Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, Mar 1, 2011
Bu çalışmanın amacı Basit Elektrik Devreleri konusunda öğrencilerin başarısını ölçmek için geçerl... more Bu çalışmanın amacı Basit Elektrik Devreleri konusunda öğrencilerin başarısını ölçmek için geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aleti geliştirmektir. İlk olarak öğretim programı dikkate alınarak bir kazanım listesi hazırlanmış, sonra bu kazanımlara uygun sorular seçilmiştir. Test son halini almadan önce uzman görüşleri alınmış, yirmi öğrenciyle pilot çalışması yapılmış ve kapsam geçerliliği için test belirtke tablosu oluşturulmuştur. Basit Elektrik Devreleri Başarı Testi (BEDBT) son halini aldıktan sonra 307 11.sınıf öğrencisine uygulanmış, test sonuçlarının güvenirlik katsayı (Cronbach alpha) 0,896 olarak bulunmuştur. Yapılan madde analizi (ITEMAN) ile testin ortalama madde güçlük ve ayırt edicilik endeksleri sırasıyla 0,554 ve 0,447 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu sonuçlar geliştirilen BEDBT ile geçerli ve güvenilir sonuçlara ulaşıldığını göstermektedir. Bazı soru maddeleri ise öğrencilerin başarı seviyelerine göre ayrıca tartışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak BEDBT hem diğer bilimsel çalışmalarda hem de müfredata uygun olarak hazırlanması dolayısıyla lise fizik öğretmenlerinin sınıf içi değerlendirme süreçlerinde kullanabilecekleri geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracıdır.
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, Jun 1, 2005
The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the multiple-intelligences based instructi... more The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the multiple-intelligences based instruction versus traditional instruction on ninth grade students' physics achievement. MI Inventory (CZA) and Multiple Choice Physics Achievement test about Coulomb's law (CSFBT) was used as instrument. The study was conducted with 268 ninth grade public high school students in Ankara. CZA and CSFBT were administered as pretest to both experimental and control groups. Then, students in experimental groups were exposed to the MI based physics lessons whereas students in control groups were exposed to the traditional physics lessons. Students in experimental classes were grouped with respect to the students' strongest intelligences in Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal intelligence dimensions. After three weeks of treatment, all groups were post-tested with CSFBT. According to the results of this study, multiple-intelligences based instruction made significant effect on students' physics achievement in comparison to traditional method.
Problem Statement: What do teachers and students in Turkey perceive as the common characteristics... more Problem Statement: What do teachers and students in Turkey perceive as the common characteristics of effective physics teachers? Purpose of Study: The first aim was to investigate the common characteristics of effective physics teachers by asking students and teachers about the effects of teacher characteristics on student physics achievement and motivation. The second aim was to explore whether the effects of these characteristics were significantly associated with the geographical region, grade level, and gender of students, as well as with the region, gender, and year of teaching of teachers.
bulunmuştur. Bölge bazında Akdeniz bölgesindeki öğrenciler, cinsiyette kız öğrenciler, sınıf sevi... more bulunmuştur. Bölge bazında Akdeniz bölgesindeki öğrenciler, cinsiyette kız öğrenciler, sınıf seviyesinde 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin algılamaları öğretmen niteliklerinin başarıyı en çok etkilediği yönündedir. Araştırmanın sonuçları öğretmen yetiştirme ve hizmet içi eğitim programlarında ve eğitim fakültelerinde kullanılabilir.
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, Jun 1, 2009
Bu calismanin amaci Birlestirici Benzesim Yontemi’ne (BBY) dayali bir egitimde kullanilacak olan ... more Bu calismanin amaci Birlestirici Benzesim Yontemi’ne (BBY) dayali bir egitimde kullanilacak olan ogretimmateryallerinin olusturulmasi icin gerekli olan olcum aracini gelistirmektir. Kuvvet Tani Testi (KTT) diye adlandirilan buolcum araci sayesinde BBY ile ilgili alanyazinda standart olarak onerilip kullanilan birlestirici ve temel benzesimleriincelemek ve daha farkli benzesimler bulup kullanmaya calismak mumkun olacaktir. Calismada agirlikli olarak KTT’nin buhalini alana kadar olan surec, kavram yanilgilarinin secilisi, soru sayisinin belirlenmesi, testin bicimi, yapilanyapilandirilmamis mulakatlar gibi testin gelisimine yonelik ayrintilar detayli olarak anlatilmistir. KTT’in son hali Ankara’daokumakta olan iki farkli universitedeki 148 ogrenciye uygulanmistir. Her soru ayri ayri ele alinmis ve ogrencilerin verdiklericevaplar, yanitlarindan ne kadar emin olduklari ve nedenleri incelenmistir. Butun bu verilerin isiginda KTT’in onemi veBBY’ye katkisi tartisilmistir
Background of Study: It is widely accepted that students' pre-existing conceptions about the ... more Background of Study: It is widely accepted that students' pre-existing conceptions about the scientific phenomena affect their learning of accurate scientific principles. A conceptual approach promotes meaningful learning in students regarding science concepts
Journal of Science Education and Technology, Mar 25, 2016
This two-group quasi-experimental study investigated the effects of the Online Advance Organizer ... more This two-group quasi-experimental study investigated the effects of the Online Advance Organizer Concept Teaching Material (ONACOM) integrated with inquiry teaching and expository teaching methods. Grade 7 students’ posttest performances on the light unit achievement and light unit attitude tests controlled for gender, previous semester science grade, and pretest scores were analyzed. No significant treatment effects were found between the inquiry and expository approaches. However, both groups demonstrated significant pretest–posttest gains in achievement and attitude. Independent from the method used, ONACOM was judged effective in both groups as students demonstrated increased achievement and attitude scores. ONACOM has a social and semantic network-aided infrastructure that can be adapted to both methods to increase students’ achievement and improve their attitude.
This study identified the process of interaction between students' motivation and characteristics... more This study identified the process of interaction between students' motivation and characteristics of two physics teachers: one who exhibited effective physics teacher characteristics frequently and one who exhibited the characteristics rarely. The two case teachers were selected to predict contrasting and comparable results. The data gathered from the semi-structured interviews, follow-up interviews, direct observation, video recordings, and field notes were analyzed both by single case and by cross-case analysis to strengthen the findings from two case teachers. Findings indicated that teachers' characteristics like enthusiasm and giving examples from daily life increased students' motivation by increasing their attention and willingness to participate in the classroom discussion. Even though a teacher frequently exhibited the effective characteristics by providing every opportunity for their learning, students wanted a classroom environment where they could stay calm and be more passive. The students did not like to be constantly forced by the teacher to share their views. In the lesson of a teacher who rarely exhibited the effective characteristics, students demanded a classroom environment where they could be more active. The students were not satisfied when their teacher avoided asking questions or had difficulty in solving the problems. Students, in general, resisted the teacher's behaviors or characteristics when the teachers exhibited inconsistent behaviors.
The purpose of this study is to establish the opinions of ninth grade students' about Multipl... more The purpose of this study is to establish the opinions of ninth grade students' about Multiple Intelligences based instruction in physics lessons. For this reason, Multiple Intelligences Inventory and Students Opinions Questionnaire (ÖGA) were used as instruments. Beside this, teachers Opinions Questionnaire was also prepared to get two teachers opinions contributed in this study. This study was conducted with 148 ninth grade public high school students in Sincan. Students were grouped based on MI inventory results with respect to the students' strongest intelligences in Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal intelligence dimensions. After three weeks treatment, students were conducted OGA to get positive and negative effects of Multiple Intelligences based instruction in physics lessons with respect to students. Moreover, teachers' observations and opinions, contributed in this study were also asked at the end of the study.Bu çalışmanın temel amacı çoklu zeka kuramına dayalı öğretime ilişkin dokuzuncu sınıf öğrencilerinin görüşlerinin saptanmasıdır. Bu amaçla ölçme aracı olarak Çoklu Zeka Anketi (ÇZA) ve Öğrenci Görüş Anketi (ÖGA) kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte çalışmaya katılan iki öğretmenin görüşlerini de almak amacıyla bir anket formu hazırlanmıştır. Çalışma 148 dokuzuncu sınıf öğrencisi ile Sincan ilçesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada öğrenciler ÇZA sonuçlarına dayanarak en yüksek zeka alanlarına göre, Sözel-Dil zeka, Mantık-Matematik zeka, Görsel-Uzaysal zeka, ve Sosyal zeka alanlarında gruplara ayrılmışlardır. Üç haftalık uygulamadan sonra, çoklu zeka kuramına dayalı fizik öğretiminin olumlu ve olumsuz yanlarını belirlemek amacıyla ÖGA aracılığıyla öğrencilerden görüşleri alınmıştır. Bununla birlikte çalışma sonunda çalışmaya katılan öğretmenlerin de gözlemlerini paylaşmaları istenmiş ve görüşleri alınmıştır. Hem öğrenciler hem de öğretmenler çoklu zeka kuramına dayalı etkinliklerin öğrencilerin fiziğe karşı ilgilerini artırdığını ve başarılarında olumlu bir etki yarattığını bildirmişlerdir
Bu çalışmanın amacı; Türkiye genelinde katılımcıların, etkili öğretmen niteliklerini kendi fizik ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı; Türkiye genelinde katılımcıların, etkili öğretmen niteliklerini kendi fizik öğretmenlerinin sınıf ortamında ne sıklıkla gösterdiğini ve bunların coğrafi bölge ve okul türü açısından değişkenliğini tespit etmektir. Katılımcılara yöneltilen anket ve açık uçlu soru ile bu nitelikler doğrultusunda kendi fizik öğretmenlerinin sahip oldukları nitelikleri anlatmaları istenmiştir. Sonuçlarda, 1398 katılımcının verisini içermekte, bunların algısına göre etkili fizik öğretmen niteliklerini sergileme ortalama puanında okul türleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklar bulunmuştur. Etkili öğretmen niteliklerini, özel liselerdeki fizik öğretmenleri genel lise, anadolu lisesi ve meslek liselerindeki öğretmenlerden; fen liselerindeki fizik öğretmenleri genel liselerdekinden daha sık göstermektedir. Katılımcıların yaklaşık %60'ı fizik öğretmenlerinin 'Kişilik Özellikleri' ve 'Sınıf içi Disiplin Tutumu' kategorilerindeki nitelikleri sınıfta sıklıkla sergilediklerini belirtmiştir.
The main purpose of this studyare; to investigate the characteristics of a prospective physics te... more The main purpose of this studyare; to investigate the characteristics of a prospective physics teacher, to evaluate attitudesof preservice physics teachers toward to be a physics teacher, and to evaluate preservice physics teachers' qualifications. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, literature have been searched in detail. Then, a questionnaire was developed to measure preservice physics teachers qualifications and attimdes of preservice physics teachers toward to be a physics teacher. The Questionnaire was administered to 50 preservice physics teachers from 4 universities; METU, Gazi, Hacettepe, and Marmara universities. The collected data were entered to the computer and analyzed by MS-Excel computer program. The results showed that preservice physics teachers had medium attitudes towards to be a physics teacher, knowledge of subject matter, knowledge of teaching methods, knowledge of measurements and evaluations, knowledge of classroom management, sociology and psychology, and knowledge of school administration.
The aim of the study is to investigate how often the participants’ physics teachers exhibit the c... more The aim of the study is to investigate how often the participants’ physics teachers exhibit the characteristics of effective teacher and to determine the variation of these characteristics with regard to geographical region and school type. A questionnaire and an open ended question were directed to the participants to tell the characteristics of their physics teachers that they possess. The results, covered data of 1398 participants whose perceptions indicate statistically significant mean differences in score of exhibiting the characteristics of effective physics teacher. Physics teachers in private high schools exhibit the characteristics of effective teacher more often than teachers in general high, anatolian high and vocational high schools; physics teachers in science high schools exhibit them more often than teachers in general high schools. Almost 60 % of the participants indicate that physics teachers frequently exhibit the characteristics related to the categories discipl...
Bu calisma ogretmen adaylarinin universitede geometrik optik konularini islemeden once isik, golg... more Bu calisma ogretmen adaylarinin universitede geometrik optik konularini islemeden once isik, golge ve ayna goruntuleri ile ilgili kavram yanilgilarini tespit etmek amaci ile gerceklestirilmistir. Fen Bilgisi Ogretmenligi ve Bilgisayar ve Ogretim Teknolojileri Egitimi bolumu birinci ve ikinci siniflarinda ogrenim goren 317 ogretmen adayi calismanin katilimcilarini olusturmustur. Adaylarin kavram yanilgilari, revize edilmis uc-asamali geometrik optik kavram yanilgisi testi ile olculmus ve testin gecerlilik ve guvenilirlik analizleri tekrar yapilmistir. Sonuclar, revize edilen testin ogretmen adaylarinin isik, golge ve duzlem ayna konularindaki kavram yanilgilarini tespit etmek icin gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcum araci oldugunu gostermistir. Testin ic guvenilirlik katsayisi olan Croanbach alfa degeri 0,65 olarak bulunmustur. Elde edilen sonuclar, ogretmen adaylarinin cogunun geometrik optik dersleri oncesinde isik, golge ve duzlem ayna goruntuleri ile ilgili kavramsal anlama duzeylerin...
ABSTRACT The effects of bridging analogies teaching strategy and gender on Turkish high school st... more ABSTRACT The effects of bridging analogies teaching strategy and gender on Turkish high school students' misconceptions in mechanics were investigated. After a pilot study with 67 students in a nearby high school, the researchers administered the revised Mechanics Misconception Test to 119 high school students as a pretest. Students in the experimental group were instructed by using bridging analogies teaching strategy. At the end of a 3-week treatment period, the same test was administered to all students as a posttest. The data were analyzed by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The statistical results showed that bridging analogies teaching strategy was an effective means of reducing the number of misconceptions students held about normal forces, frictional forces, tension, gravity, inertia, and Newton's third law.
Background of Study: Two-tier items compensate the limitation of simple multiple choice items tha... more Background of Study: Two-tier items compensate the limitation of simple multiple choice items that cannot measure the reason of selection of the alternatives. Three-tier items compensate the limitation of two-tier items that cannot measure the certainty of the responses. It is not common to use three-tier tests in the literature and there are validity and reliability problems with three-tier tests
This study identified the process of interaction between students’ motivation and characteristics... more This study identified the process of interaction between students’ motivation and characteristics of two physics teachers: one who exhibited effective physics teacher characteristics frequently and one who exhibited the characteristics rarely. The two case teachers were selected to predict contrasting and comparable results. The data gathered from the semi-structured interviews, follow-up interviews, direct observation, video recordings, and field notes were analyzed both by single case and by cross-case analysis to strengthen the findings from two case teachers. Findings indicated that teachers’ characteristics like enthusiasm and giving examples from daily life increased students’ motivation by increasing their attention and willingness to participate in the classroom discussion. Even though a teacher frequently exhibited the effective characteristics by providing every opportunity for their learning, students wanted a classroom environment where they could stay calm and be more p...
This study is a replication o f European studies conducted with Turkish university students. The ... more This study is a replication o f European studies conducted with Turkish university students. The purpose is to investigate the effect o f the conventional lecturing that is widely used in universities on freshmen students' misconceptions in an introductory mechanics course. The Mechanics Misconception Test that contains Turkish multiple-choice items was administered to 946 freshmen students as a pre-test and to 506 freshmen students as a post-test in an introductory mechanics course. Statistical analyses were done on 435 students who took both the pre-test and the post-test. Gender differences were analyzed by independent t-test, the effect o f conventional lecturing on students' misconcep tions was analyzed by dependent t-test, and the correlation between students' misconceptions and achieve ment in physics was analyzed by correlation analysis. The statistical results showed that there are statistically significant mean differences or correlations as follows: 1. Male ...
Comics have an important role in non-formal learning environments. However, how comics may be eff... more Comics have an important role in non-formal learning environments. However, how comics may be effective teaching/learning activitities in formal education is an ongoing debate in literature. The purpose of this study is to create and evaluate a series of instructional comics about heat related concepts to be used as teaching/learning activities in real classroom settings. This research is designed as a case study aiming to observe and explain students’ reactions to the implementation of an instructional intervention. In this study, six instructional comics about heat related concepts having empty speech balloons were constructed and implemented to a group of 6 th graders as balloon completing activities. It was observed that many students completed empty balloons with several wrong statements, and it was concluded that students’ wrong statements have crucial feedback for dealing with students’ preconceptions about science concepts.
Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi dergisi, Mar 1, 2011
Bu çalışmanın amacı Basit Elektrik Devreleri konusunda öğrencilerin başarısını ölçmek için geçerl... more Bu çalışmanın amacı Basit Elektrik Devreleri konusunda öğrencilerin başarısını ölçmek için geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aleti geliştirmektir. İlk olarak öğretim programı dikkate alınarak bir kazanım listesi hazırlanmış, sonra bu kazanımlara uygun sorular seçilmiştir. Test son halini almadan önce uzman görüşleri alınmış, yirmi öğrenciyle pilot çalışması yapılmış ve kapsam geçerliliği için test belirtke tablosu oluşturulmuştur. Basit Elektrik Devreleri Başarı Testi (BEDBT) son halini aldıktan sonra 307 11.sınıf öğrencisine uygulanmış, test sonuçlarının güvenirlik katsayı (Cronbach alpha) 0,896 olarak bulunmuştur. Yapılan madde analizi (ITEMAN) ile testin ortalama madde güçlük ve ayırt edicilik endeksleri sırasıyla 0,554 ve 0,447 olarak hesaplanmıştır. Bu sonuçlar geliştirilen BEDBT ile geçerli ve güvenilir sonuçlara ulaşıldığını göstermektedir. Bazı soru maddeleri ise öğrencilerin başarı seviyelerine göre ayrıca tartışılmıştır. Sonuç olarak BEDBT hem diğer bilimsel çalışmalarda hem de müfredata uygun olarak hazırlanması dolayısıyla lise fizik öğretmenlerinin sınıf içi değerlendirme süreçlerinde kullanabilecekleri geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçüm aracıdır.
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, Jun 1, 2005
The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the multiple-intelligences based instructi... more The purpose of this study is to compare the effects of the multiple-intelligences based instruction versus traditional instruction on ninth grade students' physics achievement. MI Inventory (CZA) and Multiple Choice Physics Achievement test about Coulomb's law (CSFBT) was used as instrument. The study was conducted with 268 ninth grade public high school students in Ankara. CZA and CSFBT were administered as pretest to both experimental and control groups. Then, students in experimental groups were exposed to the MI based physics lessons whereas students in control groups were exposed to the traditional physics lessons. Students in experimental classes were grouped with respect to the students' strongest intelligences in Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal intelligence dimensions. After three weeks of treatment, all groups were post-tested with CSFBT. According to the results of this study, multiple-intelligences based instruction made significant effect on students' physics achievement in comparison to traditional method.
Problem Statement: What do teachers and students in Turkey perceive as the common characteristics... more Problem Statement: What do teachers and students in Turkey perceive as the common characteristics of effective physics teachers? Purpose of Study: The first aim was to investigate the common characteristics of effective physics teachers by asking students and teachers about the effects of teacher characteristics on student physics achievement and motivation. The second aim was to explore whether the effects of these characteristics were significantly associated with the geographical region, grade level, and gender of students, as well as with the region, gender, and year of teaching of teachers.
bulunmuştur. Bölge bazında Akdeniz bölgesindeki öğrenciler, cinsiyette kız öğrenciler, sınıf sevi... more bulunmuştur. Bölge bazında Akdeniz bölgesindeki öğrenciler, cinsiyette kız öğrenciler, sınıf seviyesinde 11. sınıf öğrencilerinin algılamaları öğretmen niteliklerinin başarıyı en çok etkilediği yönündedir. Araştırmanın sonuçları öğretmen yetiştirme ve hizmet içi eğitim programlarında ve eğitim fakültelerinde kullanılabilir.
Hacettepe Universitesi Egitim Fakultesi Dergisi-hacettepe University Journal of Education, Jun 1, 2009
Bu calismanin amaci Birlestirici Benzesim Yontemi’ne (BBY) dayali bir egitimde kullanilacak olan ... more Bu calismanin amaci Birlestirici Benzesim Yontemi’ne (BBY) dayali bir egitimde kullanilacak olan ogretimmateryallerinin olusturulmasi icin gerekli olan olcum aracini gelistirmektir. Kuvvet Tani Testi (KTT) diye adlandirilan buolcum araci sayesinde BBY ile ilgili alanyazinda standart olarak onerilip kullanilan birlestirici ve temel benzesimleriincelemek ve daha farkli benzesimler bulup kullanmaya calismak mumkun olacaktir. Calismada agirlikli olarak KTT’nin buhalini alana kadar olan surec, kavram yanilgilarinin secilisi, soru sayisinin belirlenmesi, testin bicimi, yapilanyapilandirilmamis mulakatlar gibi testin gelisimine yonelik ayrintilar detayli olarak anlatilmistir. KTT’in son hali Ankara’daokumakta olan iki farkli universitedeki 148 ogrenciye uygulanmistir. Her soru ayri ayri ele alinmis ve ogrencilerin verdiklericevaplar, yanitlarindan ne kadar emin olduklari ve nedenleri incelenmistir. Butun bu verilerin isiginda KTT’in onemi veBBY’ye katkisi tartisilmistir
Background of Study: It is widely accepted that students' pre-existing conceptions about the ... more Background of Study: It is widely accepted that students' pre-existing conceptions about the scientific phenomena affect their learning of accurate scientific principles. A conceptual approach promotes meaningful learning in students regarding science concepts
Journal of Science Education and Technology, Mar 25, 2016
This two-group quasi-experimental study investigated the effects of the Online Advance Organizer ... more This two-group quasi-experimental study investigated the effects of the Online Advance Organizer Concept Teaching Material (ONACOM) integrated with inquiry teaching and expository teaching methods. Grade 7 students’ posttest performances on the light unit achievement and light unit attitude tests controlled for gender, previous semester science grade, and pretest scores were analyzed. No significant treatment effects were found between the inquiry and expository approaches. However, both groups demonstrated significant pretest–posttest gains in achievement and attitude. Independent from the method used, ONACOM was judged effective in both groups as students demonstrated increased achievement and attitude scores. ONACOM has a social and semantic network-aided infrastructure that can be adapted to both methods to increase students’ achievement and improve their attitude.
This study identified the process of interaction between students' motivation and characteristics... more This study identified the process of interaction between students' motivation and characteristics of two physics teachers: one who exhibited effective physics teacher characteristics frequently and one who exhibited the characteristics rarely. The two case teachers were selected to predict contrasting and comparable results. The data gathered from the semi-structured interviews, follow-up interviews, direct observation, video recordings, and field notes were analyzed both by single case and by cross-case analysis to strengthen the findings from two case teachers. Findings indicated that teachers' characteristics like enthusiasm and giving examples from daily life increased students' motivation by increasing their attention and willingness to participate in the classroom discussion. Even though a teacher frequently exhibited the effective characteristics by providing every opportunity for their learning, students wanted a classroom environment where they could stay calm and be more passive. The students did not like to be constantly forced by the teacher to share their views. In the lesson of a teacher who rarely exhibited the effective characteristics, students demanded a classroom environment where they could be more active. The students were not satisfied when their teacher avoided asking questions or had difficulty in solving the problems. Students, in general, resisted the teacher's behaviors or characteristics when the teachers exhibited inconsistent behaviors.
The purpose of this study is to establish the opinions of ninth grade students' about Multipl... more The purpose of this study is to establish the opinions of ninth grade students' about Multiple Intelligences based instruction in physics lessons. For this reason, Multiple Intelligences Inventory and Students Opinions Questionnaire (ÖGA) were used as instruments. Beside this, teachers Opinions Questionnaire was also prepared to get two teachers opinions contributed in this study. This study was conducted with 148 ninth grade public high school students in Sincan. Students were grouped based on MI inventory results with respect to the students' strongest intelligences in Verbal-Linguistic, Logical-Mathematical, Visual-Spatial, Interpersonal intelligence dimensions. After three weeks treatment, students were conducted OGA to get positive and negative effects of Multiple Intelligences based instruction in physics lessons with respect to students. Moreover, teachers' observations and opinions, contributed in this study were also asked at the end of the study.Bu çalışmanın temel amacı çoklu zeka kuramına dayalı öğretime ilişkin dokuzuncu sınıf öğrencilerinin görüşlerinin saptanmasıdır. Bu amaçla ölçme aracı olarak Çoklu Zeka Anketi (ÇZA) ve Öğrenci Görüş Anketi (ÖGA) kullanılmıştır. Bununla birlikte çalışmaya katılan iki öğretmenin görüşlerini de almak amacıyla bir anket formu hazırlanmıştır. Çalışma 148 dokuzuncu sınıf öğrencisi ile Sincan ilçesinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu çalışmada öğrenciler ÇZA sonuçlarına dayanarak en yüksek zeka alanlarına göre, Sözel-Dil zeka, Mantık-Matematik zeka, Görsel-Uzaysal zeka, ve Sosyal zeka alanlarında gruplara ayrılmışlardır. Üç haftalık uygulamadan sonra, çoklu zeka kuramına dayalı fizik öğretiminin olumlu ve olumsuz yanlarını belirlemek amacıyla ÖGA aracılığıyla öğrencilerden görüşleri alınmıştır. Bununla birlikte çalışma sonunda çalışmaya katılan öğretmenlerin de gözlemlerini paylaşmaları istenmiş ve görüşleri alınmıştır. Hem öğrenciler hem de öğretmenler çoklu zeka kuramına dayalı etkinliklerin öğrencilerin fiziğe karşı ilgilerini artırdığını ve başarılarında olumlu bir etki yarattığını bildirmişlerdir
Bu çalışmanın amacı; Türkiye genelinde katılımcıların, etkili öğretmen niteliklerini kendi fizik ... more Bu çalışmanın amacı; Türkiye genelinde katılımcıların, etkili öğretmen niteliklerini kendi fizik öğretmenlerinin sınıf ortamında ne sıklıkla gösterdiğini ve bunların coğrafi bölge ve okul türü açısından değişkenliğini tespit etmektir. Katılımcılara yöneltilen anket ve açık uçlu soru ile bu nitelikler doğrultusunda kendi fizik öğretmenlerinin sahip oldukları nitelikleri anlatmaları istenmiştir. Sonuçlarda, 1398 katılımcının verisini içermekte, bunların algısına göre etkili fizik öğretmen niteliklerini sergileme ortalama puanında okul türleri arasında istatistiksel olarak anlamlı farklar bulunmuştur. Etkili öğretmen niteliklerini, özel liselerdeki fizik öğretmenleri genel lise, anadolu lisesi ve meslek liselerindeki öğretmenlerden; fen liselerindeki fizik öğretmenleri genel liselerdekinden daha sık göstermektedir. Katılımcıların yaklaşık %60'ı fizik öğretmenlerinin 'Kişilik Özellikleri' ve 'Sınıf içi Disiplin Tutumu' kategorilerindeki nitelikleri sınıfta sıklıkla sergilediklerini belirtmiştir.
The main purpose of this studyare; to investigate the characteristics of a prospective physics te... more The main purpose of this studyare; to investigate the characteristics of a prospective physics teacher, to evaluate attitudesof preservice physics teachers toward to be a physics teacher, and to evaluate preservice physics teachers' qualifications. In order to achieve the objectives of the study, literature have been searched in detail. Then, a questionnaire was developed to measure preservice physics teachers qualifications and attimdes of preservice physics teachers toward to be a physics teacher. The Questionnaire was administered to 50 preservice physics teachers from 4 universities; METU, Gazi, Hacettepe, and Marmara universities. The collected data were entered to the computer and analyzed by MS-Excel computer program. The results showed that preservice physics teachers had medium attitudes towards to be a physics teacher, knowledge of subject matter, knowledge of teaching methods, knowledge of measurements and evaluations, knowledge of classroom management, sociology and psychology, and knowledge of school administration.
The aim of the study is to investigate how often the participants’ physics teachers exhibit the c... more The aim of the study is to investigate how often the participants’ physics teachers exhibit the characteristics of effective teacher and to determine the variation of these characteristics with regard to geographical region and school type. A questionnaire and an open ended question were directed to the participants to tell the characteristics of their physics teachers that they possess. The results, covered data of 1398 participants whose perceptions indicate statistically significant mean differences in score of exhibiting the characteristics of effective physics teacher. Physics teachers in private high schools exhibit the characteristics of effective teacher more often than teachers in general high, anatolian high and vocational high schools; physics teachers in science high schools exhibit them more often than teachers in general high schools. Almost 60 % of the participants indicate that physics teachers frequently exhibit the characteristics related to the categories discipl...
Bu calisma ogretmen adaylarinin universitede geometrik optik konularini islemeden once isik, golg... more Bu calisma ogretmen adaylarinin universitede geometrik optik konularini islemeden once isik, golge ve ayna goruntuleri ile ilgili kavram yanilgilarini tespit etmek amaci ile gerceklestirilmistir. Fen Bilgisi Ogretmenligi ve Bilgisayar ve Ogretim Teknolojileri Egitimi bolumu birinci ve ikinci siniflarinda ogrenim goren 317 ogretmen adayi calismanin katilimcilarini olusturmustur. Adaylarin kavram yanilgilari, revize edilmis uc-asamali geometrik optik kavram yanilgisi testi ile olculmus ve testin gecerlilik ve guvenilirlik analizleri tekrar yapilmistir. Sonuclar, revize edilen testin ogretmen adaylarinin isik, golge ve duzlem ayna konularindaki kavram yanilgilarini tespit etmek icin gecerli ve guvenilir bir olcum araci oldugunu gostermistir. Testin ic guvenilirlik katsayisi olan Croanbach alfa degeri 0,65 olarak bulunmustur. Elde edilen sonuclar, ogretmen adaylarinin cogunun geometrik optik dersleri oncesinde isik, golge ve duzlem ayna goruntuleri ile ilgili kavramsal anlama duzeylerin...
ABSTRACT The effects of bridging analogies teaching strategy and gender on Turkish high school st... more ABSTRACT The effects of bridging analogies teaching strategy and gender on Turkish high school students' misconceptions in mechanics were investigated. After a pilot study with 67 students in a nearby high school, the researchers administered the revised Mechanics Misconception Test to 119 high school students as a pretest. Students in the experimental group were instructed by using bridging analogies teaching strategy. At the end of a 3-week treatment period, the same test was administered to all students as a posttest. The data were analyzed by using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The statistical results showed that bridging analogies teaching strategy was an effective means of reducing the number of misconceptions students held about normal forces, frictional forces, tension, gravity, inertia, and Newton's third law.
Background of Study: Two-tier items compensate the limitation of simple multiple choice items tha... more Background of Study: Two-tier items compensate the limitation of simple multiple choice items that cannot measure the reason of selection of the alternatives. Three-tier items compensate the limitation of two-tier items that cannot measure the certainty of the responses. It is not common to use three-tier tests in the literature and there are validity and reliability problems with three-tier tests
This study identified the process of interaction between students’ motivation and characteristics... more This study identified the process of interaction between students’ motivation and characteristics of two physics teachers: one who exhibited effective physics teacher characteristics frequently and one who exhibited the characteristics rarely. The two case teachers were selected to predict contrasting and comparable results. The data gathered from the semi-structured interviews, follow-up interviews, direct observation, video recordings, and field notes were analyzed both by single case and by cross-case analysis to strengthen the findings from two case teachers. Findings indicated that teachers’ characteristics like enthusiasm and giving examples from daily life increased students’ motivation by increasing their attention and willingness to participate in the classroom discussion. Even though a teacher frequently exhibited the effective characteristics by providing every opportunity for their learning, students wanted a classroom environment where they could stay calm and be more p...
This study is a replication o f European studies conducted with Turkish university students. The ... more This study is a replication o f European studies conducted with Turkish university students. The purpose is to investigate the effect o f the conventional lecturing that is widely used in universities on freshmen students' misconceptions in an introductory mechanics course. The Mechanics Misconception Test that contains Turkish multiple-choice items was administered to 946 freshmen students as a pre-test and to 506 freshmen students as a post-test in an introductory mechanics course. Statistical analyses were done on 435 students who took both the pre-test and the post-test. Gender differences were analyzed by independent t-test, the effect o f conventional lecturing on students' misconcep tions was analyzed by dependent t-test, and the correlation between students' misconceptions and achieve ment in physics was analyzed by correlation analysis. The statistical results showed that there are statistically significant mean differences or correlations as follows: 1. Male ...
Comics have an important role in non-formal learning environments. However, how comics may be eff... more Comics have an important role in non-formal learning environments. However, how comics may be effective teaching/learning activitities in formal education is an ongoing debate in literature. The purpose of this study is to create and evaluate a series of instructional comics about heat related concepts to be used as teaching/learning activities in real classroom settings. This research is designed as a case study aiming to observe and explain students’ reactions to the implementation of an instructional intervention. In this study, six instructional comics about heat related concepts having empty speech balloons were constructed and implemented to a group of 6 th graders as balloon completing activities. It was observed that many students completed empty balloons with several wrong statements, and it was concluded that students’ wrong statements have crucial feedback for dealing with students’ preconceptions about science concepts.
Papers by Ali Eryilmaz