Papers by Alongkot Suvarnamani
In this paper, we study the diophantine equation 2 x + p y = z 2 where where p is a prime number ... more In this paper, we study the diophantine equation 2 x + p y = z 2 where where p is a prime number and x, y and z are non-negative integers.
We consider the - Fibonacci sequence and the - Lucas sequence. By using the Binet’s formulas, w... more We consider the - Fibonacci sequence and the - Lucas sequence. By using the Binet’s formulas, we get some properties of the odd and even terms of the -Fibonacci number and the - Lucas number.
จากปญหากรณ นกเรยนชนมธยมศกษาปท 2 หอง 5 จำนวน 42 คน ภาคเรยนท 1 ปการศกษา 2559 โรงเรยนดรณาราชบร อำเภอ... more จากปญหากรณ นกเรยนชนมธยมศกษาปท 2 หอง 5 จำนวน 42 คน ภาคเรยนท 1 ปการศกษา 2559 โรงเรยนดรณาราชบร อำเภอเมอง จงหวดราชบร มผลสมฤทธทางการเรยนตำในรายวชาคณตศาสตรพนฐาน ชนมธยมศกษาปท 1 เรองการบวกและการลบจำนวนเตม ซงเนอหาเรอง การบวกและการลบจำนวนเตม เปนเนอหาทเปนเรองพนฐานทตองใชในการเรยนระดบมธยมทสงขนไปดงนน คณะผวจยจงไดสรางแบบฝกชวยในการเรยนทเพอการแกปญหาดงกลาว ซงพบวา การใชแบบฝกเรองการบวกและการลบจำนวนเตมนน ทำใหนกเรยนมผลสมฤทธทางการเรยนในเรองนดขนตามลำดบ
SNRU Journal of Science and Technology, 2017
n this paper, we studied the new ideas in generalization of Fibonacci sequences in the case of th... more n this paper, we studied the new ideas in generalization of Fibonacci sequences in the case of three sequences. We describe basic concepts that will be used to construct multiplicative pulsating n-Fibonacci sequences of n order.
In this paper, we dened the generalized Fibonacci sequence which is ( p,q ) - Fibonacci sequence.... more In this paper, we dened the generalized Fibonacci sequence which is ( p,q ) - Fibonacci sequence. Then we used the Binet's formular to show some properties of ( p,q ) - Fibonacci numbers. We get some generalized identities of ( p,q )- Fibonacci numbers.
In this paper, we studied the new ideas in generalization of Fibonacci sequences in the case of t... more In this paper, we studied the new ideas in generalization of Fibonacci sequences in the case of three sequences. We describe basic concepts that will be used to construct multiplicative pulsating 3-Fibonacci sequences.
In this paper, we present generalized identities for k-Fibonacci sequence , k-Lucas sequence , k-... more In this paper, we present generalized identities for k-Fibonacci sequence , k-Lucas sequence , k-Fibonacci-Like sequence and k-Fibonacci-Like sequence . We obtain the Binet’s formula for related some identities
In this paper, we show that diophantine equations 4 x + 7 y = z 2 and 4 x + 11 y = z 2 have no ... more In this paper, we show that diophantine equations 4 x + 7 y = z 2 and 4 x + 11 y = z 2 have no solution in non-negative integer.
Research Journal of Science and Technology, 2017
In this paper, we consider the generalized Fibonacci sequence which is (p,q) -Fibonacci sequence.... more In this paper, we consider the generalized Fibonacci sequence which is (p,q) -Fibonacci sequence. We used the matrix methods to show some properties of (p,q) - Fibonacci number. We get some generalized identities of (p,q) - Fibonacci number.
The 15th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences Dec 9 - 13, 2012,... more The 15th International Conference of International Academy of Physical Sciences Dec 9 - 13, 2012, Pathumthani, Thailand.
Universal Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2015
In this paper, we consider the multiplicative pulsated Fibonacci sequences. First, we show the ne... more In this paper, we consider the multiplicative pulsated Fibonacci sequences. First, we show the new proof of the explicit formulas of multiplicative pulsated Fibonacci sequences of second order. Then the second type of multiplicative pulsated Fibonacci sequences is introduced and explicit formulas for the form of its members are formulated and proved.
JP Journal of Algebra, Number Theory and Applications, 2018
International Journal of Pure and Apllied Mathematics, 2014
In this paper, we found that (p, q, x, y, z) = (3, 5, 1, 0, 2) is a unique solution of the Diopha... more In this paper, we found that (p, q, x, y, z) = (3, 5, 1, 0, 2) is a unique solution of the Diophantine equation p x + q y = z 2 where p is an odd prime number which q − p = 2 and x, y and z are non-negative integers.
International Journal of Pure and Apllied Mathematics, 2014
In this paper, we found that (p, x, y, z) = (3, 1, 0, 2) is a unique solution of the Diophantine ... more In this paper, we found that (p, x, y, z) = (3, 1, 0, 2) is a unique solution of the Diophantine equation p x + (p + 1) y = z 2 , where p is an odd prime number and x, y and z are non-negative integers.
Kyungpook mathematical journal, 2016
In this paper, we consider the generalized Lucas sequence which is the (p, q)-Lucas sequence. The... more In this paper, we consider the generalized Lucas sequence which is the (p, q)-Lucas sequence. Then we used the Binet's formula to show some properties of the (p, q)-Lucas number. We get some generalized identities of the (p, q)-Lucas number.
In this paper, we study the diophantine equation 2 x +p y = z 2 where where p is a prime number a... more In this paper, we study the diophantine equation 2 x +p y = z 2 where where p is a prime number and x;y and z are non-negative integers.
International Journal of Pure and Apllied Mathematics, 2014
We apply an iterative sequence for finding the common element of the set of fixed points of a non... more We apply an iterative sequence for finding the common element of the set of fixed points of a nonexpansive mapping and the solutions of the variational inequality problem for tree inverse-strongly monotone mappings. Under suitable conditions, some strong convergence theorems for approximating a common element of the above two sets are obtained. Moreover, using the above theorem, we also apply to finding solutions of a general system of variational inequality and a zero of a maximal monotone operator in a real Hilbert space. As applications, at the end of paper we utilize our results to study the zeros of the maximal monotone and some convergence problem for strictly pseudocontractive mappings.
Archivum Mathematicum, 2012
Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic provides access to digi... more Institute of Mathematics of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic provides access to digitized documents strictly for personal use. Each copy of any part of this document must contain these Terms of use.
International Journal of GEOMATE, 2017
Some mathematicians study the basic concept of the generalized Fibonacci sequence and Lucas seque... more Some mathematicians study the basic concept of the generalized Fibonacci sequence and Lucas sequence which are the (p,q)-Fibonacci sequence and the (p,q)-Lucas sequence. For example, Singh, Sisodiya and Ahmad studied the product of the k-Fibonacci and k-Lucas numbers. Moreover, Suvarnamani and Tatong showed some results of the (p, q)-Fibonacci number. They found some properties of the (p,q)-Fibonacci number and the (p,q)-Lucas number. There are a lot of open problem about them. Moreover, the example for the application of the Fibonacci number to the generalized function was showed by Djordjevicand Srivastava. In this paper, we consider the (p,q)-Fibonacci sequence and the (p,q)-Lucas sequence. We used the Binet's formulas to show that some properties of the product of the (p,q)-Fibonacci number and the (p,q)-Lucas number. We get some generalized properties on the product of the (p,q)-Fibonacci number and the (p,q)-Lucas number.
Papers by Alongkot Suvarnamani