Papers by Alicja Sołowczuk
Roads and bridges - Drogi i mosty, Apr 1, 2014
STRESZCZENIE. W artykule przedstawiono przyk³ad wykorzystania nowej metody oceny stanu nawierzchn... more STRESZCZENIE. W artykule przedstawiono przyk³ad wykorzystania nowej metody oceny stanu nawierzchni w zatokach i na przystankach autobusowych dla ró¿nych rodzajów nawierzchni. Uwzglêdniono trzy rodzaje nawierzchni: asfaltowe, betonowe oraz wykonane z kostki kamiennej lub betonowej. Szczegó³owa ocenia jakooeciowa i ilooeciowa stanu nawierzchni zatok oraz przystanków autobusowych umo¿liwia stosunkowo ³atwe planowanie prac utrzymaniowych i remontowych, co w efekcie daje wymierne korzyoeci ekonomiczne. S£OWA KLUCZOWE: koszty remontu nawierzchni, ocena stanu nawierzchni, przystanki autobusowe, rodzaje nawierzchni, zatoki autobusowe. ABSTRACT. An example of application of new method of bus bay and bus stop pavement state assessment for different types of pavement is presented in the paper. Three types of pavements, i.e. asphalt, concrete and pavement made of rock or concrete stones are considered. Detailed quantitative and qualitative assessment of bus bay and bus stop pavement condition allows easy planning of maintenance and renovation costs which is economically profitable.
Drogi : budownictwo infrastrukturalne, 2013
Drogi : budownictwo infrastrukturalne, 2013
Drogi : budownictwo infrastrukturalne, 2013
: The ever-increasing use of motor vehicles causes a number of traffic safety and community issue... more : The ever-increasing use of motor vehicles causes a number of traffic safety and community issues, which are particularly severe in cities, accompanied with scarcity of parking spaces and challenges encountered in the road layout alteration projects. The commonly applied solutions include designation of through streets and implementation of on-street parking on residential streets and retrofitted traffic calming measures (TCMs). This article presents the results of the study conducted on a two-way street where Metered Parking System MPS was implemented together with diagonal and parallel parking spaces, refuge islands, horizontal deflection and lane narrowing by a single-sided chicane. The aim of this study was to identify those TCMs that effectively helped to reduce the island approach speed. Heuristic method was applied to assess the effect of the respective TCMs on reducing the island approach speed and the key speed reduction determinants were defined using cause and effect diagram and Pareto chart. Comparative analyses were carried out to rate the respective TCMs as effective, moderately effective or ineffective. Section 1 of this article presents the output of the literature review on urban parking analyses and TCM efficacy. Section 2 presents the study site and the applied heuristic method. The study results are presented in Section 3. Section 3 defines the determinants on the cause and effect diagram and analyses the determinants using the Pareto chart. The final conclusions and comments are given in Section 5. Although the study was limited to a single street in Poland, the findings may hold true in other countries where similar TCMs are used.
Drogi : budownictwo infrastrukturalne, 2014
Turbo-roundabouts are one of the most frequently recommended road junction design options when it... more Turbo-roundabouts are one of the most frequently recommended road junction design options when it comes to increasing traffic capacity and traffic safety. This is in particular true of suburban areas, with dominant traffic flow on the main road and moderate traffic flow on the side road. Other intersections handling local traffic and considerably constricting the availability of space are usually located in the vicinity of such intersections. Another factor contributing to less availability of land for construction in these locations is the presence of surrounding residential housing. Then choosing the suitable turbo-roundabout type becomes the main issue. The article presents a case study for the selection of a type of turbo roundabout under the conditions of considerably constricted land availability, based on analyses of provision of swepth path for the chosen design vehicles. The article considers the typical Egg type turbo roundabouts, "flattened" turbo roundabouts an...
Papers by Alicja Sołowczuk