Papers by Alexis Juarez Velazquez
In this paper, the new theory of compressive sensing (CS) that unifies signal sensing and compres... more In this paper, the new theory of compressive sensing (CS) that unifies signal sensing and compression into a single task is implemented on a Digital Signal Processing (DSP) board. An iterative algorithm for signal reconstruction known as Matching Pursuit is implemented on the DSP and used to the reconstruction of real signals from a reduced set of random projections. Two kinds of validation procedures are used to test the reconstruction algorithm implemented. More precisely, sparse signals synthesized on the DSP and sparse signals generated by a special-purpose generator are used to experimentally test the compressive sensing theory verifying in this way its potential. It is shown that the CS theory is able to recover the most significant values of the underlying signal, while yielding negligible differences between the original signals and the reconstructed ones.

BMC Nephrology, 2020
Background Patient awareness of CKD and primary care provider (PCP) recognition of CKD are lower ... more Background Patient awareness of CKD and primary care provider (PCP) recognition of CKD are lower than for other chronic conditions. Understanding how patients may become aware of CKD is critical to their participation in healthy behaviors to slow CKD progression. We examined factors associated with the concordance of CKD awareness among patients and providers and hypothesized that concordance of CKD awareness would be influenced by social and demographic factors that impact communication, such as limited English proficiency (LEP) and health literacy. Methods Between July 2011 to July 2014, patients with CKD from three primary care clinics in a public healthcare delivery system were surveyed with questions regarding their health, including awareness of their CKD status. Chart review was performed to identify PCP recognition of CKD, defined as CKD listed anywhere in the problem list within nine months before patient enrollment into the study. We used logistic regression to determine t...

Correo Cientifico Medico, Feb 25, 2015
Se presento una paciente de 38 anos de edad, mestiza, la cual acudio a Consulta de Cirugia Maxilo... more Se presento una paciente de 38 anos de edad, mestiza, la cual acudio a Consulta de Cirugia Maxilofacial del Hospital Lenin remitida del Servicio de Neurocirugia, que refirio ser objeto de varios estudios de craneo (incluyendo TAC) por presentar cefaleas mantenidas de moderada a gran intensidad. Los resultados de los estudios fueron negativos. Refirio que recibio tratamiento farmacologico para aliviar los sintomas dolorosos, ademas, describio otros signos y sintomas como: caida del cabello, afectaciones visuales del lado derecho (vision borrosa, molestias), dolor facial difuso y edema en hemicara derecha. Al examen fisico nada a senalar, con rayos x de senos paranasales se diagnostico la presencia de un tercer molar incluido en seno maxilar derecho. La paciente fue llevada al salon de forma electiva y mediante la tecnica de Caldwell-Lud fue extraido dicho molar. La paciente evoluciono de manera favorable. Palabras clave : diente incluido, seno maxilar, Caldwell-Lud.
Correo Cientifico Medico, Apr 9, 2013
Conclusiones: con esta técnica, desarrollada en dos tiempos quirúrgicos, se logró reconstruir el ... more Conclusiones: con esta técnica, desarrollada en dos tiempos quirúrgicos, se logró reconstruir el defecto con un positivo impacto económico y social. Permitió, además, llevar mayor cantidad de tejido al defecto, algo que difiere de otros tipos de colgajos retro auriculares.
Correo Cientifico Medico, Apr 9, 2013
Papers by Alexis Juarez Velazquez