Papers by Amany B. Umar Lubis
Jurnal Cita Hukum
This study aims to analyze the role of the government in increasing the participation of Indonesi... more This study aims to analyze the role of the government in increasing the participation of Indonesian women in the UN UNIFIL peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, the approaches and strategies used by women peacekeepers while on duty at UNIFIL Lebanon. Based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) No. 18/2014 concerning the protection and empowerment of women and children in social conflicts, in contrast to the fact that women's involvement in carrying out UNIFIL's peacekeeping mission is still weak, even though women have great potential in soft power. Women have a different approach in seeking peace between the two parties involved in the conflict or only to keep the peace from disappearing. This research is qualitative research with a statutory approach, peacebuilding, conflict resolution, international law, politics. Data collection techniques through interviews and literature studies. The findings of this study that UNIFIL is evidence of Indonesia's success in world peace mis...
Law and Humanities Quarterly Reviews
Maintaining national unity and sovereignty is Indonesia's main goal to protect the people and... more Maintaining national unity and sovereignty is Indonesia's main goal to protect the people and promote general welfare. In addition, Indonesian defense is also the main focus of the government in realizing the integrity of the country. In achieving and securing these interests, diplomacy has always been the choice of the state as the dominant way to achieve these goals. Defense diplomacy is also part of Indonesia's total diplomacy. It means that the national defense system is carried out early by the government and carried out in a total, integrated, directed, and continuous manner. In practice, the state could use the resources it has, including military, economic, political, intelligence, natural and human resources, etc. All parties must agree that in conducting diplomacy, negotiation is very vital, so it could be said that the successful negotiations could also be interpreted as victory in diplomacy. To be able to negotiate well, the strength and ability of the bargaining...
2022 10th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM)
Mathematical Physics is a mandatory course for undergraduate physics education majors. This cours... more Mathematical Physics is a mandatory course for undergraduate physics education majors. This course requires a significant amount of study time; therefore, it is necessary to develop learning strategies in which students can watch educational videos on the subject before class and do exercises during the course, so they are more prepared for the lesson. This study aimed to determine how students felt about utilizing Edpuzzle and Zoom meeting Flipped classroom in a Mathematical Physics course at a university. Researchers employed exploratory qualitative methods to explore how students perceive the flipped classroom using the Edpuzzle and Zoom meeting apps. A questionnaire with open-ended questions was administered to 59 students in the Mathematical Physics course during the second semester of the 2021/22 academic year, and nine students were interviewed. The data shows that students have different thoughts about using Edpuzzle and Zoom meeting to flip the classroom. They have both positive and negative things to say about the method. For example, some students think the approach will help them understand the course better, while others said the methods and media used were hard to understand and confusing. This paper talks in depth about the contradictory comments. Learning about the good and bad feedback tells us what to do to improve the flipped classroom and lessen the bad effects. At the end of the paper, suggestions are made for how to make the most of the approach and minimise its problems.
2022 10th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM)
Pusat Studi Wanita (PSW), 2003
114 hlm, 20 c
Pustaka Cendikiawan Muda, Dec 1, 2018
Ddsamro ioloh ltatelv patu Sdltubdr ru b.tukal, n .muntuk atunl:itnsnlnjdli Di anta.a s.habar Nab... more Ddsamro ioloh ltatelv patu Sdltubdr ru b.tukal, n .muntuk atunl:itnsnlnjdli Di anta.a s.habar Nabl)ang b*$akaf, kenudian nenlrdi Nulir sakafnya ialah Unrarbin Khoihthob ra., Ali bin Abu Thdib ia., dan Fatninah .$. Dalan pembahasan fiqh dijeldskan bahra 'ii/dldf (pemb$ sakaq be.hak nenunjuL Na;hii la boleh nenunruli dirinya sendiin atau orang lain. Eerikut L Wakif nenunjL* Nazhi. sakainfa. Asy-Syirazy mengatakan : Panselaladn tukdl n ^siktti kerentuan B&tintd, Unlr I a bawakaJ, vstdi terunjrk Ndbi sdo., danspdnjdns la{Etolrk' kaniir tap ndtdi N, t \L,-i :,J Jl i;j\ ,))u|r
Al-Istiwa Center of Indonesian Research and Studies (CIRS) Suez Canal University Egypt, 2014
Fakultas Syariah dan Hukum UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, 2017
Al-Risalah: Forum Kajian Hukum dan Sosial Kemasyarakatan, 2021
This study examines the integration between the paradigm of Islamic law and maritime affairs and ... more This study examines the integration between the paradigm of Islamic law and maritime affairs and national resilience. The maqāṣid al-sharīʻa play a significant role in providing a mechanism and its practical strategies on how maritime affairs and national resilience are to be developed. This study aims at highlighting how Islamic law is integrated with maritime affairs and national resilience in the way they are connected with the spiritual-religious values in their development. The maritime affairs and national resilience are used as the object of analysis in an attempt of integrating Islam and natural and social sciences. The study comes to justify the significant role of Islamic values to be put in maritime affairs and national resilience as the foundation to protect life, assets, and future generation.
Democratic system has been implemented in Indonesia for more than ten years. There is no doubt in... more Democratic system has been implemented in Indonesia for more than ten years. There is no doubt in the success of the implementation of this democracy. However, in fact, the democracy reaches the phase of transition and is in the way of improvement through the democratization of the systems and the rule of law and ethics. This paper deals with this transition processes for maintaining the system and rule of law. The Constitutional Court as a judicial body is independent and autonomous to control laws and regulations. A neutral foreign policy plays a great importance to the increasing role of Indonesia within the ASEAN and the Organization of Islamic Conference. Indonesia has refused to enter into military alliances with other countries, allowing no military bases on its territory, and upholds the principles of peace, stability and democracy at the regional and international levels. The democratization is now challenged by corruption which prevails all over the country and unrest which may happen because of poverty and injustice acts.
The writing of research results or scientific papers in the field of siyasah syar 'iyyah must... more The writing of research results or scientific papers in the field of siyasah syar 'iyyah must be in line with the mastery of steps, forms and methods. In this article, the author manages to explain these three aspects, which includes the title selection technique, the procedures of expressing the essence of research consisting of introduction, chapters of discussion and closing along with attachments. In addition, the writer also describes in detail some of the important points that must be included after expressing the essence of research, such as interpreting the result obtained from the research, providing suggestion and recommendation regarding the results obtained, proposing a research or further studies related with the discussed theme.
2019 7th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2019
Fatwa is a legal opinion or interpretation produced by religious scholars (Ulama) on a matter rel... more Fatwa is a legal opinion or interpretation produced by religious scholars (Ulama) on a matter related to Islamic law. Fatwa means “answer”, “advice” or even “opinion” in Arabic. The Council of Indonesian Ulama (MUI), a council that harbors Muslims in Indonesia issued Fatwa as a legal decision according to Islamic law about issues of consideration such as social, economic, cultural, and political aspects that occurred in Indonesia. Written in a structured document, Fatwa contains information theorems based on the decision related to the fatwa in question. This study is intended to produce a keyword-based on Fatwa document issued by MUI. Each keyword is extracted according to the document structure. The result then generated as search queries over hyperlinked XML documents. The output of this study will support the search engine for the official MUI Website, and the result returns more documents with high relevancy to the keywords.
2020 8th International Conference on Cyber and IT Service Management (CITSM), 2020
Lecturers have various ways of connecting thinking, communication, and creativity to their studen... more Lecturers have various ways of connecting thinking, communication, and creativity to their students. There are some instructors who choose to use the latest methods in teaching, especially those that support the use of technological aids for the delivery of material so that it affects a range of attitudes to the habits of their students. Our research uses a survey to determine the intensity, methods, and constraints of educators in learning to use media and the internet in the UIN Jakarta campus environment. This paper is aimed at defining a quality model to assess the level of quality in the use of Google Classroom used by most lecturers. The model is founded on the ISO/IEC 25010 standard. The result shows that only the Effectiveness factor is in accordance with ISO/IEC 25010 Standard based on Quality in Use research in the Google Classroom application, and almost all respondents stated that using media and the internet made it easy for them to deliver learning material, 75% of res...
Papers by Amany B. Umar Lubis