Wireless sensor networks proliferate more and more in all social scopes and sectors. Such network... more Wireless sensor networks proliferate more and more in all social scopes and sectors. Such networks are implemented in smart homes, smart cities, security systems, medical resources, agriculture, automotive industry, etc. Communication devices and sensors of such networks are powered with batteries: the enlarging of battery life is a hot research topic. We focus on wireless sensor networks based on ZigBee technology. While sleep standard operation mode is defined for end devices, it is not the case for the rest of devices (routers and Coordinator), which usually always remain in active mode. We designed a formal optimization model for maximizing the enlarging of the battery life of routers and Coordinator, allowing us to delimit practical successful conditions. It was successfully tested with a standard ZigBee datasheet comprising technical data for sensors, routers, and coordinators. It was tested in a practical wireless sensor network assembly with XBee S2C devices. We derived, fro...
Low-cost video surveillance systems are attractive for Smart Home applications (especially in eme... more Low-cost video surveillance systems are attractive for Smart Home applications (especially in emerging economies). Those systems use the flexibility of the Internet of Things to operate the video camera only when an intrusion is detected. We are the only ones that focus on the design of protocols based on intelligent agents to communicate the video of an intrusion in real time to the guards by wireless or mobile networks. The goal is to communicate, in real time, the video to the guards who can be moving towards the smart home. However, this communication suffers from sporadic disruptions that difficults the control and drastically reduces user satisfaction and operativity of the system. In a novel way, we have designed a generic software architecture based on design patterns that can be adapted to any hardware in a simple way. The implanted hardware is of very low economic cost; the software frameworks are free. In the experimental tests we have shown that it is possible to communi...
En este documento se analizan las políticas implementadas por la Universidad del Magdalena para g... more En este documento se analizan las políticas implementadas por la Universidad del Magdalena para garantizar el acceso de los grupos vulnerables a la educación superior, definiendo como vulnerables a los bachilleres desplazados, las comunidades indígenas, los estudiantes afrocolombianos, la mujer cabeza de familia de estrato bajo, y a los bachilleres provenientes de colegios públicos. Teóricamente, el estudio está asociado a los aportes de la affirmative action, la cual contempla la intención deliberada de eliminar cualquier ápice de discriminación en el desarrollo de las sociedades y las instituciones. Durante el estudio, se encontró que más del 70% de este grupo de estudiantes, convive en un núcleo familiar con ingresos inferiores a los seiscientos mil pesos/mes. Por lo tanto, las principales estrategias de la Universidad, están enfocadas en allanar las limitaciones económicas de la población vulnerable, mediante las exoneraciones y subsidios acompañadas de un marco normativo que fa...
En este articulo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre el trabajo experimental en nuestras practicas d... more En este articulo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre el trabajo experimental en nuestras practicas docentes, en clases de Fisica de Ensenanza Secundaria en Uruguay. Realizamos un analisis del potencial de estas actividades en la formacion de los estudiantes, asi como consideraciones para su concrecion. Desde este referencial, presentamos y valoramos formas de trabajo alternativo que posibilitan el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento vinculadas a la investigacion haciendo uso de recursos tecnologicos cotidianos: “las ceibalitas” (computadores personales), los telefonos celulares. Palabras claves: ensenanza de la Fisica, TICS, trabajo experimental, ensenanza secundaria, Uruguay.
Se dan a conocer nuevos datos de distribución de dos especies de gasterópodos terrestres: Xerotri... more Se dan a conocer nuevos datos de distribución de dos especies de gasterópodos terrestres: Xerotricha corderoi, que se cita por primera vez para Asturias, y Plentuisa vendia, que se cita por primera vez en León.
A new species of the genus Spiralix is described from the Pobla de Benifassà (Spain), which can b... more A new species of the genus Spiralix is described from the Pobla de Benifassà (Spain), which can be conchologically differentiated from the known congeneric species by having a smaller number of whorls and a wider aperture.
SOLICITUD DE PATENTE A2 54 Título: Método y dispositivo para la actualización de datos en disposi... more SOLICITUD DE PATENTE A2 54 Título: Método y dispositivo para la actualización de datos en dispositivos electrónicos 71 Solicitantes: UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA (100.0%) Pabellón de Gobierno, Avda. de los Castros s/n 39005 Santander (Cantabria) ES
Twenty normal individuals have been studied using 6 radiological views. They included 8 men and 1... more Twenty normal individuals have been studied using 6 radiological views. They included 8 men and 12 women (6 of them classical dancers). In flexion and extension the 5th lumbar is the most mobile vertebra. All vertebrae from T10 to L5 participate in this movement. The flexion decreases from the first vertebra to the uppermost vertebra. In lateral bending, L3 was generally the most mobile and L5 the most immobile. Contrary to previous studies, it was shown that movement in flexion (75 p. cent) was greater than movement in extension (25 p. cent).
Datospersonales.org: La revista de la Agencia de Protección de Datos de la Comunidad de Madrid, 2008
Con la entrada en vigor del Nuevo Reglamento que desarrolla la Ley Organica de Proteccion de Dato... more Con la entrada en vigor del Nuevo Reglamento que desarrolla la Ley Organica de Proteccion de Datos se han incluido novedades respecto al tratamiento de los datos relacionados con las obligaciones dinerarias, que afectan tanto a los acreedores como a los responsables del fichero de informacion sobre solvencia patrimonial y credito, denominado por la LOPD fichero comun
The estimation of the electric field in simple situations provides an opportunity to develop intu... more The estimation of the electric field in simple situations provides an opportunity to develop intuition about the models used in physics. We propose an activity aimed at university students where the electric field of a finite line of charge is compared, analytically or numerically, with the fields of an infinite line and of a point charge. Contrary to intuition, it is not necessary to get very close for the line charge to be considered infinite, nor to move very far away for the finite line field to resemble that of a point charge. We conducted this activity with a group of students and found that many of them have not yet developed an adequate intuition about the approximations used in electromagnetism.
The question of the sources of electric and magnetic fields and their causes has been discussed e... more The question of the sources of electric and magnetic fields and their causes has been discussed extensively in the literature over the last decades. In this article, we approach this problem from the unified treatment of electromagnetic fields emphasizing the role of their sources in accordance with the cause-effect relationships. First, we analyze whether this unified treatment contributes to a better understanding of these phenomena. Then, we discuss the implications for teaching of a correct understanding of electromagnetic field sources and causality in Maxwell's equations. In particular, we present a series of examples at the introductory physics level that allow us to recognize the reasons why considering electric and magnetic fields as disjoint entities can lead to contradictions.
Se analizan teórica y experimentalmente las oscilaciones unidimensionales no lineales de un imán ... more Se analizan teórica y experimentalmente las oscilaciones unidimensionales no lineales de un imán que está unido a un resorte e interactúa con un grupo de imanes. Se resuelve numéricamente la ecuación de movimiento del sistema utilizando el método de Euler en una planilla de cálculo. Experimentalmente, la evolución temporal de la posición se obtiene mediante análisis de video. La correspondencia entre las predicciones del modelo y los datos experimentales deja en evidencia la potencialidad de las herramientas utilizadas. La sencillez de la propuesta presentada permite su aplicación en los primeros cursos universitarios de Física experimental.
Mostramos aquí cómo crear a partir de filmaciones digitales usando el conocido software Tracker f... more Mostramos aquí cómo crear a partir de filmaciones digitales usando el conocido software Tracker fotos estroboscópicas con el objetivo de analizar distintos tipos de movimientos. La ventaja de este procedimiento es que es posible analizar la foto impresa o en la pantalla de forma intuitiva para los estudiantes. Luego de presentar una perspectiva histórica de la utilización de las fotos estroboscópicas en la enseñanza media discutimos varios ejemplos: el movimiento de un autito a control remoto, un choque elástico en el plano, el movimiento de un proyectil y también un experimento de electromagnetismo, más concretamente, la descarga de un capacitor medida utilizando un multímetro analógico.
La ecuación de Bernoulli, que bajo ciertas condiciones relaciona la presión de un fluido ideal en... more La ecuación de Bernoulli, que bajo ciertas condiciones relaciona la presión de un fluido ideal en movimiento con su velocidad y su altura, es un tema central en los cursos de Física General para estudiantes de Ciencias e Ingeniería. Frecuentemente, en los libros de texto utilizados en cursos universitarios, al igual que en diversos medios de divulgación, se suele extrapolar este principio para explicar situaciones en las que no es válido. Un ejemplo habitual es suponer que, en cualquier situación, mayor velocidad implica menor presión, conclusión correcta solo en algunas circunstancias. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de una investigación con estudiantes universitarios, sobre las concepciones alternativas presentes en dinámica de fluidos. Encontramos que muchos estudiantes, incluso después de haber transitado por los cursos de Física General, no han elaborado un modelo adecuado acerca de la interacción de un elemento de un fluido con su entorno y extrapolan la idea que mayor velocidad implica una menor presión en contextos donde no es válida. Mostramos también que un enfoque de la dinámica de fluidos basado en las leyes de Newton resulta más natural para confrontar estas concepciones alternativas. Bernoulli's equation, which relates the pressure of an ideal fluid in motion with its velocity and height under certain conditions, is a central topic in General Physics courses for Science and Engineering students. This equation, frequently used both textbooks as in science outreach activities or museums, is often extrapolated to explain situations in which it is no longer valid. A common example is to assume that, in any situation, higher speed means lower pressure, a conclusion that is only acceptable under certain conditions. In this paper we report the results of an investigation with university students on some misconceptions present in fluid dynamics. We found that after completing the General Physics courses, many students have not developed a correct model about the interaction of a fluid element with its environment and extrapolate the idea that higher speed implies lower pressure in situations where it is no longer valid. We also show that an approach to fluid dynamics based on Newton's laws is more natural to address these misconceptions.
We investigate the epistemological conceptions of the uruguayan Physics teachers and future Physi... more We investigate the epistemological conceptions of the uruguayan Physics teachers and future Physics teachers through the application of the CLASS test (Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey), one of the most accepted instruments in the research community in Physics education. The results obtained allow us to compare the attitudes and beliefs about science of both groups and quantitatively evaluate the agreement or not with the conceptions of experts in the field. First, we present a general screenshot of the responses and then we identify categories in which there are significant similarities or differences between the two groups studied and in turn with the reference of the experts. The categories that show significant positive or negative variations between the opinions of future teachers and teachers indicate the areas where training is favorable or unfavorable. On the other hand, the areas where the differences with the opinions of the experts are globally notorious suggest that they should be strengthened. To get a more global perspective, we also compare our results with those published in the literature. Finally, we raise several questions that we think may favor further inquiries.
We investigate the epistemological conceptions of the uruguayan Physics teachers and future Physi... more We investigate the epistemological conceptions of the uruguayan Physics teachers and future Physics teachers through the application of the CLASS test (Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey), one of the most accepted instruments in the research community in Physics education. The results obtained allow us to compare the attitudes and beliefs about science of both groups and quantitatively evaluate the agreement or not with the conceptions of experts in the field. First, we present a general screenshot of the responses and then we identify categories in which there are significant similarities or differences between the two groups studied and in turn with the reference of the experts. The categories that show significant positive or negative variations between the opinions of future teachers and teachers indicate the areas where training is favorable or unfavorable. On the other hand, the areas where the differences with the opinions of the experts are globally notorious suggest that they should be strengthened. To get a more global perspective, we also compare our results with those published in the literature. Finally, we raise several questions that we think may favor further inquiries.
Wireless sensor networks proliferate more and more in all social scopes and sectors. Such network... more Wireless sensor networks proliferate more and more in all social scopes and sectors. Such networks are implemented in smart homes, smart cities, security systems, medical resources, agriculture, automotive industry, etc. Communication devices and sensors of such networks are powered with batteries: the enlarging of battery life is a hot research topic. We focus on wireless sensor networks based on ZigBee technology. While sleep standard operation mode is defined for end devices, it is not the case for the rest of devices (routers and Coordinator), which usually always remain in active mode. We designed a formal optimization model for maximizing the enlarging of the battery life of routers and Coordinator, allowing us to delimit practical successful conditions. It was successfully tested with a standard ZigBee datasheet comprising technical data for sensors, routers, and coordinators. It was tested in a practical wireless sensor network assembly with XBee S2C devices. We derived, fro...
Low-cost video surveillance systems are attractive for Smart Home applications (especially in eme... more Low-cost video surveillance systems are attractive for Smart Home applications (especially in emerging economies). Those systems use the flexibility of the Internet of Things to operate the video camera only when an intrusion is detected. We are the only ones that focus on the design of protocols based on intelligent agents to communicate the video of an intrusion in real time to the guards by wireless or mobile networks. The goal is to communicate, in real time, the video to the guards who can be moving towards the smart home. However, this communication suffers from sporadic disruptions that difficults the control and drastically reduces user satisfaction and operativity of the system. In a novel way, we have designed a generic software architecture based on design patterns that can be adapted to any hardware in a simple way. The implanted hardware is of very low economic cost; the software frameworks are free. In the experimental tests we have shown that it is possible to communi...
En este documento se analizan las políticas implementadas por la Universidad del Magdalena para g... more En este documento se analizan las políticas implementadas por la Universidad del Magdalena para garantizar el acceso de los grupos vulnerables a la educación superior, definiendo como vulnerables a los bachilleres desplazados, las comunidades indígenas, los estudiantes afrocolombianos, la mujer cabeza de familia de estrato bajo, y a los bachilleres provenientes de colegios públicos. Teóricamente, el estudio está asociado a los aportes de la affirmative action, la cual contempla la intención deliberada de eliminar cualquier ápice de discriminación en el desarrollo de las sociedades y las instituciones. Durante el estudio, se encontró que más del 70% de este grupo de estudiantes, convive en un núcleo familiar con ingresos inferiores a los seiscientos mil pesos/mes. Por lo tanto, las principales estrategias de la Universidad, están enfocadas en allanar las limitaciones económicas de la población vulnerable, mediante las exoneraciones y subsidios acompañadas de un marco normativo que fa...
En este articulo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre el trabajo experimental en nuestras practicas d... more En este articulo nos proponemos reflexionar sobre el trabajo experimental en nuestras practicas docentes, en clases de Fisica de Ensenanza Secundaria en Uruguay. Realizamos un analisis del potencial de estas actividades en la formacion de los estudiantes, asi como consideraciones para su concrecion. Desde este referencial, presentamos y valoramos formas de trabajo alternativo que posibilitan el desarrollo de habilidades de pensamiento vinculadas a la investigacion haciendo uso de recursos tecnologicos cotidianos: “las ceibalitas” (computadores personales), los telefonos celulares. Palabras claves: ensenanza de la Fisica, TICS, trabajo experimental, ensenanza secundaria, Uruguay.
Se dan a conocer nuevos datos de distribución de dos especies de gasterópodos terrestres: Xerotri... more Se dan a conocer nuevos datos de distribución de dos especies de gasterópodos terrestres: Xerotricha corderoi, que se cita por primera vez para Asturias, y Plentuisa vendia, que se cita por primera vez en León.
A new species of the genus Spiralix is described from the Pobla de Benifassà (Spain), which can b... more A new species of the genus Spiralix is described from the Pobla de Benifassà (Spain), which can be conchologically differentiated from the known congeneric species by having a smaller number of whorls and a wider aperture.
SOLICITUD DE PATENTE A2 54 Título: Método y dispositivo para la actualización de datos en disposi... more SOLICITUD DE PATENTE A2 54 Título: Método y dispositivo para la actualización de datos en dispositivos electrónicos 71 Solicitantes: UNIVERSIDAD DE CANTABRIA (100.0%) Pabellón de Gobierno, Avda. de los Castros s/n 39005 Santander (Cantabria) ES
Twenty normal individuals have been studied using 6 radiological views. They included 8 men and 1... more Twenty normal individuals have been studied using 6 radiological views. They included 8 men and 12 women (6 of them classical dancers). In flexion and extension the 5th lumbar is the most mobile vertebra. All vertebrae from T10 to L5 participate in this movement. The flexion decreases from the first vertebra to the uppermost vertebra. In lateral bending, L3 was generally the most mobile and L5 the most immobile. Contrary to previous studies, it was shown that movement in flexion (75 p. cent) was greater than movement in extension (25 p. cent).
Datospersonales.org: La revista de la Agencia de Protección de Datos de la Comunidad de Madrid, 2008
Con la entrada en vigor del Nuevo Reglamento que desarrolla la Ley Organica de Proteccion de Dato... more Con la entrada en vigor del Nuevo Reglamento que desarrolla la Ley Organica de Proteccion de Datos se han incluido novedades respecto al tratamiento de los datos relacionados con las obligaciones dinerarias, que afectan tanto a los acreedores como a los responsables del fichero de informacion sobre solvencia patrimonial y credito, denominado por la LOPD fichero comun
The estimation of the electric field in simple situations provides an opportunity to develop intu... more The estimation of the electric field in simple situations provides an opportunity to develop intuition about the models used in physics. We propose an activity aimed at university students where the electric field of a finite line of charge is compared, analytically or numerically, with the fields of an infinite line and of a point charge. Contrary to intuition, it is not necessary to get very close for the line charge to be considered infinite, nor to move very far away for the finite line field to resemble that of a point charge. We conducted this activity with a group of students and found that many of them have not yet developed an adequate intuition about the approximations used in electromagnetism.
The question of the sources of electric and magnetic fields and their causes has been discussed e... more The question of the sources of electric and magnetic fields and their causes has been discussed extensively in the literature over the last decades. In this article, we approach this problem from the unified treatment of electromagnetic fields emphasizing the role of their sources in accordance with the cause-effect relationships. First, we analyze whether this unified treatment contributes to a better understanding of these phenomena. Then, we discuss the implications for teaching of a correct understanding of electromagnetic field sources and causality in Maxwell's equations. In particular, we present a series of examples at the introductory physics level that allow us to recognize the reasons why considering electric and magnetic fields as disjoint entities can lead to contradictions.
Se analizan teórica y experimentalmente las oscilaciones unidimensionales no lineales de un imán ... more Se analizan teórica y experimentalmente las oscilaciones unidimensionales no lineales de un imán que está unido a un resorte e interactúa con un grupo de imanes. Se resuelve numéricamente la ecuación de movimiento del sistema utilizando el método de Euler en una planilla de cálculo. Experimentalmente, la evolución temporal de la posición se obtiene mediante análisis de video. La correspondencia entre las predicciones del modelo y los datos experimentales deja en evidencia la potencialidad de las herramientas utilizadas. La sencillez de la propuesta presentada permite su aplicación en los primeros cursos universitarios de Física experimental.
Mostramos aquí cómo crear a partir de filmaciones digitales usando el conocido software Tracker f... more Mostramos aquí cómo crear a partir de filmaciones digitales usando el conocido software Tracker fotos estroboscópicas con el objetivo de analizar distintos tipos de movimientos. La ventaja de este procedimiento es que es posible analizar la foto impresa o en la pantalla de forma intuitiva para los estudiantes. Luego de presentar una perspectiva histórica de la utilización de las fotos estroboscópicas en la enseñanza media discutimos varios ejemplos: el movimiento de un autito a control remoto, un choque elástico en el plano, el movimiento de un proyectil y también un experimento de electromagnetismo, más concretamente, la descarga de un capacitor medida utilizando un multímetro analógico.
La ecuación de Bernoulli, que bajo ciertas condiciones relaciona la presión de un fluido ideal en... more La ecuación de Bernoulli, que bajo ciertas condiciones relaciona la presión de un fluido ideal en movimiento con su velocidad y su altura, es un tema central en los cursos de Física General para estudiantes de Ciencias e Ingeniería. Frecuentemente, en los libros de texto utilizados en cursos universitarios, al igual que en diversos medios de divulgación, se suele extrapolar este principio para explicar situaciones en las que no es válido. Un ejemplo habitual es suponer que, en cualquier situación, mayor velocidad implica menor presión, conclusión correcta solo en algunas circunstancias. En este trabajo presentamos los resultados de una investigación con estudiantes universitarios, sobre las concepciones alternativas presentes en dinámica de fluidos. Encontramos que muchos estudiantes, incluso después de haber transitado por los cursos de Física General, no han elaborado un modelo adecuado acerca de la interacción de un elemento de un fluido con su entorno y extrapolan la idea que mayor velocidad implica una menor presión en contextos donde no es válida. Mostramos también que un enfoque de la dinámica de fluidos basado en las leyes de Newton resulta más natural para confrontar estas concepciones alternativas. Bernoulli's equation, which relates the pressure of an ideal fluid in motion with its velocity and height under certain conditions, is a central topic in General Physics courses for Science and Engineering students. This equation, frequently used both textbooks as in science outreach activities or museums, is often extrapolated to explain situations in which it is no longer valid. A common example is to assume that, in any situation, higher speed means lower pressure, a conclusion that is only acceptable under certain conditions. In this paper we report the results of an investigation with university students on some misconceptions present in fluid dynamics. We found that after completing the General Physics courses, many students have not developed a correct model about the interaction of a fluid element with its environment and extrapolate the idea that higher speed implies lower pressure in situations where it is no longer valid. We also show that an approach to fluid dynamics based on Newton's laws is more natural to address these misconceptions.
We investigate the epistemological conceptions of the uruguayan Physics teachers and future Physi... more We investigate the epistemological conceptions of the uruguayan Physics teachers and future Physics teachers through the application of the CLASS test (Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey), one of the most accepted instruments in the research community in Physics education. The results obtained allow us to compare the attitudes and beliefs about science of both groups and quantitatively evaluate the agreement or not with the conceptions of experts in the field. First, we present a general screenshot of the responses and then we identify categories in which there are significant similarities or differences between the two groups studied and in turn with the reference of the experts. The categories that show significant positive or negative variations between the opinions of future teachers and teachers indicate the areas where training is favorable or unfavorable. On the other hand, the areas where the differences with the opinions of the experts are globally notorious suggest that they should be strengthened. To get a more global perspective, we also compare our results with those published in the literature. Finally, we raise several questions that we think may favor further inquiries.
We investigate the epistemological conceptions of the uruguayan Physics teachers and future Physi... more We investigate the epistemological conceptions of the uruguayan Physics teachers and future Physics teachers through the application of the CLASS test (Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey), one of the most accepted instruments in the research community in Physics education. The results obtained allow us to compare the attitudes and beliefs about science of both groups and quantitatively evaluate the agreement or not with the conceptions of experts in the field. First, we present a general screenshot of the responses and then we identify categories in which there are significant similarities or differences between the two groups studied and in turn with the reference of the experts. The categories that show significant positive or negative variations between the opinions of future teachers and teachers indicate the areas where training is favorable or unfavorable. On the other hand, the areas where the differences with the opinions of the experts are globally notorious suggest that they should be strengthened. To get a more global perspective, we also compare our results with those published in the literature. Finally, we raise several questions that we think may favor further inquiries.
Papers by Alvaro Suarez