácter sectorial a través del impulso de competencia...
EJISDC: The Electronic Journal on Information Systems in Developing Countries, Aug 28, 2011
The paper analyzes the effects of changes in the purchase of computer equipment and peripherals (... more The paper analyzes the effects of changes in the purchase of computer equipment and peripherals (investment in information and communication technologies – ICT) on exports by classes of Mexican manufacturing industry using data from the Annual Industrial Survey and Industrial Stan OECD data base for the period 2003–2006. The paper distinguishes among industries with high and low technology. We used a cross‐section methodology to evaluate the effect of such technologies in each year of the period. The results indicate that investment in ICT has a positive effect on manufacturing exports, particularly in industries with low technological content that can integrate ICT into their export activities.
Asian Journal of Latinamerican Studies, Feb 1, 2011
The aim of this paper is to estimate the determinants of export market shares for Mexican manufac... more The aim of this paper is to estimate the determinants of export market shares for Mexican manufacturing industries to United States, in order to do this; determinants related to technology are distinguished from those nonrelated to technology. Estimations are based on a theoretical model that allowed classifying industries in function of the competition process in each industry. Regarding technological aspects four categories were identified: industries with high technology, with high and low intra-industry trade, and low technology industries with high and low intra-industry. Distinction between these groups is represented by eight major elements, namely, process or product innovation, vertical or horizontal product differentiation, price or quality differences, domestic market structure, and labor costs.
Cogent Social Sciences, 2021
The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that extreme wealth at country level is a consequence of c... more The aim of the paper is to demonstrate that extreme wealth at country level is a consequence of corruption for a set of 42 countries over the period 2005-2018. A dynamic estimation (sys-GMM) is conducted, and different indices of corruption are used in order to obtain solid results. The data on extreme wealth is taken from Forbes annual listing of billionaires. The main findings are highly supportive of the idea that corruption fosters extreme wealth, acting as a greasing wheel that contributes to this unbalanced economic process. Therefore, billionaires face incentives to perform these types of acts which tend to perpetuate the corrupt system. However, legal mechanisms are also significant determinants of extreme wealth. Results also confirm that factors such as economic freedom and its components, as well as other economic and political variables, have positive effects on this wealth.
The paper analyzes the effects of changes in the purchase of computer equipment and peripherals (... more The paper analyzes the effects of changes in the purchase of computer equipment and peripherals (investment in information and communication technologies - ICT) on exports by classes of Mexican manufacturing industry using data from the Annual Industrial Survey and Industrial Stan OECD data base for the period 2003-2006. The paper distinguishes among industries with high and low technology. We used a cross-section methodology to evaluate the effect of such technologies in each year of the period. The results indicate that investment in ICT has a positive effect on manufacturing exports, particularly in industries with low technological content that can integrate ICT into their export activities.
This paper discusses the relationship between international opening, measured by several variable... more This paper discusses the relationship between international opening, measured by several variables, and per capita income in 21 countries of Latin American and the Caribbean in the period 1977-2015. A neoclassical endogenous growth model is developed with human capital, international trade and foreign technological capital stock. Econometric estimation employs a panel data methodology. It is estimated that technology of exclusive use of foreign firms as well as capital goods imports drive per capita income.
SN Social Sciences
The COVID-19 quarantine in Mexico has meant that household members spend more time inside the hom... more The COVID-19 quarantine in Mexico has meant that household members spend more time inside the home, increasing the demand for direct and indirect care by minors, the elderly, chronically ill and disabled. This forced a reconfiguration of the provision of these services by household members. The aim of the document is twofold: first, to describe socioeconomic and demographic aspects of Mexican households around care activities during the quarantine and second, to estimate the determinants of the provision of care in the quarantine. The information was obtained from the Survey of Care and COVID-19 in Mexican Homes during Quarantine (SCCMHQ). The propensity score-matching technique is used as a quasi-experimental procedure to estimate the causal effects of a treatment variable (presence of minors, elderly, chronically ill, disability, or domestic service in the home) in Mexican households. The Probit model shows that age and economic dependency are determinants of caregiving for treatment groups with minors, disability and chronic disease. In addition, sex, home income, and current employment situation are significant for treatment groups with a disability, paid domestic work, and minors, respectively. A positive "net" effect of the treatment variables in the probability of care provision was also observed. Particularly, the existence of minors at home was highly effective to promote direct and indirect care. The confinement solution is characterized by a balance between genders, except in the case of households with disabilities. This shows that a cultural and functional change is possible in the distribution of care responsibilities, which can be consolidated through public policies.
Este trabajo busca establecer la relacion entre el consumo de energia (agregada, combustibles y e... more Este trabajo busca establecer la relacion entre el consumo de energia (agregada, combustibles y energia electrica), la produccion Manufacturera y el nivel de empleo en Mexico durante 2003-2012. Diversos estudios senalan la existencia de una correlacion positiva entre estos aspectos; mientras que otros senalan que el consumo de energia es neutral. En el caso de Mexico, el consumo de energia no parece reflejar una clara relacion ni con la produccion ni con el empleo. Para determinar dicha relacion, se emplea una metodologia de cointegracion de panel. Se estima el sentido de la causalidad de corto y largo plazos desde dos enfoques:de Granger y el pmg. El documento es de relevancia para la politica economica dado que presenta evidencia favorable de la hipotesis de realimentacion, senalando la interdependencia y complementariedad entre consumo de energia y produccion y empleo industriales. Clasificacion JEL: L6, L70, Q4, E24. Abstract This paper seeks to establish the relationship betwee...
A way to increase the value added to micro and small businesses (MSB) is through innovation, whic... more A way to increase the value added to micro and small businesses (MSB) is through innovation, which starts from an intellectual capital where skills, attitudes, motivations and knowledge are the key. Innovation is seen as a process that results from the formation of skills of labor, and education or training and experience that leads to individual innovation. Thus, externalities of such skills translate into successful innovation processes (generation, development or modification of products and processes). Also, in transit through the spiral of innovation, which involves one step of creativity and one of entrepreneurship, three interrelated types of human skills come into play: basic, secondary and innovative. Therefore, the aim of the paper is to describe the importance of the individualsE¼ skills and knowledge to the innovation process in Mexican MSB.
Este trabajo analiza la relación entre comercio internacional y nivel de ingreso per cápita, en v... more Este trabajo analiza la relación entre comercio internacional y nivel de ingreso per cápita, en veintiún países de América Latina y el Caribe, en 1977-2011. Se desarrolla un modelo de crecimiento endógeno neoclásico, incorporando capital humano y comercio internacional que incluye el capital tecnológico extranjero. La estimación econométrica es mediante cointegración de panel. Se observa que la tecnología extranjera exclusiva de las empresas extranjeras en los países latinoamericanos impulsa limitadamente el ingreso per cápita. Mientras que las importaciones de bienes de capital y la tasa de alfabetización lo contraen. Se estima una relación positiva entre stock de capital físico y el ingreso.
Investigacion Economica, Mar 1, 2012
En este documento se exploran las opciones que mejorarian los resultados de las medidas publicas ... more En este documento se exploran las opciones que mejorarian los resultados de las medidas publicas orientadas a incrementar la competitividad internacional de las empresas mexicanas. Para ello, se exponen los argumentos teoricos sobre los que se fundamenta la politica industrial de nuestro pais, la cual se orienta a generar ventajas competitivas para llevar a la economia a nuevas etapas de desarrollo. Sin embargo, la aplicacion de politicas de competitividad sistemica ha tenido efectos limitados en el dinamismo del sector manufacturero; llevando a una transformacion a nivel macro mediante apertura comercial, pero no se ha acompanado de infraestructura institucional y social necesaria para generar innovacion tecnologica y de los procesos productivos. Asi, la economia mexicana atraviesa por una situacion de apertura y bajos niveles de competitividad. Adicionalmente, diferenciar las industrias permite garantizar que se consideren los intereses de todas las industrias y no unicamente de las empresas ganadoras./ In this document there are explored the options that would improve the results of the public measures orientated to increasing the international competitiveness of the Mexican companies. For it, there are exposed the theoretical arguments on which there is based the industrial politics of our country, which is orientated to generate competitive advantages to lead to the economy to new stages of development. Nevertheless, the application of policies of systemic competitiveness has had effects limited in the dynamism of the manufacturing sector; leading to a transformation to level macro by means of commercial opening, but he has not accompanied of institutional and social necessary infrastructure to generate technological innovation and of the productive processes. This way, the Mexican economy crosses for a situation of opening and low levels of competitiveness. Additional, to differentiate the industries allows to guarantee that are considered to be the interests of all the industries and not only of the winning companies
Investigación Económica, 2015
Resumen El documento estima un modelo de frontera de producción estocástica y un modelo de inefic... more Resumen El documento estima un modelo de frontera de producción estocástica y un modelo de ineficiencia técnica para 25 industrias manufactureras mexicanas en el periodo 1985-2009. Se determina la relevancia de los insumos en el valor agregado, las variables de ineficiencia, los niveles de eficiencia en cada industria, los grupos de industrias eficientes y los perfiles de las industrias. Los resultados muestran que el capital humano, el personal no calificado y el capital son generadores de eficiencia, mientras que la productividad laboral y el poder de mercado tienden a reducir la ineficiencia técnica. Entre las medidas de política para alcanzar la "mejor práctica" están la provisión adecuada de insumos, el acceso a mercados nacional e internacionales, las facilidades crediticias y los programas de capacitación de personal. Palabras clave: eficiencia técnica, frontera de producción estocástica, tecnología de producción, industrias manufactureras.
Cuadernos de Economía, 2015
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre el consumo de energía (combustibles y e... more El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la relación entre el consumo de energía (combustibles y energía eléctrica), la producción industrial y el nivel de empleo en México durante el periodo 2003-2012. En el caso de México, el consumo de energía no parece reflejar una clara relación ni con la producción (agregada) ni con el empleo. Para determinar dicha relación, se emplea una metodología de cointegración de panel. Se estima el sentido de la causalidad de corto y largo plazos. Este documento es de relevancia para la política económica, dado que presenta evidencia favorable de las hipótesis de crecimiento y realimentación.
Investigación Administrativa, 2021
El objetivo del documento es cuantificar las habilidades de innovación de los colaboradores en la... more El objetivo del documento es cuantificar las habilidades de innovación de los colaboradores en las Micro y Pequeñas Empresas (MIPES) de la Ciudad de México a través del Índice General de Habilidades de Innovación del Individuo (IGHII) y compararlo con su desempeño innovador. Se sigue un método de investigación cuantitativo que incluye análisis exploratorio, confirmatorio, de varianza y correlación. Los resultados indican que el IGHII es mayor para las microempresas, quienes además acumulan más innovaciones. El hallazgo principal es que las mayores habilidades individuales generan mejores desempeños innovativos dado el tamaño de la empresa. Un aspecto poco atendido en la literatura es la medición de las habilidades de innovación de los colaboradores y su efecto en la innovación, este documento es original en este sentido. La principal limitación es la temporalidad, pues contiene información de un solo año.
Análisis Económico, 2020
Worldwide dynamism of the manufacturing sector depends on access to water. Rich countries consume... more Worldwide dynamism of the manufacturing sector depends on access to water. Rich countries consume greater amounts of water in absolute terms than poor economies. However, in per capita terms or per unit of value added, lower income countries register higher water consumption, driving a remarkable inequality in water footprint among these groups of countries. The document aims to identify the inequalities of water consumption of industrial products between groups of countries. To do this, the water footprint is calculated through the input-output analysis for a group of 150 countries during the period 1996-2005, with information available in Mekonnen and Hoekstra (2011), and then inequality is estimated using the Theil index proposed by Duro and Teixidó (2013). The results confirm the imbalance in the distribution of water consumption between rich and poor countries. Thus, it can be inferred that the consumption of manufactured goods from rich countries is based on a water footprint that is comparatively low to that of the countries with the lowest income, following, then, an intensive industrial strategy in water consumption.
Part 1: Trade Liberalization, Development and Regional Integration 1. Has Trade Liberalisation in... more Part 1: Trade Liberalization, Development and Regional Integration 1. Has Trade Liberalisation in Poor Countries Delivered the Promises Expected? Penelope Pacheco-Lopez and A.P. Thirlwall 2. Beyond the Washington Consensus: The Quest for an Alternative Development Paradigm for Latin America Ignacio Perrotini-Hernandez, Juan Alberto Vazquez-Munoz and Blanca L. Avendano-Vargas 3. Foreign Trade and Per Capita Income: New Evidence for Latin America and the Caribbean Humberto Rios-Bolivar and Omar Neme-Castillo 4. Regional Integration and its Effects on Inward FDI in Developing Countries: A Comparison Between North-South (Mexico) and South-South (Brazil) Integration Thomas Goda 5. Trade Blocs as Determinants of Trade Flows in South American Countries: An Augmented Gravity Approach Clemente Hernandez-Rodriguez Part 2: Trade Reforms and Development Experience: Case Studies in Latin America 6. Downhill or the Long Agony of Argentinean Development Alcino Ferreira Camara-Neto and Matias Verne...
Papers by Ana Lilia Valderrama Santibáñez