Papers by Alfonso Gonzales

Camino Real Estudios De Las Hispanidades Norteamericanas, 2013
This article interrogates the normative assumption, underlining most political science research t... more This article interrogates the normative assumption, underlining most political science research that greater Latino electoral participation alone will bring about empowerment and social justice for Latino communities under the conditions of neoliberalism and authoritarian state practices. In contrast to this assumption, the article illustrates how after the 2012 presidential election the political energies of Latino communities were further channeled away from grassroots militant mobilizations and organizations into support for liberal Democrats and their proposed Senate immigration reform bill, the "Border Security, Economic Opportunity, and Immigration Modernization Act" (S.744). Although there are some positive aspects of this bill that immigration reformers have fought to be included especially for Dreamers and agricultural workers, the author argues that this bill, and most bills dubbed as "comprehensive immigration reform" (CIR) would result in only temporary relief from deportation for a large sector of the 11 million undocumented that would qualify. Moreover, most CIR bills would come at the expense of those that do not qualify and

Revista Digital de Investigación en Docencia Universitaria, 2012
El aprendizaje cooperativo se plantea como una de las principales medicinas de la educación: el e... more El aprendizaje cooperativo se plantea como una de las principales medicinas de la educación: el estudiante adopta un papel activo en su proceso de aprendizaje. La cuestión metodológica es trascendental dentro de la universidad: el proyecto de construcción del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior plantea cambios profundos en el paradigma docente, debiendo cambiar los roles del profesor y del alumno, dentro y fuera del aula. Para reforzar este argumento, se procedió a la aplicación del Cuestionario de Aprendizaje Cooperativo de Arellano, Navarro y Sosa (2007) a los 692 estudiantes matriculados en primero de Grado de Educación Primaria 1 en el curso 2010/2011. La muestra coincidió con el universo de los estudiantes de primer año en el Grado de Educación Primaria, constituida Competencias comunicativas eficaces mediante estrategias de aprendizaje cooperativo

Politics, Groups, and Identities, 2018
Drawing upon the insights of Giorgio Agamben and Antonio Gramsci coupled with ethnographic resear... more Drawing upon the insights of Giorgio Agamben and Antonio Gramsci coupled with ethnographic research conducted in Texas, this paper discusses how the Obama Administration sought to impose a state of exception on Central American refugees by attempting to suspend substantive refugee protections enshrined in international law, in the name of responding to a refugee crisis. The paper also illustrates how these efforts to create a state of exception have been challenged and contested by subaltern actors, in this case, a group of women and children hunger strikers and their activist allies in Texas. The article makes the case that these hunger strikers are part of an emergent Mesoamerican refugee movement that has formed within the interstices of the homeland security state. This speaks not to a "refugee crisis," as many have posited, but rather to the crisis of rights regimes of liberal democratic states writ large in the wake of massive displacements of people from Central America, a region racked by almost 40 years of neoliberal policies, US militarism, and failed zero-tolerance security paradigms.
Papers by Alfonso Gonzales