Papers by Alexandre Cristante
Revista Brasileira de Ortopedia, Sep 1, 2016
Trauma medular Joelho Cartilagem, articulação Imagem de ressonância magnética Contração muscular ... more Trauma medular Joelho Cartilagem, articulação Imagem de ressonância magnética Contração muscular r e s u m o Objetivo: Avaliar o efeito da completa ausência de contração muscular na cartilagem humana normal na presença de movimento articular. Métodos: Pacientes com lesão completa da medula espinal foram incluídos. Todos os pacientes foram submetidos à ressonância magnética (RM) em ambos os joelhos assim que as condiç ões clínicas foram estabilizadas e depois de seis meses da lesão inicial. Todos os pacientes receberam tratamento de reabilitação que incluía movimentos passivos para exercitar os membros inferiores duas vezes por dia. RMs foram analisadas por dois radiologistas com experiência em doenças musculoesqueléticas. As regiões de interesse consideradas foram as facetas da patela e a tróclea e os tempos de relaxamento T2 foram calculados. A área da cartilagem abaixo dos valores de relaxamento em T2 foi calculada e padronizada. Resultados: Foram incluídos 14 pacientes com lesão medular completa, porém apenas oito concordaram em participar do estudo e assinaram o termo de consentimento informado. Dois pacientes não puderam fazer RM dos joelhos devido às condiç ões clínicas. RM inicial foi feita em seis pacientes. Após seis meses, apenas dois pacientes fizeram a segunda RM de ambos os joelhos. Ambos estavam em condição neurológica classificada como Frankel A. Um aumento dos valores em T2 no sexto mês foi observado em ambos os joelhos, especialmente na articulação patelofemoral. Conclusão: A ausência de contração muscular parece ser deletéria à cartilagem do joelho humano normal, mesmo na presença de movimentos articulares normais. Mais estudos com um número maior de pacientes devem ser feitos para confirmar essa hipótese.
Revista Brasileira De Ortopedia, Sep 1, 2016
Objective: To evaluate the effect of complete absence of muscle contractions on normal human cart... more Objective: To evaluate the effect of complete absence of muscle contractions on normal human cartilage in the presence of joint motion. Methods: Patients with complete acute spinal cord injuries were enrolled. All patients underwent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) on both knees as soon as their medical condition was stable and at six months after the primary lesion. All patients received rehabilitation treatment that included lower-limb passive motion exercises twice a day. The MRIs were analyzed by two radiologists with expertise in musculoskeletal disorders. A region of interest was established at the patellar facets and trochlea, and T2 relaxation times were calculated. The area under the cartilage T2 relaxation time curve was calculated and standardized. Results: Fourteen patients with complete spinal cord injuries were enrolled, but only eight patients agreed to participate in the study and signed the informed consent statement. Two patients could not undergo knee MRI due to their clinical conditions. Initial knee MRIs were performed on six patients. After six months, only two patients underwent the second bilateral knee MRI. Both patients were neurologically classified as Frankel A. An increase in T2 values on the six-month MRI was observed for both knees, especially in the patellofemoral joint. Conclusion: The absence of muscle contractions seems to be deleterious to normal human knee cartilage even in the presence of a normal range of motion. Further studies with a larger number of patients, despite their high logistical complexity, must be performed to confirm this hypothesis.
Acta Ortopedica Brasileira, Feb 1, 2019
Objective: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is characterized by rotational and lateral defor... more Objective: Adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) is characterized by rotational and lateral deformity of the spine. The measurement of vertebral rotation is important for prognosis and treatment. Our objective was to evaluate whether the Nash-Moe method can be used to measure axial deformity correction with surgical treatment using the rod derotation maneuver at both the apex and extremities of the deformity in patients with AIS. Methods: Rotation was assessed using the Nash and Moe criteria, on preoperative and postoperative radiographs. We also evaluated the severity on the coronal plane using the Cobb method, ratio of correction achieved, screw density, and number of vertebrae involved in the instrumentation. Results: The Cobb method correction average was 54.8%. When we disregarded vertebrae that presented preoperative Nash-Moe grade 0, the average measurable correction was 54.5% in the first non-instrumented vertebra above, 69.2% in the first instrumented vertebra, 32.2% in the apical vertebra, 36.8% in the last instrumented vertebra, and 30% in the first non-instrumented vertebra below. In our study, 32.14% of the patients presented a measurable correction in the apical vertebra. Conclusion: On the axial plane, correction can be satisfactorily evaluated using the Nash-Moe method. Level of Evidence VI. Case Series.
Revista Brasileira De Ortopedia, Jul 1, 2011
Primordial cells or stem cells are multipotent undifferentiated cells with the capacity to origin... more Primordial cells or stem cells are multipotent undifferentiated cells with the capacity to originate any type of cell in the organism. They may have their origins in the blastocyst and thus are classified as embryonic, or tissues developed in fetuses, newborns or adults and thus are known as somatic stem cells. Bone marrow is one of the main locations for isolating primordial cells, and there are two lineages: hematopoietic and mesenchymal progenitor cells. There are several uses for these undifferentiated cells in orthopedics, going that also express CD34 include endothelial cells, embryonic fibroblasts and some cells within the fetal and adult nerve tissue. On the other hand, mesenchymal progenitor cells do not present any known cell surface marker. They can also be found in several solid organs and are identified solely through cell culturing. These two cell populations are present in bone marrow and, under normal conditions, only 0.1% of them circulate in the peripheral blood. This number may increase around 30 to 50-fold after administration of hematopoietic colony-stimulating factors, especially G-CSF (granulocyte colony-stimulating factor).
Acta Ortopedica Brasileira, Mar 1, 2004
Coluna/columna, 2011
Artigo originAl/originAl Article/Artículo originAl FABiAno inácio De souzA 1 , tArcísio eloy pess... more Artigo originAl/originAl Article/Artículo originAl FABiAno inácio De souzA 1 , tArcísio eloy pessoA BArros Filho 2 , AlexAnDre FogAçA cristAnte 3 RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a eficácia do GM1, administrado por via intraperitoneal, após lesão medular experimental em ratos. Métodos: Foram utilizados 20 ratos da raça Wistar machos, adultos jovens, com média de idade de 20 semanas, pesando em torno de 350 g, divididos em dois grupos de 10 animais. No grupo 1 foi administrado apenas soro fisiológico por via intraperitoneal. Ao grupo 2, administraram-se 30 mg/kg de GM1 diariamente por essa mesma via. As lesões foram produzidas seguindo-se o protocolo internacional MASCIS (Multicenter Animal Spinal Cord Injury Study), com o sistema NYImpactor. Os animais foram avaliados funcionalmente pela escala BBB nos dias 14, 28 e 42 após a lesão. O potencial evocado foi realizado em todos os animais, no 42º dia após o trauma. Resultados: Utilizou-se um modelo de variância de dois fatores (ANOVA) e o teste t de Student. As avaliações funcionais e por meio de potencial evocado não demonstraram diferença estatisticamente significante entre os dois grupos. Conclusão: O emprego de GM1 intraperitoneal não demonstrou resultados satisfatórios após lesão medular experimental. Descritores: Traumatismos da medula espinal; Gangliosídeo G(M1); Ratos Wistar.
European Spine Journal, Feb 9, 2018
Purpose Morphology measures of the odontoid process in children under 12 years old were carried o... more Purpose Morphology measures of the odontoid process in children under 12 years old were carried out to demonstrate the viability of anterior internal fixation in this population once their active profile may not be compatible with successful conservative treatment. Methods During a 6-month period, 36 tomographic examinations of the cervical spine region that provided visualization of the odontoid process were selected. Group 1 included children between 6 and 9 years of age, and group 2 contained children from 9 to 12 years of age. There were 23 (63.8%) male patients and 13 (36.2%) female patients. Patients diagnosed with a tumor, an infection, fracture non-union, or congenital malformation were excluded. Exams were ordered as part of a protocol applied to non-specific neck pain and pediatric trauma entries. The following parameters were analyzed: (1) screw attack angle, (2) height of the odontoid process, and (3) minimal transverse diameter of the odontoid process. Results In Groups 1 and 2, the average values of the screw attack angle were 55.9° ± 2.3° and 54.8° ± 4.5°, respectively; the average heights of the odontoid process were 26.58 ± 3.28 and 29.48 ± 3 mm, respectively, and the average minimal transverse diameter of the odontoid process were 6.57 ± 1.08 and 6.23 ± 0.88 mm, respectively. The minimal transverse diameter of the odontoid process was statistically higher in males than that in females, regardless of age (p = 0.007). Conclusion In both groups, the minimal transverse diameter of the odontoid process allowed for the use of one 3.5-4.5 mm screw for anterior internal fixation. Graphical abstract These slides can be retrieved under Electronic Supplementary Material.
Clinics, Aug 14, 2017
OBJECTIVES: Spinopelvic alignment has been associated with improved quality of life in patients w... more OBJECTIVES: Spinopelvic alignment has been associated with improved quality of life in patients with vertebral deformities, and it helps to compensate for imbalances in gait. Although surgical treatment of scoliosis in patients with neuromuscular spinal deformities promotes correction of coronal scoliotic deformities, it remains poorly established whether this results in large changes in sagittal balance parameters in this specific population. The objective of this study is to compare these parameters before and after the current procedure under the hypothesis is that there is no significant modification. METHODS: Sampling included all records of patients with neuromuscular scoliosis with adequate radiographic records treated at
Annals of Vascular Surgery, Feb 1, 2017
Objective: To describe the endovascular treatment of late aortic erosive lesion by pedicle screw ... more Objective: To describe the endovascular treatment of late aortic erosive lesion by pedicle screw without screw removal. Design: Case report. Methods and results: A breast cancer patient had a pathological fracture on T10, with spinal cord compression, and a pseudoaneurysm of the aorta in contact with an anterolateral pedicle screw. Endovascular surgery corrected the aortic lesion and allowed decompression, a week later, by posterior arthrodesis (T7-L1), with screw maintainance. There was no contrast leakage at thorax angiotomography in two years, and she died of meningeal carcinomatosis. Conclusions: Screw maintenance was safe in the endovascular treatment of aortic lesion by erosion.
Revista Brasileira De Ortopedia, Mar 1, 2015
The management of exposed fractures has been discussed since ancient times and remains of great i... more The management of exposed fractures has been discussed since ancient times and remains of great interest to present-day orthopedics and traumatology. These injuries are still a challenge. Infection and nonunion are feared complications. Aspects of the diagnosis, classification and initial management are discussed here. Early administration of antibiotics, surgical cleaning and meticulous debridement are essential. The systemic conditions of patients with multiple trauma and the local conditions of the limb affected need to be taken into consideration. Early skeletal stabilization is necessary. Definitive fixation should be considered when possible and provisional fixation methods should be used when necessary. Early closure should be the aim, and flaps can be used for this purpose.
Clinical Orthopaedics and Related Research, Sep 19, 2019
Background Lumbar kyphosis is a complex spinal deformity occurring in approximately 8% to 20% of ... more Background Lumbar kyphosis is a complex spinal deformity occurring in approximately 8% to 20% of patients with myelomeningocele. The resulting gibbosity may cause pressure ulcers, difficulty lying down in the supine position and sitting on the ischia without support, decreasing quality of life (QOL). Surgery is generally performed to correct
Supplemental Material, Portuguese_EOSq-24v for Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of ... more Supplemental Material, Portuguese_EOSq-24v for Validation of the Brazilian Portuguese Version of the 24-Item Early-Onset Scoliosis Questionnaire by Rodrigo G. M. De Mendonça, Lucas M. Bergamascki, Karla C. M. da Silva, Olavo B. Letaif, Raphael Marcon, Alexandre F. Cristante, Hiroko Matsumoto, Michel G. Vitale and Robert Meves in Global Spine Journal
Coluna/Columna, 2021
Objectives: To evaluate the epidemiological profile of patients with spinal fractures over a two-... more Objectives: To evaluate the epidemiological profile of patients with spinal fractures over a two-year period (2017 and 2018) in a quaternary hospital in the city of São Paulo. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out through the analysis of the electronic medical records of patients treated by the Spine group of the Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology at the Orthopedics and Traumatology Emergency Room of Hospital das Clínicas de São Paulo in the years 2017 and 2018. Results: A total of 185 patients were evaluated over two years. Males were the gender most frequently evaluated (69.19%), and the mean patient age was 43.95 years. The most common trauma mechanisms were falls from a height (45.95%) and traffic accidents (29.73%). The cervical spine, affected in 28.65%, was the most affected region, followed by the thoracolumbar region (26.56%). Most patients did not present deficits at the initial moment (71.89%) and 54.05% of patients underwent surgery for treatment. Conc...
Clinics, 2020
The recent advancements in spine fixation aid in the treatment of complex spinal pathologies. Bot... more The recent advancements in spine fixation aid in the treatment of complex spinal pathologies. Both the iliac screw (IS) and the S2-alar-iliac (S2AI) screw provide adequate stability in the fixation of complex lumbosacral spine pathologies, leading to a significant increased rate of using these techniques in the daily practice of the spine surgeons. This study aims to analyze, describe, and compare the insertion and positioning parameters of the S2AI screw and IS techniques in children without spinal deformities. METHODS: An observational retrospective study was conducted at a university hospital in 2018, with 25 computed tomography (CT) images selected continuously. Mann-Whitney-Shapiro-Wilk tests were performed. The reliability of the data was assessed using the intraclass correlation. The data were stratified by age group only for Pearson's correlation analysis. RESULTS: The mean age was 11.7 years (4.5 SD). The mean IS length was 106.63 mm (4.59 SD). The mean length of the S2AI screw was 104.13 mm (4.22 SD). The mean skin distance from the IS entry point was 28.13 mm (4.27 SD) and that for the S2AI screw was 39.96 mm (4.54 SD). CONCLUSIONS: Through CT, the S2AI screw trajectory was observed to have a greater bone thickness and skin distance than the IS. There was a linear correlation between age and screw length for both techniques. A similar relationship was observed between skin distance and age for the S2AI screw technique. In children, the S2AI screw technique presents advantages such as greater cutaneous coverage and implant thickness than the IS technique.
Clinics, 2019
To evaluate the effects of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and erythropoietin (EPO) in experimental acute sp... more To evaluate the effects of interleukin-6 (IL-6) and erythropoietin (EPO) in experimental acute spinal cord injury (SCI) in rats. METHODS: Using standardized equipment, namely, a New York University (NYU) Impactor, a SCI was produced in 50 Wistar rats using a 10-g weight drop from a 12.5-mm height. The rats were divided into the following 5 groups of 10 animals each: ''Group EPO'', treated with erythropoietin only; ''Group EPO + IL-6'', treated with both substances; ''Group IL-6'', receiving IL-6 administration only; ''Group Placebo'', receiving a placebo solution; and ''Group Sham'', submitted to an incomplete procedure (only laminectomy, without SCI). All drugs and the placebo solution were administered intraperitoneally for three weeks. The animals were followed up for 42 days. Functional motor recovery was monitored by the Basso, Beattie, and Bresnahan (BBB) scale on days 2, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42. Motor-evoked potential tests were performed on the 42nd day. Histological analysis was performed after euthanasia. RESULTS: The group receiving EPO exhibited superior functional motor results on the BBB scale. IL-6 administration alone was not superior to the placebo treatment, and the IL-6 combination with EPO yielded worse results than did EPO alone. CONCLUSIONS: Using EPO after acute SCI in rats yielded benefits in functional recovery. The combination of EPO and IL-6 showed benefits, but with inferior results compared to those of isolated EPO; moreover, isolated use of IL-6 resulted in no benefit.
Somatosensory & Motor Research, 2019
Purpose/aim: Neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury (SCI) has a tremendous impact on patie... more Purpose/aim: Neuropathic pain following spinal cord injury (SCI) has a tremendous impact on patient's quality of life, and frequently is the most limiting aspect of the disease. In view of the severity of this condition and the absence of effective treatments, the establishment of a reliable animal model that reproduces neuropathic pain after injury is crucial for a better understanding of the pathophysiology and for the development of new therapeutic strategies. Thus, the objective of the present study was to standardize the traumatic SCI model in relation to neuropathic pain. Materials and methods: Wistar rats were submitted to SCI of mild intensity (pendulum height 12.5 mm) or moderate intensity (pendulum height 25 mm) using the New York University Impactor equipment. Behavioural assessment was performed during 8 weeks. Thereafter, spinal cords were processed for immunohistochemistry. Results: The animals of the moderate injury group in comparison with mild injury had a greater motor function deficit, worse mechanical allodynia, and latter bladder recovery; moreover, histological analysis revealed more extensive lesions with lower neuronal population. Conclusions: Our study suggests that moderate SCI causes a progressive and long-lasting painful condition (at least 8 weeks), in addition to motor impairment, and thus represents a reliable animal model for the study of chronic neuropathic pain after SCI.
Coluna/Columna, 2016
Objective: This study aimed to determine whether surgery leads to changes in sagittal balance in ... more Objective: This study aimed to determine whether surgery leads to changes in sagittal balance in patients with congenital scoliosis. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed all cases of scoliosis operated in a tertiary hospital between January 2009 and January 2013. In all cases the deformity in the coronal and sagittal planes, kyphosis, and lordosis were measured, using the Cobb method, and spinopelvic parameters: pelvic incidence (PI), sacral slope (SS), and pelvic tilt (PT). Results A hundred and eleven medical records were analyzed, but the sample resulted in 10 patients, six of whom were females (60%). The average age was 13.4 years. In the comparative analysis between pre and postoperative, only the coronal deformity (12.37; CI 95% [7.88-16.86]; p<0.001), the sagittal deformity (12.71; CI 95% [4.21-21.22]; p=0.011), and the lumbar lordosis (9.9; CI 95% [0.38-19.42]; p=0.043) showed significant change. Conclusion: There was no change in the spinopelvic parameters of patients wi...
Revista de Medicina, 2015
Spinal Cord, 2010
Study design: Experimental, controlled, animal study. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of GM1 g... more Study design: Experimental, controlled, animal study. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of GM1 ganglioside, hyperbaric oxygen and both in combination, in the treatment of experimental spinal cord lesions in rats. Setting: Brazil. Methods: Thirty-two Wistar rats with spinal cord lesions were divided into four groups: one group received GM1 ganglioside, one was submitted to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), the third received both treatments and the fourth received no treatment (control). Results: There were no significant differences between the groups in the histological analysis, for any of the variables (necrosis, hemorrhage, hyperemia, cystic degeneration, P40.06). Neither were there any significant differences in the comparison of left and right sides in the functional tests (P40.06 for all). No significant differences were found in the locomotor ratings, in the comparison of groups at 2, 7, 21 and 28 days after the surgical procedure. However, in the evaluation on day 14, group 3, which received the combined therapy, showed a significantly higher Basso Beattie and Bresnahan score than the other groups (P ¼ 0.015). Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of GM1 in locomotor evaluation of rats submitted to spinal cord lesion is anticipated by HBOT.
Clinics, 2021
The intrathecal route has not yet been thoroughly standardized and evaluated in an experimental m... more The intrathecal route has not yet been thoroughly standardized and evaluated in an experimental model of spinal cord injury (SCI) in Wistar rats. The objective of this study was to standardize and evaluate the effect of intradural injection in this animal model. METHOD: The animals were divided into 6 groups: 1) laminectomy and intradural catheter; 2) laminectomy, intradural catheter and infusion; 3) only SCI; 4) SCI and intradural catheter; 5) SCI, intradural catheter and infusion; and 6) control (laminectomy only). Motor evaluations were performed using the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan (BBB) scale and the horizontal ladder test; motor evoked potentials were measured for functional evaluation, and histological evaluation was performed as well. All experimental data underwent statistical analysis. RESULTS: Regarding motor evoked potentials, the groups with experimental SCI had worse results than those without, but neither dural puncture nor the injection of intrathecal solution aggravated the effects of isolated SCI. Regarding histology, adverse tissue effects were observed in animals with SCI. On average, the BBB scores had the same statistical behaviour as the horizontal ladder results, and at every evaluated timepoint, the groups without SCI presented scored significantly better than those with SCI (po0.05). The difference in performance on motor tests between rats with and without experimental SCI persisted from the first to the last test. CONCLUSIONS: The present work standardizes the model of intradural injection in experimental SCI in rats. Intrathecal puncture and injection did not independently cause significant functional or histological changes.
Papers by Alexandre Cristante