Papers by Alexander Klink
The Dutch moorland pool Achterste Goorven is undergoing rapid acidification. In the period 1925-1... more The Dutch moorland pool Achterste Goorven is undergoing rapid acidification. In the period 1925-1985 sediment core dìatom inferred pH has fallen from 5.8 to 4.8. During the same period observed pH fell from 6 to 4.2 and plankton rwo diatom inferred pH fell from 5.7 ro 4.2. To date, this is one of the fastest documented retes of acidification of any pool or lake in temperate regions exposed to acid rain. Our results indicate that useful stratigraphic information can be obtained from an analysis of the organic sediments of even a very shallo.¡¡ (mean depth 0.6m) pool. Although there is evidence of downward displacement of sediments in such shallow water bodies, this process does not completely homogenize the sediment record. The accurecy of the reconstruction is substantially improved by a multidisciplinary approach. 'v/âters ranges from 3.4 to 5.5 (median : 3.9), its sulfate content ranges between t2 and 68mg I I (mean:35mg l-t) and its calcium content between 1 and 1 1 mg It with a mean of 4 mg I-' over rhe period 1979-7984. The dominant vegetation surrounding Achterste Goorven consists of Pinus syhtestris (the dominant arboreal pollen producer), Quercus robur, Q. rubra and Betula pubescens. The dominant grasses, Molinia caerulea and De
I 2 lt l2 l3 t4 Inleiding... Achtergrond studie slib in het zomerbed van de Maas......
The pupa of Paratendipes nubilus (MEIGEN) is described and figured for the first time based on ma... more The pupa of Paratendipes nubilus (MEIGEN) is described and figured for the first time based on material from Hungary and The Netherlands.
River engineering in the Rhine delta and water pollution have been major threats for the ecÒlogic... more River engineering in the Rhine delta and water pollution have been major threats for the ecÒlogical functioning ofthe river in The Netherlands. To rnitigate effects of river engineering, secondary channel construction in the forelands along the existing distributaries is considered to be an imþortant measure for river restoration. These areas are the remnants of the former Rhine floodplain and the only area where habitat restoration is possible due to the river functions assigned Secondary channel construction in the area called 'Gamerensche Waarden' was taken as an example to show effects of habitat restoration on the macroinvertebrate fauna. Totally 322 macroinvertebrate taxa were found during the monitoring period. During the first 3 years species richness in the area increased rapidly due to colonization processes in the channels following habitat development. After that period total number of taxa found in the channels stabilized at around 170 A clear positive relationship was demonstrated between habitat quality and species richness FurthermoTe, the density of exotic species in the secondary channels was less than in the groyne fields of the main channel. The relatively low number of taxa in polluted habitats could be explained by the presence of the PCB 28 congener. Copyright e', 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Dikerogammarus villosus Sowinsky (Crustacea: Gammaridae) a new immigrant in the Dutch part of the... more Dikerogammarus villosus Sowinsky (Crustacea: Gammaridae) a new immigrant in the Dutch part of the Lower Rhine. lDikerogamnarus villosus Sowinsky (Crustacea: Gammaridae) eine neue Art für das Niederländische Teil des Unterrheinsl Abraham bij de Vaate und Alexander G. Klink Wittr I figure and 1 table 4.3t 6 Schlagwörter : D ilcero gammeff us, Crustacea, Rhein, Einwanderer, Exoten In 1994 and L995 an exotic amphipod invader, Dikerogammarus víllosus Sowinsky, was recorded in the Lower Rhine in The Netherlands. The species was found on a standardized artificial substrate (1994) and in small temporal backwaters after a flooding period (1995). In den Jahren 1994 und 1995 ist das Vorkommen der Amphipode Dìkerogammørus villosus Sowinsky im Unterrhein nachgewiesen. I)ieser neue Einwanderer ist auf einem standardisierten kürstlichen Substrat (1994) und in zaeitweiligen Tümpeln im Vorland nach einer Ilochwasserperiode (f995) gefunden worden.
Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 1986
The pollen diagram indicates an Upper Eemian (last Interglacial) age: zones E4b, E5 and E6a. The ... more The pollen diagram indicates an Upper Eemian (last Interglacial) age: zones E4b, E5 and E6a. The most abundant dry forest pollen types of zone E4b are Corylus, Taxus and Quercus. Zone E5 is mainly characterized by a rise of the pollen curves of Carpinus and ...
Ecoconsult Report to Seine-Aval …, 2007
... kunnen nemen (pers. med Albert Remmelzwaal). Later in ... het verdwijnen zijn. Andersom speel... more ... kunnen nemen (pers. med Albert Remmelzwaal). Later in ... het verdwijnen zijn. Andersom speelt in de Hemelrijkse Waard eutrofiering door inundatie (voor zover je daar in het riviergebied van kunt spreken) nauwelijks een rol. De rivier ...
Aquatic Ecology, 1996
The diversity of aquatic biota in two large river systems of The Netherlands,viz. the Lower Rhine... more The diversity of aquatic biota in two large river systems of The Netherlands,viz. the Lower Rhine and Meuse, is discussed in order to: (1) reveal historical changes in biodiversity; (2) examine the role of river-floodplain connectivity; (3) set guide lines for ecological river management. The taxonomical diversity, or species richness, is used to describe the former and recent state of aquatic biota in these river systems. The ecological diversity, obtained by incorporating the concept of ecological groups into the concept of biodiversity, appears very useful in delineating guide-lines for ecological river management. The present species richness in the main channels still appears to be relatively low, despite major water quality improvements. Although present biodiversity is much improved compared with a few decades ago, it is evident that the present species are mainly eurytopic, including many exotics. The inhibition of a further biodiversity recovery results from river regulation and normalization, which have caused the deterioration and functional isolation of main channel and floodplain biotopes. The importance of connectivity for the diversity of aquatic biota is found to be different for various taxa. Moreover, a transversal zonation by the biota in the floodplain lakes is found, emphazising the importance of differences in the degree of connectivity for a diverse aquatic flora and fauna. It is concluded that floodplain lakes contribute significantly to the total biodiversity of the entire riverine ecosystem. The redevelopment of active secondary channels is required to restore the most typical riverine habitats and biota.
Papers by Alexander Klink