Papers by Alexandre MORAIS
Advances in Human Factors and Ergonomics Series, 2010
Human Factors in Information Technology, 1991
Abstract The paper discusses and advocates the concurrent use of several knowledge acquisition me... more Abstract The paper discusses and advocates the concurrent use of several knowledge acquisition methods for eliciting different components of expertise. Illustrations in the domain of programming are presented. Interviews are of particular use in the first stage of a domain study, providing general information on the organization of the activity and topics to be investigated with other methods. Analyzing the result of the activity, knowledge the expert possesses may be identified, but the way it is used remains hypothetical. Data on this knowledge use may be gathered observing the expert in real time during his daily activity, but, as this method is very expensive, it can only be applied to a few experts, and thus requires, in general, independent validation of its results. Observation in a controlled situation may cover many subjects, but on a limited number of factors and, generally, in a rather limited context. Using these methods concurrently however cancels out the disadvantages of a particular method and makes it possible to benefit from the advantages of them all.
The 23rd IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, 2014
This paper focuses on the acceptability of humanrobot collaboration in industrial environments. A... more This paper focuses on the acceptability of humanrobot collaboration in industrial environments. A use case was designed in which an operator and a robot had to work sideby-side on automotive assembly lines, with different levels of co-presence. This use case was implemented both in a physical and in a virtual situation using virtual reality. A user study was conducted with operators from the automotive industry. The operators were asked to assess the acceptability to work side-by-side with the robot through questionnaires, and physiological measures (heart rate and skin conductance) were taken during the user study. The results showed that working close to the robot imposed more constraints on the operators and required them to adapt to the robot. Moreover, an increase in skin conductance level was observed after working close to the robot. Although no significant difference was found in the questionnaires results between the physical and virtual situations, the increase in physiological measures was significant only in the physical situation. This suggests that virtual reality may be a good tool to assess the acceptability of human-robot collaboration and draw preliminary results through questionnaires, but that physical experiments are still necessary to a complete study, especially when dealing with physiological measures.
Psychologie Française, 1988
Discusses and advocates the concurrent use of several knowledge acquisition me-thods for eli-citi... more Discusses and advocates the concurrent use of several knowledge acquisition me-thods for eli-citing different types of expertise. Illustrations in the do-main of programming are pre-sented. Interviews are of particular use in the first stage of a domain study, providing ...
Psychologie française, 1987
Résumé: This paper presents the way in which control engineering students use-and modify-the spec... more Résumé: This paper presents the way in which control engineering students use-and modify-the specification method they learned to analyse the functioning of an automated process (a method based on the Grafcet formalism). The students were studied during a" ...
Résumé L'activité de programmation d'automates industriels est étudiée à partir de l&#x... more Résumé L'activité de programmation d'automates industriels est étudiée à partir de l'élaboration d'un programme par des sujets d'un lycée technique (classes de terminale section E et de seconde année de Brevet de Technicien Supérieur option mécanique et ...
Activites, 2012
Articulation between Ergonomics and the Lean manufacturing at PSA. This text presents current act... more Articulation between Ergonomics and the Lean manufacturing at PSA. This text presents current actions being implemented to integrate ergonomics into lean at PSA Group Peugeot Citroën. The trade used to illustrate the application of lean, as recommended by industrial methods, is the manufacturing of the engines. We also set out some lean principles applied in the PSA Group. The treatment of ergonomics in lean is examined through actions performed in the application of basic lean principles. The taking into account of ergonomics in lean being a process in progress, we present the questions with which the ergonomists and the promoters of lean are confronted. KEYWORDS Ergonomics, Lean, cooperation between Lean and Ergonomics, automotive industry wastings (Muri, Muda, Mura), standard of work, continuous improvement 1.-Introduction Dans les années 2000 face à l'augmentation des volumes (en nombre et en modèles), le Groupe PSA Peugeot Citroën a dû adapter ses modes de production. On a assisté à la mise en oeuvre de ce que Askenazy, Cartron, de Coninck et Gollac ont appelé le « productivisme réactif » (2006) qui s'exprime dans la volonté d'adaptation instantanée des moyens de travail à l'objet produit et de celui-ci à la demande extérieure. La poursuite de cet objectif conduit à des modifications dans l'activité des opérateurs traduites pour plusieurs d'entre elles par l'apparition de nouvelles formes de plaintes (moins physiques et plus « mentales ») auxquelles comme ergonome nous devons faire face. C'est aussi dans ces années que différentes études ont mis en évidence le faible niveau de productivité globale (évalué notamment par l'indice Harbour 1) de PSA par rapport à la concurrence. L'appel au lean manufacturing est apparu à la Direction Générale du Groupe comme la solution pour améliorer sa performance industrielle. La première application du lean et à ce 1 L'indice Harbour indique le rapport d'exploitation des capacités de production des constructeurs automobiles. Pour atteindre 100%, il faut selon cet indice qu'une unité de production utilise ses capacités 16 heures par jour durant 235 jours par an. Cet outil est l'indice d'une agence américaine.
Papers by Alexandre MORAIS