Papers by Alexander Wunsch
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery, Feb 1, 2014
Gynäkologie integrativ, 2000
Un appareil de stimulation des ondes cerebrales comprend un dispositif de reglage d'une frequ... more Un appareil de stimulation des ondes cerebrales comprend un dispositif de reglage d'une frequence et des unites de preparation et de formage d'impulsions qui emettent des signaux d'impulsions acoustiques, optiques, electriques, electromagnetiques et/ou mecaniques. Afin d'obtenir un reglage precis et reproductible de la frequence, l'appareil comprend un circuit oscillant (1) stabilise par cristal et un module diviseur de frequence (2) connecte en aval du circuit oscillant (1) afin de regler la frequence. Le module diviseur de frequence (2) est relie par un commutateur (S1) a un diviseur numerique programmable (3) de frequence, en aval duquel sont connectes deux autres diviseurs de frequence (4, 5) interconnectes en serie ayant chacun deux sorties. Ces sorties relient par des commutateurs couples (S2, S3) des frequences diverses avec des unites (7, 8, 9, 10) de formation d'impulsions pour differents applicateurs (20, 21, 22, 23).
L'invention concerne un dispositif pour influer sur le traitement de l'information sensom... more L'invention concerne un dispositif pour influer sur le traitement de l'information sensomoteur d'un utilisateur, des stimuli visuels pouvant etre presentes a ce dernier afin de stimuler ses mouvements oculaires. Ce dispositif comprend au moins un canal visuel place dans un glissiere pouvant etre installee sur la tete de l'utilisateur. Une fois en position d'utilisation, ce canal visuel permet de definir au moins une premiere et une deuxieme position extreme dans la zone des mouvements oculaires de l'utilisateur, lorsque ce dernier regarde a travers ledit canal. Le dispositif selon l'invention comprend en outre au moins un element d'affichage optique associe respectivement a la premiere et a la deuxieme position extreme, ainsi qu'un module de commande servant a activer et desactiver les elements d'affichage en alternance, de preference de maniere rythmee. L'invention concerne egalement un procede correspondant, selon lequel des stimuli visu...
Einleitung: Fibroblasten bilden essentielle Komponenten des Bindegewebes und reagieren auf Bestra... more Einleitung: Fibroblasten bilden essentielle Komponenten des Bindegewebes und reagieren auf Bestrahlung mit langwelligem Licht. In der Zellkultur lässt sich durch Lichtsignale eine gerichtete Migration (= Phototaxis) induzieren. Da die Migration von Fibroblasten eine zentrale Rolle für die Wundheilung und Regeneration des Bindegewebes spielt, hat die Phototherapie mit langwelligem, nicht-thermischem Licht besondere klinische Bedeutung erlangt. Eindeutige Vorgaben für phototherapeutische Anwendungsparameter existieren bisher jedoch nicht. Fragestellung: Frühere Versuchsanordnungen zur vitalmikroskopischen Untersuchung der Phototaxis von 3T3-Fibroblasten arbeiteten in geschlossenen Kulturflaschen mit Latex- Kügelchen als Lichtquellen, die von externen Strahlungsquellen aktiviert wurden. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt die Entwicklung einer faseroptischen Anordnung mit freier Positionierbarkeit in der offenen Kulturschale. Die primäre Fragestellung war die Eignung der Methode zur Erst...
ZusammenfassungLicht ist das am meisten unterschätzte Lebensmittel mit ungeahnten Auswirkungen au... more ZusammenfassungLicht ist das am meisten unterschätzte Lebensmittel mit ungeahnten Auswirkungen auf die biologische Gesundheit. Beim künstlichen Licht kam der natürlichen Spektralverteilung des Sonnenlichts die Glühlampe am nächsten, die nun per Gesetz durch LEDs ausgetauscht werden muss. Der Beitrag zeigt anhand verschiedener Ansätze, wie sich die Kunstlichtexposition auf Körper und Geist auswirkt. Thematisiert werden die Nachteile von Weißlicht durch Lichtstress und Lichtflimmern und ihre Konsequenzen für die Praxis. Anhand der Lüscher-Color-Diagnostik nach Max Lüscher wird vermittelt, wie sich Farben in der psychovegetativen Diagnostik einsetzen lassen, z. B. mit der Lichttherapie.
Light has a toxic effect not only on the hormonic system, but also on the eye. It has been known ... more Light has a toxic effect not only on the hormonic system, but also on the eye. It has been known for a while, that the UV radiation causes a clouding of the lens and therefore stimulates the formation of a cataract. In Germany more than 600 000 patients have to undergo a cataract surgery every year. According to today’s knowledge, the clouded lens means not only disadvantages for the person concerned, but also protects - due to its reduced permeability - the spot of the sharpest vision, the so-called macula lutea. During the last years, it has been noted, that patients in the five years after a cataract surgery, where the clouded lens was replaced by a transparent, artificial lens, significantly more often develop a macular degeneration (AMD) due to old age from the statistical point of view. This eye disease, which can not be cured so far, leads to an advancing destruction of the spot of the sharpest vision and finally to loss of eyesight. With 50 %, AMD is the most frequent cause for acquired blindness in Germany. The cause of the disease is regarded as unknown, but it is estimated, that old age, sun exposition as well as cardiovascular diseases have a supporting effect. In a number of cell experiments, it has been established, that blue light causes an oxidative damage of the receptor cells of the retina, and speeds up AMD. Therefore, instead of uncolored replacement lenses, more often yellow colored artificial lenses are used, to protect the macula. Blue light also penetrates the healthy eye down to the retina and causes oxidative stress. In this case especially the mitochondria (cell power plants) of the photoreceptors are affected. Light with a wavelength of more than 650 nm can compensate such oxidative damages by a stimulation of the cytochrome oxidase, an important enzyme for the energy production in the mitochondria.
Erfahrungsheilkunde, 2007
Erfahrungsheilkunde, 2007
In modern societies, artificial light has become the dominating light influence on man. From the ... more In modern societies, artificial light has become the dominating light influence on man. From the point of view of prevention, it is rather the biological significance of the foodstuff light, that should be placed in the focus of the reflections, instead of only paying attention to the energy consumption of lamps. In view of a planned prohibition of incandescent lamps, from the medical point of view, not only the question of an ecological balance but also the question of a balancing of possible consequences for health of such a decision arises. Artificial light can be viewed not only quantitatively, i.e. with respect to the produced brightness and energy efficiency, but also qualitatively, with respect to the spectral energy distribution and the electromagnetic compatibility. In addition, a product like the so-called energy saving lamp, which - from the medical point of view - has to be classified as being problematic due to the extremely high content of toxic substances, as compared to the incandescent lamp, has to pass an especially critical test with respect to its ecological tolerance. Only then it can be recommended for some lighting applications as an advantageous replacement.
Light has a toxic effect not only on the hormonic system, but also on the eye. It has been known ... more Light has a toxic effect not only on the hormonic system, but also on the eye. It has been known for a while, that the UV radiation causes a clouding of the lens and therefore stimulates the formation of a cataract. In Germany more than 600 000 patients have to undergo a cataract surgery every year. According to today’s knowledge, the clouded lens means not only disadvantages for the person concerned, but also protects - due to its reduced permeability - the spot of the sharpest vision, the so-called macula lutea. During the last years, it has been noted, that patients in the five years after a cataract surgery, where the clouded lens was replaced by a transparent, artificial lens, significantly more often develop a macular degeneration (AMD) due to old age from the statistical point of view. This eye disease, which can not be cured so far, leads to an advancing destruction of the spot of the sharpest vision and finally to loss of eyesight. With 50 %, AMD is the most frequent cause for acquired blindness in Germany. The cause of the disease is regarded as unknown, but it is estimated, that old age, sun exposition as well as cardiovascular diseases have a supporting effect. In a number of cell experiments, it has been established, that blue light causes an oxidative damage of the receptor cells of the retina, and speeds up AMD. Therefore, instead of uncolored replacement lenses, more often yellow colored artificial lenses are used, to protect the macula. Blue light also penetrates the healthy eye down to the retina and causes oxidative stress. In this case especially the mitochondria (cell power plants) of the photoreceptors are affected. Light with a wavelength of more than 650 nm can compensate such oxidative damages by a stimulation of the cytochrome oxidase, an important enzyme for the energy production in the mitochondria.
Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Jan 22, 2015
Erfahrungsheilkunde, 2006
Erfahrungsheilkunde, 2007
Erfahrungsheilkunde, 2007
Erfahrungsheilkunde, 2006
Photomedicine and laser surgery, 2014
The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of two novel light sources f... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the safety and efficacy of two novel light sources for large area and full body application, providing polychromatic, non-thermal photobiomodulation (PBM) for improving skin feeling and appearance. For non-thermal photorejuvenation, laser and LED light sources have been demonstrated to be safe and effective. However, lasers and LEDs may offer some disadvantages because of dot-shaped (punctiform) emission characteristics and their narrow spectral bandwidths. Because the action spectra for tissue regeneration and repair consist of more than one wavelength, we investigated if it is favorable to apply a polychromatic spectrum covering a broader spectral region for skin rejuvenation and repair. A total of 136 volunteers participated in this prospective, randomized, and controlled study. Of these volunteers, 113 subjects randomly assigned into four treatment groups were treated twice a week with either 611-650 or 570-850 nm polychromatic light ...
Papers by Alexander Wunsch