Papers by Alfonso Miguel Garcia Hernandez
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Nov 1, 2017
El presente trabajo aborda el entendimiento de los conceptos tiempo, recuerdo y construcción de l... more El presente trabajo aborda el entendimiento de los conceptos tiempo, recuerdo y construcción de la memoria como artefacto cultural y sobre todo como resultado de relaciones de poder. Revisadas las diferentes maneras de entender el tiempo (lineal y progresivo, tipológico, intersubjetivo, circular, tiempo de los sueños), proponemos un entendimiento del tiempo a partir la comprensión de una nueva simultaneidad, nuestra coevalidad en el sentido planteado por Fabian. Pero que además debe partir del análisis de las relaciones de poder inherentes a las nuevas formas de experimentar el tiempo. Sólo dentro de un marco de respeto y reflexión, pero crítico del poder en acción y de nuestras propias epistemologías, podremos comprender los tiempos múltiples y simultáneos que se están dando dentro de nuestro propio tiempo y que lo hacen más fascinante de estudiar y de vivir. Palabras clave: tiempo; recuerdo; memoria; construcción de la memoria.
Revista Ene de Enfermería, Apr 4, 2019
Benito… a propósito de Josué. Un estudio fenomenológico del duelo por la muerte de un hijo Resume... more Benito… a propósito de Josué. Un estudio fenomenológico del duelo por la muerte de un hijo Resumen: El presente trabajo se engloba en la investigación cualitativa, desde el paradigma hermenéutico-fenomenológico. Realizado desde un análisis narrativo de los textos y las conversaciones compartidas con Benito a lo largo de los últimos años, incorpora y analiza los textos escritos y relatados como testimonios, en términos de experiencias sentidas, manifestadas y vividas, de modo que sitúa a las categorías explicativas en un marco más amplio que se haya inserto en la continuidad de vínculos con el hijo fallecido. El camino del duelo que nos acerca Benito profundiza, por un lado, en las ideas asociadas al sinsentido y el dolor por la ausencia del hijo fallecido, y por otro transita entre el plano de vivir, recordar, trascender y realizar determinadas prácticas socioculturales que le permiten seguir conectado con su hijo Josué, fallecido a consecuencia de un accidente de tráfico. Todo en un escenario en el que las narrativas revelan la naturaleza de los encuentros de conexión y de interacción. Palabras clave: duelo, muerte de hijo, fenomenología, continuidad de vínculos, Facebook.
Cultura de los cuidados, 2017
The present article investigates into the world of those who live a process of bereavement and ho... more The present article investigates into the world of those who live a process of bereavement and how beliefs, chance, and nature interweave to form a network of meanings that adds humanity to the process of living. The paper addresses the reconstruction of meanings in bereavement and in understanding the process. The reconstruction of meanings allows the mourners to remake a new changing world that has led to the loss. We, therefore, seek to understand what happens when a series of events reveal the adaptive meaning of new beliefs and the self-understanding of the loss, providing faithful explanations narrated by those who have lived it. Many events are part of stories of parents who lost children, and some events by themselves are considered extraordinary, giving sense to the characters, the story, and the consequences in a different and special way. We call these events "coincidences, " which have an effect and power, and transcend the meanings of what has been, surpassing the emotional or intellectual by the confluence of events and meaning, that of Carl G. Jung called "Synchronicity".
ENE es una mujer de 71 años que reside en el municipio ENE.
Aibr-revista De Antropologia Iberoamericana, 2005
Nunca he escrito expresis vrebis sobre una vida después de la muerte, pues en tal caso hubiera te... more Nunca he escrito expresis vrebis sobre una vida después de la muerte, pues en tal caso hubiera tenido que justificar mis ideas y esto no se puede hacer. C. G. Jung. Recuerdos, sueños y pensamientos, 351 Pero al fin desperté de mi sueño profundo al descubrir que nada se encuentra más alejado del entendimiento humano que aquello que al mismo tiempo se encuentra presente para él; y nada está más presente para él que aquello que es universal, anterior y superior... ¿Qué cosa hay más omnipresente que Dios mismo, en quien vivimos, somos y actuamos? Y sin embargo, ¿qué cosa hay que esté más remotamente situada respecto a la esfera de nuestra comprensión?... Emanuel Swedenborg. El habitante de dos mundos, 144-145 INTRODUCCIÓN Una cosa diferente es conocer el fenómeno del sueño, y otra es preguntarse ¿Sirven para algo los sueños? Los sueños como fenómenos significativos es evidente que han existido a lo largo de la historia de la humanidad, abundando sus referencias en el arte y la literatura, pues han sido reveladores para quienes los vivieron, trayendo a nuestras mentes símbolos, en ocasiones extraños y difíciles de entender por otra parte, mensajes que hablan al individuo de parcelas que ignora, de imágenes de sí mismo, de los otros, y del mundo circundante. A modo de metáforas artísticas, pictóricas o más cercanas en ocasiones a los mass-media, aportando significados esclarecedores a pensamientos, al sumar claridad a los mismos, y cuya meta interpretativa acaba siendo el convertir las imágenes simbólicas, visuales, en ideas verbales. No es la razón principal del presente trabajo profundizar en las distintas teorías de los sueños, ni en la solución útil de los mismos a problemas prácticos, por otro lado no demostrado experimentalmente, sino más bien profundizar en los fenómenos significativos relativos al significado que traen los sueños en relación con la muerte y lo que sucede después de la misma, a los miembros de la Comunidad bahá'í de las Islas Canarias.
Nursing Reports
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the complications of diabetes mellitus (DM), with macular oed... more Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the complications of diabetes mellitus (DM), with macular oedema being one of the leading causes of avoidable blindness among individuals with DM worldwide. Fundus screening is the only method for early detection and treatment. High-quality training programmes for professionals performing primary care screening are essential to produce high-quality images that facilitate accurate lesion identification. This is a two-phase observational, descriptive, and cross-sectional study. The first phase analysed DR knowledge in a sample of nurses. The second phase explored agreement on DR screening between referral ophthalmologists in image assessment (gold standard) and a small group of nurses involved in the previous phase. In phase 1, the agreement rate for screening results was 90%. In phase 2, the overall raw agreement on the screening of fundus photography results between nurses and ophthalmologists was 75% (Cohen’s kappa = 0.477; p < 0.001). Agreeme...
Grieving is a natural, self-limiting process of adaptation to a new reality following a significa... more Grieving is a natural, self-limiting process of adaptation to a new reality following a significant loss, either real or perceived, with a wide range of manifestations that have an impact on the health of the grieving individual. This study aims to analyse the relationships between interpersonal styles, coping strategies, and psychosocial care needs in a sample of mourners in a rural municipality. Initial hypothesis: there are associations between types of grief and psychosocial needs, as well as between types of grief and interpersonal styles or coping strategies. An observational, descriptive, analytical, cross-sectional study was carried out with a sample of 123 people. Female participants represented 64.2% of all participants. The mean age was 42.7 (±13.2) years, and 86.2% of participants reported continuing to suffer from the loss, with a 10.5% prevalence of maladaptive grieving. Regarding the associations identified between coping strategies and the interpersonal characteristi...
Cultura de los cuidados, 2022
Objectives: To know the sociodemographic profile of the adult over 60 years of age with symptoms ... more Objectives: To know the sociodemographic profile of the adult over 60 years of age with symptoms of depression in Correctional Institutions. Through an exploratory and descriptive approach using simple and inferential statistics. Materials and methods: Descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study and quantitative research. Our study corresponds to any inmate over 60 years of age in Correctional Institutions of Gran Canaria. España. Our study was developed in two phases, the first phase a screening to detect depression using the Yesavage Geriatric Depression Scale and the second phase focused on a greater depth, in the inmate is profile, through a sociodemographic questionnaire. Research results: The study included 81 inmates. The prevalence of depression was 35.8% where there is no statistically significant association between depression and the centers (P=0.731). The average age was 63.8±5 years, being 91.4% men, 7.4% women. According to marital status, 44.4% were divorced, 35.9% with low economic status and 40% with a primary education. The predominant pathology is the Circulatory System (n=22), and as a consequence, its pharmacology.
(1) Background: The CEECCA questionnaire assesses the ability to communicate among individuals wi... more (1) Background: The CEECCA questionnaire assesses the ability to communicate among individuals with aphasia. It was designed using the NANDA-I and NOC standardised nursing languages (SNLs), reaching high content validity index and representativeness index values. The questionnaire was pilot-tested, demonstrating its feasibility for use by nurses in any healthcare setting. This study aims to identify the psychometric properties of this instrument. (2) Methods: 47 individuals with aphasia were recruited from primary and specialist care facilities. The instrument was tested for construct validity and criterion validity, reliability, internal consistency, and responsiveness. The NANDA-I and NOC SNLs and the Boston test were used for criterion validity testing. (3) Results: five language dimensions explained 78.6% of the total variance. Convergent criterion validity tests showed concordances of up to 94% (Cohen's κ: 0.9; p < 0.001) using the Boston test, concordances of up to 81% using DCs of NANDA-I diagnoses (Cohen's κ: 0.6; p < 0.001), and concordances of up to 96% (Cohen's κ: 0.9; p < 0.001) using NOC indicators. The internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha) was 0.98. Reliability tests revealed test-retest concordances of 76-100% (p < 0.001). (4) Conclusions: the CEECCA is an easy-to-use, valid, and reliable instrument to assess the ability to communicate among individuals with aphasia.
The information logged by nurses on electronic health records (EHRs) using standardised nursing l... more The information logged by nurses on electronic health records (EHRs) using standardised nursing languages can help us identify the characteristics of highly complex chronic patients (HCCP) by focusing on care in terms of patients’ health needs. The aim of this study was to describe the profile of HCCPs using EHRs from primary care (PC) facilities, presenting patients’ characteristics, functional status based on health patterns, NANDA-I nursing diagnoses, health goals based on Nursing Outcomes Classification (NOC), and care interventions using Nursing Interventions Classification (NIC). With an observational, descriptive, cross-sectional, epidemiological study design, this study was carried out with a sample of 51,374 individuals. The variables were grouped into sociodemographic variables, clinical variables, resources, functional status (health patterns), nursing diagnoses, outcomes, and interventions. A total of 57.4% of the participants were women, with a mean age of 73.3 (12.2), ...
The research object is the approach the meaning of happiness for people with severe mental illnes... more The research object is the approach the meaning of happiness for people with severe mental illness (SMI) under follow-up in a mental health unit in Tenerife. The research aims to improve the care they receive. This qualitative, phenomenological study uses convenience and intentional sampling. Questions were administered to a focus group consisting of 4 women and 1 man, aged 35–69, and 16 individual interviews were conducted with 8 women and 8 men, aged 20–62. The interviews were audio-recorded, with prior consent, transcribed verbatim, coded, and analyzed using QSR N-Vivo Release 1.4.1 (851), Spain. Happiness has three dimensions: personal, interpersonal–relational, and temporal. The personal dimension includes personality, positive emotions, health, motivations for establishing personal goals, and engaging in activities. The interpersonal–relational dimension includes family support; social support and relationships; social and occupational functioning; overcoming deaths, breakups,...
Cultura de los Cuidados
Análisis de las Reclamaciones al Servicio de Urgencias de un hospital de tercer nivel en el prime... more Análisis de las Reclamaciones al Servicio de Urgencias de un hospital de tercer nivel en el primer año de Pandemia Analysis of Claims to the Emergency Department of a tertiary care hospital in the first year of the Pandemic Análise de Sinistros ao Serviço de Emergência de um hospital terciário no primeiro ano da Pandemia
Background: The Nursing Interventions Classification allows the systematic organisation of care t... more Background: The Nursing Interventions Classification allows the systematic organisation of care treatments performed by nurses, and an estimation of the time taken to carry out the intervention is included in its characteristics. The aim of this study is to explore the evidence related to the use of the Nursing Interventions Classification in identifying and measure nurses’ workloads. Methods: A scoping review was conducted through a search of the databases Ovid Medline, PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, Scopus, LILACS and Cuiden. The DeCS/MeSH descriptors were: “Standardized Nursing terminology” and “Workload”. The search was limited to articles in Spanish, English and Portuguese. No limits were established regarding year of publication or type of study. Results: Few reports were identified (n = 8) and these had methodological designs that contributed low levels of evidence. Research was focused on identifying specific interventions, types of activities, the prevalence of interventio...
Enfermería global: Revista electrónica trimestral de enfermería, 2006
Cultura de los cuidados, 2021
espanolLa neuropatia periferica diabetica (NPD) es una de las complicaciones mas comunes y proble... more espanolLa neuropatia periferica diabetica (NPD) es una de las complicaciones mas comunes y problematicas de la diabetes mellitus puesto que supone la principal causa de ulceras y amputaciones en miembros inferiores. Como resultado de la primera fase del estudio NEUDIACAN® no se detecto ningun procedimiento validado para la valoracion de la NPD entre los profesionales sanitarios de Atencion Primaria del Servicio Canario de la Salud. Por ello, se procedio a realizar una busqueda en la literatura cientifica de algun sistema de valoracion, con el fin de encontrar algun instrumento como una escala, test, procedimiento o protocolo que estuviera validado para uso enfermero y que cumpliera caracteristicas que le permitiese ser aplicado en el ambito de la atencion primaria para prevenir la aparicion de complicaciones como el pie diabetico. EnglishDiabetic peripheral neuropathy (NPD) is one of the most common and problematic complications of diabetes mellitus. It is the leading cause of ulcer...
Ene, 2020
Quienes me conocen saben de mi postura ante el mundo y el otro. Elementos que vamos a aplicar al ... more Quienes me conocen saben de mi postura ante el mundo y el otro. Elementos que vamos a aplicar al proceso adaptativo del duelo. Entiendo a los se
Healthcare, 2021
This study presents the development and content validation of an instrument assessing the ability... more This study presents the development and content validation of an instrument assessing the ability to communicate among individuals with aphasia. The study consists of three stages: (i) Selection and definition of the component dimensions and areas, construction of items assessing these dimensions, administration instructions, and qualitative criteria for assigning diagnoses; (ii) Face validity and content validity; (iii) Pilot test. The tentative questionnaire was designed using two defining characteristics of the NANDA-I (“Impaired verbal communication” and “Readiness for enhanced communication”) and the NOC outcome indicators “Communication”, “Communication: Expressive”, “Communication: Receptive”, and “Information Processing”. The areas and items reached initial content validity index (CVI) and representativeness index (RI) values of 0.87 and above. Those that did not reach the expected values were modified after expert review. The resulting questionnaire was pilot-tested for fea...
Papers by Alfonso Miguel Garcia Hernandez